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通过1,3-双(二甲基氯硅基)-2,2,4,4-四甲基环二硅氮烷的水解反应合成了1,3-双(二甲基羟基硅基)-2,2,4,4-四甲基环二硅氮烷。初步探讨了反应的条件。产物收率达到92%。并经红外光谱和X射线衍射表征产物结构。 相似文献
芳香族卤代物是制备高分子材料聚芳醚酮所需单体之一。通过付-克酰化反应合成了一种芳香族卤代物1,4-双(4-氟苯甲酰基)苯,并探讨影响反应产率的因素。通过熔点测定、红外光谱(IR)和核磁共振谱(HNMR)等方法,确证了这种化合物的结构和纯度。 相似文献
以多聚磷酸与磷酸的混合酸为催化剂,由对苯二甲酸与邻苯二胺缩合,合成了1,4-双(2-苯并咪唑基)苯,收率为87.7%.通过各种试验,得到的优化反应条件为:催化剂中多聚磷酸与磷酸的体积比为1∶4,反应物料配比为n(对苯二甲酸):n (邻苯二胺)=1∶2.2,反应温度为200 ℃, 反应时间为6 h.产物经元素分析、IR谱、1HNMR谱表征,同时发现固体产物发射很强的紫色荧光,荧光寿命为0.52 ns.通过将稀土金属离子Er3+与1,4-双(2-苯并咪唑基)苯配位,大大改进其原有的荧光性质,Er(Ⅲ)配合物发射蓝色荧光,荧光强度增大到原化合物的3倍,荧光寿命也增加到0.99 ns. 相似文献
以1,1,3,3-四甲基二苯基二硅氧烷为封端剂,八甲基环四硅氧烷与甲基苯基环硅氧烷混合物为共聚单体,在阴离子催化剂作用下合成了二甲基苯基硅氧基封端的聚(二甲基-甲基苯基)硅氧烷共聚物.采用非等温TG技术,在惰性气氛和5.0、10.0、15.0和40.0 K·min-1线性升温速率条件下,考察了共聚物非等温热降解机理及反应动力学,采用Friedman-Reich-Levi、Flynn-Wall-Ozawa和Kissinger等方法对非等温动力学数据进行分析,所得平均表观活化能分别为113.64、115.69和145.80 kJ·mol-1.采用等转化率法确定出共聚物热分解反应符合Avrami-Erofeev方程,反应机理为随机成核和随后生长.采用Crane和Doyle方法研究了不同升温速率对反应级数、活化能和指前因子的影响,结果表明降解反应为一级反应,反应活化能介于152.46~183.13 kJ·mol-1之间,指前因子介于4.25×109~4.02× 109 s-1.同时采用等温TG技术得到失重5%和10%条件下的寿命方程,对共聚物的寿命进行了预测. 相似文献
A series of aromatic copolyimides was prepared from 1,4-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy)benzene dianhydride (HQDPA) and 2,2-bis(3,4-dicarboxy-phenyl)hexafluoroisopropane dianhydride (6FDA) with 3,3′-dimethyl-4,4′-methyl-ene dianiline (DMMDA) by a chemical imidization. The gas permeability coefficients of the copolyimides to H2, CO2, O2, N2 and CH4 were measured under 7atm. pressure. The fractional free volume of 6FDA–DMMDA is larger than that of HQDPA–DMMDA, while the chain segmental mobility of 6FDA–DMMDA is lower than that of HQDPA–DMMDA. The gas permeability of 6FDA–DMMDA is much higher than that of HQDPA–DMMDA but the perm-selectivity of 6FDA–DMMDA for H2, CO2, O2, N2 over CH4 is lower than that of HQDPA–DMMDA. The experimental values of the gas permeability coefficients of the copolyimides are in satisfactory agreement with the values estimated from the gas permeability coefficients of the constituent homopolyimides and their weight fractions. © of SCI. 相似文献
Summary A series of potentially electroactive aromatic-aliphatic polyamides based upon 3,6-bis(2-cyano-4-aminophenoxy)phthalonitrile (1) was synthesized in N,N-dimethylacetamide to yield polymers with intrinsic viscosities of 0.66-1.04 dL/g. One polyamide was synthesized using 1,4-bis(2-cyano-4-aminophenoxy)benzene (2) to compare to 1. There appears to be an odd-even effect of methylene spacer length upon the mechanical properties and glass transition temperature, with an even number of methylene groups yielding the larger values. Thermogravimetric analysis in air and nitrogen showed that these polymers had similar 5% weight losses in both atmospheres, which indicated that oxygen is not involved in the initial degradation of these polymers. 相似文献
Summary A series of three new cyano-containing diamines based upon 1,4-bis(4-aminophenoxy)benzene was synthesized and polymerized
with six different dianhydrides to yield 18 different polyimides. Due to the high dipole moment of the cyano group, it was
believed that these polymers would display differing degrees of electroactivity depending upon the degree and position of
cyano substitution. The type of dianhydride bridging group and length are also factors that affect the electroactivity of
polyimides. Polyimides based upon 1,4-bis(4-aminophenoxy)benzene were used as reference materials by which the respective
cyano-containing analogs were compared. As the degree of cyano group substitution increased, the glass transition temperature
increased. As cyano substitution increased, the polymer chain flexibility decreased due to hindered rotation about the phenyl-ether-phenyl
linkages in the diamine portion of the polymer. The tensile moduli ranged from 2.97 to 4.57 GPa and ultimate tensile strengths
from 79 to 156 MPa, which are typical values of aromatic polyimides. 相似文献
Summary Poly[1,4-bis(dimethylsilyl)naphthalene](I), a copolymer with alternating 1,4-naphthalene and disilyl units, has been prepared by the Wurtz coupling of 1,4-bis(dimethylchlorosilyl) naphthalene (II) or 1,4-bis(dimethylfluorosilyl)naphthalene (III) with sodium metal dispersion in toluene. The molecular weight distribution of I prepared from III is significantly higher than when I is prepared from II. I has been characterized by 1H, 13C and 29Si NMR, IR, UV, GPC, TGA and elemental analysis. Photolysis of I in benzene/methanol solution results in rapid degradation of I. 相似文献
以磷酸和多聚磷酸为催化剂,邻苯二胺和草酸为原料,在超声波辐射下合成双苯并咪唑,并利用正交法探索最佳反应条件。通过实验探索得最佳反应条件为:配料比(邻苯二胺与草酸物质的量比)1:3.0,反应时间6 h,反应温度40℃,多聚磷酸和磷酸(1:1)为催化剂,收率为15.67%。 相似文献
研究了11种催化剂对1,2 双(3 甲氧羰基 2 硫脲基)苯的合成性能的影响,筛选得出催化剂(对氨基二甲苯胺∶N,N 二甲基苯胺∶N,N 二甲基十八胺=1∶6∶3,质量比),在所给定的反应条件下(催化剂用量为反应物总质量的2%,时间60min,温度25~35℃),可使产物收率(相对邻苯二胺)达88%以上,纯度达98%以上。 相似文献