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Pilot-symbol-assisted low-density parity-check (LDPC)-coded bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) is analyzed using the density evolution (DE) and the extrinsic information-transfer (EXIT) chart for correlated Rayleigh fading channels. The key parameter (the power correlation coefficient) is identified, and the threshold degradation is quantified. The optimal tradeoff of energy allocation between pilots and coded symbols is found to be sensitive to the normalized Doppler spread of the channel, the interpolation filter, the modulation scheme, and the pilot selection. In addition, a simple upper bound on the performance of any receiver that performs joint iterative decoding and channel estimation is derived. Extension to irregular code design is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the average error probability of bit-interleaved coded modulation with uniform interleaving in fully-interleaved fading channels. At large signal-to-noise ratio, the dominant pairwise error events are mapped into symbols with Hamming weight larger than one, causing a flattening of the error probability. Closed-form expressions for the error probability with general modulations are provided. For interleavers of practical length, the flattening is noticeable only at very low values of the error probability.  相似文献   

We analyze the threshold and convergence of LDPC coded bit interleaved coded modulation over Rayleigh fading channels. We compute the system threshold using the discretized density evolution and the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart, and verify its effectiveness by simulation. Simulated detector output pdf is used to compute the variable node EXIT curve. It is shown that the convergence SNR observed from the transfer curves matches the density evolution threshold perfectly, and the EXIT chart actually provides a more computational efficient approach to estimate the threshold. An irregular code design example using the EXIT chart is given.  相似文献   

In this paper we formally analyze the interleaver and code design for QAM-based BICM transmissions using the binary reflected Gray code. We develop analytical bounds on the bit error rate and we use them to predict the performance of BICM when unequal error protection (UEP) is introduced by the constellation labeling. Based on these bounds the optimum design of interleaver and code is found, and numerical results for representative configurations are presented. When the new design is used, the improvements may reach 2 dB, and they are obtained without any increase on the transceiver?s complexity. We also introduce the concept of generalized optimum distance spectrum convolutional codes, which are the optimum codes for QAM-based BICM transmissions.  相似文献   

Otani  K. Omori  H. 《Electronics letters》1980,16(23):889-891
A method for measuring burst errors which occur in v.h.f. or u.h.f. digital land mobile radio channels is described. Then it is noted that the cumulative distribution of burst error lengths in a Rayleigh fading channel is approximately governed by the log-normal distribution.  相似文献   

Quotient coding for fading channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiplicative Rayleigh fading is a frequent problem in wireless communications. If the channel is relatively benign and fading is not severe, one may obtain higher bit rates for an equivalent bandwidth by using M-ary QAM modulation (MQAM). A variation, used to combat channel fading while still retaining MQAM, is differential MQAM (i.e., DQAM). The term differential refers to the phase which is coded exactly as in DPSK, however, the amplitude is still subject to distortion by the fading channel. In this paper, we propose a technique called quotient coding, which is designed to remove channel effects from the symbol amplitude as well as its phase. In particular, we shall apply it to MQAM resulting in modulation which we term QQAM. In contrast to DQAM, QQAM is just as effective at suppressing the effects of channel fading with respect to the entire symbol as DPSK is for the phase alone. In fact, the scaling of the amplitude at the receiver is entirely irrelevant to QQAM  相似文献   

This paper investigates a transform that provides diversity to words of symbols transmitted over fading channels. This diversity transform (DRT) does not alter the distance between the input words nor the bandwidth or the information rate. The transform is based on an orthonormal transform and thus increases the channel alphabet. A considerable diversity gain is achieved over Rayleigh fading channel with perfect channel state information (CSI) and interleaving. The transform performances are evaluated both analytically and by simulation, and optimal transforms are determined for specific channels. Finally, a simple nonoptimal decoding scheme is developed, which provides a powerful and practical technique to transfer information over fading channels with or without coding  相似文献   

The performance of various coherent 8-ary and 16-ary modulations in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and slowly fading channels are analyzed. New expressions for the exact symbol error rates (SER) in fading with diversity combining are derived for any two-dimensional signaling format having polygonal decision boundaries. Maximal ratio combining, equal gain combining, and selection combining are considered. The SER formulas obtained make it possible for the first time to optimize parameters of various constellations precisely and to determine,which constellation has the lowest probability of error. For example, a star constellation such as that specified in the CCITT V.29 standard can be improved by adjusting the amplitude ratios of the points in the constellation to save about 0.63 dB power in AWGN without sacrificing the phase error tolerance, while maintaining the same error rate. The sensitivity of each constellation to phase error is presented and comparisons are made. Six 8-ary signal sets and 11 16-ary signal sets are examined using the new symbol error probability formulas to determine best signal sets for fading channels  相似文献   

In this article, modulation diversity (MD) for frequency-selective fading channels is proposed. The achievable performance with MD is analyzed and a simple design criterion for MD codes for Rayleigh-fading channels is deduced from an upper bound on the pairwise error probability (PEP) for single-symbol transmission. This design rule is similar to the well-known design rule for MD codes for flat fading and does not depend on the power-delay profile of the fading channel. Several examples for MD codes with prescribed properties are given and compared. Besides the computationally costly optimum receiver, efficient low-complexity linear equalization (LE) and decision-feedback equalization (DFE) schemes for MD codes are also introduced. Simulations for the widely accepted COST fading models show that performance gains of several decibels can be achieved by MD combined with LE or DFE at bit-error rates (BERs) of practical interest. In addition, MD also enables the suppression of cochannel interference.  相似文献   

Adaptive coded modulation for fading channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We apply coset codes to adaptive modulation in fading channels. Adaptive modulation is a powerful technique to improve the energy efficiency and increase the data rate over a fading channel. Coset codes are a natural choice to use with adaptive modulation since the channel coding and modulation designs are separable. Therefore, trellis and lattice codes designed for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels can be superimposed on adaptive modulation for fading channels, with the same approximate coding gains. We first describe the methodology for combining coset codes with a general class of adaptive modulation techniques. We then apply this methodology to a spectrally efficient adaptive M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM) to obtain trellis-coded adaptive MQAM. We present analytical and simulation results for this design which show an effective coding gain of 3 dB relative to uncoded adaptive MQAM for a simple four-state trellis code, and an effective 3.6-dB coding gain for an eight-state trellis code. More complex trellis codes are shown to achieve higher gains. We also compare the performance of trellis-coded adaptive MQAM to that of coded modulation with built-in time diversity and fixed-rate modulation. The adaptive method exhibits a power savings of up to 20 dB  相似文献   

An optimum closed-loop symbol synchronizer operating over fading dispersive channels is developed. It is shown that the optimum tracking synchronizer is a multiplier that forms the product of the received signal and a filtered version of it, the filter impulse response is the first derivative with respect to time (or frequency) of the autocorrelation function of the signal part of the received waveform. It is proved that for small misalignment the control signal vector is an incrementally linear function of the error vector. For a Gaussian-shaped scattering function, a simple closed-loop structure is obtained and expressions for tracking error statistics are derived. The dependency of such statistics on the signal-to-noise ratio and on the spread of the channel is investigated  相似文献   

The authors discuss maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) based on prediction techniques for linearly modulated digital signals transmitted over fading channels. Efficient implementations of the sequence detector are investigated and a general formulation for computing the prediction coefficients is derived. Furthermore, the equivalence of different existing prediction-based receivers is shown  相似文献   

We show that very large bandwidths on fading multipath channels cannot be effectively utilized by spread-spectrum systems that (in a particular sense) spread the available power uniformly over both time and frequency. The approach is to express the input process as an expansion in an orthonormal set of functions each localized in time and frequency. The fourth moment of each coefficient in this expansion is then uniformly constrained. We show that such a constraint forces the mutual information to 0 inversely with increasing bandwidth. Simply constraining the second moment of these coefficients does not achieve this effect. The results suggest strongly that conventional direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems do not scale well to extremely large bandwidths. To illustrate how the interplay between channel estimation and symbol detection affects capacity, we present results for a specific channel and CDMA signaling scheme  相似文献   

Zhuang  W. 《Electronics letters》1994,30(14):1114-1116
The authors present an adaptive importance sampling (AIS) technique for estimating the bit error rate of a communications system over a correlated Rayleigh channel. The technique reduces the computer simulation time significantly and simplifies the procedure of choosing an optimally-based density function of the channel fading process  相似文献   

Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We propose a variable-rate and variable-power MQAM modulation scheme for high-speed data transmission over fading channels. We first review results for the Shannon capacity of fading channels with channel side information, where capacity is achieved using adaptive transmission techniques. We then derive the spectral efficiency of our proposed modulation. We show that there is a constant power gap between the spectral efficiency of our proposed technique and the channel capacity, and this gap is a simple function of the required bit-error rate (BER). In addition, using just five or six different signal constellations, we achieve within 1-2 dB of the maximum efficiency using unrestricted constellation sets. We compute the rate at which the transmitter needs to update its power and rate as a function of the channel Doppler frequency for these constellation sets. We also obtain the exact efficiency loss for smaller constellation sets, which may be required if the transmitter adaptation rate is constrained by hardware limitations. Our modulation scheme exhibits a 5-10-dB power gain relative to variable-power fixed-rate transmission, and up to 20 dB of gain relative to nonadaptive transmission. We also determine the effect of channel estimation error and delay on the BER performance of our adaptive scheme. We conclude with a discussion of coding techniques and the relationship between our proposed modulation and Shannon capacity  相似文献   

Feedback equalization for fading dispersive channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data transmission through a slowly fading dispersive channel is considered. A receiver that linearly operates on both the received signal and reconstructed data is postulated. Assuming an absence of decision errors, the receiver is optimized for a minimum-mean-square-error criterion. Transfer functions are determined and superiority over nonfeedback receivers is indicated. The feedback receiver can be realized in a slowly varying unknown environment by means of an adaptive technique that requires neither test signals nor statistical estimation. The receiver will eliminate timing jitter and Doppler shifts. In addition, the receiver provides a time-diversity effect, as the receiver probability of error averaged over the fading statistics is lower in the presence of dispersion than in its absence.  相似文献   

On coding for block fading channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This work considers the achievable performance for coded systems adapted to a multipath block-fading channel model. This is a particularly useful model for analyzing mobile-radio systems which employ techniques such as slow frequency-hopping under stringent time-delay or bandwidth constraints for slowly time-varying channels. In such systems, coded information is transmitted over a small number of fading channels in order to achieve diversity. Bounds on the achievable performance due to coding are derived using information-theoretic techniques. It is shown that high diversity can be achieved using relatively simple codes as long as very high spectral efficiency is not required. Examples of simple block codes and carefully chosen trellis codes are given which yield, in some cases, performances approaching the information-theoretic bounds  相似文献   

We address the problem of universal decoding in unknown frequency-selective fading channels, using an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signaling scheme. A block-fading model is adopted, where the bands' fading coefficients are unknown yet assumed constant throughout the block. Given a codebook, we seek a decoder independent of the channel parameters whose worst case performance relative to a maximum-likelihood (ML) decoder that knows the channel is optimal. Specifically, the decoder is selected from a family of quadratic decoders, and the optimal decoder is referred to as a quadratic minimax (QMM) decoder for that family. As the QMM decoder is generally difficult to find, a suboptimal QMM decoder is derived instead. Despite its suboptimality, the proposed decoder is shown to outperform the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), which is commonly used when the channel is unknown, while maintaining a comparable complexity. The QMM decoder is also derived for the practical case where the fading coefficients are not entirely independent but rather satisfy some general constraints. Simulations verify the superiority of the proposed QMM decoder over the GLRT and over the practically used training sequence approach.  相似文献   

Srinivasan  R. 《Electronics letters》1973,9(17):395-396
A feedback-rate control scheme recently proposed by Cavers for the incoherent detection of binary signals transmitted over a slowly fading Rayleigh channels is shown to be optimum for coherent systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a generic model of space-time bit-interleaved coded modulation (ST-BICM) on a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Rayleigh fading multipath channel. A practical low-complexity receiver structure performing iteratively MIMO data detection, channel decoding and channel estimation, is presented. The MIMO data detection, employing a reduced-state list-type soft output Viterbi algorithm enables to cope with severe channel intersymbol interference (ISI) without MIMO prefiltering. Among other results, simulations show that our approach can dramatically improve the downlink performance of time-division multiple access (TDMA) systems with high order modulation, keeping a reasonable complexity at the receiver side.  相似文献   

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