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郑大农  苏向斌  徐应强  牛智川 《红外与激光工程》2021,50(3):20200224-1-20200224-8
利用分子束外延的方法在GaSb衬底上生长GaSb热光伏电池单元,制作了两种不同的1 cm×1 cm面积尺寸的热光伏电池单元,它们有着不同的电极形状。通过不断优化分子束外延的生长条件,以期得到高质量的GaSb外延层。AFM图中显示的表面形貌表明器件有着高质量的外延层,其表面形貌的RMS只有1.5 ? (1 ?=0.1 nm)。测量和比较了两种热光伏电池的器件特性,包括开路电压、短路电流密度、光电转换效率、填充因子以及暗电流密度。在一个模拟太阳光照射下,热光伏电池单元有着0.303 V的开路电压和27.1 mA/cm2的短路电流密度。和只有简单电极形状的热光伏电池单元进行对比,有栅形电极形状的热光伏电池单元在短路电流密度和填充因子上具有更优异的表现。在红外光的照射下,有栅形电极形状的热光伏电池达到了一个最优的填充因子56.8%。  相似文献   

采用物理气相沉积(PVD)法在ITO透明导电衬底上制备GaSb多晶薄膜.研究了衬底温度及薄膜厚度对GaSb薄膜结构特性、电学特性以及光学特性的影响.在一定条件下生长的GaSb薄膜择优取向由GaSb(111)晶向转变为GaSb(220)晶向, 这是在玻璃衬底上生长GaSb薄膜没有发现的现象.择优取向改变为(220)晶向的GaSb薄膜具有更高的霍尔迁移率.因为这种薄膜材料具有更少的晶粒间界和更少的缺陷.经优化后的GaSb薄膜的光学吸收系数在104 cm-1以上, 适用于热光伏薄膜太阳电池中.  相似文献   

使用Silvaco/Atlas软件设计、模拟并优化了GaInSb/GaSb单结热光伏电池,研究了器件材料厚度和掺杂浓度对电池性能的影响。主要从最大输出功率(Pm)、开路电压(Voc)和短路电流(Isc)这三个参数表征并分析电池器件的优劣。器件厚度主要通过对入射光的吸收率和光生载流子的收集效率影响热光伏电池的性能。而掺杂浓度对于热光伏电池特性的影响主要是从复合机制以及少子迁移率等方面体现。最后得到了优化后的器件结构。  相似文献   

来自于日光的电能是真正"绿色"和廉价的能源,但是需要基于光伏(PV)电池和存储设备(例如电池)的能量转换系统。pV或太阳能电池在户外照明领域,甚至在全家用和工业领域的应用越来越广泛;它们可以采用与半导体器件制造相同的  相似文献   

制备了MEH-PPV活性层薄膜及其器件,通过AFM、透射光谱和伏安特性测量研究了热处理对薄膜表面性质及其光电性能的影响。结果表明热处理降低了表面粗糙度,减小了禁带宽度和电阻率,提高了载流子迁移率。薄膜表面性质以及光电性能的优化,有利于增加有机光伏电池的短路电流、开路电压和填充因子,提高其能量转换效率,改善电池的器件性能。  相似文献   

针对热光伏(TPV)系统建立了数值分析模型, 研究了系统各模块的匹配特性, 讨论了辐射器温度、散热器流速等性能参数对电池温度及输出功率的影响, 并进行了优化组合分析, 以获得系统最佳运行工况。结果表明: 在每一特定辐射器温度下, 都存在一最优散热器入口流速以使得系统效率达到最大。随着辐射器温度的升高, TPV系统效率及输出净功率均随之增大, 但由于电池温度的升高, 系统效率增长梯度逐渐减缓。当辐射温度达到1800K时, 系统效率最高可达到18.22%。  相似文献   

针对热光伏(TPV)系统建立了数值分析模型,研究了系统各模块的匹配特性,讨论了辐射器温度、散热器流速等性能参数对电池温度及输出功率的影响,并进行了优化组合分析,以获得系统最佳运行工况。结果表明:在每一特定辐射器温度下,都存在一最优散热器入口流速以使得系统效率达到最大。随着辐射器温度的升高,TPV系统效率及输出净功率均随之增大,但由于电池温度的升高,系统效率增长梯度逐渐减缓。当辐射温度达到1 800K时,系统效率最高可达到18.22%。  相似文献   

基于Ⅲ-Ⅴ族半导体材料的热光伏电池研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
部分Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体具有较窄的禁带宽度,对红外发射体的温度要求较低,非常适宜制备热光伏(TPV)电池.简要介绍热光伏系统的基本结构,讨论了基于GaSb、InGaAsSb、InGaAs、InAsSbP几种主要窄带隙Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体的热光伏电池的研究情况,对它们的制备方法和主要性能参数进行了比较,分析了各自的优缺点,指出了我国热光伏技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

该文采用SilvacoTCAD软件模拟了双结GaSb/Ga0.84In0.16As0.14Sb0.86热光伏电池的特性,通过改变顶层电池和底层电池的厚度和浓度来调节电池的电流,当顶层P层的厚度为1μm,N层的厚度为3μm,底层P层的厚度为3.6μm,N层的厚度为3.9μm时,电流得到了匹配。  相似文献   

The GaInSb material system is attractive for application in therm ophotovoltaic (TPV) cells since its band gap can be tuned to match the radiation of the emitter. At present, most of the TPV cells are fabricated using epitaxial layers and hence are expensive. To reduce the cost, Zn diffusion using elemental vapors in a semiclosed diffusion system is being pursued by several laboratories. In this paper, we present studies carried out on Zn diffusion into n-type (Te-doped) GaSb substrates in an open tube diffusion furnace. The dopant precursor was a 2000 ? thick, zinc doped spin-on glass. The diffusion was carried out at temperatures ranging from 550 to 600°C, for times from 1 to 10 h. The diffused layers were characterized by Hall measurements using step-and-repeat etching by anodic oxidation, secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements, and TPV device fabrication. For diffusion carried out at 600°C, the junction depth was 0.3 μm, and the hole concentration near the surface was 5 × 1019/cm3. The external quantum efficiency, measured without any anti-reflection coating of the TPV cells fabricated using mesa-etching had a maximum value of 38%. Masked diffusion was also carried out by opening windows in a Si3N4 coated, GaSb wafer. TPV cells fabricated on these structures had similar quantum efficiency, but lower dark current.  相似文献   

高阶色散下随入纤功率变化的不稳定性增益谱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
钟先琼  向安平 《激光技术》2007,31(4):364-374
为了探讨不同入纤功率下高阶色散对交叉相位调制不稳定性增益谱的影响,从光纤中包含高阶色散的耦合非线性薛定谔方程出发,采用线性稳定性分析法,分二阶、四阶色散系数同号、异号和二阶色散系数为0等几种情形,计算了双光束的交叉相位调制不稳定性增益谱随入纤光功率的变化规律,并对各种谱特性的产生机制作了分析。结果表明,当二阶、四阶色散系数同号时,随着入纤功率的增大,增益谱由开始的两个分离谱区逐渐变宽并合成1个谱区;当二阶、四阶色散系数异号和二阶色散系数为0时,增益谱只有靠近零点的第1谱区,且谱宽和谱峰随着入纤功率的增大而增大。此研究对高重复率的超短光脉冲串的产生有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

We present a practical implementation of a solar thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system. The system presented in this paper comprises a sunlight concentrator system, a cylindrical cup‐shaped absorber/emitter (made of tungsten coated with HfO2), and an hexagonal‐shaped water‐cooled TPV generator comprising 24 germanium TPV cells, which is surrounding the cylindrical absorber/emitter. This paper focuses on the development of shingled TPV cell arrays, the characterization of the sunlight concentrator system, the estimation of the temperature achieved by the cylindrical emitters operated under concentrated sunlight, and the evaluation of the full system performance under real outdoor irradiance conditions. From the system characterization, we have measured short‐circuit current densities up to 0.95 A/cm2, electric power densities of 67 mW/cm2, and a global conversion efficiency of about 0.8%. To our knowledge, this is the first overall solar‐to‐electricity efficiency reported for a complete solar thermophotovoltaic system. The very low efficiency is mainly due to the overheating of the cells (up to 120 °C) and to the high optical concentrator losses, which prevent the achievement of the optimum emitter temperature. The loss analysis shows that by improving both aspects, efficiencies above 5% could be achievable in the very short term and efficiencies above 10% could be achieved with further improvements. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据太阳能光伏电池的等效电路特点,建立了相应的光伏电池组件的仿真模型。该模型可以实现在不同光照强度和温度下光伏组件的输出特性,在此模型基础上研究了光伏组件最大功率追踪方法(MPPT)。在众多最大功率追踪方法中,扰动法有着比较优秀的控制效果。针对最常用的最大功率点跟踪方法-扰动观察法,提出一种改进型的扰动法算法,通过仿真结果和实验证明该方法在一定程度上可解决光伏电池输出非线性的问题,有效避免跟踪偏差,提高光伏电池的输出效率,且动态响应速度快,使光伏系统具有良好的动态和稳态性能。  相似文献   

介绍了三种目前应用广泛的功率谱估计的典型算法。提出一种将功率谱估计应用在调制解调领域的技术。通过Matlab仿真了调制解调过程,分析了三种功率谱估计算法对解调误码性能的影响。证明通过AR参考模型方法对接收信号进行功率谱估计,能够得到较为平滑的谱曲线,解调时能更有效的抑制宽带噪声。  相似文献   

李贝贝  李小将 《激光技术》2017,41(4):537-544
温升效应是影响激光输能光电转换效率的重要原因。为了分析温升效应对光电转换效率的影响,采用基于COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场耦合软件和MATLAB软件联合仿真的数值模拟方法,建立了光电池的物理模型和热模型,得到了激光辐照时间、功率密度、光斑面积、入射角以及热辐射和热对流对温度场的影响结果。结果表明,2000W/m2激光功率密度辐照下,光电池温度随辐照时间先快速上升,20s后缓慢增加,100s达到热平衡态后温度稳定在343K;随着激光功率密度增大,电池温升速度越快,达到热平衡态时的温度值越高;激光光斑全部覆盖电池表面时,电池表面温度差值最小;入射角通过影响有效激光辐照功率密度来影响电池温升;热辐射和热对流对降低光电池温度十分有利;当激光入射角为0°、激光功率密度辐照约为2000W/m2、激光光斑面积近似为电池表面面积时,光电池能获得最佳的光电转换效率。可见对光电池温度场进行仿真分析为研究提高激光输能光电转换效率的方法提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

A procedure of simulation and modelling PV modules' performance, working partially shadowed, is presented. Several shadow rates have been tested on a single cell forming part of a PV module having 36 solar cells serially connected, and the influence of shadow rate in most of the important PV module characteristic parameters has been evaluated.The correlation between PV module output lowering due to shadowing and the variation of resistive losses is also reported. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The solar diffuse radiation incident on a photovoltaic (PV) module is unevenly distributed along the module's width because its solar‐cells “see” different view‐factor values with respect to their position. This fact causes PV modules to experience undesired power losses brought about by current mismatch. The paper addresses this issue and presents new interconnection strategies for the module's cells. The proposed interconnections are shown to introduce power gain vis‐à‐vis the all‐series connected module. Having established the theoretical framework, a case study is examined, comparing two sites with considerable different amounts of diffuse radiation with the aim of quantifying the power production enhancement with regard to the site's prevailing annual extent of diffuse radiation. It is found, for example, that by converting the all‐series cell interconnection into parallel strips in Desert Rock (NV, USA), each module can be supplemented with a 6.5 [kWph] annually on average. The study may have financial implications for the PV industry which strives to increase power generation while maintaining reduced costs. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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