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在一台四冲程直喷式柴油机上对比研究不同喷油策略对鱼油乙酯生物柴油混合燃料燃烧和排放特性的影响。发动机转速固定在1 500 r/min,喷油正时分别在21、24、27°CA BTDC的不同负荷下,使用的6种燃料为柴油及B20、B40、B60、B80、B100的鱼油乙酯生物柴油混合燃料。结果表明:在不同喷油正时、不同负荷下,生物柴油与柴油相比,发动机的氮氧化物和碳烟排放最大降幅为17.9%和55.38%;鱼油制取的生物柴油导致气缸压力峰值、放热率和最大压力升高率均低于柴油,碳氢化合物、一氧化碳排放降低。  相似文献   

为探究生物柴油在船舶柴油机上的适用性,基于六缸中速柴油机试验台架,在不同负荷推进特性工况下,对燃用0#柴油、B10生物柴油柴油机的动力性能、经济性能、振动特性和缸内燃烧特性进行对比分析。结果发现:与0#柴油相比,燃用B10生物柴油柴油机的输出功率和耗油量基本不变,耗油率有所升高,但随着负荷的升高有所改善,燃用B10生物柴油使得在25%负荷工况下的柴油机缸盖振动烈度下降,50%、75%、90%、100%负荷工况下的柴油机缸盖振动烈度稍有上升,不同负荷工况下的机体振动烈度均下降;从振动功率谱密度可以看出,两种燃油在不同负荷下低频段的振动响应相似,但高频段处振动响应存在差异;对两种燃油的缸内压力和压力升高率曲线的分析可知,燃用B10生物柴油可以使缸内压力峰值和最大压力升高率升高,燃烧反应速度加快。综上,B10生物柴油在不同负荷工况下动力性能、经济性能、振动特性和缸内燃烧特性方面均表现良好,在船舶柴油机上具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

通过将发动机外在的振动信号经过变换与缸内的燃烧放热规律相结合,以对DICI发动机燃用生物柴油后引起的振动进行协同特性研究。具体方法为,将餐饮废油生物柴油以10%掺混作为测试燃料,在常用工况下对缸盖振动信号和缸内燃烧压力进行采集。通过将小波尺度进行重排计算、振动功率密度计算和缸内压力计算,得到振动时间谱图、功率密度谱图和燃烧放热率等。结果表明:燃用B10生物柴油后,发动机整体振动频率从约4 200 Hz降低至约2 900 Hz。这主要由于生物柴油高黏度和低热值等特性导致缸内燃烧有所弱化,因而导致发动机振动的降低。生物柴油在整个频段上振动分布表现更为均匀,将对人体舒适度的提高和发动机寿命的延长有所贡献。  相似文献   

为了研究高原环境下生物柴油-乙醇-柴油混合燃料中生物柴油对柴油发动机性能的影响,选用纯柴油、B15E3(生物柴油体积分数为15%,乙醇体积分数为3%和柴油体积分数为82%)和B25E3(生物柴油体积分数为25%,乙醇体积分数为3%和柴油体积分数为72%)在柴油发动机YN30CR上进行试燃,在最大扭矩转速工况下比较3种燃料的燃烧性、经济性和排放性差异。结果表明:燃烧混合燃料的发动机动力性下降,B25E3下降明显,缸内压力峰值下降1 MPa,压力升高率峰值下降0.14 MPa/°CA;燃烧B15E3和B25E3的瞬时放热率峰值较纯柴油低4.8%、5.6%;当量燃油消耗量低于纯柴油,燃油经济性有一定改善;中低负荷下,纯柴油当量燃油消耗量最高,B25E3的当量燃油消耗量低于B15E3,高负荷下,燃烧B25E3的当量燃油消耗量稍高于B15E3;燃用B15E3和B25E3后,碳烟排放低于燃烧纯柴油,B25E3改善幅度大于B15E3,随着负荷的增加,碳烟排放性的改善较为明显。  相似文献   

为探讨生物柴油应用于船舶柴油机的可行性,将餐厨废弃油脂生物柴油与柴油混合,在船舶柴油机上进行试验,测试其对船舶柴油机性能、排放特性和燃烧特性的影响。结果表明:生物柴油混合物的高黏度以及低热值会降低有效热效率,并导致燃油消耗率略有升高;由于生物柴油的高含氧量促进完全燃烧,相比于柴油,燃烧生物柴油混合物后,一氧化碳排放量最高下降17%,二氧化碳排放量最高下降5.1%,二氧化硫排放量最高下降41%,碳烟排放量最高下降36%;生物柴油过快的燃烧速率提高了气缸内的燃烧温度,以及高含氧量促进了氮氧化物的排放;生物柴油混合物燃烧时的缸内压力与柴油非常接近。餐厨废弃油脂生物柴油对船舶柴油机的性能、燃烧特性和排放特性均具有较好的表现,可以作为柴油的替代燃料用于船舶柴油机。  相似文献   

降低燃用生物柴油NOx排放量的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在YL4102型柴油机上分别燃用生物柴油、石化柴油、生物柴油和石化柴油的混合物测定NOx的排放情况,并对降低NOx排放量的措施进行了研究。结果表明,适当推迟喷油提前角会降低NOx的排放,在满负荷范围时,当喷油提前角为10°CA左右时NOx排放降低30%左右。燃用乳化生物柴油可降低NOx的排放,随着乳化生物柴油中水的增加,NOx的排放迅速下降,当水的体积分数为30%时,NOx排放降低40%左右。  相似文献   

生物柴油与石化柴油性能的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从生产方法和工艺、燃料特性和起动性能、发动机经济性和动力性、排放特性以及可再生性方面比较了生物柴油与石化柴油的差异.结果表明,生物柴油与石化柴油在生产方法和工艺方面存在很大差异,也有很多相似之处;生物柴油的燃料特性、起动性能以及发动机经济性、动力性接近或稍逊于石化柴油;生物柴油具有更好的排放性能和可再生性,因此生物柴油是一种综合性能优良的可替代石化柴油的燃料.  相似文献   

为优化直喷天然气发动机的喷射策略,在一台六缸电控直喷天然气发动机上,用试验方法研究了引燃柴油量及柴油摘/天然气喷射间隔对发动机 HC、CO和 NOx排放的影响。试验结果表明:喷射间隔一定时, HC排放随引燃柴油喷射量的增加而降低;在引燃柴油喷射量为 4.0 mg时, HC排放随喷射间隔的增加而增加;引燃柴油喷射量在 6.0~11.5 mg范围内, HC排放在喷射间隔从 0.5 ms变化到 1.1 ms时,变化较小;喷射间隔增加到 1.4 ms时, HC排放升高趋势明显。 CO排放随引燃柴油喷射量的变化规律为先降低后升高;在不同的柴油喷射量下增加喷射间隔, CO排放均降低。 NOx排放随引燃柴油喷射量的增加先降低后升高;在喷射间隔为 0.5 ms时, NOx排放相对较小,在喷射间隔为 1.4 ms时, NOx排放最高。增加引燃柴油喷射量有利于 HC的减排,对 CO排放的影响较小,但会导致 NOx排放的恶化;增加喷射间隔会促使 HC和 NOx排放的升高,但 CO排放有所降低。  相似文献   

利用AR–G2流变仪,研究了三种生物柴油的流变学性能及相关影响困素。结果表明:温度和剪切速率影响生物柴油的流变学性能。三种生物柴油的黏度在冷滤点(CFPP)左右会急剧升高,导致黏温曲线出现转折点,并且该折点温度接近但高于生物柴油的CFPP;三种生物柴油在低剪切速率下均呈现非牛顿流体特征,而高剪切速率下呈现牛顿流体特征,并且三种生物柴油流体均出现了剪切变稀的现象,高温下这种剪切变稀现象比低温下更为明显;在CFPP温度以上,三种生物柴油均表现为塑性流体的特性,采用宾汉姆模型拟合能较好地表征生物柴油的的流变性能。  相似文献   

生物柴油低温流动性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同的植物油为原料,分别采用醇解法和催化裂化法两种工艺制备生物柴油,考察生物柴油的低温流动性能.结果表明,采用植物油醇解法制备的生物柴油凝点显著升高,但冷滤点降低.40℃时的运动黏度比其原料植物油降低了83%以上,以葵花籽油、玉米油为原料制备的生物柴油的凝点满足-10#柴油的要求,以棉籽油、大豆油为原料制备的生物柴油凝点满足0#柴油的要求;催化裂化法制备的生物柴油凝点比醇解工艺制备生物柴油凝点低,运动黏度比其对应原料植物油降低了91%以上,以葵花籽油、大豆油为原料制备的生物柴油,分别符合-50#、-35#车用柴油要求,以棉籽油、玉米油、花生油为原料制备的生物柴油符合0#柴油要求.  相似文献   

This study undertook a physicochemical characterization of particle emissions from a single compression ignition engine operated at one test mode with 3 biodiesel fuels made from 3 different feedstocks (i.e., soy, tallow, and canola) at 4 different blend percentages (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) to gain insights into their particle-related health effects. Particle physical properties were inferred by measuring particle number size distributions both with and without heating within a thermodenuder (TD) and also by measuring particulate matter (PM) emission factors with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM(10)). The chemical properties of particulates were investigated by measuring particle and vapor phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and also Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) concentrations. The particle number size distributions showed strong dependency on feedstock and blend percentage with some fuel types showing increased particle number emissions, while others showed particle number reductions. In addition, the median particle diameter decreased as the blend percentage was increased. Particle and vapor phase PAHs were generally reduced with biodiesel, with the results being relatively independent of the blend percentage. The ROS concentrations increased monotonically with biodiesel blend percentage but did not exhibit strong feedstock variability. Furthermore, the ROS concentrations correlated quite well with the organic volume percentage of particles - a quantity which increased with increasing blend percentage. At higher blend percentages, the particle surface area was significantly reduced, but the particles were internally mixed with a greater organic volume percentage (containing ROS) which has implications for using surface area as a regulatory metric for diesel particulate matter (DPM) emissions.  相似文献   

To clarify the effects of volatile-char interaction on the redistribution of fuel-N to N2 during devolatilization and the reduction of NO through gas-solid reactions during combustion, two types of experiments were performed on a novel reactor. The separate combustion of volatile and char and the combustion of entrained pulverized coal, and the formation of NO was examined between 800 and 1100 degrees C by using four typical Chinese coals with different ranks. The effect of volatile-char interaction on fuel-N conversion to NO during combustion was elucidated through comparing the NO emissions from the two types of combustion experiments. The results show that the volatile-char interaction is more important in the redistribution of fuel-N to N2 during devolatilization than in the reduction of NO over 900 degrees C, and a contrary conclusion is obtained below 850 degrees C for all used coals. A specific parameter has been proposed to characterize the relative importance of the volatile-char interaction in the redistribution of fuel-N to N2 during devolatilization to the interaction in the reduction of NO to N2 during simulataneous combustion of volatile and char. The results are of significance for minimizing the NO formation in industrial combustion processes.  相似文献   

Alternative fuels and injection technologies are a necessary component of particulate emission reduction strategies for compression ignition engines. Consequently, this study undertakes a physicochemical characterization of diesel particulate matter (DPM) for engines equipped with alternative injection technologies (direct injection and common rail) and alternative fuels (ultra low sulfur diesel, a 20% biodiesel blend, and a synthetic diesel). Particle physical properties were addressed by measuring particle number size distributions, and particle chemical properties were addressed by measuring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Particle volatility was determined by passing the polydisperse size distribution through a thermodenuder set to 300 °C. The results from this study, conducted over a four point test cycle, showed that both fuel type and injection technology have an impact on particle emissions, but injection technology was the more important factor. Significant particle number emission (54%-84%) reductions were achieved at half load operation (1% increase-43% decrease at full load) with the common rail injection system; however, the particles had a significantly higher PAH fraction (by a factor of 2 to 4) and ROS concentrations (by a factor of 6 to 16) both expressed on a test-cycle averaged basis. The results of this study have significant implications for the health effects of DPM emissions from both direct injection and common rail engines utilizing various alternative fuels.  相似文献   

The effects of the fuel injection pressure on a heavy-duty diesel engine exhaust particle emissions were studied. Nonvolatile particle size distributions and gaseous emissions were measured at steady-state engine conditions while the fuel injection pressure was changed. An increase in the injection pressure resulted in an increase in the nonvolatile nucleation mode (core) emission at medium and at high loads. At low loads, the core was not detected. Simultaneously, a decrease in soot mode number concentration and size and an increase in the soot mode distribution width were detected at all loads. Interestingly, the emission of the core was independent of the soot mode concentration at load conditions below 50%. Depending on engine load conditions, growth of the geometric mean diameter of the core mode was also detected with increasing injection pressure. The core mode emission and also the size of the mode increased with increasing NOx emission while the soot mode size and emission decreased simultaneously.  相似文献   

Holstein cows housed in a modified tie-stall barn were used to determine the effect of feeding diets with different forage-to-concentrate ratios (F:C) on performance and emission of CH4, CO2 and manure NH3-N. Eight multiparous cows (means ± standard deviation): 620 ± 68 kg of body weight; 52 ± 34 d in milk and 8 primiparous cows (546 ± 38 kg of body weight; 93 ± 39 d in milk) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 air-flow controlled chambers, constructed to fit 4 cows each. Chambers were assigned to dietary treatment sequences in a single 4 × 4 Latin square design. Dietary treatments, fed as 16.2% crude protein total mixed rations included the following F:C ratio: 47:53, 54:46, 61:39, and 68:32 [diet dry matter (DM) basis]. Forage consisted of alfalfa silage and corn silage in a 1:1 ratio. Cow performance and emission data were measured on the last 7 d and the last 4 d, respectively of each 21-d period. Air samples entering and exiting each chamber were analyzed with a photo-acoustic field gas monitor. In a companion study, fermentation pattern was studied in 8 rumen-cannulated cows. Increasing F:C ratio in the diet had no effect on DM intake (21.1 ± 1.5 kg/d), energy-corrected milk (ECM, 37.4 ± 2.2 kg/d), ECM/DM intake (1.81 ± 0.18), yield of milk fat, and manure excretion and composition; however, it increased milk fat content linearly by 7% and decreased linearly true protein, lactose, and solids-not-fat content (by 4, 1, and 2%, respectively) and yield (by 10, 6, and 6%, respectively), and milk N-to-N intake ratio. On average 93% of the N consumed by the cows in the chambers was accounted for as milk N, manure N, or emitted NH3-N. Increasing the F:C ratio also increased ruminal pH linearly and affected concentrations of butyrate and isovalerate quadratically. Increasing the F:C ratio from 47:53 to 68:32 increased CH4 emission from 538 to 648 g/cow per day, but had no effect on manure NH3-N emission (14.1 ± 3.9 g/cow per day) and CO2 emission (18,325 ± 2,241 g/cow per day). In this trial, CH4 emission remained constant per unit of neutral detergent fiber intake (1 g of CH4 was emitted for every 10.3 g of neutral detergent fiber consumed by the cow), but increased from 14.4 to 18.0 g/kg of ECM when the percentage of forage in the diet increased from 47 to 68%. Although the pattern of emission within a day was distinct for each gas, emissions were higher between morning feeding (0930 h) and afternoon milking (1600 h) than later in the day. Altering the level of forage within a practical range and rebalancing dietary crude protein with common feeds of the Midwest of the United States had no effects on manure NH3-N emission but altered CH4 emission.  相似文献   

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