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简述了传统护坡治理中存在的问题,介绍了生态袋护坡、三维植被网护坡及稻草垫生物护坡在辽宁省河道治理中的应用,结合工程实例阐述了三种护坡形式的特点及实际应用中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

下荆江裁弯对荆江洞庭湖影响分析   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
唐日长 《人民长江》1999,30(4):20-23
下荆江中洲子、上车湾河湾实施裁变工程,沙滩子河湾发生自然裁弯,迄今已有20余年。裁弯后,荆江分流入洞庭湖的水量、沙星锐减、加速了江湖关系变化。根据原型实测资料,对裁弯后荆江河道和江湖关系演变、工程效益和对江湖防洪的不利影响进行分析,指出1980年后,荆江河床已处于部淤平衡状态;洞庭湖口洪道和城陵矶-武汉河段泥沙淤2积问题对防洪影响较小,并对三峡工程运用后,进一步贯彻“江湖两利”方针,提出建议。  相似文献   

Communities of nesting birds were studied in four distinct biotopes within the alluvial corridor of the River Garonne: 50 terrace woodlands, 17 riparian woodlands, one poplar plantation, and one slope woodland. A total of 400 stations were investigated, consisting of eight distinct classes of forest size for the terrace woodlands and four for the riparian woodlands. The distribution of 64 species of birds, observed by means of 20 minute listening point surveys, was related to three main factors: forest size, site wetness, and the wooded space marginality (forests, woods, copses, hedges, trees). Indices of mean richness and of mean abundance show that the riparian woodlands were the richest and the most densely populated. The surface area of woodlands has a strong effect on the structure of the bird community on terraces but less in the riparian environment. Multivariate analysis contrasted the species from the open islands within closed environments with the species from the closed islands within an open environment. The effect upon the nesting bird communities of the fragmentation of the original forest within the alluvial corridor of the River Garonne is demonstrated by a grouping of two characteristics: the connectivity of the riparian woodlands and the insularity of the terrace woodlands. The conservation of a continuous ribbon of riparian woodlands is shown to be an important condition for maintaining a rich community of nesting birds.  相似文献   

流域级水量调度模型研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域水量统一调度与跨流域调水是实现水资源合理配置与支撑流域可持续发展的两大重要举措。文中结合流域水量统一调度与跨流域调水的实际背景介绍了流域级水量调度模型的相关研究进展,并根据实践需求对流域级水量调度模型今后的研究趋势进行了初步展望。  相似文献   

为探究长三角高度城镇化地区河网水系生态调控方案,以秦淮河流域下游地区水系为例,采用生态功能设定法,计算了各河段生态水位和生态流量.通过构建一维水量水质模型,在枯水年非汛期水量调控及截污措施协同驱动下,对水位、流量及污染物浓度的时空分布特征进行多情景数值模拟,并对生态水量保障率及水质改善效果进行评估.结果表明,水位调控措...  相似文献   

为解决拦河建坝造成的水位壅高与泥沙淤积问题,笔者在万载县布城水水系连通及水环境综合整治工程中采用了气动浮体坝。本文介绍了气动浮体坝的工作原理,并从启闭方式、工程运行、后期运维、工程投资等方面与卧倒式升降坝方案进行了比选。结果表明:气动浮体坝利用浮力启闭,更符合生态治河、低碳治河的理念;坝体运行方便,通过排气即可全部卧倒,对行洪安全基本没有影响,避免了泥沙淤积造成的后期运行管护难题,是河道生态整治中低水头壅水建筑物的可选方案。  相似文献   

A 25 m long transect was positioned along the spray gradient of a waterfall (880 m a.s.l.) in the Aurland River, western Norway. The vegetational composition in contiguous 1 m × 1 m quadrats was recorded in 1968 before regulation of the river, and again 20 years later. Spray precipitation, temperature, and humidity were also measured. The 92 per cent reduction in mean annual discharge of the river has resulted in a 98-100 per cent reduction in spray precipitation along the transect. In general, there has been a great decrease in hygrophilous bryophytes and alpine vascular plants, and an increase in lichens and drought-tolerant bryophytes. At the end of the transect furthest from the waterfall, which previously received less than 1200 mm of spray precipitation per year, there has only been minor floristic change. Similarly, in the nearest 5 quadrats, where spray precipitation is still substantial, there has been little change in the vegetation. The greatest change occurred in the middle of the transect which formerly received substantial amounts of spray, but is now almost dry.  相似文献   

The regulation of the Ebro River in the 1960s has changed the discharge pattern: spring floods have been reduced and, as the reservoirs are used for hydroelectrical purposes, discharge varies daily. The last 50 km of the river have been studied for two years (1986 and 1987). Our main purpose was to establish the particulate organic and inorganic transport of the river and its seasonal changes. Particulate material was sampled in surface and deep waters. Water conductivity ranges between 0.9 and 53 mS, and anoxia is common in summer situations. Particulate C ranges between 1 and 3 mg l?1 with higher values in summer; particulate N is very similar along the year with values between 0.1 and 0.5 mg l?1. Effects of regulation seem to be important in supplying very high nutrient content to algae and producing a high biomass and production in the lower part of the river, especially in summer. Diatoms and Chlorophyta are the most abundant groups. Phosphorus is higher than 5 μmol l?1, with lower values in summer. Most of particulate material is very fine (between 0.45 and 50 μm). The high biomass also explains the presence of abundant filter-feeders, such as Hydropsyche and Ephoron virgo. In some parts, where light reaches the bottom, stones and boulders are covered by Cladophora. In this case, grazers such as the gastropods Melanopsis and Theodoxus are abundant.  相似文献   

刘俊峰  王克明 《人民长江》1999,30(12):45-47,
长江水量丰富,年入海总量约9600亿m∧3,黄河流域水量贫乏。长江上游年径流量(宜昌站)达4000亿m ∧3,为黄河年径流量500亿m∧3的8倍。黄河和长江蕴藏着丰富的水力资源,其理论出力分别占分国总量的6%和39.6%,长江的水能资源集中在四川,仅四川省的技术可开发装机容量为10345.96万kW。约占全国30%,但是由于水资源季节不均衡性和地域条件造成的调节性能的限制,严重影响了四川水电的开发。黄河上游虽可建高坝水库,但由于不资源的匮乏,库容闲置,夏季勉强发电,枯期则出现了越来越严重的黄河断流状况,因此,实现两大水系水资源在时间和空间上的优化配置和利用, 是涉及两大流域经济发展的重大问题。对全国的可持续发展也有重大而深远的影响,仅从南北联网,以“电”代水,促进四川水电开发和缓解黄河断流提出建议。  相似文献   

河道治理工程是人类改造世界过程中的重要产物之一,其设计与建设不仅关系到水资源的利用,更关系到周边地区居民的生命财产安全,将生态理念深入到河道治理工程设计当中,实现工程的环境效益和经济效益是水利行业发展的主要方向.本文将对生态理念在河道治理工程设计中的应用进行论述,希望能对相关设计人员提供一定帮助.  相似文献   

To improve the ecological functioning of riverine ecosystems, large‐scale floodplain rehabilitation has been carried out in the Rhine–Meuse Delta since the 1990s. This paper evaluates changes in abundance of 93 breeding bird species over a period of 10 years in response to rehabilitation, by comparing population changes in 75 rehabilitated sites with 124 non‐rehabilitated reference sites. Such quantitative, multi‐species, large‐scale and long‐term evaluations of floodplain rehabilitation on biodiversity are still scarce, particularly studies that focus on the terrestrial component. We try to understand the effects by relating population trends to ecological and life‐history traits and strategies of breeding birds. More specifically, we try to answer the question whether rehabilitation of vegetation succession or hydro‐geomorphological river processes is the key driver behind recent population changes in rehabilitated sites. Populations of 35 species have significantly performed better in rehabilitated sites compared to non‐rehabilitated floodplains, whereas only 8 have responded negatively to rehabilitation. Differences in effects between species are best explained by the trait selection of nest location. Reproductive investment and migratory behaviour were less strong predictors. Based on these three traits we defined eight life‐history strategies that successfully captured a substantial amount of variation in rehabilitation effects. We conclude that spontaneous vegetation succession and initial excavations are currently more important drivers of population changes than rehabilitation of hydrodynamics. The latter are strongly constrained by river regulation. If rehabilitation of hydro‐geomorphological processes remains incomplete in future, artificial cyclic floodplain rejuvenation will be necessary for sustainable conservation of characteristic river birds. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为进一步稳定长江中下游扬中河段的河势,归纳分析了新水沙条件下段内江心洲的历史治理情况,发现洲头崩坍后退、沿程阻力的减小等问题仍然存在。在现有河势控制工程的基础上,提出太平洲“裹头”及两缘护岸、落成洲右缘护岸和禄安洲“裹头”及两缘护岸的合理治理方案,模拟了治理方案实施前后的流量流速,分析了各治理方案下的治理效果。首先,太平洲近岸流速减小幅度在 0.01~0.05 m/s 之间,汊道分流基本无变化;其次,落成洲近岸流速均减小 0.02~0.04 m/s,对于该部位岸线的坍塌起到有效的控制作用;最后,禄安洲近岸流速总体减小 0.01~0.04 m/s,有利于洲头以及左右侧汊道分流的稳定。结果表明,所提出的治理方案能够有效降低区域内近岸流量及流速,有利于洲滩及汊道分流的稳定,对遏制岸线崩退和坍塌有至关重要的作用,以期为长江中下游江心洲的治理提供参考。  相似文献   

长江南京新济洲河段河道整治方案研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在分析长江南京新济洲河段近期河道演变规律的基础上,提出河段在防洪、岸线利用、河势稳定等方面存在的主要问题。针对两岸经济发展的要求,提出两套整治方案,运用数学模型和物理模型相结合的手段,对整治方案进行了比选、优化,并提出了可行的推荐方案,使其有利于该河段及下游河段河势稳定及防洪安全。  相似文献   

The basic tenet of nature conservation is the protection and management of the environment so as to maintain its wildlife. Much of the effort is presently expended in securing the continued existence of rare, endangered or threatened species, communities, and habitats. River regulation involves considerable environmental manipulation. This extends beyond the modification of discharge regimes through the need for ancilliary operations, including the construction of dams, channel modification and transfer of water between catchments. The imposition of regulation modifies the natural environment in which the original communities of organisms became established. Where the ecological requirements of these organisms are destroyed or modified beyond the limits of their adaptations or tolerances they are unable to survive. The communities are thus changed and replaced by others, perhaps of lesser conservation value. Since the aims of nature conservation and river regulation are intrinsically incompatible the best that can be hoped for is that regulation schemes are designed, constructed, and operated so as to ameliorate environmental damage.  相似文献   

通过长江下游大量航道整治研究成果的总结提炼,探讨和论述感潮河段航道整治设计理论与方法。结果表明:根据不同的径流和潮汐影响,感潮河段中可划分为常年潮流段、季节性潮流段和常年径流段3个区段;根据河型特征和滩槽格局,浅滩类型有单级分汊型、多级分汊型、水下心滩型和水下沙洲型浅滩四种。应综合考虑航道整治影响因素及外部条件,确立航道整治总体原则,梳理得出不同区段设计通航水位及其与上下游衔接,以及整治参数(整治水位和整治线宽度)的确定方法;针对各类浅滩特点,采取相应的整治思路和整治工程措施,整治建筑物包括混凝土构件混合堤和新型生态守护结构。  相似文献   

城市内河综合整治效益的后评估方法及实证   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
吴阿娜  车越  杨凯  赵军 《水利学报》2005,36(9):1088-1093
本文初步探讨了城市内河综合整治项目后评估的目的、方法,并以浦东张家浜为例,使用背景资料收集、现场实测与生态调查、问卷调查、条件价值评估等方法,对其综合整治的生态环境效益、社会经济效益进行评估,估算了整治后张家浜的生态系统服务价值。研究结果表明:张家浜综合整治不仅使得河道在水质指标、水生生物群落、沿岸植物群落、水体小气候效应、景观生态等方面都有所改善,而且具有良好的社会和经济效益。整治后的张家浜体现出较高的生态系统服务价值。  相似文献   

丁坝在三屯河河道整治中的成功经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三屯河渠首以下3km范围内的河道,东西两岸毗邻三屯河东西干渠及耕地,河道两岸多年遭受洪水的严重侵蚀破坏,直接危及到了下游东、西引水干渠的安全。2000年,对该段河道采用丁坝型式进行了总体整治设计,当年秋季竣工。经过近3a的运行,整治效果较明显,彻底根治了水患,确保了东、西引水干渠的安全,取得了巨大的防洪效益。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of flow regulation on water quantity and quality by comparing an impounded system (Mokelumne River) with an adjacent unimpounded system (Cosumnes River). Between 1999 and 2002, the Cosumnes River displayed a strong seasonal cycle for each constituent analysed (total suspended solids, NO3‐N, total nitrogen, PO4‐P, total phosphorus, dissolved silicon, specific conductivity, flow), while reservoirs in the lower Mokelumne buffered and attenuated physical and chemical fluctuations creating a weak seasonal pattern. Dissolved silicon and total suspended solids were the two constituents most efficiently sequestered by the reservoirs. While the reservoirs acted as traps for most constituents, NO3‐N and PO4‐P were produced during the drier years of the study, 2001 and 2002. In contrast, the unimpounded reference reach in the Cosumnes was an annual source for all constituents measured. The Cosumnes delivers its highest NO3‐N concentrations during the winter months (December–April), while peak concentrations in the Mokelumne occur during the snowmelt (May–July) and baseflow (August–November) seasons. Due to downstream N‐limitation, this temporal shift in NO3‐N export may be contributing to accelerated algal growth in the reach immediately downstream and eventually to algal biomass loading to the downstream Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张帅  王成林  任红玉  任亮  周畅  罗坤 《人民长江》2017,48(14):33-36
江河治理一直是我国生态文明建设的重点,开展河道治理工程的水土保持监测工作是预防其水土流失的重要举措。为提高生产开发建设项目水土保持监测数据的准确性和科学性,以深圳河治理第4期工程为例,探讨了江河治理项目中水土保持监测的内容、方法以及监测体系,并对监测结果进行了讨论。分析结果可为相关江河治理工程水土保持监测项目提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The effects of flow regulation on macroinvertebrates and periphytic diatoms were examined in the Hawkesbury–Nepean River system in Australia. Regulated sites below eight dams or weirs were compared with unregulated sites above the impoundments and sites on two nearby unregulated streams. The management of the water supply during the study created two types of flow regulation, sites with water supply releases and sites with comparatively small or no releases. The macroinvertebrate communities in three habitats and periphytic diatoms below the storages and weirs differed from the biota at unregulated sites above the weirs and on unregulated systems. The number of macroinvertebrate taxa in riffle and pool‐rock assemblages was significantly lower at regulated sites when compared with unregulated sites and the number of stream edge macroinvertebrate and diatom taxa was unaffected by regulation. Riffle and pool‐rock macroinvertebrate assemblages differed between the two types of regulation. However, periphytic diatom and edge habitat macroinvertebrate assemblages did not differ between the two types of flow regulation. Examination of environmental variables associated with the change in the biota suggested that the principal effect of the management of the water supply system in the Hawkesbury–Nepean River was changed hydrology rather than altered water quality. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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