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当前,以新一代信息技术为基础的数字经济已经成为我国经济发展中最为活跃的领域,是我国国民经济高质量发展的新动能。党的十九届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》针对加快数字化发展作出全面部署,要求推进数字产业化和产业数字化,推动数字经济和实体经济深度融合,打造具有国际竞争力的数字产业集群。  相似文献   

This Account provides an overview and examples of function-oriented synthesis (FOS) and its increasingly important role in producing therapeutic leads that can be made in a step-economical fashion. Biologically active natural product leads often suffer from several deficiencies. Many are scarce or difficult to obtain from natural sources. Often, they are highly complex molecules and thus not amenable to a practical synthesis that would impact supply. Most are not optimally suitable for human therapeutic use. The central principle of FOS is that the function of a biologically active lead structure can be recapitulated, tuned, or greatly enhanced with simpler scaffolds designed for ease of synthesis and also synthetic innovation. This approach can provide practical access to new (designed) structures with novel activities while at the same time allowing for synthetic innovation by target design. This FOS approach has been applied to a number of therapeutically important natural product leads. For example, bryostatin is a unique natural product anticancer lead that restores apoptosis in cancer cells, reverses multidrug resistance, and bolsters the immune system. Remarkably, it also improves cognition and memory in animals. We have designed and synthesized simplified analogs of bryostatin that can be made in a practical fashion (pilot scale) and are superior to bryostatin in numerous assays including growth inhibition in a variety of human cancer cell lines and in animal models. Laulimalide is another exciting anticancer lead that stabilizes microtubules, like paclitaxel, but unlike paclitaxel, it is effective against multidrug-resistant cell lines. Laulimalide suffers from availability and stability problems, issues that have been addressed using FOS through the design and synthesis of stable and efficacious laulimalide analogs. Another FOS program has been directed at the design and synthesis of drug delivery systems for enabling or enhancing the uptake of drugs or drug candidates into cells and tissue. We have generated improved transporters that can deliver agents in a superior fashion compared with naturally occurring cell-penetrating peptides and that can be synthesized in a practical and step-economical fashion. The use of FOS has allowed for the translation of exciting, biologically active natural product leads into simplified analogs with superior function. This approach enables the development of synthetically innovative strategies while targeting therapeutically novel structures.  相似文献   

从我国高速发展超硬材料为代表的金刚石(含装备、控制系统、产品系列化,产量绝对比、质量先进规范化)入手,阐述了其必然替代普通磨料的前景.同时从金刚石的工程性作用,全方位阐述了它在矿产资源,特别是能源资源方面的无可替代的作用;从金刚石的功能性作用,阐述了金刚石的半导体性质在光伏效应、光伏电源的作用.这些都是确保低碳经济的极为重要的基本措施.金刚石行业将永远是阳光行业.  相似文献   

J. N. Armor 《Catalysis Letters》2005,101(3-4):131-135
Perspectives regarding the current and future production of hydrogen are offered. It is important to appreciate that most of the worlds current production of H2 is captively produced and not easily committed to a major new market need (such as H2 for fuel cells). The size and capital investment, energy intensiveness, as well as delivery issues restrict the simple extension of existing SMR plants to fill the void needed in H2 production for a H2 economy. Forecasts suggest future H2 needs exceed 14 times the worlds current production of H2; this volume coupled by restrictions of CO2 co-production would seem to limit the options for future H2 production. Production of H2 by new process technologies, including CH4 decomposition, CO2 reforming, biohydrogen, photodecomposition of water, etc. are discussed. Catalysis will play multiple roles in all aspects of H2 production. Multiple needs exist for catalysts with respect to the photodecomposition of water, CPO based processes, highly active and low cost WGS catalysts, catalysts to assist in the capture and storage of CO2, improved hydrocarbon reforming, improved electrocatalysts and photocatalysts, improved hydrodesulfurization catalysts, and biophotolytic catalysts for decomposing water. Today, no single technology seems to offer a near term solution, although it appears that solar, photodecomposition of water offers a potential solution with respect to sustainability issues, the amount of H2 needed, no CO2 co-product, and energy needs; however the solar photodecomposition of water has many technical hurdles remaining which suggest it is decades away from large scale, cost effective implementation.  相似文献   

从能源消费占生产成本的比例、节能效益占企业利润的比例以及节能的技术措施等方面阐述了节能是拉动企业经济的增长点  相似文献   

发展循环经济创建节约型企业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据氯碱企业面临的严峻形势提出要坚持以人为本,注重节能,关注资源,突出重点,抓好环保,充分提高资源利用率来实现企业经济新的增长点,以保持企业的持续发展。  相似文献   

品牌是企业的最重要的无形资产,品牌经济具有强劲的市场竞争力,是企业核心竞争力和价值创造能力的重要体现。要用品牌推动企业的可持续发展,以提高参与国际市场竞争的能力与动力。  相似文献   

刘伯林 《国外塑料》2004,22(9):91-91
汽车的销售量通常被认为是一个国家经济稳定、社会发展的晴雨表,如果这种假定合理,那么从现在的销售数据表明:美国经济在缓慢复苏、欧洲经济相对停顿和中国经济的迅速发展。  相似文献   

根据目前煤炭化工的工业生产情况,结合化工职业院校的教学需求,我们研发出了煤气化、脱硫、变换过程中试实训教学装置。对所研发装置进行试验运行,既可以使煤化工专业课的教学实现工学结合,又可以使相关专业的学生从生产现场了解煤化工生产过程。  相似文献   

The distinguished Order of the Banner of Red Labor Ceramics Combine was awarded the Challenge Bed Banner of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Council of Ministries of the USSR, the VTsSPS and Central Committee of the VLKSM, and was inscribed on the Honor Roll at the VDNKh USSR. In 1978 the collective of the combine achieved higher results in All-Union Socialist competition for higher production effectiveness and quality of work, and maintenance of stable quotas in fulfilling plans and higher responsibilities.Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 6, pp. 2–3, June, 1979.  相似文献   

《Glass and Ceramics》1974,31(6):385-385

The end of the 1970s also brought to a close a growth phase of the world economy which had lasted more than 20 years and been interrupted only by relatively mild reverses. Although, after a recession of somewhat longer than 2 years, the preconditions have now improved for a return to the path of economic recovery, at least in most industrial countries, there is no cause for an excessive measure of optimism. Due to their high mountains of debt to other nations, a majority of the large newly emerging industrial countries (the so-called threshold nations) and of the developing countries will be forced to assign first priority to an improvement in their balances of payments over the next few years and will therefore largely fail to act as additional customers for foreign goods. In many industrial countries—again as a result of voluminous indebted-ness—narrow limits have been placed on an expansive economic policy course. Besides, the markets served by these nations exhibit a high degree of saturation. In such an environment, the best growth prospects are held by those industries which succeed in creating new requirements and demands on their traditional markets. This is one of the principal reasons why innovation will play an even more important part in the future than it has already played in the past. It can be fairly estimated that the consumer goods industries and the service sector will develop more favorably within the span of the next 12–18 months than the capital goods industries. From a geographic viewpoint it can be assumed on the basis of the existing evidence that during this period economic performance will be stronger in the USA and Japan than in Western Europe. Prospects for an economic comeback in Europe are best in Great Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany and in Italy.  相似文献   

本文总结了近两年来武汉化工学院在教学工作中取得的成就,并为进一步提高教学质量落实了一系列措施.  相似文献   

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