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The technique of serial optical sectioning by confocal microscopy, in conjunction with off-line digital image analysis, was used to quantify the radial distribution of damaged cells in rat pancreatic islets following cryopreservation. The process consists of imaging frozen-thawed islets of Langerhans using laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). The three-dimensional (3-D) distribution and analysis of the two populations of viable and damaged cells was visualized via acridine orange/propidium iodide (AO/PI) fluorescent staining. In preparation for cryopreservation, isolated and cultured rat pancreatic islets were brought to a 2 m concentration of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) by serial addition at decreasing temperatures. Ice was nucleated in the islet suspension at ?10°C, and individual specimens were frozen to ?70°C at cooling rates of 1, 3, 10 and 30°C/min in a programmable bulk freezer and subsequently stored in liquid nitrogen. After rapid thawing and serial dilution to remove DMSO, individual islets were prepared with AO/PI stains for imaging on the LSCM. Serial sections of the islets, 2–7 μm in thickness, were obtained and processed to obtain high-contrast images. Analysis algorithms consisted of template masking, grey-level thresholding, median filtering and 3-D blob colouring. The radial distribution of damaged cells in the islets was determined by isolating the cell and computing its distance from the centroid of the 3-D islet volume. An increase in the number of blobs corresponding to single and/or aggregates of damaged cells was observed progressively with distance from the centre towards the periphery of the islet. This pattern of freeze-induced killing of cells within the islet was found to occur consistently in the numerous individual specimens processed.  相似文献   

Automated imaging of extended tissue volumes using confocal microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Confocal microscopy enables constitutive elements of cells and tissues to be viewed at high resolution and reconstructed in three dimensions, but is constrained by the limited extent of the volumes that can be imaged. We have developed an automated technique that enables serial confocal images to be acquired over large tissue areas and volumes. The computer-controlled system, which integrates a confocal microscope and an ultramill using a high-precision translation stage, inherently preserves specimen registration, and the user control interface enables flexible specification of imaging protocols over a wide range of scales and resolutions. With this system it is possible to reconstruct specified morphological features in three dimensions and locate them accurately throughout a tissue sample. We have successfully imaged various samples at 1-mum voxel resolution on volumes up to 4 mm3 and on areas up to 75 mm2. Used in conjunction with appropriate embedding media and immuno-histochemical probes, the techniques described in this paper make it possible to routinely map the distributions of key intracellular structures over much larger tissue domains than has been easily achievable in the past.  相似文献   

We describe a real-time white light reflection con-focal microscope incorporating an optical fibre bundle and characterise the optical performance of the bundle. The use of an incoherent light source enables us, for the first time, to present speckle-free endoscopic reflected light confocal images. The system has potential application for in vivo studies.  相似文献   

A novel scheme of parallel confocal microscopy using high‐order axially symmetric polarized beams (ASPBs) is proposed. The basic concept of ASPBs is introduced first, then the principle of the scheme is presented, finally some numerical results are shown to verify the feasibility of the scheme. Seen from the results, multiple imaging spots are obtained and the size of spots is about 70% of the spot size in the single lens microscopy, and a kind of high temporal and spatial resolution parallel confocal microscopy is achieved, which may find wide applications in the fields of 3D profile measurement and biomedical imaging. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:302–308, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) provides optical sectioning of a fluorescent sample and improved resolution with respect to conventional optical microscopy. As a result, three-dimensional (3-D) imaging of biological objects becomes possible. A difficulty is that the lateral resolution is better than the axial resolution and, thus, the microscope provides orientation-dependent images. However, a theoretical investigation of the process of image formation in CSLM shows that it must be possible to improve the resolution obtained in practice. We present two methods for achieving such a result in the case of 3-D fluorescent objects. The first method applies to conventional CSLM, where the image is detected only on the optical axis for any scanning position. Since the resulting 3-D image is the convolution of the object with the impulse-response function of the instrument, the problem of image restoration is a deconvolution problem and is affected by numerical instability. A short introduction to the linear methods developed for obtaining stable solutions of these problems (the so-called regularization theory of ill-posed problems) is given and an application to a real image is discussed. The second method applies to a new version of CSLM proposed in recent years. In such a case the full image must be measured by a suitable array of detectors. For each scanning position the data are not single numbers but vectors. Then, in order to recover the object, one must solve a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. A method for the solution of this equation is presented and the possibility of achieving super-resolution is demonstrated. More precisely, we show that it is possible to improve by about a factor of 2 the resolution of conventional CSLM both in the lateral and axial directions.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3-D) transfer function is a useful concept for describing image formation in confocal scanning microscopy. From it we can derive the corresponding 2-D transfer function for in-focus imaging. In confocal transmission this can be derived analytically. The 1-D transfer function for on-axis imaging, which can be expressed in an analytical form even for confocal fluorescence with differing wavelengths of excitation and fluorescence, can be derived from the 3-D transfer function. The 2-D transfer function for in-focus imaging in confocal fluorescence microscopy with a finite-sized detector is also presented, which is shown to exhibit sign changes and can therefore result in reversals of image contrast.  相似文献   

Conventional two-dimensional imaging of the trabecular meshwork (TM) provides limited information about the size, shape, and interconnection of the aqueous channels within the meshwork. Understanding the three-dimensional (3-D) relationships of the channels within this tissue may give insight into its normal function and possible changes present in the eye disease glaucoma. The purpose of our study was to compare laser scanning confocal microscopy with standard 1 μm Araldite-embeddedhistologic sections for 3-D analysis of the trabecular meshwork. In addition, the study was done to determine whether computerized 3-D reconstruction could isolate the fluid spaces of the trabecular meshwork and determine the size of interconnections between the fluid spaces. Confocal microscopy appears comparable to 1 μm Araldite-embedded tissue sections and has the advantage of inherent registration of the serial tissue sections. Three-dimensional reconstruction allowed the isolation of the fluid spaces within the trabecular meshwork and revealed the presence of numerous interconnections between larger fluid spaces. The distribution of these interconnections was randomly arranged, with no predilection for specific regions within the trabecular meshwork. This distribution of constrictions and “expansion chambers” may provide a clue to the mechanism by which subtle histologic changes are associated with increased ocular pressure in glaucoma.  相似文献   

We have used a multiple-laser confocal microscope with lines at 325, 442, 488, 514 and 633 nm to investigate optical sectioning of botanical specimens over a wide range of wavelengths. The 442-nm line allowed efficient excitation of Chromomycin A3, with minimal background autofluorescence, to visualize GC-rich heterochromatin as an aid to chromosome identification. Sequential excitation with 442- and 488-nm light enabled ratio imaging of cytosolic pH using BCECF. The red HeNe laser penetrated deep into intact plant tissues, being less prone to scattering than shorter blue lines, and was also used to image fluorescent samples in reflection, prior to fluorescence measurements, to reduce photobleaching. Chromatic corrections are more important in confocal microscope optics than in conventional microscopy. Measured focus differences between blue, green and red wavelengths, for commonly used objectives, were up to half the optical section thickness for both our multi-laser system and a multi-line single-laser instrument. This limited high-resolution sectioning at visible wavelengths caused a loss in signal. For ultraviolet excitation the focus shift was much larger and had to be corrected by pre-focusing the illumination. With this system we have imaged DAPI-stained nuclei, callose in pollen tubes using Aniline Blue and the calcium probe Indo-1.  相似文献   

Multiparameter fluorescence microscopy is often used to identify cell types and subcellular organelles according to their differential labelling. For thick objects, the quantitative comparison of different multiply labelled specimens requires the three-dimensional (3-D) sampling capacity of confocal laser scanning microscopy, which can be used to generate pseudocolour images. To analyse such 3-D data sets, we have created pixel fluorogram representations, which are estimates of the joint probability densities linking multiple fluorescence distributions. Such pixel fluorograms also provide a powerful means of analysing image acquisition noise, fluorescence cross-talk, fluorescence photobleaching and cell movements. To identify true fluorescence co-localization, we have developed a novel approach based on local image correlation maps. These maps discriminate the coincident fluorescence distributions from the superimposition of noncorrelated fluorescence profiles on a local basis, by correcting for contrast and local variations in background intensity in each fluorescence channel. We believe that the pixel fluorograms are best suited to the quality control of multifluorescence image acquisition. The local image correlation methods are more appropriate for identifying co-localized structures at the cellular or subcellular level. The thresholding of these correlation maps can further be used to recognize and classify biological structures according to multifluorescence attributes.  相似文献   

To obtain colour reflected confocal images we have incorporated three lasers (HeNe: 633 nm; NdYAG: 532 nm; HeCd: 442 nm) and three photomultiplier detectors into our on-axis scanning system then adjusted the registration of the simultaneous output signals to produce full-colour images on a video monitor. Colour confocal images were produced from multi-stained fixed tissue as well as from natural pigments in fresh plant material. Rayleigh scattering properties of immunogold-labelled specimens were studied to show how variations in colour response can be utilized to identify subwavelength gold particles. Colour stereo pairs were produced to illustrate the accuracy with which the three-laser microscope system can record depth information without incurring problems due to chromatic aberration effects.  相似文献   

The structure of the asphaltene phase in the bitumen is believed to have a significant effect on its rheological properties. It has traditionally been difficult to observe the asphaltene phase in unaltered samples of bitumen. The maltenes are thought to form a continuous phase in which the asphaltenes are ‘dispersed’. In this study, confocal laser‐scanning microscopy (CLSM) operating in fluorescence mode was used to examine the structure of paving‐grade Safaniya and San Joaquin bitumen. The asphaltene fraction fluoresces in the 515–545 nm wavelength range when irradiated with light with a wavelength of 488 nm. The major advantages of CLSM are that the bitumen sample requires little pretreatment or preparation that may affect the original dispersion of asphaltenes and the bitumen is observed at ambient temperature and pressure. This reduces the possibility of producing images that are not representative of the original material. CLSM was able to show the distribution of maltene and asphaltene components in bitumen. The asphaltene aggregates in the bitumen were observed to be 2–7 µm in size and formed a dispersed ‘sol’ structure in the continuous maltene matrix rather than a network ‘gel’ structure. Surprisingly, the structure and fluorescence of the asphaltene phase does not appear to alter radically upon oxidative ageing. The structure of the asphaltene phase of an AR4000 San Joaquin bitumen was found to be more homogeneous than that of Safaniya bitumen, illustrating the range of structures that can be observed in bitumens by this method.  相似文献   

A technique for obtaining differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging using a confocal microscope system is examined and its features compared to those of existing confocal differential phase contrast (DPC) techniques as well as to conventional Nomarski DIC. A theoretical treatment of DIC imaging is presented, which takes into account the vignetting effect caused by the finite size of the lens pupils. This facilitates the making of quantitative measurements in DIC and allows the user to identify and select the most appropriate system parameters, such as the bias retardation and lateral shear of the Wollaston prism.  相似文献   

A modified tandem scanning confocal microscope was used for real-time in vivo examination of the rabbit cornea following a cryogenic injury. The corneas of New Zealand white rabbits were frozen with a probe that had been cooled by immersion in liquid nitrogen, effectively destroying keratocytes in a central 5 mm diameter zone throughout the total thickness of the cornea. In these eyes, keratocyte repopulation and corneal stromal wound healing proceeded similarly to that which occurs after epikeratophakia, a refractive surgical procedure designed to change the curvature and optical power of the cornea. In epikeratophakia, a cryolathed donor corneal stroma lenticule is sutured onto the bare stroma of the recipient cornea. The collagen tissue lenticule is repopulated by keratocytes (corneal fibroblasts) that migrate in from the host cornea. In our study, the confocal microscope permitted sequential, noninvasive examination of the corneal stroma in the treated animals. Necrosis of the keratocytes, followed by activation of the remaining viable cells in the corneal periphery, was observed in the first 2 to 3 days after cryo injury. A fine stromal fibrous network was seen to develop; in three eyes, this network progressed to the development of a retrocorneal fibrous membrane and dense stromal fibrosis, both of which resulted in significant loss of corneal clarity. Our results suggest that the confocal microscope may be a valuable tool to provide much needed information on wound healing processes at the cellular level after corneal surgery and injury.  相似文献   

A modified tandem scanning confocal microscope was used for real-time in vivo examination of the rabbit cornea following a cryogenic injury. The corneas of New Zealand white rabbits were frozen with aprobe that had been cooled by immersion in liquid nitrogen, effectively destroying keratocytes in a central 5 mm diameter zone throughout the total thickness of the cornea. In these eyes, keratocyte repopulation and corneal stromal wound healing proceeded similarly to that which occurs after epikeratophakia, a refractive surgical procedure designed to change the curvature and optical power of the cornea. In epikeratophakia, a cryolathed donor corneal stroma lenticule is sutured onto the bare stroma of the recipient cornea. The collagen tissue lenticule is repopulated by keratocytes (corneal fibroblasts) that migrate in from the host cornea. In our study, the confocal microscope permitted sequential, noninvasive examination of the corneal stroma in the treated animals. Necrosis of the keratocytes, followed by activation of the remaining viable cells in the corneal periphery, was observed in the first 2 to 3 days after cryo injury. A fine stromal fibrous network was seen to develop; in three eyes, this network progressed to the development of a retrocorneal fibrous membrane and dense stromal fibrosis, both of which resulted in significant loss of corneal clarity. Our results suggest that the confocal microscope may be a valuable tool to provide much needed information on wound healing processes at the cellular level after corneal surgery and injury.  相似文献   

Studies of the three-dimensional (3-D) organization of cell nuclei are becoming increasingly important for the understanding of basic cellular events such as growth and differentiation. Modern methods of molecular biology, including in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence, allow the visualization of specific nuclear structures and the study of spatial arrangements of chromosome domains in interphase nuclei. Specific methods for labelling nuclear structures are used to develop computerized techniques for the automated analysis of the 3-D organization of cell nuclei. For this purpose, a coordinate system suitable for the analysis of tri-axial ellipsoidal nuclei is determined. High-resolution 3-D images are obtained using confocal scanning laser microscopy. The results demonstrate that with these methods it is possible to recognize the distribution of visualized structures and to obtain useful information regarding the 3-D organization of the nuclear structure of different cell systems.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of microvascular structure is relevant to the investigations of ischemic injury, reparative angiogenesis and tumor revascularization. In light microscopy applications, thick tissue specimens are necessary to characterize microvascular networks; however, thick tissue leads to image distortions due to out-of-focus light. Structured illumination confocal microscopy is an optical sectioning technique that improves contrast and resolution by using a grid pattern to identify the plane-of-focus within the specimen. Because structured illumination can be applied to wide-field (nonscanning) microscopes, the microcirculation can be studied by sequential intravital and confocal microscopy. To assess the application of structured illumination confocal microscopy to microvessel imaging, we studied cell-sized microspheres and fused silica microcapillary tissue phantoms. As expected, structured illumination produced highly accurate images in the lateral (X-Y) plane, but demonstrated a loss of resolution in the Z-Y plane. Because the magnitude of Z-axis distortion was variable in complex tissues, the silica microcapillaries were used as spatial calibration standards. Morphometric parameters, such as shape factor, were used to empirically optimize Z-axis software compression. We conclude that the silica microcapillaries provide a useful tissue phantom for in vitro studies as well as spatial calibration standard for in vivo morphometry of the microcirculation.  相似文献   

Objective: Although several methods have been used to detect the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, it is still difficult to determine where ROS generate from. This study aimed to demonstrate whether ROS generate from mitochondria during oxidative stress induced mitochondria damage in cardiac H9c2 cells by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). Methods: Cardiac H9c2 cells were exposed to H2O2 (1200μM) to induce mitochondrial oxidant damage. Mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) was measured by staining cells with tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE); ROS generation was measured by staining cells with dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA). Results: A rapid/transient ROS burst from mitochondria was induced in cardiac cells treated with H2O2 compared with the control group, suggesting that mitochondria are the main source of ROS induced by oxidative stress in H9c2 cells. Meanwhile, the TMRE fluorescence intensity of mitochondria which had produced a great deal of ROS decreased significantly, indicating that the burst of ROS induces the loss of ΔΨm. In addition, the structure of mitochondria was damaged seriously after ROS burst. However, we also demonstrated that the TMRE fluorescence intensity might be affected by H2DCFDA. Conclusions: Mitochondria are the main source of ROS induced by oxidative stress in H9c2 cells and these findings provide a new method to observe whether ROS generate from mitochondria by LSCM. However, these observations also suggested that it is inaccurate to test the fluorescence intensities of cells stained with two or more different fluorescent dyes which should be paid more attention to. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:612–617, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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