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Pulse-chase experiments with [14C]glucose demonstrated that in the cell wall of wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae alkali-soluble (1–3)-β-glucan serves as a precursor for alkali-insoluble (1–3)-β-glucan. The following observations support the notion that the insolubilization of the glucan is caused by linkage to chitin: (i) degradation of chitin by chitinase completely dissolved the glucan, and (ii) disruption of the gene for chitin synthase 3 prevented the formation of alkali-insoluble glucan. These cells, unable to form a glucan–chitin complex, were highly vulnerable to hypo-osmotic shock indicating that the linkage of the two polymers significantly contributes to the mechanical strength of the cell wall. Conversion of alkali-soluble glucan into alkali-insoluble glucan occurred both early and late during budding and also in the ts-mutant cdc24-1 in the absence of bud formation.  相似文献   

Kluyveromyces lactis killer toxin causes sensitive strains of a variety of yeasts to arrest at the G1 stage of the cell cycle, and to lose viability. We describe here the isolation and characterization of a class of recessive mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that leads to toxin resistance and a temperature-sensitive phenotype. These mutant cells arrest growth at 37°C with a characteristic phenotype of elongated buds. Cloning of the gene complementing these defects revealed it to be CAL1, coding for chitin synthase 3 activity. Calcofluor staining of the mutant cells indicated that chitin is absent both at 23°C and 37°C. Given that the CAL1 activity is responsible for the synthesis of most of chitin in yeast cells, and that in its absence the cells are viable but resistant to the killer toxin, our results strongly suggest that chitin might represent the receptor for this killer toxin.  相似文献   

Glucan structure in a fragile mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phenotype of VY1160 fragile Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant is characterized by cell lysis upon transfer to hypotonic solutions and increased permeability of cells growing in osmotically stabilized media. Two mutations, srb1 and ts1, have been identified in VY1160 cells and previous studies have shown that the increased permeability is due to the ts1 mutation which causes a shortening of mannan side-chains. Here we report that the srb1 mutation, which is the genetic determinant of cell lysis, is responsible for quantitative and structural changes of glucans. Experiments with isogenic single mutation strains, genetic studies coupled with quantitative measurements of glucan content per cell, and methylation analysis of glucans provide evidence that srb1 mutation leads to i) formation of mechanically unstable cell wall network made of insoluble glucan fibrils which are shorter and contain beta(1-6) inter-residue linkages and ii) insufficient filling of the space between the fibrils due to a shortage of the alkali-soluble glucan. Although growing exponentially in osmotically stabilized media, the srb1 cells cannot resist an osmotic shock and, hence, burst immediately.  相似文献   

The yeast spore wall is an excellent model to study the assembly of an extracellular macromolecule structure. In the present study, mutants defective in β ‐1,6‐glucan synthesis, including kre1? , kre6? , kre9? and big1? , were sporulated to analyse the effect of β ‐1,6‐glucan defects on the spore wall. Except for kre6? , these mutant spores were sensitive to treatment with ether, suggesting that the mutations perturb the integrity of the spore wall. Morphologically, the mutant spores were indistinguishable from wild‐type spores. They lacked significant sporulation defects partly because the chitosan layer, which covers the glucan layer, compensated for the damage. The proof for this model was obtained from the effect of the additional deletion of CHS3 that resulted in the absence of the chitosan layer. Among the double mutants, the most severe spore wall deficiency was observed in big1? spores. The majority of the big1?chs3? mutants failed to form visible spores at a higher temperature. Given that the big1? mutation caused a failure to attach a GPI‐anchored reporter, Cwp2‐GFP, to the spore wall, β ‐1,6‐glucan is involved in tethering of GPI‐anchored proteins in the spore wall as well as in the vegetative cell wall. Thus, β ‐1,6‐glucan is required for proper organization of the spore wall. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae kre5delta mutants lack beta-1,6-glucan, a polymer required for proper cell wall assembly and architecture. A functional and cell biological analysis of Kre5p was conducted to further elucidate the role of this diverged protein glucosyltransferase-like protein in beta-1,6-glucan synthesis. Kre5p was found to be a primarily soluble N-glycoprotein of approximately 200 kDa, that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum. The terminal phenotype of Kre5p-deficient cells was observed, and revealed a severe cell wall morphological defect. KRE6, encoding a glucanase-like protein, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of a temperature-sensitive kre5 allele, suggesting that these proteins may participate in a common beta-1,6-biosynthetic pathway. An analysis of truncated versions of Kre5p indicated that all major regions of the protein are required for viability. Finally, Candida albicans KRE5 was shown to partially restore growth to S. cerevisiae kre5delta cells, suggesting that these proteins are functionally related.  相似文献   

Deletion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae BIG1 causes an approximately 95% reduction in cell wall beta-1,6-glucan, an essential polymer involved in the cell wall attachment of many surface mannoproteins. The big1 deletion mutant grows very slowly, but growth can be enhanced if cells are given osmotic support. We have begun a cell biological and genetic analysis of its product. We demonstrate, using a Big1p-GFP fusion construct, that Big1p is an N-glycosylated integral membrane protein with a Type I topology that is located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Some phenotypes of a big1Delta mutant resemble those of strains disrupted for KRE5, which encodes another ER protein affecting beta-l,6-glucan levels to a similar extent. In a big1Deltakre5Delta double mutant, both the growth and alkali-soluble beta-l,6-glucan levels were reduced as compared to either single mutant. Thus, while Big1p and Kre5p may have similar effects on beta-l,6-glucan synthesis, these effects are at least partially distinct. Residual beta-l,6-glucan levels in the big1Deltakre5Delta double mutant indicate that these gene products are unlikely to be beta-l,6-glucan synthase subunits, but rather may play some ancillary roles in beta-l,6-glucan synthase assembly or function, or in modifying proteins for attachment of beta-l,6-glucan.  相似文献   

A reliable acid hydrolysis method for quantitative determination of the proportion of β-glucan, mannan and chitin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall is reported together with a simple extraction procedure to quantify within a standard error of less than 2% the proportion of the wall per gram of cell dry mass. This method is an optimized version of Saeman's procedure based on sulfuric acid hydrolysis of complex polysaccharides. It resulted in an almost complete release of glucose, mannose and glucosamine residues from cell wall polysaccharides. After complete removal of sulfate ions by precipitation with barium hydroxide, the liberated monosaccharides were separated and quantified by high performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. The superiority of this method over the hydrolysis in either trifluoroacetic or hydrochloric acid resides in its higher efficiency regarding the release of glucose from β1,6-glucan and of glucosamine from chitin. The sulfuric acid method was successfully applied to determine the β-glucan, mannan and chitin contents in cell walls of genetically well-characterized yeast mutants defective in cell wall biosynthesis, and in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell walls. The simplicity and reliability of this procedure make it the method of choice for the characterization of cell walls from S. cerevisiae mutants generated in the EUROFAN programme, as well as for other pharmacological and biotechnological applications. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and sequencing of CHS3, a gene that encodes one of several chitin synthases in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a medically important fungus restricted geographically to Latin America. The gene contains a single open reading frame of 3817 bp with two introns (71 and 86 bp) and encodes a 1220 amino acid polypeptide with high similarity to other fungal chitin synthases. Northern analysis reveals a high expression of CHS3 in the pathogenic yeast‐like phase of the fungus and at the end of the mycelium–yeast transition. Expression of P. brasiliensis CHS3 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae chs3 null mutant enhanced calcofluor white staining in parallel to an increase in total chitin synthase activity and chitin content in its cell wall. The sequence of P. brasiliensis CHS3 is available at the GenBank database under Accession No. AF107623.2. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mannosyltransferase mutants mnn9 and mnn10 were isolated in a genetic screen for septation defects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ultrastructural examination of mutant cell walls revealed markedly thin septal structures and occasional failure to construct trilaminar septa, which then led to the formation of bulky default septa at the bud neck. In the absence of a functional septation apparatus, mnn10 mutants are unable to complete cytokinesis and die as cell chains with incompletely separated cytoplasms, indicating that mannosylation defects impair the ability to form remedial septa. We could not detect N-linked glycosylation of the beta(1,3)glucan synthase Fks1p and mnn10 defects do not change the molecular weight or abundance of the protein. We discuss a model explaining the pleiotropic effects of impaired N-linked protein glycosylation on septation in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Cystathionine β-synthase (β-CTSase), which catalyses cystathionine synthesis from serine and homocysteine, was purified to homogeneity from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 235 kDa by gel filtration and 55 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, indicating that it is a homotetramer. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme perfectly coincided with that deduced from the nucleotide sequence of CYS4, except for the absence of initiation methionine. The purified β-CTSase catalysed cysteine synthesis from serine (or O-acetylserine) and H2S. From this finding, we discuss the multifunctional nature and evolutionary divergence of S-metabolizing enzymes.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization of the mak1-3 mutation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been made possible by modifying its genetic background. The mak1-3 mutation, which confers temperature sensitivity for growth, was originally identified as one of four mak1 mutations (Wickner and Leibowitz, 1976). Mak1-1, 1-2 and 1-4 mutants are deficient in DNA topoisomerase I activity and thus have been renamed 'top1' (Thrash et al., 1984). Studies presented here show that the map position of MAK1-3 on chromosome XVI distinguishes it from TOP1 which maps on chromosome XV (Wickner and Leibowitz, 1976). An investigation of in vivo macromolecular synthesis in the mak1-3 mutant shows that it is deficient in DNA replication at the restrictive temperature. Experiments in which DNA synthesis was measured in synchronized cell populations indicate that the mak1-3 mutant is deficient in the initiation step of DNA synthesis. Furthermore, crude extracts from the mak1-3 mutant cells support temperature-sensitive in vitro DNA synthesis on yeast chromosomal DNA replication origin containing plasmid pARS1, suggesting that the MAK1 gene product is directly required for in vitro DNA replication. The conclusion that mak1-3 is a newly identified DNA replication mutation is based on the observations that it (1) complements all DNA synthesis mutants examined, (2) maps to a previously undetected chromosomal location and (3) has a distinct terminal morphology. In light of these distinctions and of the role mak1-3 plays in DNA replication, it has been renamed 'dna1'.  相似文献   

Purification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cystathionine γ-lyase (γ-CTLase) was hampered by the presence of a protein migrating very close to it in various types of column chromatography. The enzyme and the contaminant were nevertheless separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis indicated that they are coded for by CYS3(CYI1) and MET17(MET25), respectively, leading to the conclusion that CYS3 is the structural gene for γ-CTLase and that the contaminant is O-acetylserine/O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (OAS/OAH SHLase). Based on these findings, we purified γ-CTLase by the following strategy: (1) extraction of OAS/OAH SHLase from a CYS3-disrupted strain; (2) preparation of antiserum against it; (3) identification of a strain devoid of the OAS/OAH SHLase protein using this antiserum; and (4) extraction of γ-CTLase from this strain. Purified γ-CTLase had cystathionine γ-synthase (γ-CTSase) activity if O-succinylhomoserine, but not O-acetylhomoserine, was used as substrate. From this notion we discuss the evolutional relationship between S. cerevisiae γ-CTLase and Escherichia coli γ-CTSase.  相似文献   

We have developed a new assay to determine relative cell wall porosity in yeasts, which is based on polycation-induced leakage of UV-absorbing compounds. Polycations with a small hydrodynamic radius as measured by gel filtration (poly-L-lysine) caused cell leakage independent of cell wall porosity whereas polycations with a large hydrodynamic radius (DEAE-dextrans) caused only limited cell leakage due to limited passage through the cell wall. This allowed the ratio between DEAE-dextran- and poly-L-lysine-induced cell leakage to be used as a measure of cell wall porosity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces lactis and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using this assay, we found that the composition of the growth medium affected cell wall porosity in S. cerevisiae. In addition, we could show that cell wall porosity is limited by the number of disulphide bridges in the wall and is dependent on cell turgor. It is argued that earlier methods to estimate cell wall porosity in S. cerevisiae resulted in large underestimations.  相似文献   

The protein pattern of yeast cells which have arrested proliferation in response to glucose exhaustion is drastically different from that of exponentially growing cells (Boucherie, 1985). In this study, we used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to characterize the protein events responsible for these alterations. We found that the induction of heat-shock proteins is one of the major events responsible for these changes. This induction accounts for the synthesis of 18 of the 35 novel polypeptides observed in glucose-limited cells. It was shown to occur in combination with two other protein events: the derepression of carbon catabolite repressed proteins, which accounts for the synthesis of the other novel polypeptides, and an arrest of the synthesis of almost all the proteins present in exponentially growing cells. The time course of each of these events was determined by carrying out a detailed analysis of the pattern of proteins synthesized at various stages of a culture exhausting its glucose supply, and by the measurement of the rate of synthesis of individual polypeptides. The results showed in particular that the synthesis of most of the heat-shock proteins synthesized in glucose-limited cells was induced closely before glucose exhaustion, and that this synthesis was transient, climaxing by the time glucose was exhausted. Under the culture condition investigated, the entry into stationary phase associated with glucose limitation began several hours before glucose exhaustion. It was thus concluded that the observed induction of heat-shock proteins is directly related to the nutritional limitation and is independent from the arrest of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

To study cell-cycle-related variations in wall permeability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two approaches were used. First, an asynchronous culture was fractionated by centrifugal elutriation into subpopulations containing cells of increasing size. The subpopulations represented different stages of the cell cycle as judged by light microscopy. Cell wall porosity increased when these subpopulations became enriched with budded cells. Secondly, synchronous cultures were obtained by releasing MATa cells from alpha-factor induced G1-arrest. These cultures grew synchronously for at least two generations. The cell wall porosity increased sharply in these cultures, shortly before buds became visible and was maximal during the initial stages of bud growth. It decreased in cells which had completed nuclear migration and before abscission of the bud had occurred. The porosity reached its lowest value during abscission and in unbudded cells. We examined the incorporation of mannoproteins into the wall during the cell cycle. SDS-extractable mannoproteins were incorporated continuously. However, the incorporation of glucanase-extractable mannoproteins, which are known to affect cell wall porosity, showed cyclic oscillations and reached its maximum after nuclear migration. This coincided with a rapid decrease in cell wall porosity, indicating that glucanase-extractable mannoproteins might contribute to this decrease.  相似文献   

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