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Logic programs offer many opportunities for the exploitation of parallelism.But the parallel execution of a task incurs various overheads.This paper focuses on the issues relevant to parallelizing Prolog on shared-memory multiprocessors efficiently.  相似文献   

The ET* algorithm is a complete evaluation strategy for Datalog programs, which are logic programs without function symbols. The ET* algorithm uses extension tables and depth-first iterative deepening to provide the evaluation of pure function-free logic programs as declarative specifications. Extension tables are a memo facility that the algorithm uses both to cut infinite derivation paths for complete evaluation and to optimise the evaluation of logic programs. The original implementation of the ET* algorithm incorporated extension tables as part of the Prolog database using the built-in predicates assert and retract. The advantage of implementing the extension table using the Prolog database is the portability of the ET* algorithm. There are several disadvantages, however, with this approach. One disadvantage is the cost associated with the built-in predicates assert and retract, which are known to be expensive operations in most current Prolog systems. Another disadvantage is the differences across implementations in the semantics that these built-ins provide for dynamic predicates. This paper presents an efficient implementation of extension tables as a global data structure in Prolog, which includes a set of built-in primitives for manipulating the extension table. The ET* algorithm is updated to reflect the utilisation of the global extension table data structure. The implementations of the ET* algorithm are compared using time and space performance on a variety of benchmark programs.  相似文献   

W. F. Clocksin 《Software》1985,15(7):669-675
All clauses comprising a Prolog program are stored in a database from which they can be removed later. Other long-term data structures are represented as clauses and are also stored and removed from the same database. Implementation techniques for the manipulation of clauses are not well known, and a lack of information has led to incorrect and incomplete implementations. Further previously unresolved issues are apparent when considering the storage of compiled clauses. We describe the way database manipulations are performed in Prolog-X, a new compiler-based Prolog system. We also introduce a new technique for storing the source form of compiled clauses.  相似文献   

By using practical examples, this paper outlines the power of reflection mechanisms for logic programming systems in the domain of knowledge structuring. In particular, it presents an extension of Prolog, where separate databases can be handled as first-class objects. Different forms of database combination such as inheritance and dynamic context extension/contraction are specified and implemented in a dynamic and flexible way through reflection. The main aim is to broaden the application area of logic programming to encompass most of the paradigms needed by systems that use artificial intelligence techniques. Practical results presented in the paper show that logic programs that use reflection can be shorter, more readable and efficient than those using more conventional full meta-interpretation techniques. Full meta-interpretation, however, is more general than reflection.  相似文献   

The discretely-scaled string indexing problem asks one to preprocess a given text string T, so that for a queried pattern P, the matched positions in T that P appears with some discrete scale can be reported efficiently. For solving this problem, Wang et al. first show that with an O(|T|log|T|)-time preprocessing on T, all matched positions can be reported in O(|P|+Ud) time, where |T|, |P|, and Ud denote the length of T, the length of P, and the number of matched positions for discretely-scaled P in T, respectively. In this paper, for fixed alphabets we propose the first-known optimal indexing algorithm that takes O(|T|) and O(|P|+Ud) time in its preprocessing and query phases, respectively. For integer and unbounded alphabets, our new algorithm can also be extended to obtain the best-known results.  相似文献   

Several software development tools support the matching of concrete syntax user-supplied patterns against the application source code, allowing the detection of invalid, risky, inefficient or forbidden constructs. When applied to compilers, this approach is called metacompilation. These patterns are traditionally parsed into tree patterns, i.e., fragments of abstract-syntax trees with metavariables, which are then matched against the abstract-syntax tree corresponding to the parsing of the source code. Parsing the patterns requires extending the grammar of the application programming language with metavariables, which can be difficult, especially in the case of legacy tools. Instead, we propose a novel matching algorithm which is independent of the programming language because the patterns are not parsed and, as such, are called unparsed patterns. It is as efficient as the classic pattern matching while being easier to implement. By giving up the possibility of static checks that parsed patterns usually enable, it can be integrated within any existing utility based on abstract-syntax trees at a low cost. We present an in-depth coverage of the practical and theoretical aspects of this new technique by describing a working minimal patch for the GNU C compiler, together with a small standalone prototype punned Matchbox, and by lying out a complete formalisation, including mathematical proofs of key algorithmic properties, like correctness and equivalence to the classic matching.  相似文献   

Exact algorithms for detecting all rotational and involutional symmetries in point sets, polygons and polyhedra are described. The time complexities of the algorithms are shown to be (n) for polygons and (n logn) for two- and three-dimensional point sets. (n logn) time is also required for general polyhedra, but for polyhedra with connected, planar surface graphs (n) time can be achieved. All algorithms are optimal in time complexity, within constants.  相似文献   

Networks-on-Chip (NoC) is an interesting option in design of communication infrastructures for embedded systems. It provides a scalable structure and balanced communication between the cores. Parallel applications that take advantage of the NoC architectures, are usually are communication-intensive. Thus, a big deal of data packets is transmitted simultaneously through the network. In order to avoid congestion delays that deteriorate the execution time of the implemented applications, an efficient routing strategy must be thought of carefully. In this paper, the ant colony optimization paradigm is explored to find and optimize routes in a mesh-based NoC. The proposed routing algorithms are simple yet efficient. The routing optimization is driven by the minimization of total latency during packets transmission between the tasks that compose the application. The presented performance evaluation is threefold: first, the impact of well-known synthetic traffic patterns is assessed; second, randomly generated applications are mapped into the NoC infrastructure and some synthetic communication traffics, that follow known patterns, are used to simulate real situations; third, sixteen real-world applications of the E3S and one specific application for digital image processing are mapped and their execution time evaluated. In both cases, the obtained results are compared to those obtained with known general purpose algorithms for deadlock free routing. The comparison avers the effectiveness and superiority of the ant colony inspired routing.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a flexible sequence alignment approach for pattern mining and matching in the recognition of human activities. During pattern mining, the proposed sequence alignment algorithm is invoked to extract out the representative patterns which denote specific activities of a person from the training patterns. It features high performance and robustness on pattern diversity. Besides, the algorithm evaluates the appearance probability of each pattern as weight and allows adapting pattern length to various human activities. Both of them are able to improve the accuracy of activity recognition. In pattern matching, the proposed algorithm adopts a dynamic programming based strategy to evaluate the correlation degree between each representative activity pattern and the observed activity sequence. It can avoid the trouble on segmenting the observed sequence. Moreover, we are able to obtain recognition results continuously. Besides, the proposed matching algorithm favors recognition of concurrent human activities with parallel matching. The experimental result confirms the high accuracy of human activity recognition by the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The paper presents a comparison of ant algorithms and simulated annealing as well as their applications in multicriteria discrete dynamic programming. The considered dynamic process consists of finite states and decision variables. In order to describe the effectiveness of multicriteria algorithms, four measures of the quality of the nondominated set approximations are used.  相似文献   

This paper describes the multiobjective topology optimization of continuum structures solved as a discrete optimization problem using a multiobjective genetic algorithm (GA) with proficient constraint handling. Crucial to the effectiveness of the methodology is the use of a morphological geometry representation that defines valid structural geometries that are inherently free from checkerboard patterns, disconnected segments, or poor connectivity. A graph- theoretic chromosome encoding, together with compatible reproduction operators, helps facilitate the transmission of topological/shape characteristics across generations in the evolutionary process. A multicriterion target-matching problem developed here is a novel test problem, where a predefined target geometry is the known optimum solution, and the good results obtained in solving this problem provide a convincing demonstration and a quantitative measure of how close to the true optimum the solutions achieved by GA methods can be. The methodology is then used to successfully design a path-generating compliant mechanism by solving a multicriterion structural topology optimization problem.  相似文献   

首先分解激光SLAM的基本框架,分别对前端扫描匹配、后端优化、闭环检测与验证、地图构建四个模块近年来的主流算法进行总结;然后对基于滤波器和基于图优化两种激光SLAM框架下的代表性方案进行深入分析和比较;最后对激光SLAM的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

The Arc-Preserving Subsequence (APS) problem appears in the comparison of RNA structures in computational biology. Given two arc-annotated sequences of length n and m<n, APS asks if the shorter sequence can be obtained from the longer one by deleting certain elements along with their incident arcs. It is known that APS with pairwise nested arcs can be solved in O(mn) time. We give an algorithm running in O(m2+n) time in the worst case, actually it is even faster in particular if the shorter sequence has many arcs. The result may serve as a building block for improved APS algorithms in the general case.  相似文献   

Polynomial-time approximation algorithms with nontrivial performance guarantees are presented for the problems of (a) partitioning the vertices of a weighted graph intok blocks so as to maximize the weight of crossing edges, and (b) partitioning the vertices of a weighted graph into two blocks of equal cardinality, again so as to maximize the weight of crossing edges. The approach, pioneered by Goemans and Williamson, is via a semidefinite programming relaxation. The first author was supported in part by NSF Grant CCR-9225008. The work described here was undertaken while the second author was visiting Carnegie Mellon University; at that time he was a Nuffield Science Research Fellow, and was supported in part by Grant GR/F 90363 of the UK Science and Engineering Research Council, and Esprit Working Group 7097 “RAND”.  相似文献   

Given a textstringx of lengthn, theMinimal Augmented Suffix Tree T (x) ofx is a digital-search index that returns, for anyquery stringw and in a number of comparisons bounded by the length ofw, the maximum number of nonoverlapping occurrences ofw inx. It is shown that, denoting the length ofx byn, T(x) can be built in timeO(n log2 n) and spaceO(n logn), off-line on a RAM.This research was supported in part, through the Leonardo Fibonacci Institute, by the Istituto Trentino di Cultura, Trento, Italy.Additional support was provided by NSF Grants CCR-8900305 and CCR-9201078, by NATO Grant CRG 900293, by the National Research Council of Italy, and by the ESPRIT III Basic Research Programme of the EC under Contract No. 9072 (Project GEPPCOM).Additional support was provided by NSF Grant CCR-91-96176 and ONR Contract N 00014-91-J-4052, ARPA Order 2225.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop several algorithms for solving three–dimensional cutting/packing problems. We begin by proposing an adaptation of the approach proposed in Hifi and Ouafi (1997) for solving two–staged unconstrained two–dimensional cutting problems. We show how the algorithm can be polynomially solved for producing a constant approximation ratio. We then extend this algorithm for developing better approximate algorithms. By using hill–climbing strategies, we construct some heuristics which produce a good trade–off between the computational time and the solution quality. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated on different problem instances of the literature, with different sizes and densities (a total of 144 problem instances).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop new efficient approaches based on DC (Difference of Convex functions) programming and DCA (DC Algorithm) to perform clustering via minimum sum-of-squares Euclidean distance. We consider the two most widely used models for the so-called Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering (MSSC in short) that are a bilevel programming problem and a mixed integer program. Firstly, the mixed integer formulation of MSSC is carefully studied and is reformulated as a continuous optimization problem via a new result on exact penalty technique in DC programming. DCA is then investigated to the resulting problem. Secondly, we introduce a Gaussian kernel version of the bilevel programming formulation of MSSC, named GKMSSC. The GKMSSC problem is formulated as a DC program for which a simple and efficient DCA scheme is developed. A regularization technique is investigated for exploiting the nice effect of DC decomposition and a simple procedure for finding good starting points of DCA is developed. The proposed DCA schemes are original and very inexpensive because they amount to computing, at each iteration, the projection of points onto a simplex and/or onto a ball, and/or onto a box, which are all determined in the explicit form. Numerical results on real word datasets show the efficiency, the scalability of DCA and its great superiority with respect to k-means and kernel k-means, standard methods for clustering.  相似文献   

Metaheuristics have been widely utilized for solving NP-hard optimization problems. However, these algorithms usually perform differently from one problem to another, i.e., one may be effective on a problem but performs badly on another problem. Therefore, it is difficult to choose the best algorithm in advance for a given problem. In contrast to selecting the best algorithm for a problem, selection hyper-heuristics aim at performing well on a set of problems (instances). This paper proposes a selection hyper-heuristic based algorithm for multi-objective optimization problems. In the proposed algorithm, multiple metaheuristics exhibiting different search behaviors are managed and controlled as low-level metaheuristics in an algorithm pool, and the most appropriate metaheuristic is selected by means of a performance indicator at each search stage. To assess the performance of the proposed algorithm, an implementation of the algorithm containing four metaheuristics is proposed and tested for solving multi-objective unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem. Experimental results on 50 benchmark instances show that the proposed algorithm can provide better overall performance than single metaheuristics, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Hybrid methods are promising tools in integer programming, as they combine the best features of different methods in a complementary fashion. This paper presents such a framework, integrating the notions of genetic algorithm, linear programming, and ordinal optimization in an effort to shorten computation times for large and/or difficult integer programming problems. Capitalizing on the central idea of ordinal optimization and on the learning capability of genetic algorithms to quickly generate good feasible solutions, and then using linear programming to solve the problem that results from fixing the integer part of the solution, one may be able to obtain solutions that are close to optimal. Indeed ordinal optimization guarantees the quality of the solutions found. Numerical testing on a real-life complex scheduling problem demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach.  相似文献   

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