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The possibility of the morphometric analysis of etched tracks, induced by protons and alpha particles in the organic polymer allyl diglycol carbonate (CR-39), using the confocal scanning laser microscope (CSLM), was studied. The detectors were investigated in two groups of irradiation experiments, namely: (a) irradiated with mono-energetic neutrons of energy 1–2 MeV, (b) exposed to the alpha radiation from 222Rn and its progeny. Both groups were irradiated at normal incidence. Radiation-induced latent tracks were electrochemically etched, and their morphometric parameters were investigated in the reflection mode by using the 488-nm spectral line of an argon ion laser. A constant number of up to 200 optical sections in Z-scan mode was taken through each selected etched track at vertical spacings of 0·642 μm. Successive reconstructions of Z-sections were used to determine the following parameters: the mean radius of the opening channel, the maximum diameter and the length of the track, and the angle of the track wall to the surface of the sample. The results show that tracks produced by alpha particles differ from those induced by protons. The radius of the opening channel of alpha-particle-induced tracks ranges from 7·9 to 11 μm, whereas for protons the same parameter ranges between 2·0 and 3·8 μm for a specific electrochemical etch procedure.  相似文献   

We report the investigation of the interfaces between microneedle arrays and cell cultures in patch-on-chip systems by using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) preparation and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). First, FIB preparations of micro chips are made to determine the size and shape of the designed microneedles. In this essay, we investigate the cell-substrate interaction, especially the cell adhesion, and the microneedle's potential cell penetration. For this purpose, cross-sectional preparation of these hard/soft hybrid structures is performed by the FIB technology. By applying the FIB technology followed by high-resolution imaging with SEM, new insights into the cell-substrate interface can be received. One can clearly distinguish between cells that are only in contact with microneedles and cells that are penetrated by microneedles. A stack of slice images is collected by the application of the slice-and-view setup during FIB preparation and is used for three-dimensional reconstruction of cells and micro-needles.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 10 species and foliar epidermal anatomy of eight species of Papilionaceae from Skardu valley, northern Pakistan has been estimated for the first time. The present study was commenced with an aim to provide a detailed account of the pollen morphology by scanning electron microscopy and foliar epidermal anatomy by light microscopy. The pollen aperture was tricolporate with reticulate exine in the selected species. Stomata types are actinocytic, paracytic, and anomocytic. Irregular or polygonal with undulate or straight walls, epidermal cells were reported. A unique diversity was observed in the foliar trichomes that show the taxonomic significance of the discrimination of taxa. Non‐glandular trichomes were observed in the selected species which are unicellular with thin, long and pointed apical cells. Pollen and foliar micro morphological characters proved to be helpful for the identification of taxa at a specific level.  相似文献   

Electron and ion imaging of gland cells using the FIB/SEM system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The FIB/SEM system was satisfactorily used for scanning ion (SIM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of gland epithelial cells of a terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea). The interior of cells was exposed by site-specific in situ focused ion beam (FIB) milling. Scanning ion (SI) imaging was an adequate substitution for scanning electron (SE) imaging when charging rendered SE imaging impossible. No significant differences in resolution between the SI and SE images were observed. The contrast on both the SI and SE images is a topographic. The consequences of SI imaging are, among others, introduction of Ga+ ions on/into the samples and destruction of the imaged surface. These two characteristics of SI imaging can be used advantageously. Introduction of Ga+ ions onto the specimen neutralizes the charge effect in the subsequent SE imaging. In addition, the destructive nature of SI imaging can be used as a tool for the gradual removal of the exposed layer of the imaged surface, uncovering the structures lying beneath. Alternative SEM and SIM in combination with site-specific in situ FIB sample sectioning made it possible to image the submicrometre structures of gland epithelium cells with reproducibility, repeatability and in the same range of magnifications as in transmission electron microscopy (TEM). At the present state of technology, ultrastructural elements imaged by the FIB/SEM system cannot be directly identified by comparison with TEM images.  相似文献   

离子色谱作为近20年来发展最快的分析技术之一,其应用已经渗透到众多领域。该文简要综述离子色谱在能源生产及研究中的应用,主要包括石油化工、核能和电力、可再生能源研究方面的应用。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 11 salt tolerant plant species of family Amaranthaceae from the salt range of Northern Punjab, Pakistan has been studied. The palyno‐morphological characters were examined using light and scanning electron microscope. The examined all salt tolerant species have a slight difference in size but have similarity in shape, pore ornamentation, and polarity. The observed morphological characters of pollen grains were pollen symmetry, size, shape, pore ornamentation, pore size, number of pores, exine thickness, polar and equatorial diameter and, P/E ratio. Apolar type of pollens has been observed in all species. Shape of pollens was spheroidal. Exine sculpturing of pollen grains was scabrate (six spp), microechinate (four spp), and microechinate‐scabrate (one spp). Different pori numbers were observed in different species. The pantoporate aperturate and sunken pore ornamentation have been reported in all species. A pollen taxonomic key was developed using examined morphological characters for the accurate identification of halophytic taxa. The high fertility and low sterility of pollens confirmed that the selected halophytes are well‐established in the salt region. The findings highlight the taxonomic significance of pollen morphology in correct identification and differentiation of salt tolerant plant species.  相似文献   

对某重型装备的履带板建立三维实体模型,利用ANSYS软件对履带板中的应力分布进行研究,计算得到等效应力云图,指出最大应力发生的部位,并从选材角度提出建议。文中所述是对有限元方法在复杂构件力学分析案例应用方面的探索和实践,同时也为履带板的失效分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

Magni S  Milani M  Riccardi C  Tatti F 《Scanning》2007,29(4):185-195
The aim of this paper is to show how a focused ion beam combined with a scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM machine) can be adopted to characterize composite fibers with different electrical behavior and to gain information about their production and modification. This comparative morphology investigation is carried out on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) carbon fibers and their chemical precursor (the oxidized PAN or oxypan) which has different electrical properties. Fibers are imaged by electron and ion beams and sectioned by the focused ion beam (FIB). A sample of oxypan fibers processed by a radio frequency (RF) plasma is also investigated and the role of the conductive carbon layer around their unmodified, insulating bulk is discussed. A suitable developed edge detection technique (EDT) on electron, ion images, and after the FIB sectioning, provides quantitative information about the thickness of the created layer.  相似文献   

Energetic beams of electrons and ions are widely used to probe the microscopic properties of materials. Irradiation with charged beams in scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and focused ion beam (FIB) systems may result in the trapping of charge at irradiation induced or pre-existing defects within the implanted microvolume of the dielectric material. The significant perturbing influence on dielectric materials of both electron and (Ga(+)) ion beam irradiation is assessed using scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques. Kelvin Probe Microscopy (KPM) is an advanced SPM technique in which long-range Coulomb forces between a conductive atomic force probe and the silicon dioxide specimen enable the potential at the specimen surface to be characterized with high spatial resolution. KPM reveals characteristic significant localized potentials in both electron and ion implanted dielectrics. The potentials are observed despite charge mitigation strategies including prior coating of the dielectric specimen with a layer of thin grounded conductive material. Both electron- and ion-induced charging effects are influenced by a delicate balance of a number of different dynamic processes including charge-trapping and secondary electron emission. In the case of ion beam induced charging, the additional influence of ion implantation and nonstoichiometric sputtering from compounds is also important. The presence of a localized potential will result in the electromigration of mobile charged defect species within the irradiated volume of the dielectric specimen. This electromigration may result in local modification of the chemical composition of the irradiated dielectric. The implications of charging induced effects must be considered during the microanalysis and processing of dielectric materials using electron and ion beam techniques.  相似文献   

Miller MK  Zhang Y 《Ultramicroscopy》2011,111(6):672-675
The next generations of advanced energy systems will require materials that can withstand high doses of irradiation at elevated temperatures. Therefore, a methodology has been developed for the fabrication of high-dose ion-irradiated atom probe tomography specimens at a specific dose with the use of a focused ion beam milling system. The method also enables the precise ion dose of the atom probe tomography specimen to be estimated from the local concentration of the implanted ions. The method has been successfully applied to the characterization of the distribution of nanoclusters in a radiation-tolerant 14YWT nanostructured ferritic steel under ion irradiation to doses up to 400 displacements per atom.  相似文献   

The structure and composition of thin, conductive metallic films of chromium and iridium that are typical of the coatings used for electron microscopy is described. The purpose of this study was to determine the grain size and composition of the films deposited, with thicknesses of 1 nm, 2.5 nm, and 5 nm, onto amorphous carbon films using ion beam sputtering with argon as the sputtering gas. A comparison between chromium films deposited under conditions of liquid nitrogen (LN) trapping or of no trapping revealed slight differences in their microstructure. As expected, the grain size of the films increased with the thickness, and the average grain sizes varied between 10 and 25 nm. Grain size was also found to depend on the source of ion beam energy; the correlation between grain size and beam energy was more pronounced in the iridium films than in the chromium films. This effect was greater when the deposition chamber was not LN trapped. As the ion beam energy increased from 18 W to 24 W, there was a corresponding increase in grain size in some of the films. Although transmission electron diffraction analysis indicated the presence of about 5% chromium oxide in the chromium films, no oxide was detected in the iridium films.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate the effects of electron–ion recombination on imaging signals utilized in low vacuum scanning electron microscopes (SEMs). The presented results show that, under normal operating conditions, recombination of ionized gas molecules with secondary electrons (SEs) suppresses a significant fraction of emitted electrons. If the ion flux (and hence the spatial dependence of the SE–ion recombination rate) is laterally inhomogeneous across the imaged region of a specimen, contrast in SE images can be influenced and in some cases (under conditions of high detector field strength and long ionic mean free path) dominated by variations in the recombination rate. Consequently, SE images of features such as topographic asperities can exhibit edge‐darkening, leading to inversion of some topographic contrast. Recognition of the extent and nature of electron–ion recombination is required for a correct understanding of processes occurring in variable pressure SEMs and, subsequently, for models of image formation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to conduct atom probe tomography (APT) analyses on ferritin specimens prepared with focused ion beam (FIB) to assess whether this approach can be used to effectively characterize biomaterials. Soft matter is particularly sensitive to ion beam exposure which can induce physical and chemical changes. We employ protective metal films and low-energy ion fluence to mitigate potential problems that may be introduced by FIB. This study had two major objectives: (1) to qualitatively assess the viability of the specimens when subjected to the unique physical conditions of APT analysis, namely ultrahigh vacuum, high electric field, and thermal pulsing using a laser and (2) to quantitatively assess the data from such specimens under various experimental parameters and compare the results with appropriate control specimens. For the first objective, a range of experimental parameters were determined that met the basic criteria necessary to validate that ferritin-based specimens prepared with FIB can retain structural integrity during APT analysis. Initial field evaporation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) data show that the specimens fabricated with FIB are capable of emitting ions under various laser pulsing conditions with a high electric field applied. For the second objective, the experimental parameter space was narrowed to a range that yielded data quality sufficient to produce meaningful comparison between the ferritin-based specimens and the salt-only controls.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have become an important nano entity for biomedical applications. Conventional methods of their imaging, often cannot be applied in biological samples due to an inadequate spatial resolution or poor contrast between the CNTs and the biological sample. Here we report a unique and effective detection method, which uses differences in conductivities of carbon nanotubes and HeLa cells. The technique involves the use of a helium ion microscope to image the sample with the surface charging artefacts created by the He+ and neutralised by electron flood gun. This enables us to obtain a few nanometre resolution images of CNTs in HeLa Cells with high contrast, which was achieved by tailoring the He+ fluence. Charging artefacts can be efficiently removed for conductive CNTs by a low amount of electrons, the fluence of which is not adequate to discharge the cell surface, resulting in high image contrast. Thus, this technique enables rapid detection of any conducting nano structures on insulating cellular background even in large fields of view and fine spatial resolution. The technique demonstrated has wider applications for researchers seeking enhanced contrast and high‐resolution imaging of any conducting entity in a biological matrix – a commonly encountered issue of importance in drug delivery, tissue engineering and toxicological studies.  相似文献   

利用离子印迹技术制备了镉(II)离子印迹聚合物,并对其吸附性能进行了详细研究。以镉(II)离子为模板,以3-氨基丙基-三乙氧基硅烷为功能单体,在纳米TiO2/SiO2表面聚合形成镉(II)印迹聚合物。实验结果表明,与非印迹的聚合物相比较,该印迹聚合物对镉(II)离子具有较好的识别性和选择性。镉(II)印迹聚合物与非印迹聚合物的吸附量分别是42.56mg·g^-1和13.95mg·g^-1。该法的检出限为0.11ng·mL-1,相对标准偏差为1.79%。将该印迹聚合物用于环境和生物样品中的镉(II)的分离富集和测定,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

Three dry etching techniques (Ar+ ion beam, O2+ ion beam, O2 radiofrequency electrodeless discharge) were compared with respect to preferential etching and damage to the ultrastructure of glutaraldehyde-fixed Epon-embedded frog skeletal muscle sections. SEM and TEM studies were performed on both unstained and stained (osmium tetroxide, uranyl acetate) sections. Etching effects were observed to differ for the various ion beam or plasma etching techniques. Whereas selective retention of electron dense structures (e.g. Z lines, nuclear heterochromatin) was observed for oxygen plasma etching, preferential etching of these components was observed using O2+ ion beam bombardment. Selectively etched Z lines and etch-resistant nucleoli were observed for both reactive (O2+) and inert (Ar+) ion beam sputtering after sufficiently high ion doses. The above suggest that selective etching under keV ion beam irradiation is related more to physical sputtering processes (momentum transfer) than to the chemical reactivity of the incident ion. Heavy metal post-fixation and staining had no qualitative effect on the nature of the selective etching phenomena. The above findings are significant in that they potentially influence both electron and ion microprobe measurements of etched biological specimens.  相似文献   

The contribution describes the implementation of a broad ion beam (BIB) polisher into a scanning electron microscope (SEM) functioning at cryogenic temperature (cryo). The whole system (BIB‐cryo‐SEM) provides a first generation of a novel multibeam electron microscope that combines broad ion beam with cryogenic facilities in a conventional SEM to produce large, high‐quality cross‐sections (up to 2 mm2) at cryogenic temperature to be imaged at the state‐of‐the‐art SEM resolution. Cryogenic method allows detecting fluids in their natural environment and preserves samples against desiccation and dehydration, which may damage natural microstructures. The investigation of microstructures in the third dimension is enabled by serial cross‐sectioning, providing broad ion beam tomography with slices down to 350 nm thick. The functionalities of the BIB‐cryo‐SEM are demonstrated by the investigation of rock salts (synthetic coarse‐grained sodium chloride synthesized from halite‐brine mush cold pressed at 150 MPa and 4.5 GPa, and natural rock salt mylonite from a salt glacier at Qom Kuh, central Iran). In addition, results from BIB‐cryo‐SEM on a gas shale and Boom Clay are also presented to show that the instrument is suitable for a large range of sedimentary rocks. For the first time, pore and grain fabrics of preserved host and reservoir rocks can be investigated at nm‐scale range over a representative elementary area. In comparison with the complementary and overlapping performances of the BIB‐SEM method with focused ion beam‐SEM and X‐ray tomography methods, the BIB cross‐sectioning enables detailed insights about morphologies of pores at greater resolution than X‐ray tomography and allows the production of large representative surfaces suitable for FIB‐SEM investigations of a specific representative site within the BIB cross‐section.  相似文献   

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