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基于路径覆盖插桩的可执行代码测试工具实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王轶  蒋同海  董军  周喜 《计算机工程》2012,38(5):35-37,40
为解决传统程序插桩技术存在代码膨胀和运行时间较长的问题,提出对可执行代码进行控制流路径覆盖消除冗余的插桩策略。依据该策略设计一种针对Java可执行代码的单元测试工具,完成程序执行路径跟踪和覆盖率分析。对测试工具进行功能验证和性能分析,结果表明,该策略能够有效减少插桩点数量,降低插桩对被测程序时间特性的影响。  相似文献   

PE文件格式是Windows操作系统引入的可执行文件格式。论文介绍windows平台下PE文件的基本结构。重点阐述了在不重编译源码的前提下实现代码插入技术所涉及的基本任务:把代码插入到PE文件中可用的空闲空间或者在文件尾部添加一个新的节来插入代码;如何用一般方法钩住程序的控制和和重定位插入代码;插入代码如何获取对其有用的windowsAPI函数的地址。向PE文件插入外部代码技术的研究是很有价值的,它对反PE型病毒和软件加壳技术的研究都很有用。  相似文献   

系统平台、编译器以及编译选项的差异,都可能会导致程序的源代码和编译得到的可执行代码之间存在语义差异,仅对源代码进行分析可能会遗漏隐藏在可执行代码里的漏洞。即使在源代码分析中验证了所需要的安全性质,也无法保证不违反可执行代码中的安全性质。本文基于一个二进制动态插装框架,设计并实现了一种对程序执行路径进行追踪的原型系统。实验证明,本系统在准确追踪执行路径的同时,能够过滤掉90%~99%的次要指令,极大提高了分析效率。最后,本文对其他的技术方案、现有原型系统的不足以及未来的工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Elastos嵌入式操作系统是基于CAR构件技术、支持构件化应用的操作系统,是国家863计划支持的TD-SCDMA的操作系统标准。Elastos平台上的可执行文件是Elastos嵌入式操作系统中最重要的文件类型,因为可执行文件是完成操作的真正执行者。可执行文件的大小、运行速度、资源占用情况及可扩展性等与文件加载过程和文件的入口规范紧密相关。研究可执行文件的加载过程、执行流程和入口规范对编写高性能程序和一些黑客技术的运用都是非常有意义的。  相似文献   

本文介绍了安装可执行程序修改注册表建立文件关联链表的过程,提出了一种基于文件类型获取关联应用程序启动路径的方法,并给出了用VB6.0语言实现的程序代码。  相似文献   

代码插桩是程序性能监控的重要环节。动态插桩通过对可执行程序代码的运行时修改支持动态性能监控,有助于降低性能分析工具的构建代价,提高工具易用性。本文首先阐述了Dyninst动态插桩系统的概念抽象与执行机理,然后结合大规模并行程序动态插桩的需要,对DPCL并行程序动态插桩基础设施以及基于MRNet的可扩展通信结构进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

并行HDL模拟是加速大型复杂的VLSI系统模拟验证的有效方法,支持并行模拟的HDL编译技术是其中的关键技术,文章提出了一种支持并行模拟的Verilog编译技术,编译器将Verilog描述转换成C++代码,最后与并行模拟核心库编译链接生成可执行并行程序。文章将编译器构成,代码生成方法和并行模拟核心库,该技术已经在并行Verilog模拟器ParaVer上实现。  相似文献   

随着安全关键系统对计算性能要求的日趋提高,能够提供更强计算能力而又减少电子设备的体积、重量和功耗的多核处理器将在安全关键领域得到广泛应用.同步语言能够表达确定性并发行为且具有精确时间语义等特性,适用于安全关键软件的建模和验证.目前,同步语言SIGNAL编译器主要支持串行代码生成,较少关注多线程代码生成.提出一种同步语言SIGNAL多线程代码生成工具.首先将SIGNAL程序转换为经过时钟演算的S-CGA中间程序;之后将S-CGA中间程序转换为时钟数据依赖图以分析依赖关系;然后对时钟数据依赖图进行拓扑排序划分,并针对划分结果提出优化算法和基于流水线方式的任务划分方法;最后将划分结果转换为虚拟多线程结构并进一步生成可执行多线程C/Java代码.通过在多核处理器上的实验,验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

许多能显示中的智能仪表都带有小汉字库。为了使这些汉字库具有兼容性,我们给它加上汉字索引,再将二进制的点阵数据转换成可读的C语言的源程序,编译连接到可执行件中,显示汉字不用读盘、并采用划线的方法显示汉字点阵,提高显示速度。  相似文献   

M. K. Crowe 《Software》1987,17(7):455-467
A system for dynamic compilation under the Unix operating system is described. The basis of the system is an incremental assembler that can be used statically or during program execution to insert or replace a module in an executable image. All cross-module references are via offets into a run-time symbol table. All generated code is independent of its location or the location of the symbol table. The symbol table and all modules reside in memory segments compatible with the memory allocator malloc() . The symbol table origin is maintained in a processor register. Library procedures allow the assembler (or C compiler) to be called to alter the currently executing program, or to place a stub function which acts as a trap, so that when the stub is invoked it caues a file to be dynamically compiled into the executing program to replace the stub with a bona fide procedure. This facilitates the construction of advanced interactive environments using native code. Some example applications, to Prolog and to incremental compilation, are considered.  相似文献   

Several large real‐world applications have been developed for distributed and parallel architectures. We examine two different program development approaches. First, the usage of a high‐level programming paradigm which reduces the time to create a parallel program dramatically but sometimes at the cost of a reduced performance; a source‐to‐source compiler, has been employed to automatically compile programs—written in a high‐level programming paradigm—into message passing codes. Second, a manual program development by using a low‐level programming paradigm—such as message passing—enables the programmer to fully exploit a given architecture at the cost of a time‐consuming and error‐prone effort. Performance tools play a central role in supporting the performance‐oriented development of applications for distributed and parallel architectures. SCALA—a portable instrumentation, measurement, and post‐execution performance analysis system for distributed and parallel programs—has been used to analyze and to guide the application development, by selectively instrumenting and measuring the code versions, by comparing performance information of several program executions, by computing a variety of important performance metrics, by detecting performance bottlenecks, and by relating performance information back to the input program. We show several experiments of SCALA when applied to real‐world applications. These experiments are conducted for a NEC Cenju‐4 distributed‐memory machine and a cluster of heterogeneous workstations and networks. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The critical region construct can be usefully extended by adding region entry conditions and replacing the mutual exclusion restriction by a more general restriction. This paper discusses an extended construct of this nature, and presents an implementation approach based on Dijkstra's secretary process concept, with the code for the secretary process generated automatically during program compilation. This type of implementation can produce efficient solutions to many complex synchronization problems. It is also applicable in a wide range of hardware/software environments, including many existing systems. The use of the construct is demonstrated by a number of programming examples.  相似文献   

TIM COOPER  MICHAEL WISE 《Software》1997,27(5):497-517
Traditional programming environments represent program source code as a set of source files. These files have various ‘dependencies’ on each other, such that a file needs recompilation if it depends on a file which has changed. A ‘build tool’ is used to process these dependencies and bring the application ‘up-to-date’. An example of a build tool is the UNIX ‘make’. This paper examines what happens when the dependencies used by the build tool are expressed between functions (or objects) rather than between files. Qualitative differences arise from the difference in granularity. The result is an effective incremental compilation programming environment, based on the C++ language. It is called ‘Barbados’, and is fully implemented. The environment resembles an interpreter in that changes to source code appear to be immediately reflected in all object code, except that errors are reported early as in compiled systems. Incremental compilation is not a well-used technology, possibly because the ‘fine-grain build’ problem is not well understood. Nevertheless, incremental compilation systems do exist. The advantages of the system described here are that it works with relatively standard compilation technology, it works for the C++ language including the preprocessor, it is an elegant solution and it is more efficient than competing algorithms. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Saumya K. Debray 《Software》1993,23(12):1337-1360
Janus is a language designed for distributed constraint programming. This paper describes QD-Janus, a sequential implementation of Janus in Prolog. The compiler uses a number of novel analyses and optimizations to improve the performance of the system. The choice of Prolog as the target language for a compiler, although unusual, is motivated by the following: (i) the semantic gap between Janus and Prolog is much smaller than that between Janus and, say, C or machine language—this simplifies the compilation process significantly, and makes it possible to develop a system with reasonable performance fairly quickly; (ii) recent progress in Prolog implementation techniques, and the development of Prolog systems whose speeds are comparable to those of imperative languages, indicates that the translation to Prolog need not entail a significant performance loss compared to native code compilers; and (iii) compilation to Prolog can benefit immediately from a significant body of work on, and implementations of, parallel Prolog systems. Our experience indicates that translation of logic programming languages to Prolog, accompanied by the development of good program analysis and optimization tools, is an effective way to quickly develop flexible and portable implementations with good performance and low cost.  相似文献   

Translation validation was invented in the 90’s by Pnueli et al. as a technique to formally verify the correctness of code generators. Rather than certifying the code generator or exhaustively qualifying it, translation validators attempt to verify that program transformations preserve semantics. In this work, we adopt this approach to formally verify that the clock semantics and data dependence are preserved during the compilation of the Signal compiler. Translation validation is implemented for every compilation phase from the initial phase until the latest phase where the executable code is generated, by proving the transformation in each phase of the compiler preserves the semantics. We represent the clock semantics, the data dependence of a program and its transformed counterpart as first-order formulas which are called clock models and synchronous dependence graphs (SDGs), respectively. We then introduce clock refinement and dependence refinement relations which express the preservations of clock semantics and dependence, as a relation on clock models and SDGs, respectively. Our validator does not require any instrumentation or modification of the compiler, nor any rewriting of the source program.  相似文献   

We describe a system that simplifies the process of debugging programs produced by computer-aided parallelization tools. The system uses relative debugging techniques to compare serial and parallel executions in order to show where the computations begin to differ. If the original serial code is correct, errors due to parallelization will be isolated by the comparison.One of the primary goals of the system is to minimize the effort required of the user. To that end, the debugging system uses information produced by the parallelization tool to drive the comparison process. In particular, the debugging system relies on the parallelization tool to provide information about where variables may have been modified and how arrays are distributed across multiple processes. User effort is also reduced through the use of dynamic instrumentation. This allows us to modify the program execution without changing the way the user builds the executable. The use of dynamic instrumentation also permits us to compare the executions in a fine-grained fashion and only involve the debugger when a difference has been detected. This reduces the overhead of executing instrumentation.  相似文献   

Program monitoring and measuring is the activity of collecting information about the execution characteristics of a program. Although this activity is occasionally supported by special-purpose hardware, it is normally done by adding instrumentation code to the program so that it collects interesting data as it runs. Unfortunately, this alteration is itself a difficult task involving all the complexities of programming. Given some questions to be answered, the programmer must determine what data must be collected, determine where in the program those data can be collected, and add code to the program to collect that data and to process it to produce the desired results. The goal of the work described is to automate the process. A high-level program monitoring and measuring system is presented. The system provides a high-level specification language to let programmers specify what they want to know about their program's execution. It automatically generates an augmented program whose execution produces both the results of the original program and answers to the specified questions  相似文献   

1 引言安腾(Itanium)处理器是HP/Intel公司推出的第一代基于IA-64体系结构的处理器。IA-64体系结构是一种64位的支持显式指令级并行计算(Explicit Parallel Instruction Computing,EPIC)的体系结构,它实现了一系列新特性,支持开发更大的指令级并行性(Instruction Level Parallelism,ILP),突破了传统体系结构的性能限制。这些新特性包括:猜  相似文献   

《Computers & Geosciences》2003,29(9):1091-1100
This paper introduces a hybrid method to update legacy programs, thus combining the visual interactivity of window programs with the qualities of legacy code. Because migration from C, Fortran or Pascal to another programming language is very time-consuming and error-prone, it can be more beneficial to integrate legacy executable files into a visual interactive window shell. Such a shell program is described in this work. Its main part is a multi-file manager with an executable file as the main building block and MyFile as the base class of the resulting UML model. The window shell chosen here runs under the Microsoft Windows 9x/NT/2k/XP operating systems, and the program language to implement the designed shell is Visual Basic. The final shell program was tested with different types of executable files for earth satellite orbit determination, tidal acceleration computation and deformation analysis.  相似文献   

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