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In this study, an adaptive output recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller (AORCMAC) is investigated for a nonlinear system. The proposed AORCMAC has superior capability to the conventional cerebellar model articulation controller in efficient learning mechanism and dynamic response. The dynamic gradient descent method is adopted to online adjust the AORCMAC parameters. Moreover, the analytical method based on a Lyapunov function is proposed to determine the learning-rates of AORCMAC so that the stability of the system can be guaranteed. Furthermore, the variable optimal learning-rates are derived to achieve the best convergence of tracking error. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control system is verified by the several simulation and experimental results. Those results show that the favorable performance can be obtained by using the proposed AORCMAC.  相似文献   

In this study, a model-free self-tuning output recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller (SORCMAC) is investigated to control a wheeled inverted pendulum (WIP). Since the proposed SORCMAC captures the system dynamics, it has superior capability compared to the conventional cerebellar model articulation controller in terms of an efficient learning mechanism and dynamic response. The dynamic gradient descent method is also adopted to adjust the SORCMAC parameters online. Moreover, an analytical method based on a Lyapunov function is proposed to determine the learning rates of the SORCMAC so that the convergence of the system can be guaranteed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control system is verified by simulations of the WIP control. Simulation results show that the WIP can move forward and backward stably with uncertainty disturbance by using the proposed SORCMAC.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel online learning visual servo controller integrating the FCMAC with proportion controller for the control of position of manipulator end-effector. Since the FCMAC has good learning capability and fast learning speed, and can save much computer memory space by fuzzy processing of input space division and memory unit activation, it is used to develop an adaptive control law by learning the relationship between the image feature errors and manipulator input, and the aim of online learning of the FCMAC is to minimize the output of proportion controller. Furthermore, the FCMAC has no need for models of robot manipulator and image feature extraction, so that the capability of proposed controller for tasks under uncertain environment can be improved. Finally, the proposed controller is proved to be effective by the experiment, and compared with BP neural network.  相似文献   

An adaptive cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC) is proposed for command to line-of-sight (CLOS) missile guidance law design. In this design, the three-dimensional (3-D) CLOS guidance problem is formulated as a tracking problem of a time-varying nonlinear system. The adaptive CMAC control system is comprised of a CMAC and a compensation controller. The CMAC control is used to imitate a feedback linearization control law and the compensation controller is utilized to compensate the difference between the feedback linearization control law and the CMAC control. The online adaptive law is derived based on the Lyapunov stability theorem to learn the weights of receptive-field basis functions in CMAC control. In addition, in order to relax the requirement of approximation error bound, an estimation law is derived to estimate the error bound. Then the adaptive CMAC control system is designed to achieve satisfactory tracking performance. Simulation results for different engagement scenarios illustrate the validity of the proposed adaptive CMAC-based guidance law.  相似文献   

Ya-Fu  Chih-Min   《Neurocomputing》2007,70(16-18):2626
In this study, an adaptive recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller (ARCMAC) is investigated for the motion control of linear ultrasonic motor (LUSM). The proposed ARCMAC has superior capability to the conventional cerebellar model articulation controller in efficient learning mechanism and dynamic response. The dynamic gradient descent method is adopted to online adjust the ARCMAC parameters. Moreover, the analytical method based on a Lyapunov function is proposed to determine the learning-rates of ARCMAC so that the stability of the system can be guaranteed. Furthermore, the variable optimal learning-rates are derived to achieve the fastest convergence of tracking error. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control system is verified by the experiments of LUSM motion control. Experimental results show that high-precision tracking response can be achieved by using the proposed ARCMAC.  相似文献   

Robust sliding-mode control applied to a 5-link biped robot   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper the application of robust control to a 5-link biped robotic model is investigated through the sliding mode approach, and compared to pure computed torque control. The biped consists of five links, namely the torso and two links in each leg. These links are connected via four (two hip and two knee) rotating joints which are considered to be friction-free and driven by independent d.c. motors. The locomotion of the biped is assumed to be constrained on the sagittal plane. The paper provides a full derivation of the biped dynamic model (single-leg support phase, biped-in-the-air phase) and an outline of the computed torque and sliding mode control algorithms. The simulation results were derived with two sets of parameters (one of which corresponds to a human-sized biped) and several degrees of parametric uncertainty (from 10% to 200%). In all cases the results obtained through the sliding mode control were much better than those obtained with the computed torque control. This superiority was shown to become stronger as the degree of uncertainty and the size of the biped increases.  相似文献   

In this paper, the online learning capability and the robust property for the learning algorithms of cerebellar model articulation controllers (CMAC) are discussed. Both the traditional CMAC and fuzzy CMAC are considered. In the study, we find a way of embeding the idea of M-estimators into the CMAC learning algorithms to provide the robust property against outliers existing in training data. An annealing schedule is also adopted for the learning constant to fulfill robust learning. In the study, we also extend our previous work of adopting the credit assignment idea into CMAC learning to provide fast learning for fuzzy CMAC. From demonstrated examples, it is clearly evident that the proposed algorithm indeed has faster and more robust learning. In our study, we then employ the proposed CMAC for an online learning control scheme used in the literature. In the implementation, we also propose to use a tuning parameter instead of a fixed constant to achieve both online learning and fine-tuning effects. The simulation results indeed show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

The application of the hybrid self-organizing fuzzy (SOF) PID controller to a multiinput multioutput nonlinear biped robot is studied in this article. The SOF-PID controller was initially studied by H.B. Kazemian in 1998. Actually, his SOF-PID controller has limits. The supervisory capacity of the SOF-PID controller can adjust only certain kinds of parameters. Here the hybrid SOF-PID controller is introduced to tune some kinds of parameters, and it was tested on a MIMO biped robot. In the experiment, the hybrid SOF-PID controller shows a better performance than the SOF-PID. This work was presented in part at the 10th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, February 4–6, 2005  相似文献   

设计了小脑神经网络控制器.采用分散控制策略利用小脑神经网络来消除并联机器人控制系统非线性、耦合的影响及学习系统的不确定信息,作为前馈补偿使系统跟踪误差快速收敛;并采用PID作为反馈控制,保证系统的稳定性,从而实现6-PRRS并联机器人的快速、稳定轨迹跟踪.  相似文献   

时变采样周期网络控制系统的鲁棒容错控制器设计   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究具有时变采样周期网络控制系统的执行器失效的完整性问题.假设系统任意两个连续采样间隔具有上界,利用输入时延法,将时变采样周期网络控制系统等价转化为连续时变时延网络控制系统.在此基础上,基于时延条件,应用Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式(LMIs)方法证明了鲁棒容错控制律的存在条件,设计了鲁棒容错控制器,并给出了系统完整性条件下的最大允许时延的估计方法.仿真结果验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

Balance control of a biped robot using camera image of reference object   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a new balance control scheme for a biped robot. Instead of using dynamic sensors to measure the pose of a biped robot, this paper uses only the visual information of a specific reference object in the workspace. The zero moment point (ZMP) of the biped robot can be calculated from the robot’s pose, which is measured from the reference object image acquired by a CCD camera on the robot’s head. For balance control of the biped robot a servo controller uses an error between the reference ZMP and the current ZMP, estimated by Kalman filter. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm has been proven by the experiments performed on both flat and uneven floors with unknown thin obstacles. Recommended by Editorial Board member Dong Hwan Kim under the direction of Editor Jae-Bok Song. This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD). This research was supported by the MKE(The Ministry of Knowledge Economy), Korea, under the ITRC (Information Technology Research Center) support program supervised by the IITA(Institute for Information Technology Advancement) (IITA-2008-C1090-0803-0006). Sangbum Park received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Electronic Engineering of Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, in 2004 and 2006 respectively. He has been with School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University since 2006, where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. His current research interests include biped walking robot, robotics vision. Youngjoon Han received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Engineering from Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, in 1996, 1998, and 2003, respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Electornic Engineering at Soongsil University. His research interests include robot vision system, and visual servo control. Hernsoo Hahn received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronic Engineering at Soongsil University and Younsei University, Korea in 1982 and 1983 respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from University of Southern California in 1991, and became an Assistant Professor at the School Electroncis Engneering in Soongsil University in 1992. Currently, he is a Professor. His research interests include application of vision sensors to mobile robots and measurement systems.  相似文献   

This study aims to propose a more efficient control algorithm for the chaotic system synchronization. In this study, a novel wavelet cerebellar model articulation controller (WCMAC) is proposed, which incorporates the wavelet decomposition property with a cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC). This WCMAC is a generalization network; in some special cases, it can be reduced to a wavelet neural network, a neural network and a conventional CMAC. Then, an adaptive wavelet cerebellar model articulation control system (AWCCS) is proposed to synchronize a unified chaotic system. In this AWCCS, WCMAC is the main controller utilized to mimic a perfect controller and the parameters of WCMAC are online adjusted by the derived adaptive laws; and a compensation controller is designed to dispel the residual of the approximation error for achieving $ H^{\infty } $ robust performance. The derived AWCCS is then applied to the chaotic system synchronization control. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control system is demonstrated through simulation results.  相似文献   

This paper presents an effective and systematic trajectory generation method, together with a control method for enabling a biped robot to walk upstairs. The COG (center of gravity) trajectory is generated by the VHIPM (virtual height inverted pendulum mode) for the horizontal motion and by a 6th order polynomial for the vertical motion; an ankle compliance control (ACC) is also added into the robot control. The proposed methods are evaluated by simulations as well as being implemented in a robot for the performance verification. The results show that the proposed methods can generate stable motions when walking upstairs, and these can significantly reduce the zero moment point (ZMP) errors compared with other methods, enabling the robot to walk up steeper stairs.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(4):415-435
This paper describes position-based impedance control for biped humanoid robot locomotion. The impedance parameters of the biped leg are adjusted in real-time according to the gait phase. In order to reduce the impact/contact forces generated between the contacting foot and the ground, the damping coefficient of the impedance of the landing foot is increased largely during the first half double support phase. In the last half double support phase, the walking pattern of the leg changed by the impedance control is returned to the desired walking pattern by using a polynomial. Also, the large stiffness of the landing leg is given to increase the momentum reduced by the viscosity of the landing leg in the first half single support phase. For the stability of the biped humanoid robot, a balance control that compensates for moments generated by the biped locomotion is employed during a whole walking cycle. For the confirmation of the impedance and balance control, we have developed a life-sized humanoid robot, WABIAN-RIII, which has 43 mechanical d.o.f. Through dynamic walking experiments, the validity of the proposed controls is verified.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel approach of genetic algorithm based robust learning credit assignment cerebellar model articulation controller (GCA-CMAC) is proposed. The cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC) is a neurological model, which has an attractive property of learning speed. However, the distributions of errors into the addressed hypercubes of CMAC are not proportional to their credibility and may cause unacceptable learning performance. The credit assignment CMAC (CA-CMAC) can solve this problem by using the creditability of hypercubes that the calculated errors are assigned proportional to the inverse of learning times. Afterward, the obtained learning times can be optimized by genetic algorithm (GA) to increase its accuracy. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is to combine credit assignment ideas and GA to provide accurate learning for CMAC. Moreover, we embed the robust learning approach into the GCA-CMAC and dynamically adjust the learning constant for training data with noise or outliers. From simulation results, it shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms other CMACs.  相似文献   

A robust fault-tolerant control scheme using an accurate and robustly identified model of a system operating in a closed loop is proposed. A robust identification of the system and the associated Kalman filter is proposed by the novel use of an emulator, which is a transfer function connected to the input, output or both, to mimic the likely operating scenarios, both normal and abnormal. From the emulator-generated data, a set of perturbed models are generated, which plays a crucial role in ensuring robustness of the identified model and subsequently that of the controller. The prediction error method is employed to identify the perturbed models and a robust optimal model is obtained as a best fit to the perturbed models. A robust Kalman filter-based state feedback controller is obtained from the parameterisation of all stabilising controllers generated using the emulator-perturbed models. It is shown theoretically that the proposed robust controller designed using the emulator-perturbed robustly identified model is superior to the conventional robust controller designed from the identified nominal model, and a significant improvement in robustness is confirmed using illustrative examples. A fault-tolerant control system is developed by exploiting the key properties of the freely available Kalman filter.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new partial discharge (PD) pattern recognition method based on the cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC). CMAC is an adaptive system by which defect types for partial discharge can be identified by referring to a table rather than by mathematical solution of simultaneous equations. CMAC maps input features of partial discharge into an input vector which is used to address a memory where the appropriate defect types are stored. Five types of defect models are well-designed on the base of investigation of many power apparatus failures. A PD detector is used to measure the raw three-dimension (3D) PD patterns, from which the fractal dimension, the lacunarity, and the mean discharges of phase windows are extracted as PD features. These critical features form the cluster domains of defect types. Using the characteristics of self-learning, association, and generalization, like the cerebellum of human being, the proposed CMAC-based pattern recognition scheme enables a powerful, straightforward, and efficient pattern recognition method. Moreover, the CMAC has the advantages of higher accuracy, shorter learning times, and noise tolerance, which are useful in recognizing the PD patterns of electrical apparatus. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, comparative studies using a multilayer neural network (MNN) and K-means method are conducted on 200 sets of field-test PD patterns with high accuracy and high tolerance in noise interference.  相似文献   

针对双足机器人的稳定行走,提出了一种新的仿人预测控制在线步行模式生成方法。把期望零力矩点(ZMP)分解成离线规划好的参考ZMP和实时变化的可变ZMP之和,通过预测控制和其逆系统共同作用对质心运动进行控制,从而生成具有自适应性的步行模式。但单一的预测控制系统对诸如矩形齿状扰动的可变ZMP的跟踪存在较大的误差,结合仿人智能控制对误差的强抑制能力,设计了与预测控制相结合的仿人预测控制系统。仿真实验验证对矩形齿状扰动的可变ZMP,仿人预测系统也能实现较好的跟踪。  相似文献   

The motion accuracy and performance of piezoelectric actuators (PEA) are hampered by their inherent hysteresis nonlinearity and time-varying parameters. In order to overcome these drawbacks, an integrated motion control scheme is developed in this paper. In the proposed controller scheme, for each axis of the micro motion stage, a fuzzy CMAC feedforward controller combined with a conventional proportional-integral (PI) feedback controller and a critic-based learning mechanism (FCMAC-CLM) is used to improve the tracking performance and deal with the adverse effects due to hysteresis nonlinearity and external disturbance. In addition, one of the most important issues in the contour following tasks performed by a dual-axis micro motion stage is the contour error reduction. In order to improve the contouring accuracy, a fuzzy CMAC that is capable of real-time learning and self-adjusting is exploited to develop a fuzzy CMAC cross-coupled controller (FCMAC-CCC). Several experiments have been conducted to evaluate the tracking performance and contour accuracy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - In this paper, an on-line gait control scheme is proposed for the biped robots for walking up and down the stairs. In the proposed...  相似文献   

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