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研究带有切换网络结构的网络演化博弈同步问题.首先,利用矩阵半张量积方法,给出局势演化方程的代数化表达式,并得到一个充分必要的代数条件来验证切换网络演化博弈是否与一个静态网络演化博弈达到同步;然后,通过构造一个辅助系统并使用最大不变子集的方法,将切换网络演化博弈的同步问题转化为辅助系统的集合稳定性,提出一个易于验证的充分必要条件,并给出达到同步时最短时间的计算公式;此外,将所得结果推广到局势受限的情况,提出局部同步的概念,并讨论切换网络演化博弈的局部同步问题;最后,通过实例验证理论结果的有效性. 相似文献
Using the semi-tensor product method, this paper investigates the modeling and analysis of networked evolutionary games (NEGs) with finite memories, and presents a number of new results. Firstly, a kind of algebraic expression is formulated for the networked evolutionary games with finite memories, based on which the behavior of the corresponding evolutionary game is analyzed. Secondly, under a proper assumption, the existence of Nash equilibrium of the given networked evolutionary games is proved and a free-type strategy sequence is designed for the convergence to the Nash equilibrium. Finally, an illustrative example is worked out to support the obtained new results. 相似文献
本文研究了干扰影响下演化博弈的稳定与镇定问题. 首先, 文章给出了干扰博弈、控制–干扰博弈以及鲁棒Nash均衡等概念, 并在此基础上提出了干扰演化博弈与控制–干扰演化博弈鲁棒稳定与镇定的定义. 其次, 利用矩阵半张量积工具, 得到了干扰演化博弈与控制–干扰演化博弈的代数状态空间表示, 将鲁棒稳定与镇定问题转化为一个辅助系统的集合稳定与集合镇定问题. 紧接着, 文章建立了干扰演化博弈与控制–干扰演化博弈鲁棒稳定与镇定的充分必要条件, 并进一步设计了状态反馈控制器. 最后, 通过两个例子验证了所得结论的有效性. 相似文献
网络演化博弈的优化问题是混合值逻辑网络的一个自然推广.本文研究了一类网络演化博弈的优化控制问题,其中每个控制个体在极大化自己的收益时只能获取到邻域信息.首先,利用矩阵的半张量积,将局部信息约束下控制网络演化博弈的动力学转化为相应的代数形式.然后得到了局部信息约束下确定型网络演化博弈的最优控制序列.最后,基于动态规划的解,研究了局部信息约束下概率型网络演化博弈的优化控制问题,得到了最优控制序列的简单计算公式.两个数值例子验证了本文的理论结果. 相似文献
Using the semi-tensor product method, this paper investigates the algebraic formulation and strategy consensus for a class of networked evolutionary games (NEGs) with ‘unconditional imitation updating rule’, and presents a number of new results. First, the given NEG is converted to an algebraic form via the semi-tensor product method, and an algorithm is established to obtain the algebraic expression of the considered game. Second, based on the algebraic form, the behaviours of the players in the given evolutionary games are analysed, and some meaningful results are presented. Finally, the strategy consensus problem is considered by adding a pseudo-player to the game, and a free-type control sequence is designed to make the given NEG reach strategy consensus. The study of an illustrative example shows that the new results obtained in this paper work very well. 相似文献
基于矩阵半张量积方法研究智能电网需求侧管理问题.首先,基于势博弈的判定条件,利用势博弈对智能电网需求侧管理问题建模并构造相应的势函数;其次,当策略更新规则为时间级联型短视最优响应时,设计牵制控制使得势博弈在演化过程中镇定到最优纳什均衡;然后,在牵制控制设计过程中,为减少控制成本,设计算法得到尽可能少的控制玩家;最后,通过算例验证理论结果的有效性. 相似文献
This paper investigates the evolutionary dynamic and strategy optimisation for a kind of networked evolutionary games whose strategy updating rules incorporate ‘bankruptcy’ mechanism, and the situation that each player's bankruptcy is due to the previous continuous low profits gaining from the game is considered. First, by using semi-tensor product of matrices method, the evolutionary dynamic of this kind of games is expressed as a higher order logical dynamic system and then converted into its algebraic form, based on which, the evolutionary dynamic of the given games can be discussed. Second, the strategy optimisation problem is investigated, and some free-type control sequences are designed to maximise the total payoff of the whole game. Finally, an illustrative example is given to show that our new results are very effective. 相似文献
针对带有不可行局势的基于群的势博弈,提出基于群的非完整局势势博弈.首先,利用矩阵的半张量积理论,给出判别一个有限博弈是否是基于(强)群的非完整局势势博弈的充分必要条件,即检验一个线性等式是否有解;其次,研究基于群的势博弈与基于群的非完整局势势博弈的关系;最后,给出一个寻找最小不可行局势集的算法,使得有限博弈在剩余局势下是一个基于群的势博弈. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with anti-disturbance Nash equilibrium seeking for games with partial information. First, reduced-order disturbance observer-based algorithms are proposed to achieve Nash equilibrium seeking for games with first-order and second-order players, respectively. In the developed algorithms, the observed disturbance values are included in control signals to eliminate the influence of disturbances, based on which a gradient-like optimization method is implemented for each player. Second, a signum function based distributed algorithm is proposed to attenuate disturbances for games with second-order integrator-type players. To be more specific, a signum function is involved in the proposed seeking strategy to dominate disturbances, based on which the feedback of the velocity-like states and the gradients of the functions associated with players achieves stabilization of system dynamics and optimization of players’ objective functions. Through Lyapunov stability analysis, it is proven that the players’ actions can approach a small region around the Nash equilibrium by utilizing disturbance observer-based strategies with appropriate control gains. Moreover, exponential (asymptotic) convergence can be achieved when the signum function based control strategy (with an adaptive control gain) is employed. The performance of the proposed algorithms is tested by utilizing an integrated simulation platform of virtual robot experimentation platform (V-REP) and MATLAB. 相似文献
This paper investigates the evolutionary dynamics and optimization problem of the boxed pig games with the mechanism of passive reward and punishment by using the semi‐tensor product method. First, an algorithm is provided to construct the algebraic formulation for the dynamics of the networked evolutionary boxed pig games with the mechanism of passive reward and punishment. Then, the impact of reward and punishment parameters on the final cooperation level of the whole network is discussed. Finally, an example is provided to show the effectiveness of our results. 相似文献
本文给出矩阵半张量积的一个公理化框架, 它包括矩阵–矩阵半张量积、矩阵–向量半张量积和向量–向量半张量积. 首先, 对目前通用的各类矩阵半张量积的基本性质与应用做一个综述性的回顾. 然后, 介绍一种新近出现的矩阵半张量积, 即保维数矩阵半张量积. 跟普通矩阵乘法一样, 它是多功能的, 即它可同时实现矩阵–矩阵乘积、矩阵–向量乘积和向量–向量乘积这3种功能. 最后, 本文介绍保维数矩阵半张量积的一些代数性质, 包括非方矩阵的Cayley-Hamilton定理, 非方矩阵的特征值、特征向量等. 相似文献
将图论及一种新的数学分析工具–—矩阵的半张量积(semi-tensor product of matrices, STP), 作为研究工具,通过研究图的k内稳定集的充分必要条件, 研究了k轨道任务分配问题的可解性条件. 定义了图的顶点子集的特征向量, 利用STP方法得到图的k内稳定集新的若干充分必要条件. 基于这些新的充分必要条件, 建立了能够搜索出图的所有k内稳定集的两种算法. 进而将上述结果应用到k轨道任务分配问题, 得到了该问题可解性的两个充分必要条件. 此外, 通过这些充分必要条件, 也发现了一些有趣的现象. 例如, 完全最优方案(completely optimal schedules)的存在. 相似文献
随着互联网的普及与快速发展,网络服务质量成为了最受关注的问题之一.本文利用矩阵半张量积方法,研究互联网网络中的故障定位问题.首先,利用矩阵半张量积给出网络中路径的代数表示.其次,基于该代数表示,将故障定位问题对应的逻辑方程转化为等价的代数方程,通过分析代数方程的解,确定网络中发生故障的链接.最后,通过例子说明所得理论结... 相似文献
This paper investigates the state feedback control design problem to avoid players going bankrupt for a class of networked evolutionary games. First, an algebraic expression is formulated for the given networked evolutionary games by using the semi‐tensor product of matrices. Then, based on the algebraic form, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of state feedback control, which can guarantee that no players will go bankrupt, is presented. Finally, an illustrative example demonstrates the effectiveness of the obtained results. 相似文献
This paper deals with the issues of reconstructibility analysis and set-observer design for Boolean control networks (BCNs). A state estimation set is considered to find the state estimation of BCNs, and a reconstructibility judgment matrix (RJM) is obtained by compact vector of state estimation set. Then, a kind of state-reconstructible tree is constructed, and algorithms are also provided to construct it. The state-reconstructible tree can categorize BCNs to be globally reconstructible, locally reconstructible, and unreconstructible. The sufficient and necessary conditions for the reconstructibility of BCNs are given. Meanwhile, the relationship between input–output trajectory and estimated state is derived. Next, with the knowledge of input–output sequence, a set-observer is designed such that the state of BCNs for any global reconstructible BCNs is uniquely determined in a finite time. Some examples are also given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. 相似文献
For some practical systems modeled by discrete-event systems (DESs), the event observation mechanism may be no longer static/fixed due to sensor faults/failures, packet loss, and/or measurement uncertainties. It is required to redefine the observations of events. Therefore, it is interesting to reconsider the opacity in the context of abnormal conditions as mentioned. In this paper, we extend notions of initial-state opacity (ISO), current-state opacity (CSO), and initial-and-final-state opacity (IFSO) in a standard setting to an advanced framework of nondeterministic observations (i.e., the event-observation mechanism is state-dependent and nondeterministic) by taking the output-observation-equivalence instead of the natural projection-equivalence into account. To efficiently verify them, we construct three new matrix-based information structures in this advanced framework called an initial-state estimator, a current-state estimator, and an initial-and-final-state estimator using the Boolean semi-tensor product (BSTP) theory. Accordingly, the matrix-based criteria for verifying these three types of opacity are given, respectively. Computational complexity analysis as well as illustrative examples are also provided for the proposed results. 相似文献
This paper investigates epidemic dynamics over dynamic networks via the approach of semi-tensor product of matrices. First, a formal susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic dynamic model over dynamic networks (SISED-DN) is given. Second, based on a class of determinate co-evolutionary rule, the matrix expressions are established for the dynamics of individual states and network topologies, respectively. Then, all possible final spreading equilibria are obtained for any given initial epidemic state and network topology by the matrix expression. Third, a sufficient and necessary condition of the existence of state feedback vaccination control is presented to make every individual susceptible. The study of illustrative examples shows the effectiveness of our new results. 相似文献
Set stabilization is one of the essential problems in engineering systems, and self-triggered control (STC) can save the storage space for interactive information, and can be successfully applied in networked control systems with limited communication resources. In this study, the set stabilization problem and STC design of Boolean control networks are investigated via the semi-tensor product technique. On the one hand, the largest control invariant subset is calculated in terms of the strongly connected components of the state transition graph, by which a graph-theoretical condition for set stabilization is derived. On the other hand, a characteristic function is exploited to determine the triggering mechanism and feasible controls. Based on this, the minimum-time and minimum-triggering open-loop, state-feedback and output-feedback STCs for set stabilization are designed, respectively. As classic applications of self-triggered set stabilization, self-triggered synchronization, self-triggered output tracking and self-triggered output regulation are discussed as well. Additionally, several practical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of theoretical results. 相似文献
利用矩阵半张量积研究事件触发和翻转控制共同作用下布尔控制网络的输出跟踪问题.首先,基于布尔控制网络代数状态空间表示,构造增广系统将输出跟踪问题转化为状态集镇定问题;其次,得到布尔控制网络在两种控制下输出跟踪问题有解的充要条件,并在满足该条件时提出一种基于最小翻转节点集时间最优控制设计方法,进一步给出有限时间内寻找翻转节点集的计算过程;最后,给出一个算例说明结果的可行性. 相似文献
矩阵的半张量积是将逻辑变量转化为向量研究的主要工具.本文利用半张量积把逻辑控制系统表示为离散时间仿射线性系统,在逻辑系统的状态空间框架下研究了以布尔控制网络为代表的逻辑动态系统的输出稳定与镇定.首先给出布尔网络输出稳定的定义,研究了布尔网络输出稳定的充要条件;其次讨论了布尔控制网络的输出镇定,分别得到了布尔控制网络由常值输入变量、自由控制序列、状态反馈控制序列输出镇定的条件.本文讨论的系统输出稳定与镇定是(部分)变量稳定与镇定的推广. 相似文献