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Interpretative models are proposed to represent the experimental results on the thermostability of peroxidases during blanching of turnip and horseradish reported in Part I.The mechanism described is extended to other vegetable peroxidase systems: brussels sprouts, potatoes, maize and peas.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and protonic nuclear magnetic resonance used directly or on fractions obtained by preparative thin layer chromatography, allow identification of the main molecule in commercial samples of PABA (Cas RN 150-13-0), PEG-25 PABA (Cas RN 116242-27-4), glyceryl PABA (Cas RN136-44-7), ethyl dihydroxypropyl PABA (Cas RN 58882-17-0) or octyl dimethyl PABA (Cas RN 21245-02-3).  相似文献   

The aim of this work relates to the optimization of a cold formulation of a depilatory emulsion containing thioglycolate of calcium, which presents the same characteristics as a reference product. To lead to this objective, a cubic simplex method was used. A preliminary formulation was preformed to evaluate the influence of each factor on the process formulation. The depilatory creams carried out present a rheological behaviour described by the model of Hershell-Bulkely, whose parameters are considered as responses of the optimizing system. This strategy allows both reducing and optimizing the number of experiments. The rheological measurements and the tests of stability showed that the use of an emulsifying polymer led to obtain a stable depilatory cream with a good effectiveness at a strong pH value.  相似文献   

Cutaneous irritation is a stereotyped response of the skin to any physical or chemical insult. Its main manifestations encompass inflammatory erythema and an alteration of the cutaneous microrelief showing increased roughness, dehydration and erratic desquamation. Several instrumental methods can indirectly assess the issues of cutaneous irritation on human stratum corneum. The aim of the present study was to measure the speed of propagation of ultrasound shear waves in the skin irritated by anionic surfactants. The study was performed in 25 healthy subjects of both sexes. Occlusive patches of a 10% solution of anionic surfactants were applied to a forearm of each volunteer. The other forearm served as an untreated control site. Patches remained in place for 24 h. Three hours later, another patch was placed again for 21 h. Resonance running time measurements (RRTM) of the ultrasound shear wave were performed using a Reviscometer RVM 600. Measurements were performed at entry in the study and 2 days after removing the second patch. Desquamative xerosis was obvious at the sites patched with the surfactant solution. RRTM values were significantly (P < 0.0001) lower than those at the control site. Hence, the speed of propagation of ultrasound shear waves was shown to be increased at an irritated site compared to an intact site. In conclusion, this study shows that the propagation speed of ultrasounds is influenced by the skin surface nature, being considerably increased in skin altered by surfactants.  相似文献   

Natural antique colorants include mainly red pigments such as cinnabar and ochre. These archeological pigments were used especially as funeral and cosmetic makeup and are a material proof of handicraft activities and exchanges. The identification and characterization of a group of punic colorants, corresponding to samples discovered during excavations at several Tunisian archeological sites (Cartage, Ksour Essef, Kerkouane, Bekalta, Makthar, Bou Arada), were conducted using the least destructive analysis techniques such us scanning electron microscopy coupled to X-ray fluorescence microprobe, direct current plasma emission spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. Eleven natural red colorants from punic period were subject to this investigation and were compared to contemporary substances. Five colorants were cinnabar and the other six were ochre.  相似文献   

The pressure drop in a scraped-surface heat exchanger operating on Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids has been studied in relation to the flow rate, the rheological behaviour of the fluids, the rotational speed and the number of blades. For Newtonian fluids, the pressure drop is independent of the rotational speed and can be predicted by the theoretical equation for flow in an annular space modified by a geometrical correction factor taking into account the effect of the blades. For shear-thinning fluids, an increase in rotational speed causes a decrease in pressure drop due to a decrease in the apparent viscosity of the fluid. The authors adapt the method of Metzner and Otto for predicting the power consumption in agitated vessels in order to calculate an apparent shear rate in their exchanger. This apparent shear rate is a linear function of the rotational speed. The parameters of this function are correlated to the operating conditions.  相似文献   

About sixty years ago Frank and Evans showed, by entropy measurements, that when a "non-polar molecule dissolves in water it modifies the water structure in the direction of greater 'cristallinity', the water builds a microscopic iceberg around it" Now, we propose the "concept of ice-like-water capture": a lowering of organized ice-like water promotes aggregation (loss of solubility) of the filaggrin/keratin1/keratin10 associations through their hydrophobic patches. The capture of ice-like water may be performed by the glucoceramides-rich bilayers in stratum granulosum. Probably, the same process aggregates the proteins of corneocytes envelope as well as corneodesmosomes proteins. According to the "concept of ice-like-water capture", to regulate the keratinization, it is not total water that must be added to the stratum corneum, but ice-like water that must be removed from stratum granulosum. Both petrolatum (lipophilic ingredient) and glycerol (hydrophilic ingredient) would capture the ice-like water, most probably after combination with the lipid bilayers of stratum corneum. Moisturizing cream, when organized in secondary droplets is likely to perform the same action. Measurements by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of the skin show that petrolatum; glycerol and/or moisturizing cream enhance the quantity of bulk water (1890-1897 nm band). As the ice-like water is the complement of bulk water, the enhanced bulk water let presume an ice-like water lessening. Some desynchronization (late or forward) of the keratinization/differentiation which confer the somatosensory problems associated with "dry and flaky skin" may be linked to an excess or lack of ice-like. For instance, the winter xerosis, very common by chilling weather, could be explained by an increase of ice-like water driven by the fall of the temperature.  相似文献   

A seasonal increased hair loss is frequently recognized in clinical practice. However, such an aspect of chronobiology has rarely been documented. To evaluate the seasonal influence on the hair cycle, trichograms of 2857 subjects who complained of an increased hair loss were collected during two consecutive years. An increased frequency of telogen effluvium was observed between July and October. The seasonal effluvium appears to be more summer effect than autumnal in regions whose latitude is over the Tropic of Cancer. The influence of ultraviolet light is possible. It might correspond to an actinic effluvium manifesting itself in some individuals among the whole population.  相似文献   

The power consumption of a scraped-surface heat exchanger operating on Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids in isothermal laminar flow has been studied in relation to the rheological behaviour of the liquids, the annular gap width and the number, position and speed of the blades.The part of the power input which was dissipated in the bearings of the rotating shaft was determined experimentally. Excluding those bearing losses, the power consumption consists of two parts: the power required to maintain the rotational flow in the annulus and the power required to rotate the blades. For a Newtonian liquid, each part of the power consumption was calculated theoretically and the results were found to be in agreement with experiment.With non-Newtonian liquids, the power required to maintain the rotational flow in the annulus is close to the theoretical value. The power required to rotate the blades was found to be very small: the friction conditions between the edge of the blades and the wall are different. Evidental dry contacts can occur.  相似文献   

<正>10月18日,《风采童装》携手Vinson麻麻以及银河湾小区共同举办了重阳节亲子主题活动。我们希望通过一场老幼同乐的活动,让孩子认识和理解尊老、敬老、养老、助老的传统美德,从小培养尊老爱老的优良习惯,也让老人体会来自孩子们的关心和爱护。  相似文献   

我打小在农村长大,靠着包谷洋芋和豆汤酸菜养活,肚子里随时都有一种因为缺少油水而产生的饥饿感.这种饥饿感直接影响到我身体的感觉器官和味觉器官,从而造就了我面对美食时那一幅贪婪的吃相.儿时我不知脸皮是怎么回事,只知道要对得起自己的肚皮.  相似文献   

酱油作为我国人民的主要调味品,在人民的日常生活中有着十分重要的地位。随着近年来人民生活水平的不断提高和市场经济的逐步发展,对酱油的需求不仅在于数量上的满足,更重要的是对产品的风味品质提出了更高的要求。而在广大的科技工作者和调味品生产厂家的齐心努力下,酱油的生产工艺、原料配比。生产机械化上也取得了长足的进步,但产品的风味特色并无多大的改变。生产厂家往往被“货真价实”的观念所束缚,认为不经配制的原汁原味的酱油才是好酱油。而这已经不能适应社会发展的变化,所以我们应调整自己的观点,解放思想,加强酱油的后…  相似文献   

<正>你是不是也希望,宝贵的假日时光里除了跟宝贝简单玩闹,也能让TA收获一些本领和学识?So,bébé经过千挑万选,为我们的会员呈献最有意义的高端亲子活动,帮助大家在享受休闲亲子时光的同时,亦有所学、有所得。  相似文献   

美国著名未来学家阿尔温·托夫勒(Alvin Tof-fler)用“浪潮”这个词来形容社会发展的几个阶段。他认为:第一次浪潮带给人类最初的文明是农业革命,它长达数千年;第二次浪潮是历时300年之久工业文明的崛起,它把人类生活分成生产和消费两大部分,市场成为人类生活巨大的中心。继此之后,第三次浪潮在能源利用方面,突破了长期依赖自然化石燃料为动力,发展了多样化可再生利用的能源为基础,为人类带来了真正新型的生活方式。而目前,一个更光辉的时代已经到来,这第四次浪潮就是世界范围的信息革命。这个时代“信息就是通货,思想就是产品,可以说信息就是力量!”  相似文献   

你知道吗?终生追逐于万花丛中的蝴蝶,原来是色盲。  相似文献   

日本企业家西村金助原是一个身无分文的穷光蛋,但是,他从没对自己有一天成为富翁产生过怀疑。他始终相信自己可以成功。西村先借钱办了一个制造玩具的小沙漏厂。沙漏是一种古董玩具,它在时钟未发明前用来测每日的时辰;时钟问世后,沙漏已完成它的历史使命,而西村金助却把它作为一种玩具来生产销售。本来,沙漏作为玩具,趣味性不多,孩子们自然不大喜欢它,因此销量很小。但西村金助一时找不到更合适的工作,只能继续干老本行。沙漏的需求越来越少,西村金助最后只得停产。但他并不气馁,他完全相信自己能够战胜眼前的困难,于是决定先好好休息,轻松…  相似文献   

冰冰 《风采童装》2017,(8):118-119
7月9日,风采儿童培训中心与bébé小超模们相约在团结湖大厦,上演了一场“不矫饰”的Fashion show。座落在该大厦的风采儿童培训l中心,一直致力于挖掘孩子们“不矫饰”的美,寻找不一样的美丽世界。就朝阳区社区青少年教育培训中心和北京市现代商务培训中心合作创办的“文化艺术中心”揭牌活动中,风采童模的培训课被列为该中心培训课程的亮点之一。  相似文献   

NEO CAFé     
Vivi  申强 《缤纷家居》2008,(4):159-159
NEO CAFé是个特别的去处。迷幻的镜面,流动的色彩,萦绕在一片素白中。在这里纯净的白色是空间的主宰,也是设计师赋予空间的唯一属性设计师申强在此处的灵感,来自于一张白纸的概念,一张白纸从宽边中间撕开到一半,弯曲延伸便形成了上下夹层空间,竖立扭转又形成了楼梯和立体交通空间。而裸露的钢结构以米字行搭接在一起,既丰富了空间的层次,又是夹层搭建必须的结构。鉴于业主媒体的人脉背景,各类时尚和  相似文献   

本文根据酱油质量指标检测得出的数据,由质量相关指标确立质量浓度公式。运用公式计算的结果来判断酱油质量,也可把计算结果(或测定数)用于生产程序指挥,  相似文献   

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