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Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines are drawing attracting attention as the next-generation’s internal combustion engine, mainly because of its very low NOx and soot emissions and also for improvement in engine efficiency. Much research has been carried out in order to go deeper in this combustion process using multizone models or CFD codes. These simulation tools, although they can give a detailed view of the combustion process, are very time consuming and the results depend a lot on the initial conditions. A previous step to be considered in the simulation of the HCCI process is a heat release law evaluated from results of the experiment and a zero-dimensional model. This paper focuses on the development of a new heat release rate (HRR) law that models the HCCI process when the combustion chamber is considered as a homogeneous volume. The parameters of this law have been adjusted through an optimization process that has allowed to fit the combustion chamber pressure. All the engine operative conditions from low to full load have been successfully simulated with this HRR law, with the maximum error in the estimation of combustion chamber pressure less than 2%.  相似文献   

Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion is a combustion concept which offers simultaneous reductions in both NOx and soot emissions from internal combustion engines. In light of increasingly stringent diesel emissions limits, research efforts have been invested into HCCI combustion as an alternative to conventional diesel combustion. This paper reviews the implementation of HCCI combustion in direct injection diesel engines using early, multiple and late injection strategies. Governing factors in HCCI operations such as injector characteristics, injection pressure, piston bowl geometry, compression ratio, intake charge temperature, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and supercharging or turbocharging are discussed in this review. The effects of design and operating parameters on HCCI diesel emissions, particularly NOx and soot, are also investigated. For each of these parameters, the theories are discussed in conjunction with comparative evaluation of studies reported in the specialised literature.  相似文献   

Exergy analysis gives the presentation of a system relative to its best performance. In addition, the exergy destructed can react with its surrounding and harm environment processes. This study investigated the effect of biodiesel fuel blended with diesel fuel (i.e. 0%, 20%, and 50% blending of biodiesel fuel with conventional diesel fuel) on various exergy terms in an HCCI engine. To model the energy balance a 3-D CFD code was utilized. Using energy and combustion analyses results, the researchers calculated various exergy terms by developing a FORTRAN based code. To ensure the integrity of modeling, the results of the in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate were compared with the experimental results for pure diesel fuel. This comparison indicated a good agreement between the two. With crank position at three fuel compositions, different rates of exergy and cumulative exergy terms were identified and calculated separately. With the increase in the biodiesel volume percentage from 0% to 20% and 50%, exergy efficiency increased by 4.9% and 5.7%. Also, the cumulative heat loss exergy decreased by 4.4% and 9.7%, respectively.  相似文献   

Diesel engines are indispensable in daily life. However, the limited supply of petroleum fuels and the stringent regulations on such fuels are forcing researchers to study the use of hydrogen as a fuel. In this study, a diesel engine is operated using hydrogen–diesel dual fuel, where hydrogen is introduced into the intake manifold using an LPG-CNG injector and pilot diesel is injected using diesel injectors. The energy contents of the total fuel, 0%, 16%, 36% and 46% hydrogen (the 0% hydrogen energy fraction represents neat diesel fuel), were tested at 1300 rpm of constant engine speed and 5.1 kW of constant indicated power. According to test results, the indicated thermal efficiency of the engine decreases and the isfc increases with an increasing hydrogen energy fraction. Additionally, indicated specific CO, CO2 and smoke emissions decrease with an increasing percentage of hydrogen fuel. However, indicated specific NOx emissions do not change at the 16% hydrogen energy fraction, in other words, with an increase in the hydrogen amount (36% and 46% hydrogen energy fraction of total fuel), a dramatic increase (58.8% and 159.7%, respectively) is observed. Additionally, the peak in-cylinder pressure and the peak heat release rate values increase with the increasing hydrogen rate.  相似文献   

HCCI combustion has been drawing the considerable attention due to high efficiency and lower nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. However, there are still tough challenges in the successful operation of HCCI engines, such as controlling the combustion phasing, extending the operating range, and high unburned hydrocarbon and CO emissions. Massive research throughout the world has led to great progress in the control of HCCI combustion. The first thing paid attention to is that a great deal of fundamental theoretical research has been carried out. First, numerical simulation has become a good observation and a powerful tool to investigate HCCI and to develop control strategies for HCCI because of its greater flexibility and lower cost compared with engine experiments. Five types of models applied to HCCI engine modelling are discussed in the present paper. Second, HCCI can be applied to a variety of fuel types. Combustion phasing and operation range can be controlled by the modification of fuel characteristics. Third, it has been realized that advanced control strategies of fuel/air mixture are more important than simple homogeneous charge in the process of the controlling of HCCI combustion processes. The stratification strategy has the potential to extend the HCCI operation range to higher loads, and low temperature combustion (LTC) diluted by exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) has the potential to extend the operation range to high loads; even to full loads, for diesel engines. Fourth, optical diagnostics has been applied widely to reveal in-cylinder combustion processes. In addition, the key to diesel-fuelled HCCI combustion control is mixture preparation, while EGR is the main path to achieve gasoline-fuelled HCCI combustion. Specific strategies for diesel-fuelled, gasoline-fuelled and other alternative fuelled HCCI combustion are also discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, hydrogen was inducted along with air and diesel was injected into the cylinder using a high pressure common rail system, in a single cylinder homogeneous charge compression ignition engine. An electronic controller was used to set the required injection timing of diesel for best thermal efficiency. The influences of hydrogen to diesel energy ratio, output of the engine and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on performance, emissions and combustion were studied in detail. An increase in the amount of hydrogen improved the thermal efficiency by retarding the combustion process. It also lowered the exhaust emissions. Large amounts of hydrogen and EGR were needed at high outputs for suppressing knock. The range of operation was brake mean effective pressures of 2–4 bar. The levels of HC and CO emitted were not significantly influenced by the amount of hydrogen that was used.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined H2 effects on the combustion and emissions of a diesel engine with low-pressure loop (LPL) exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). We converted a 2.2-L four-cylinder direct-injection diesel engine satisfying Euro5 for H2 supply. An LPL-EGR system replaced the high-pressure loop (HPL) EGR system. For all tests, the brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) was kept at 4 bar and the EGR ratio was varied from 9 to 42%. The H2 energy percentage was varied from 0 to 7.4% independently to evaluate the H2 effects and EGR effects separately. The heat release rate was calculated from the measured cylinder pressure. We found that substitution of H2 for diesel fuel made the premixed burn fraction larger, and reduced the nitrous oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions simultaneously. For example, the NOx emissions were reduced by 36% for an EGR of 42% and an H2 percentage of 7.4%. PM emissions were reduced by 18% for an EGR of 35% and an H2 percentage of 7.4% compared with diesel fuel only cases.  相似文献   

The homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) is an alternative combustion concept for in reciprocating engines. The HCCI combustion engine offers significant benefits in terms of its high efficiency and ultra low emissions. In this investigation, port injection technique is used for preparing homogeneous charge. The combustion and emission characteristics of a HCCI engine fuelled with ethanol were investigated on a modified two-cylinder, four-stroke engine. The experiment is conducted with varying intake air temperature (120–150 °C) and at different air–fuel ratios, for which stable HCCI combustion is achieved. In-cylinder pressure, heat release analysis and exhaust emission measurements were employed for combustion diagnostics. In this study, effect of intake air temperature on combustion parameters, thermal efficiency, combustion efficiency and emissions in HCCI combustion engine is analyzed and discussed in detail. The experimental results indicate that the air–fuel ratio and intake air temperature have significant effect on the maximum in-cylinder pressure and its position, gas exchange efficiency, thermal efficiency, combustion efficiency, maximum rate of pressure rise and the heat release rate. Results show that for all stable operation points, NOx emissions are lower than 10 ppm however HC and CO emissions are higher.  相似文献   

HCCI (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) has been touted for many years as the alternate technology of choice for future engines, preserving the inherent efficiency of CIDI (Compression Ignition Direct Injection) engines while significantly reducing emissions. The current direction for all published diesel HCCI research is mixture preparation using the direct injection – system, referred to as internal mixture formation. The benefit of internal mixture formation is that it utilizes an already available direct injection system. Direct injected diesel HCCI can be divided into two areas, early injection (early in the compression stroke) and late injection (usually after Top Dead Center (aTDC)). Early direct injection HCCI requires carefully designed fuel injector to minimize the fuel wall-wetting that can cause combustion inefficiency and oil dilution. Late direct injection HCCI requires a long ignition delay and rapid mixing rate to achieve the homogeneous mixture. The ignition delay is extended by retarding the injection timing and rapid mixing rate was achieved by combining high swirl with toroidal combustion-bowl geometry. There is a compromise between Direct Injection (DI) and HCCI combustion regimes. Even under ideal conditions, it can prove difficult to form a truly homogeneous charge, which leads to elevated emissions when compared to true homogenous charge combustion and also strongly contribute to the high sensitivity of the combustion phasing to external parameters. The alternative to the internal mixture formation is, predictably, external mixture formation. By introducing the fuel external to the combustion chamber one can use the turbulence intake process to create a homogeneous charge regardless of engine conditions. This eliminates the need for combustion system changes which were necessary for the internal mixture formation method. With this method, the combustion system remains fully optimized for direct injection and also capable of running in HCCI combustion mode with nearly ideal mixture preparation. The key to the external mixture formation with diesel fuel is proper mixture preparation.  相似文献   

Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines are amenable to a large variety of fuels as long as the fuel can be fully vaporized, mixed with air, and receive sufficient heat during the compression stroke to reach the autoignition conditions. This study investigates an HCCI engine fueled with ethanol-in-water mixtures, or “wet ethanol”. The motivation for using wet ethanol fuel is that significant energy is required for distillation and dehydration of fermented ethanol (from biosources, not from petroleum), thus direct use of wet ethanol could improve the associated energy balance. Recent modeling studies have predicted that an HCCI engine can operate using fuel containing as little as 35% ethanol-in-water with surprisingly good performance and emissions. With the previous modeling study suggesting feasibility of wet ethanol use in HCCI engines, this paper focuses on experimental operation of a 4-cylinder 1.9-L engine running in HCCI mode fueled with wet ethanol. This paper investigates the effect of the ethanol-water fraction on the engine's operating limits, intake temperatures, heat release rates, and exhaust emissions for the engine operating with 100%, 90%, 80%, 60%, and 40% ethanol-in-water mixtures.  相似文献   

Hydrogen remains an attractive alternative fuel to petroleum and a number of investigators claim that adding hydrogen to the air intake manifold of a diesel engine will reduce criteria emissions and diesel fuel consumption. Such claims are appealing when trying to simultaneously reduce petroleum consumption, greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants. The goal of this research was to measure the change in criteria emissions (CO, NOx, and PM2.5) and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), using standard test methods for a wide range of hydrogen addition rates. A two-stroke Detroit Diesel Corporation 12V-71TI marine diesel engine was mounted on an engine dynamometer and tested at three out of the four loads specified in the ISO 8178-4 E3 emission test cycle and at idle. The engine operated on CARB ultra-low sulfur #2 diesel with hydrogen added at flow rates of 0, 22 and 220 SLPM.  相似文献   

The effects of homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine compression ratio on its combustion characteristics were studied experimentally on a modified TY1100 single cylinder engine fueled with dimethyl ether. The results show that dimethyl ether (DME) HCCI engine can work stably and can realize zero nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission and smokeless combustion under the compression ratio of both 10.7 and 14. The combustion process has obvious two stage combustion characteristics at ɛ = 10.7 (ɛ refers to compression ratio), and the combustion beginning point is decided by the compression temperature, which varies very little with the engine load; the combustion beginning point is closely related to the engine load (concentration of mixture) with the increase in the compression temperature, and it moves forward versus crank angle with the increase in the engine load at ɛ = 14; the combustion durations are shortened with the increase in the engine load under both compression ratios. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal Combustion Engine Engineering, 2006, 27(4): 9–12 [译自: 内燃机工程]  相似文献   

The distinctive properties of hydrogen have initiated considerable applied research related to the internal combustion engine. Recently, it has been reported that NOx emissions were reduced by using hydrogen in a diesel engine at low temperature and heavy EGR conditions. As the continuing study, cylinder pressure was also investigated to determine the combustion characteristics and their relationship to NOx emissions. The test engine was operated at constant speed and fixed diesel fuel injection rate (1500 rpm, 2.5 kg/h). Diesel fuel was injected in a split pattern into a 2-L diesel engine. The cylinder pressure was measured for different hydrogen flow rates and EGR ratios. The intake manifold temperature was controlled to be the same to avoid the gas intake temperature variations under the widely differing levels (2%-31%) of EGR. The measured cylinder pressure was analyzed for characteristic combustion values, such as mass burn fraction and combustion duration.The rising crank angle of the heat release rate was unaffected by the presence of hydrogen. However, supplying hydrogen extended the main combustion duration. This longer main combustion duration was particularly noticeable at the heavy EGR condition. It correlated well with the reduced NOx emissions.  相似文献   

The control of ignition timing in the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) of n-heptane by port injection of reaction inhibitors was studied in a single-cylinder engine. Four suppression additives, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), were used in the experiments. The effectiveness of inhibition of HCCI combustion with various additives was compared under the same equivalence ratio of total fuel and partial equivalence ratio of n-heptane. The experimental results show that the suppression effectiveness increases in the order MTBE < isopropanol ? ethanol < methanol. But ethanol is the best additive when the operating ranges, indicated thermal efficiency, and emissions are considered. For ethanol/n-heptane HCCI combustion, partial combustion may be observed when the mole ratio of ethanol to that of total fuel is larger than 0.20; misfires occur when the mole ratio of ethanol to that of total fuel larger than 0.25. Moreover, CO emissions strongly depend on the maximum combustion temperature, while HC emissions are mainly dominated by the mole ratio of ethanol to that of total fuel. To obtain chemical mechanistic informations relevant to the ignition behavior, detailed chemical kinetic analysis was conducted. The simulated results also confirmed the retarding of the ignition timing by ethanol addition. In addition, it can be found from the simulation that HCHO, CO, and C2H5OH could not be oxidized completely and are maintained at high levels if the partial combustion or misfire occurs (for example, for leaner fuel/air mixture).  相似文献   

The effects of in-cylinder EGR stratification on combustion and emission characteristics are investigated in a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine. To achieve in-cylinder EGR stratification, external EGR rates of two intake ports are varied by supplying EGR asymmetrically using a separated intake runner. The EGR stratification pattern is improved using a 2-step bowl piston and an offset chamfer at the tangential intake port. When high EGR gas is supplied to the left (tangential) port, a high EGR region is formed at the central upper region of the combustion chamber. Consequently, combustion is initiated in the low EGR region, and PM is reduced significantly. When high EGR gas is supplied to the right (helical) port, a high EGR region is formed at the lower periphery of the combustion chamber. Therefore, combustion is initiated in the high EGR region, and NOx is reduced without PM penalty. Stratified EGR potentially reduces NOx by maximum 45%, without penalties of performance and other emissions. A proper in-cylinder swirl with stratified EGR maximizes the effects and achieves simultaneous reduction of NOx by 7% and PM by 23%. Moreover, the robustness of stratified EGR is evaluated under various operating conditions and injection strategies.  相似文献   

In a previous study, a new hybrid system of molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) and homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine was developed, where the HCCI engine replaces the catalytic burner and produces additional power by using the left-over heating values from the fuel cell stack. In the present study, to reduce the additional cost and footprint of the engine system in a hybrid configuration, the possibility of engine downsizing is investigated by using two strategies, i.e. the use of a turbocharger and the use of high geometric compression ratio for the engine design, both of which are to increase the density of the intake charge and thus the volumetric efficiency of the engine. Combining these two strategies, we suggest a new engine design with ∼60% of displacement volume of the original engine. In addition, operating strategies are developed to run the new hybrid system under part load conditions. It is successfully demonstrated that the system can operate down to 65% of the power level of the design point, while the system efficiency remains almost unchanged near 63%.  相似文献   

A fast, physics-based model to predict the temporal evolution of NOx in diesel engines is investigated using finite-rate chemical kinetics. The temporal variation of temperature required for the computation of the reaction rate constants is obtained from the solution of the energy equation. NOx formation is modeled by using a six step mechanism with eight species instead of the traditional equilibrium calculations based on the Zeldovich mechanism. Fuel combustion chemistry is modeled by a single-step global reaction. Effects of various stages of combustion on NOx formation is included using a phenomenological burning rate model. The effects of composition and temperature on the thermophysical properties of the working fluid are included in the computations. Comparison with measured single-cylinder engine-out NO shows good agreement with experimental data. The validated model is then used to demonstrate the impact of various operating parameters such as injection timing and EGR on engine-out NOx. This fast, robust model has potential applications in model-based real-time control strategies seeking to reduce feed gas NOx emissions from diesel engines.  相似文献   

Influence of biodiesel on engine combustion and emission characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the influence of biodiesel on the engine combustion characteristics. The considered fuel is neat biodiesel from rapeseed oil. The considered engine is a bus diesel engine with injection M system. The engine characteristics are obtained by experiments and numerical simulation. The results obtained with biodiesel are compared to those obtained with mineral diesel under various operating regimes. In this way, the influences of biodiesel usage on the injection pressure, injection timing, ignition delay, in-cylinder gas pressure and temperature, heat release rate, exhaust gas temperatures, harmful emissions, specific fuel consumption, and on engine power are analyzed. Furthermore, the relationships among fuel properties, injection and combustion characteristics, harmful emissions, and other engine performance are determined. Special attention is given to possible explanations of higher NOx emission in spite of lower in-cylinder gas temperature.  相似文献   

This paper documents the application of exhaust gas fuel reforming of two alternative fuels, biodiesel and bioethanol, in internal combustion engines. The exhaust gas fuel reforming process is a method of on-board production of hydrogen-rich gas by catalytic reaction of fuel and engine exhaust gas. The benefits of exhaust gas fuel reforming have been demonstrated by adding simulated reformed gas to a diesel engine fuelled by a mixture of 50% ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) and 50% rapeseed methyl ester (RME) as well as to a homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine fuelled by bioethanol. In the case of the biodiesel fuelled engine, a reduction of NOx emissions was achieved without considerable smoke increase. In the case of the bioethanol fuelled HCCI engine, the engine tolerance to exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) was extended and hence the typically high pressure rise rates of HCCI engines, associated with intense combustion noise, were reduced.  相似文献   

Higher NOx is one of the major problems to be overcomed in a low heat rejection (LHR) diesel engine as insulation leads to an increase in combustion temperature about 200–250 °C compared to an identical standard (STD) diesel engine. High combustion temperatures alter optimum injection timing of a LHR engine. With the proper adjustment of the injection timing, it is possible to partially offset the adverse effect of insulation on heat release rate and hence to obtain improved performance and lower NOx. However, the injection timing and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) trade-off must be considered together in performance and NOx emission point of view. In this study, optimum injection timing was found with 4 crank angle (34° CA) retarded before top dead centre (BTDC) in LHR diesel engine in comparison to that of STD diesel engine (38° CA BTDC). When the LHR engine was operated with the injection timing of the 38 crank angle, which is the optimum value of the STD engine, it was shown that NOx emission increased about 15%. However, when the injection timing was retarded to 34° CA in the LHR case, it was observed a decrease on the NOx emissions with about 40% and the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) with about 6% compared to that of the STD case. Thus, by retarding the injection timing, an additional 1.5% saving in fuel consumption was obtained.  相似文献   

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