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Ammonia NH3 is recognized as one of the attractive hydrogen H2 carriers because it has a high hydrogen content of 18 mass% and it is easily liquefied under about 1 MPa of pressure at a room temperature. NH3 can react with alkali metal hydrides and generate H2 even at room temperature, resulting that metal amides are formed as reaction products. The H2 generation is exothermic reaction, and it is not effectively prevented by H2 partial pressure in a closed system as thermodynamic properties. In this work, we demonstrated the production of compressed H2 by the reaction between liquid NH3 and lithium hydride LiH in a closed pressure vessel, where liquid NH3 would realize better kinetic properties for the reaction with metal hydride than gaseous NH3. Actually, more than 12 MPa H2 was obtained within several hours.  相似文献   

This study is a continuation of the computational analysis of the reactor equipped with hexagonal honeycomb based heat transfer enhancements, performed in Part A of the study. In the present study, the performance of the metal alloy and the reactor is investigated experimentally. The gravimetric capacity and reaction kinetics of the alloy La0.9Ce0.1Ni5 are determined. The performance of the reactor under different external environments is noted. The influence of operating conditions such as supply pressure, heat transfer fluid, heat transfer fluid temperature on the reactor performance is investigated. Evaporative cooling as a heat removal technique for metal hydride based hydrogen storage reactors is tested for the first time and compared to conventional heat removal methods. It is found to improve the heat transfer from the alloy bed significantly.  相似文献   

Along with a brief overview of literature data on energy storage technologies utilising hydrogen and metal hydrides, this article presents results of the related R&D activities carried out by the authors. The focus is put on proper selection of metal hydride materials on the basis of AB5- and AB2-type intermetallic compounds for hydrogen storage and compression applications, based on the analysis of PCT properties of the materials in systems with H2 gas. The article also presents features of integrated energy storage systems utilising metal hydride hydrogen storage and compression, as well as their metal hydride based components developed at IPCP and HySA Systems.  相似文献   

The increasing energy demand needs the attention for energy conservation as well as requires the utilisation of renewable sources. In this perspective, hydrogen provides an eco-friendly and regenerative solution toward this matter of concern. Thermochemical energy storage system working on gas-solid interaction is a useful technology for energy storage during the availability of renewable energy sources. It provides the same during unavailability of energy sources. This work presents a performance analysis of metal hydride based thermal energy storage system (MH-TES), which can transform the waste heat into useful high-grade heat output. This system opens new doors to look at renewable energy through better waste heat recovery systems. Experimentally measured PCIs of chosen metal hydride pairs, i.e. LaNi4.6Al0.4/La0.9Ce0.1Ni5 (A-1/A-3; pair 1) and LaNi4.7Al0.3/La0.9Ce0.1Ni5 (A-2/A-3; pair 2) are employed to estimate the thermodynamic performance of MH-TES at operating temperatures of 298 K, 373 K, 403 K and 423 K as atmospheric temperature (Tatm), waste heat input temperature (Tm), storage temperature (Ts) and upgraded/enhanced heat output temperature (Th) respectively. It is observed that the system with alloy pair A-1/A-3 shows higher energy storage density of 121.83 kJ/kg with a higher COP of 0.48 as compared to A-2/A-3 pair. This is due to the favourable thermodynamic properties, and the pressure differential between coupled MH beds, which results in higher transferrable hydrogen. Besides, the effect of operating temperatures on COP is studied, which can help to select an optimum temperature range for a particular application.  相似文献   

Ammonia NH3 and lithium hydride LiH system releases hydrogen even at room temperature to form lithium amide LiNH2. LiNH2 is recycled back to NH3 and LiH below 300 °C under hydrogen H2 flow condition. However, the reaction rate of the system is slow for a practical application. In this work, various kinds of transition metal chlorides were examined as a potential catalyst to improve the kinetics. For hydrogen desorption reaction, the reaction kinetics of titanium chloride TiCl3 dispersing LiH was about 8 times faster than the raw LiH, suggesting that TiCl3 possessed an excellent catalytic effect. In the case of the regeneration reaction, the reaction kinetics was also improved by the addition of TiCl3. It was mainly caused by physical effects in contrast to the hydrogen desorption process, in other words, the small crystallite and/or particle were formed by the milling with the additive.  相似文献   

An optimized design for a 210 kg alloy, TiMn alloy based hydrogen storage system for stationary application is presented. A majority of the studies on metal hydride hydrogen systems reported in literature are based on system scale less than 10 kg, leaving questions on the design and performance of large-scale systems unanswered. On the basis of sensitivity to various design and operating parameters such as thermal conductivity, porosity, heat transfer coefficient etc., a comprehensive design methodology is suggested. Following a series of performance analyses, a multi-tubular shell and tube type storage system is selected for the present application which completes the absorption process in 900 s and the desorption process in 2000 s at a system gravimetric capacity of 0.7% which is a vast improvement over similar studies. The study also indicates that after fifty percent reaction completion, heat transfer ceases to be the major controlling factor in the reaction. This could help prevent over-designing systems on the basis of heat transfer, and ensure optimum system weight.  相似文献   

In this work, a density-functional study of hydrogen storage in tin carbide monolayers (2DSnC) decorated with alkali metals atoms (AM) such as Li, Na, and K, is reported. The most stable adsorption site for these alkali metal atoms on the 2DSnC is above a tin atom. The results indicate that the alkali metal atoms are chemisorbed on the 2DSnC and that electronic charge is transferred from the decorating atom to the 2DSnC. In all the studied cases, the hydrogen molecules are physisorbed on the AM-2DSnC (AM = Li, Na, and K) complexes and then these systems could be used for hydrogen storage. In particular, it is found that the K-2DSnC monolayer has the highest hydrogen-storage capacity, where a single potassium atom can adsorb up to 6 hydrogen molecules, followed by Na-2DSnC with 5 hydrogen molecules and Li-2DSnC with 3 hydrogen molecules. Finally, it can be estimated that when the K, Na and Li adatom-coverings respectively attain 40%, 44% and 70%, the hydrogen-storage gravimetric capacities of AM-2DSnC could overcome the US-DOE recommended target of 5.5 wt% for onboard automotive systems.  相似文献   

XNiH3 (X = Li, Na, and K) perovskite type hydrides have been studied by using Density Functional Theory (DFT) and these materials are found to be stable and synthesizable. The X-ray diffraction patterns have been obtained and they indicate that all materials have the polycrystalline structure. The electronic properties have been investigated and it has been found that these structures show metallic character. The Bader partial charge analysis has also been performed. In addition, the elastic constants have been calculated and these materials are found to be mechanically stable. Using these elastic constants, the mechanical properties such as bulk modulus, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio have been obtained. Moreover, the Debye temperatures and thermal conductivities have been studied. The anisotropic elastic properties have been visualized in three dimensions (3D) for Young's modulus, linear compressibility, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio as well as with the calculation of the anisotropic factors. Additionally, the dynamical stability has been investigated and obtained phonon dispersion curves show that these materials are dynamically stable. Also, the thermal properties including free energy, enthalpy, entropy and heat capacity have been studied. The hydrogen storage properties have been examined and the gravimetric hydrogen storage capacities have been calculated as 4.40 wt%, 3.57 wt% and 3.30 wt% for LiNiH3, NaNiH3 and KNiH3, respectively. Furthermore, the hydrogen desorption temperatures have been obtained as 446.3 K, 419.5 K and 367.5 K for LiNiH3, NaNiH3 and KNiH3, respectively.  相似文献   

Experimental results for hydrogen storage tanks with metal hydrides used for load leveling of electricity in commercial buildings are described. Variability in electricity demand due to air conditioning of commercial buildings necessitates installation of on-site energy storage. Here, we propose a totalized hydrogen energy utilization system (THEUS) as an on-site energy storage system, present feasibility test results for this system with a metal hydride tank, and discuss the energy efficiency of the system. This system uses a water electrolyzer to store electricity energy via hydrogen at night and uses fuel cells to generate power during the day. The system also utilizes the cold heat of reaction heat during the hydrogen desorption process for air conditioning. The storage tank has a shell-like structure and tube heat exchangers and contains 50 kg of metal hydride. Experimental conditions were specifically designed to regulate the pressure and temperature range. Absorption and desorption of 5,400 NL of hydrogen was successfully attained when the absorption rate was 10 NL/min and desorption rate was 6.9 NL/min. A 24-h cycle experiment emulating hydrogen generation at night and power generation during the day revealed that the system achieved a ratio of recovered thermal energy to the entire reaction heat of the hydrogen storage system of 43.2% without heat loss.  相似文献   

The development of efficient and reliable energy storage systems based on hydrogen technology represents a challenge to seasonal storage based on renewable hydrogen. State of the art renewable energy generation systems include separate units such as electrolyzer, hydrogen storage vessel and a fuel cell system for the conversion of H2 back into electricity, when required. In this work, a novel electrochemical system has been developed which integrates hydrogen production, storage and compression in only one device, at relatively low cost and high efficiency. The developed prototype comprises a six-electrode cell assembly using an AB5-type metal hydride and Ni plates as counter electrodes, in a 35-wt% KOH solution. Metal hydride electrodes with chemical composition LaNi4.3Co0.4Al0.3 were prepared by high frequency vacuum melting followed by high temperature annealing. X-ray phase analysis showed typical hexagonal structure and no traces of other intermetallic compounds belonging to the La–Ni phase diagram. Thermodynamic study has been performed in a Sieverts type of apparatus produced by Labtech Int. During cycling, the charging/discharging process was studied in situ using a gas chromatograph from Agilent. It is anticipated that the device will be integrated as a combined hydrogen generator and storage unit in a stand-alone system associated to a 1-kW fuel cell.  相似文献   

Hydrogen storage using the metal hydrides and complex hydrides is the most convenient method because it is safe, enables high hydrogen capacity and requires optimum operating condition. Metal hydrides and complex hydrides offer high gravimetric capacity that allows storage of large amounts of hydrogen. However, the high operating temperature and low reversibility hindered the practical implementation of the metal hydrides and complex hydrides. An approach of combining two or more hydrides, which are called reactive hydride composites (RHCs), was introduced to improve the performance of the metal hydrides and complex hydrides. The RHC system approach has significantly enhanced the hydrogen storage performance of the metal hydrides and complex hydrides by modifying the thermodynamics of the composite system through the metathesis reaction that occurred between the hydrides, hence enhancing the kinetic and reversibility performance of the composite system. In this paper, the overview of the RHC system was presented in detail. The challenges and perspectives of the RHC system are also discussed. This is the first review report on the RHC system for solid-state hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

A novel electrochemical system has been developed which integrates hydrogen production, storage and compression in only one device, at relatively low cost and higher efficiency than a classical electrolyser. The prototype comprises a six-electrode cell assembly using an AB5 type metal hydride and Ni plates as counter electrodes, in a KOH solution. Metal hydride electrodes with chemical composition LaNi4.3Co0.4Al0.3 have been prepared by high frequency vacuum melting followed by high temperature annealing. X-ray phase analysis showed typical hexagonal structure and no traces of other intermetallic compounds belonging to the La–Ni phase diagram. Thermodynamic study of the alloy has been performed in a Sievert-type apparatus produced by Labtech Ltd. In the present prototype during charging, hydrogen is absorbed in the metal hydride and corresponding oxygen is conveyed out of the system. Conversely, in the case of discharging the hydrogen stored in the metal hydride it is released to an external H2 storage. Released hydrogen is delivered into the hydrogen storage up to a pressure of 15 bar. It is anticipated that the device will be integrated as a combined hydrogen generator in a stand-alone system associated to a 1 kW fuel cell.  相似文献   

The possibility of using ammonia as a hydrogen carrier is examined for the reaction between magnesium ammine complex MgCl2(NH3)6 and lithium hydride LiH. Sample was milled at low temperature of −40 °C to avoid decomposition of MgCl2(NH3)6 during the milling. The effects of milling time, milling speed (revolutions per minute), and catalysts on hydrogen storage properties were investigated by thermogravimetry, thermal desorption mass spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction experiments. Experimental results indicated that a milled composite of Mg(NH3)6Cl2 and catalyzed-LiH desorbed the ∼100% H2 gas even at 125 °C in a closed system. The reverse reaction also proceeded by separately cooling MgCl2 at lower temperature than 100 °C and heating LiNH2 at 300 °C in the closed system.  相似文献   

The “low-temperature” intermetallic hydrides with hydrogen storage capacities below 2 wt% can provide compact H2 storage simultaneously serving as a ballast. Thus, their low weight capacity, which is usually considered as a major disadvantage to their use in vehicular H2 storage applications, is an advantage for the heavy duty utility vehicles. Here, we present new engineering solutions of a MH hydrogen storage tank for fuel cell utility vehicles which combines compactness, adjustable high weight, as well as good dynamics of hydrogen charge/discharge. The tank is an assembly of several MH cassettes each comprising several MH containers made of stainless steel tube with embedded (pressed-in) perforated copper fins and filled with a powder of a composite MH material which contains AB2- and AB5-type hydride forming alloys and expanded natural graphite. The assembly of the MH containers staggered together with heating/cooling tubes in the cassette is encased in molten lead followed by the solidification of the latter. The tank can provide >2 h long H2 supply to the fuel cell stack operated at 11 kWe (H2 flow rate of 120 NL/min). The refuelling time of the MH tank (T = 15–20 °C, P(H2) = 100–150 bar) is about 15–20 min.  相似文献   

Hydrogen storage technology is essentially necessary to promote renewable energy. Many kinds of hydrogen storage materials, which are hydrogen storage alloys, inorganic chemical hydrides, carbon materials and liquid hydrides have been studied. In those materials, ammonia (NH3) is easily liquefied by compression at 1 MPa and 298 K, and has a highest volumetric hydrogen density of 10.7 kg H2/100 L. It also has a high gravimetric hydrogen density of 17.8 wt%. The theoretical hydrogen conversion efficiency is about 90%. NH3 is burnable without emission of CO2 and has advantages as hydrogen and energy carriers.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy is attractive energy carrier due to its high energy density, abundant, environmentally friendly and renewable etc. However, the search for the high capacity hydrogen storage material is still a great challenge. In addition, the hydrogen storage materials should have excellent catalytic activity and superior mechanical properties to meet dehydrogenation and transportation. Here, we report on a novel metal tetrahydride that can effectively improve the hydrogen storage capacity. We obtain two novel metal tetrahydrides: TiH4 and VH4 based on the phonon dispersion and thermodynamically, respectively. In particular, those metal tetrahydrides not only exhibit good dehydrogenation behavior but also show superior mechanical properties. We demonstrate that the high hydrogen storage capacity of those tetrahydrides derives from the alternative stacking of metal layer and hydrogen layer. However, the excellent dehydrogenation process is attributed to the van der Waals interaction between hydrogen layers. Finally, the thermodynamic properties of TiH4 and VH4 are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrogen storage is a critical step for commercialisation of hydrogen consumed energy production. Among other storage methods, solid state storage of hydrogen attracts much attention and requires extensive research. This study rationally and systematically designs novel solid state hydrides; Li2CaH4 (GHD is obtained as −6.95 wt %) and Li2SrH4 (GHD is obtained as −3.83 wt %) using computational method. As a first step, we suggest and predict crystal structures of solid state Li2CaH4 and Li2SrH4 hydrides and look for synthesizability. Then, the mechanical stabilities of hydrides are identified using elastic constants. Both hydrides fulfil the well-known Born stability criteria, indicating that both Li2CaH4 and Li2SrH4 are mechanically stable materials. Several critical parameters, bulk modulus, shear modulus, Cauchy pressures, anisotropy factors of hydrides and bonding characteristics are obtained and evaluated. Furthermore, electronic and optical band structures of hydrides are computed. Both Li2CaH4 and Li2SrH4 have indirect bands gaps as 0.96 eV (Г-U) and 1.10 eV (Г-R). Thus, both materials are electronically semiconducting. Also, Bader charge analysis of hydrides have been carried out. Charge density distribution suggests an ionic-like (or polarized covalent) bonding interaction between the atoms.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method to improve the promising hydrogen storage capabilities of ammonia borane by making composites with alkaline-earth metal hydrides using ball-milling technique. The ball-milling for the mixtures of alkaline-earth metal hydride (MgH2 or CaH2) and ammonia borane (AB) yields a destabilization compared with the ingredient of the mixture, showing the hydrogen capacity of 8.7 and 5.8 mass% at easily accessible dehydrogenation peak temperatures of 78 and 72 °C, respectively, without the unwanted by-product borazine. Through detailed analyses on the dehydrogenation performance of the composite at various ratios in the hydride and AB, we proposed a different chemical activation mechanism from that in the LiH/AB and NaH/AB systems reported in a previous literature.  相似文献   

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