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This paper shows that the design of a reduced order optimal filter is equivalent to a frequency weighted norm model reduction problem.  相似文献   

This paper describes the proof planning system ω+ for the meta theorem prover for LF implemented in Twelf. The main contributions include a formal system that approximates the flow of information between assumptions and goals within a meta proof, a set of inference rules to reason about those approximations, and a soundness proof that guarantees that the proof planner does not reject promising proof states. Proof planning in ω+ is decidable.  相似文献   

The problem of robust -stability analysis with respect to real convex polytopic uncertainties is tackled. A new -based sufficient condition for the existence of parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions is proposed. This condition generalises previously published conditions. Numerical comparisons with quadratic stability results as well as previous results based on parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions illustrate the relevance of this new condition. Finally, this result appears to be promising for robust multi-objective performance analysis and control synthesis purposes.  相似文献   

I — an interactive program for calibrating activated sludge systems is formulated and demonstrated. The model involves a heuristic screening algorithm for exploring the system equations structure, analytical computations of the sensitivities of the variables to the model coefficients, analytical computations of the gradients of the objective functions selected for the calibration process, and a gradient interactive steepest descent minimization scheme. The methodology was implemented in an end-user PC program: I , that uses the TK S ® and M ® as computational engines, and as the shell. Applications to the activated sludge system models of (Argaman Water Research 29(1) and Argaman et al. (Journal of Environmental Engineering ASCE 125(7) (1999), 608-617) are presented.  相似文献   

We provide an explicit stability or input-to-state stability (ISS) estimate for a sampled-data nonlinear system in terms of the estimate for the corresponding discrete-time system and a function describing inter-sample growth. It is quite obvious that a uniform inter-sample growth condition, plus an ISS property for the exact discrete-time model of a closed-loop system, implies uniform ISS of the sampled-data nonlinear system. Our results serve to quantify these facts by means of comparison functions. Our results can be used as an alternative to prove and extend results in [[Reference to 1]] or extend some results in [[Reference to 4]] to a class of nonlinear systems. Finally, the formulas we establish can be used as a tool for some other problems which we indicate.  相似文献   

1 [11] is a decidable subclass of first-order clausal logic without equality. [7] shows that 1 becomes undecidable when equational literals are allowed, but remains decidable if equality is restricted to ground terms only.First, we extend this decidability result to some non ground equational literals. By carefully restricting the use of the equality predicate we obtain a new decidable class, called 1 =*. We show that existing paramodulation calculi do not terminate on 1 =* and we define a new simplification rule which allows to ensure termination. Second, we show that the automatic extraction of Herbrand models is possible from saturated sets in 1 =* not containing □. These models are represented by certain finite sets of (possibly equational and non ground) linear atoms. The difficult point here is to show that this formalism is suitable as a model representation mechanism, i.e. that the evaluation of arbitrary non equational first-order formulae in such interpretations is a decidable problem.  相似文献   

We present a framework for describing proof planners. This framework is based around a decomposition of proof planners into planning states, proof language, proof plans, proof methods, proof revision, proof control and planning algorithms.We use this framework to motivate the comparison of three recent proof planning systems, λCLaM, Ωmega and IsaPlanner, and demonstrate how the framework allows us to discuss and illustrate both their similarities and differences in a consistent fashion. This analysis reveals that proof control and the use of contextual information in planning states are key areas in need of further investigation.  相似文献   

Extraction-Transformation-loading (ETL) tools are pieces of software responsible for the extraction of data from several sources, their cleansing, customization and insertion into a data warehouse. Literature and personal experience have guided us to conclude that the problems concerning the ETL tools are primarily problems of complexity, usability and price. To deal with these problems we provide a uniform metamodel for ETL processes, covering the aspects of data warehouse architecture, activity modeling, contingency treatment and quality management. The ETL tool we have developed, namely , is capable of modeling and executing practical ETL scenarios by providing explicit primitives for the capturing of common tasks. provides three ways to describe an ETL scenario: a graphical point-and-click front end and two declarative languages: XADL (an XML variant), which is more verbose and easy to read and SADL (an SQL-like language) which has a quite compact syntax and is, thus, easier for authoring.  相似文献   

平面广告设计专业教学要“以人为本,充分发挥专业教师的主导作用,体现学生的主体地位”的素质教育已成为当今学校教学的主旋律.在广告设计教学课堂教学中应做到“以生为本”,充分相信学生,高度尊重学生,全面依靠学生,把学习的主动权交给学生,课堂上给学生提供了足够大的自主学习的空间,让学生在自主、动手、合作、探究、交往的氛围中去获取知识,把学生的学习潜能激发出来.倡导“低入”、“先做后学,先会后学”、“先学后教”、“以学定教”、“小组合作学习”的广告设计教学课堂.在现代艺术教育的学科建设中应该占有重要的位置.本文的主旨就是从建立顺应经济社会发展的教育教学理念为方向,分析提升广告设计教学存在的一些问题,提出了一些实践方法和设想.从多个方面对广告设计教学进行初步的探讨,希望能对以后的实践及教学起到一定的促进作用和参考价值.  相似文献   

建筑工程现场施工的噪声污染很严重,给附近居民的身体健康以及周围的环境造成严重的损失,而且由于建筑施工现场的作业周期比较长,作业量非常大,建筑工程施工现场的噪音污染延续时间就比较长,由于城市的建筑物都比较密集,所以噪声传播速度很快,给人们的身体健康和心理健康造成的影响会比较大,建筑工程施工现场的噪声污染主要来源于一些大型机械设备和设施在作业时候发出的声音,由于建筑施工现场作业工具一般都是大型的机械设备和设施,所以噪声污染是必不可免的,尤其是传统的建筑工程施工现场的大型机械设备和设施的噪声污染,本文主要讲述了建筑工程施工的噪音污染的现状;建筑工程施工的噪音对人体健康产生不良的影响;建筑工程施工的噪声控制的管理对策与建议.  相似文献   

基于医学错验X射线头影图像自动处理重要性及其复杂性,研究了两类小波模板并将其应用在X射线头影图像处理中.实际使用也证实了算法的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

在有障碍时求两点间的最短路径是VLSI设计、机器人设计等领域中的基本问题,连接图是研究此问题的基本工具.现有算法构造的最好的连接图GF是基于自由区的概念而设计的,其顶数和边数分别为O(t)和O(tlogt),其中t为障碍的极边数.提出了广义自由区和极大正规划分的概念,在此基础上得到广义连接图GG,用来表征广义自由区之间的邻接情况,其顶数和边数均为()(t),且具有平面图的性质.同时还提出了基于扫描线的极大正规划分构造算法,其时间复杂度为O(tlogt);并提出规范路径的概念,以及采用"不改向"启发式策略的A*算法在广义连接图GG中寻找两点间的最短路径,算法的时间复杂度由基于GF的现有算法的O(tlogt)降低到()(t).  相似文献   

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