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This study introduces the ability of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and genetic algorithm (GA) based correlations for estimating the hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics in coiled tubes. The experimental data related to the heat transfer and pressure drop in helically coiled tubes with deferent geometrical parameters (coil diameter and pitch) were used. In the experiments, hot water was passed in the coiled tubes, which were placed in a cold bath. Two ANFIS models were developed for predicting the Nusselt number (Nu) and friction factor (f) in the coiled tubes and the geometric parameters were employed as input data. Moreover, empirical correlations for estimating the Nu and f were developed by a phenomenological argument in the form of classical power–law correlations and their constants were found using the GA technique. The mean relative errors (MRE) of the developed ANFIS models for estimation of Nu and f are 6.24% and 3.54%, respectively. On the other hand, for empirical correlations, a MRE of 8.06% was found for prediction Nu while MRE of 5.03% was obtained for f. The results show that the ANFIS models can predict Nu and f with the higher accuracy than the developed correlations.  相似文献   

Heat transfer of supercritical fluids has been the subject of many investigations; however, since the analysis of heat transfer in these fluids established by a mathematical model based on the planning parameters is complicated, this study attempts to provide a model for convection heat transfer of turbulent supercritical carbon dioxide flow in a vertical circular tube with a hydraulic diameter of 7.8 mm in inlet bulk temperature of 15 °C and a 8 MPa constant pressure by empirical results obtained by Kim et al.[1] and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). At first, we considered Nux as a target parameter and qw, G, Bo* and x+ as input parameters. Then, we randomly divided 123 empirical data into train and test sections in order to accomplish modeling. We instructed ANFIS network by 75% of the empirical data. Twenty-five percent of primary data which had been considered for testing the appropriateness of the modeling were entered into the ANFIS model. Results were compared by two statistical criterions (R2 and RMSE) with empirical ones. Considering the results, it is obvious that our proposed modeling by ANFIS is efficient and valid and it can be expanded for more general states.  相似文献   

In recent years the requirement for reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. A latent heat recovery type heat exchanger is one of the effective methods of improving thermal efficiency by recovering latent heat. This paper described the heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of a latent heat recovery type heat exchanger having a wing fin (fin pitch: 4 mm, fin length: 65 mm). These were clarified by measuring the exchange heat quantity, the pressure loss of heat exchanger, and the heat transfer coefficient between outer fin surface and gas. The effects of condensate behavior in the fins on heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics were clarified. Furthermore, the equations for predicting the heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss which are necessary in the design of the heat exchanger were proposed. ©2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(4): 215–229, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20154  相似文献   

In recent years, the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. A latent heat recovery type heat exchanger is one of the effective methods for improving thermal efficiency by recovering latent heat. This paper describes the heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of a latent heat recovery type heat exchanger having straight fins (fin length: 65 mm or 100 mm, fin pitch: 2.5 mm or 4 mm). These were clarified by measuring the exchange heat quantity, the pressure loss of the heat exchanger, and the heat transfer coefficient between the outer fin surface and gas. The effects of fin length and fin pitch on heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics were clarified. Furthermore, equations for predicting the heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss which are necessary for heat exchanger design were proposed. ©2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 36(4): 230– 247, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20153 Copyright © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was performed to study the heat transfer characteristics of temperature-dependent-property engine-oil inside shell and coiled tube heat exchangers. For this purpose, a well-instrumented set-up was designed and constructed. Three heat exchangers with different coil pitches were selected as the test section for counter-flow configuration. Engine-oil was circulated inside the inner coiled tube, while coolant water flowed in the shell. All the required parameters like inlet and outlet temperatures of tube-side and shell-side fluids, flow rate of fluids, etc were measured using appropriate instruments. An empirical correlation existed in the previous literature for evaluating the shell-side Nusselt number was invoked to calculate the heat transfer coefficients of the temperature-dependent-property fluid flowing in the tube-side of the heat exchangers. Using the data of the present study, an empirical correlation was developed to predict the heat transfer coefficients of the temperature-dependent-property fluid flowing inside the shell and coiled tube heat exchangers.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a growing need for reduction of energy consumption in an effort to solve problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example, in the power generation field, thermal power generation now occupies 60% of the power generation demand, and the need for improved thermal efficiency is thus considerable. In this paper, the pressure drop characteristics of the finned tube banks used for the heat exchanger in thermal power generation were clarified by testing the serrated finned tube banks for improvement of higher heat transfer and the conventional spiral finned tube banks under the same test conditions, and equations for predicting the pressure drop coefficient which is necessary to design the heat exchanger were proposed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 33(7): 431–444, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20030  相似文献   

ExperimentalStudyonHeatTransferandPressureDropCharacteristicsofFourTypesofPlateFin-and-TUbeHeatExchangerSurfaces¥H.J.Kang;W.L...  相似文献   

In recent years the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example, in the power generation field, as thermal power generation occupied 60% of the power generation demand, considerable improvement of the thermal efficiency is required. This paper describes the pressure drop characteristics of finned tube banks used for heat exchangers in thermal power generation that were clarified by testing serrated finned tube banks with different fin heights for improved heat transfer and conventional spiral finned tube banks with different fin heights, and an equation to predict pressure drop which is necessary for the heat exchanger design is proposed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 35(3): 179–193, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20112  相似文献   

The shell side heat transfer and pressure drop in counterflowing water were experimentally investigated on the basis of the overall heat transfer coefficient. The investigation was intended to identify ways to get higher performance for the cooler in a BWR nuclear power plant. The following three conclusions were reached in the study. (1) Predicted performance of the heat exchanger, using the overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outside area of the tube Ko, indicated an enhancement by 92% compared with the measured performance of the conventional segmental baffle‐type heat exchanger. (2) The tube side pressure drop ΔPt=20 kPa and the shell side pressure drop ΔPs=70 kPa were obtained, and were within the allowable value ΔPa=80 kPa. The shell side pressure drop of the low‐pressure drop spacer could be decreased by 20% as compared with that of the standard spacer. (3) The enhancement constant of the shell side heat transfer using the low‐pressure drop spacer was about 1.2 times as large as that of the standard spacer, regardless of the pumping power. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 32(5): 455–471, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.10097  相似文献   

In recent years the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example, in the power generation field, as thermal power generation occupies 60% of the power generation demand, considerable improvement of thermal efficiency is required. This paper describes the heat transfer characteristics of finned tube banks used for the heat exchanger in thermal power generation that were clarified by testing serrated finned tube banks with different fin heights for improved higher heat transfer and conventional spiral finned tube banks with different fin height. Then an equation to predict the heat transfer coefficient which is necessary for the design of the heat exchanger was proposed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 35(3): 194–208, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20111  相似文献   

In recent years the requirements for the reduction of energy consumption have been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example in the power generation field, as thermal power generation occupied 60% of the power generation demand, an improvement in thermal efficiency is greatly needed. This paper describes the clarification of heat transfer characteristics of finned tube banks used for a heat exchanger in thermal power generation by testing serrated finned tubes banks for a heat transfer improvement and conventional spiral finned tube banks under the same test conditions. The equations to predict the heat transfer coefficient necessary to design the heat exchanger are proposed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 34(2): 120–133, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20043  相似文献   

In this article, experimental analysis is done on shell‐and‐tube heat exchanger of a marine vessel for removal of fouling using optimum surface‐cleaning techniques. The main objective is to compare the performance of the heat exchanger before and after maintenance. Two identical deteriorated systems of heat exchangers are taken and real‐time analysis is conducted. The log data are taken before and after undergoing maintenance for the two systems. Two different cleaning techniques are used, namely, chemical cleaning and mechanical cleaning. Detailed calculations are made for the shell‐and‐tube heat exchanger. From the obtained data, comparisons are made for different parameters on the tube side such as friction factor, heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop, as well as total heat transfer rate on the shell side. From the analysis and comparison, it was found that greater heat transfer takes place for the tubes cleaned using the chemical cleaning method than for tubes cleaned by the mechanical cleaning method. Pressure drop is found to be less for chemical cleaning method than mechanical cleaning method. This indicates that the fouling effect is reduced for tubes cleaned by the chemical cleaning method, and furthermore these tubes remain corrosion‐resistant for longer periods of time.  相似文献   

The use of a jet from an orifice nozzle with a saddle‐backed‐shape velocity profile and a contracted flow at the nozzle exit may improve the heat transfer characteristics on an impingement plate because of its larger centerline velocity. However, it requires more power to operate than a common nozzle because of its higher flow resistance. We therefore initially considered the use of a cone orifice nozzle to obtain better heat transfer performance as well as to decrease the flow resistance. We examined the effects of the cone angle α on the cone orifice free jet flow and heat transfer characteristics of the impinging jet. We compared two nozzles: a pipe nozzle and a quadrant nozzle. The first one provides a velocity profile of a fully developed turbulent pipe flow, and the second has a uniform velocity profile at the nozzle exit. We observed a significant enhancement of the heat transfer characteristics of the cone orifice jets at Re=1.5×104. Using the cone orifice impinging jets enhanced the heat transfer rates as compared to the quadrant jet, even when the jets were supplied with the same operational power as the pipe jet. For instance, a maximum enhancement up to approximately 22% at r/do?0.5 is observed for α=15°. In addition, an increase of approximately 7% is attained as compared to when the pipe jet was used. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20243  相似文献   

Infrared (IR) thermography constitutes a reliable measurement method for the determination of spatially resolved surface temperature distributions. IR thermography may be used for several research problems, applications, and measurement environments with a variety of physical arrangements. In this work the results of the determination of the overall heat transfer coefficient (U-Value) with the use of IR thermography for building envelopes are presented. The obtained U-Values are validated by means of measurements performed with the use of a thermohygrometer for two seasons (summer and winter), as well as with the notional results provided by the relevant EN standard. Issues related to the applicability of the method due to the non-steady heat transfer phenomena observed at building shells are also discussed. A more precise validation of the proposed technique was also performed with the use of heat flux meters. The percentage absolute deviation between the notional and the measured U-Values for IR thermography is found to be in an acceptable level, in the range of 10–20%. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted in order to define the most important parameters which may have a significant influence on the measurement accuracy.  相似文献   

Effects of pulsation on flow and heat transfer characteristics are experimentally examined in the pulsating pipe flows having sinusoidal velocity fluctuations around a nonzero mean. By systematically varying three pulsation parameters (the amplitude, frequency, and mean velocity), time-averaged and fluctuating temperature profiles are measured under the heating condition of constant wall temperature using saturated vapor. The mean Nusselt number, Nup, is calculated, and compared with that in ordinary turbulent pipe flows without pulsation. The results show that Nup, decreases initially as the pulsation amplitude increases, then recovers gradually, and finally becomes much greater than the original value. In pulsating pipe flows with a nonzero mean velocity, therefore, pulsation cannot always promote heat transfer, but sometimes suppresses it, depending mainly on the pulsation amplitude and mean velocity. It is also found that these heat transfer characteristics of a pulsating pipe flow are controlled by the transition of flow patterns with pulsation amplitude from a fully turbulent flow to a conditionally turbulent flow via a transitional flow. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Heat Trans Jpn Res, 25(5): 323–341, 1996  相似文献   

This paper presents the influence of latent heat load by changing the relative humidity of air flow distribution in the super‐heated gas region in an evaporator and the effect of the refrigerant flow path pattern. To estimate the influence, we applied the thermal network method that can consider refrigerant quality distribution in the heat exchanger. If the super‐heated gas region spreads to the upper wind row, humid air goes through the heat exchanger without drying, called “air flow bypass.” To suppress this phenomenon and simultaneously obtain the best performance, we chose an optimum path pattern on the basis of this method. As a result, the prediction shows that performance of the evaporator is recovered 5% for a simple 2‐row 2‐path heat exchanger when 40% of the unbalance of air flow rate occurs. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20302  相似文献   

To control the flow around a flat plate, a small rod was set upstream of the plate. The chord length of the plate, D, was 50 mm. The diameter of the rod, d, and the distance between the axes of the rod and plate, L, were varied. The Reynolds number ranged from 1.3 × 104 to 7.7 × 104. For the cases without vortex shedding from the rod, the shear layer from the rod reattaches to the front face of the plate. Consequently, quasi-stationary vortices are formed between the rod and the plate. In this case, at d/D = 0.4 and L/D = 1.4 to 2.0, the maximum reduction of total drag coefficient is 20 to 30%. The average heat transfer on each face increases and the overall heat transfer increases by about 40 to 50% compared with values obtained without the rod in place. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(2): 99–113, 1998  相似文献   

介绍了一次表面的发展及目前国内外研究的状况,采用单吹瞬变法对自行设计的3种CC(Cross Corrugated)型一次表面进行传热与阻力特性的试验研究.建立了数学模型,由数值解求得流体的出口温度与时间及传热单元数NTU间的函数关系.通过配比,获得了换热表面在测定工况下的NTU值.首次获得该3种CC表面的j和f的试验关联式.j因子和f因子均随Re的增加而逐渐下降,符合紧凑表面传热性能和阻力性能的一般规律.经误差分析,所提供的试验关联式的拟合误差不大于15%,具有足够的工程精度.关联式的使用条件是Re=120~800,换热面当量直径为1.2~1.4 mm,交错角45~75°.采用综合评价因子j/f对3种表面的性能进行了分析,结果表明,宽高比较大的型面具有较佳的综合性能.所得数据还与国内外其他学者的数值模拟结果进行了比较,试验数据与数值模拟的结果基本符合.  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental investigation of heat-transfer and pressure-drop behavior of R-290, R-600, and R-290/R-600 in the three-lines serpentine small-diameter (2.46 mm) tube bank. Heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop characteristics are measured for a range of heat flux (5–21 kW/m2), mass flux (250–500 kg/m2 s), equilibrium mass quality (0–0.86), and the fixed mixture composition ((R-290/R-600 (55 wt.%/45 wt.%)). The results show that the flow boiling heat transfer coefficients for R-290, R-600, and R-290/R-600 are 1.66–1.96-fold, 1.28–1.38-fold and 1.57–1.88-fold greater as compared with those for R-134a under equal heat and mass fluxes. Also, the two-phase flow frictional pressure drop for R-600, R-290/R-600 and R-290 are 1.41–1.60-fold, 1.32–1.50-fold and 1.22–1.40-fold smaller as compared with that for R-134a. A new heat transfer correlation was presented by using a superposition model to predict the experimental data for both pure refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures. Experimental results were compared with several correlations which predict the evaporative heat transfer, which are in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

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