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Yue  Yihang  Li  Yong  Wang  Tingting  Wang  Shifeng  Han  Lin  Du  Chun 《Catalysis Letters》2022,152(11):3437-3446

A Pd/CeO2-M with high methanol oxidation performance was prepared from metal–organic framework (MOF). The reaction results indicate that the Pd/CeO2-M could achieve 100% methanol oxidation at 200 °C over the traditional Pd/CeO2-C at 350 °C. The high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman show that the Pd was uniformly distributed over the CeO2 that was rich in oxygen vacancies. The methanol temperature program surface reaction (MeOH-TPSR) demonstrates that the Pd/CeO2-M could effectively decompose methanol at a lower temperature with the assistance of oxygen vacancies compared with Pd/CeO2-C. Methanol oxidation was conducted with in-situ Raman, CO diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transformed spectroscopy (CO-DRIFTS) and in-situ DRIFTS to elucidate the reaction mechanism and establish the structure–activity relationship. The oxygen vacancies have participated in the assistance of methanol oxidation, which was revealed via in-situ Raman. The CO-DRIFTS indicates that the chemisorbed CO was more in linear form, which demonstrates that the Pd particles were over CeO2-M with a smaller size. The in-situ DRIFTS experiments show the methanol could be further effectively oxidized to bidentate formate over Pd/CeO2-M with the assistance of oxygen vacancies. The Pd/CeO2-M catalysis and its enhancement mechanism studies provided a potential strategy in the VOC removal catalysis development.

Graphical Abstract

邱永福 《广东化工》2011,38(3):49-51
文章报道了一种新型催化剂Au/CeO2/MCM-41的制备,并对它的比表面积、晶体结构、表面元素价态、储释氧能力及催化活性进行表征。通过催化剂的活性测试,发现催化剂Au/CeO2/MCM-41对CO氧化具有很高的活性,但催化剂对煅烧温度比较敏感,随煅烧温度上升,催化活性下降很快,可能是因为一方面较高的温度煅烧使金纳米颗粒迅速长大,从而活性很快的下降;另一方面高温煅烧使催化剂发生烧结,从而比表面积下降引起活性的降低。  相似文献   

莫敏  李轩  唐建生 《广州化工》2014,(22):5-7,76
将金纳米颗粒负载在二氧化铈上,形成负载型催化剂,能应用于多种反应体系,表现出良好的催化活性,有着广阔的发展前景。综述了二氧化铈载金催化剂在一氧化碳催化氧化中的应用研究进展,介绍了二氧化铈载金催化剂中金的结构、价态和纳米尺寸,载体二氧化铈的形貌、结构、尺寸和氧空位以及金和载体二氧化铈两者之间的相互作用对一氧化碳催化氧化性能的影响。  相似文献   

A home-built, high-throughput operando (HTO) reactor was applied to study methanol partial oxidation reaction over MoO3/SiO2 catalysts. This HTO reactor combines Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) imaging and Raman spectroscopy for high throughput catalyst evaluation and simultaneously for catalyst characterization under operando conditions. The catalyst activity and selectivity of all parallel reaction channels were followed at a time resolution of 2–20 s by the FT-IR imaging system that offers a spatial resolution of 16,384 pixels over a 2 × 2 inches illuminated cross-section area. Six specialized Raman probes were used to simultaneously collect Raman spectra of the catalyst surfaces and reaction intermediates under operando conditions. The structural variation of the MoO3/SiO2 catalysts with different molybdenum loadings and their catalytic performance at various temperatures were determined. The HTO reactor with the integrated imaging techniques allowed us to track the catalytic activities and the surface morphologies for multiple samples under various operando conditions.  相似文献   

以液体燃料甲醇分布式现场重整制氢系统开发为研究目的,根据非对称耦合的思想,将Cu O/Zn O/Ce O2-Zr O2甲醇水蒸气重整催化剂和Pt/Al2O3催化燃烧催化剂应用于套筒式小型制氢反应器中,实现了甲醇水蒸气重整反应和燃烧反应的耦合。实验考察了Cu O/Zn O/Ce O2-Zr O2催化剂在套筒式小型制氢反应器中的性能。结果表明:在套筒式小型制氢反应器内,Cu O/Zn O/Ce O2-Zr O2催化剂的甲醇水蒸气重整活性比商业Cu O/Zn O/Al2O3催化剂高出30%左右;并且多次开停车和改变反应条件,均未对催化剂和反应器产生明显影响,150 h内催化剂和反应器稳定性良好。当反应温度为230~260℃,甲醇气体空速为300~1200 h-1,水醇物质的量比(S/M)为1.2时,最大氢产率达162.8 L/h,可为百瓦级质子交换膜燃料电池提供氢源。  相似文献   

We compare the activity and relevant gold species of nanostructured gold–cerium oxide and gold–iron oxide catalysts for the CO oxidation by dioxygen and water. Well dispersed gold nanoparticles in reduced form provide the active sites for the CO oxidation reaction on both oxide supports. On the other hand, oxidized gold species, strongly bound on the support catalyze the water-gas shift reaction. Gold species weakly bound to ceria (doped with lanthana) or iron oxide can be removed by sodium cyanide at pH ≥12. Both parent and leached catalysts were investigated. The activity of the leached gold–iron oxide catalyst in CO oxidation is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than that of the parent material. However, after exposure to H2 up to 400 °C gold diffuses out and is in reduced form on the surface, a process accompanied by a dramatic enhancement of the CO oxidation activity. Similar results were found with the gold–ceria catalysts. On the other hand, pre-reduction of the calcined leached catalyst samples did not promote their water-gas shift activity. UV–Vis, XANES and XPS were used to probe the oxidation state of the catalysts after various treatments.  相似文献   

二氧化铈具有紫外光吸收能力,以其为载体,通过光催化还原沉积可实现贵金属负载。本研究通过光催化还原沉积制备了氨氧化用Pt/CeO_2催化剂,利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线能谱(EDS)、透射电镜(TEM)、BET比表面积、电耦合高频等离子发射光谱(ICP)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、NH_3-程序升温脱附(NH_3-TPD)对样品的物理性质进行了表征,并在φ4 mm×2 mm石英反应管中对其氨催化氧化性能进行了评价。结果表明,该法制备的Pt/CeO_2催化剂活性组分铂含量仅为0.079 7%,在载体表面分散性好;在反应温度800℃,原料中O_2和NH_3比为15的条件下,氨转化率为100%,氮氧化合物收率可达80%。  相似文献   

Ceria-supported Au catalyst has been synthesized by the solution combustion method for the first time and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Au is dispersed as Au0 as well as Au3+ states on CeO2 surface of 20-30 nm crystallites. On heating the as-prepared 1% Au/CeO2 in air, the concentration of Au3+ ions on CeO2 increases at the expense of Au0. Catalytic activities for CO and hydrocarbon oxidation and NO reduction over the as-prepared and the heat-treated 1% Au/CeO2 have been carried out using a temperature-programmed reaction technique in a packed bed tubular reactor. The results are compared with nano-sized Au metal particles dispersed on -Al2O2 substrate prepared by the same method. All the reactions over heat-treated Au/CeO2 occur at lower temperature in comparison with the as-prepared Au/CeO2 and Au/Al2O2. The rate of NO + CO reaction over as-prepared and heat-treated 1% Au/CeO2 are 28.3 and 54.0 mol g-1 s-1 at 250 and 300 °C respectively. Activation energy (E a) values are 106 and 90 kJ mol-1 for CO + O2 reaction respectively over as-prepared and heat-treated 1% Au/CeO2 respectively.  相似文献   

Catalyst samples based on vanadium, cerium and titanium oxides were prepared using sol–gel method and wet impregnation. Several analytical techniques were used to characterize catalysts. The best activity and selectivity in the partial oxidation of methanol and methyl mercaptan were observed for the catalyst sample with the composition of 3 % V2O5/Ti0.1–Ce0.9O2.  相似文献   

A series of Ce1-xCuxO2- mixed oxides were synthesized using a co-precipitation method and tested as catalysts for the steam reforming of methanol. XRD patterns of the Ce1-xCuxO2- mixed oxides indicated that Cu2+ ions were dissolved in CeO2 lattices to form a solid solution by calcination at 773K when x < 0.2. A TPR (temperature-programmed reduction) investigation showed that the CeO2 promotes the reduction of the Cu2+ species. Two reduction peaks were observed in the TPR profiles, which suggested that there were two different Cu2+ species in the Ce1-xCuxO2- mixed oxides. The TPR peak at low temperature is attributed to the bulk Cu2+ species which dissolved into the CeO2 lattices, and the peak at high temperature is due to the CuO species dispersed on the surface of CeO2. The Ce1-xCuxO2- mixed oxides were reduced to form Cu/CeO2 catalysts for steam reforming of methanol, and were compared with Cu/ZnO, Cu/Zn(Al)O and Cu/AL2O3 catalysts. All the Cu-containing catalysts tested in this study showed high selectivities to CO2 (over 97%) and H2. A 3.8wt% Cu/CeO2 catalyst showed a conversion of 53.9% for the steam reforming of methanol at 513K (W/F = 4.9 g h mol-1), which was higher than that over Cu/ZnO (37.9%), Cu/Zn(Al)O (32.3%) and Cu/AL2O3 (11.2%) with the same Cu loading under the same reaction conditions. It is likely that the high activity of the Cu/CeO2 catalysts may be due to the highly dispersed Cu metal particles and the strong metalsupport interaction between the Cu metal and CeO2 support. Slow deactivations were observed over the 3.8wt% Cu/CeO2 catalyst at 493 and 513K. The activity of the deactivated catalysts can be regenerated by calcination in air at 773K followed by reduction in H2 at 673K, which indicated that a carbonaceous deposit on the catalyst surface caused the catalyst deactivation. Using the TPO (temperature-programmed oxidation) method, the amounts of coke on the 3.8wt% Cu/CeO2 catalyst were 0.8wt% at 493K and 1.7wt% at 513K after 24h on stream.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of the individual components and an Al2O3 support on CuZnO for methanol (MeOH) synthesis were investigated at the site level for the first time using steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis and reaction at 250?°C and 1.8?atm. The presence of ZnO was found to decrease the hydrocarbon (CH4 primarily) formation ability of Cu. By comparing the surface reaction parameters, it could be shown that Cu and ZnO catalysts (supported on Al2O3) exhibit lower MeOH formation rates compared to their combination in either CuZnO or CuZnO/Al2O3 due, especially, to lower intrinsic ??site?? activities. The synergy between Cu and ZnO was most obvious in the increase in MeOH TOFITK (a measure of site activity for MeOH formation), more than double that for Cu without ZnO. Al2O3 did not seem to impact MeOH synthesis in any way other than to increase dispersion of the CuZnO. However, it did furnish acid sites for the conversion of some MeOH to DME.  相似文献   

Au/CeO2 catalysts prepared by co-precipitation (CP) and deposition-precipitation (DP) methods were tested for low temperature CO oxidation reaction. The structural characters and redox features of the catalysts were investigated by XRD, XPS and H2-TPR. Their catalytic performances for low temperature CO oxidation were studied by means of a microreactor -GC system. It showed that the catalytic activities of Au/CeO2 catalysts greatly depended on the preparation method. The catalysts prepared by DP method exhibited a surprisingly higher activity towards CO oxidation than that prepared by CP method. This may arise from the differences in the particle sizes of Au and redox properties of the catalysts. The low Au loading and the resistance to high temperature of DP-prepared catalyst made it more applicable.  相似文献   

Au/CeO2 catalyst was prepared via a deposition–precipitation method and further pretreated in different atmospheres prior to CO oxidation. A reductive atmosphere pretreatment slightly improved the low-temperature activity of Au/CeO2. The greatest activity was achieved when Au/CeO2 catalyst was subjected to an oxidative atmosphere followed by a reductive atmosphere pretreatment. Analysis using XRD, TEM and nitrogen sorption measurement showed that pretreatment retains the crystal phase, morphology and pore structure of CeO2. However, there was a change in the interaction between gold species and CeO2 support, as revealed by H2-TPR measurement.  相似文献   

《Journal of Catalysis》2007,245(2):308-315
An FTIR study of CO adsorption from 120 K up to room temperature on a series of Au–ceria samples is presented. Samples with low gold content (0.7 and 0.6 at%) were prepared by urea gelation/co-precipitation and by cyanide leaching of the high-gold content (5.8 at%) material prepared by deposition–precipitation on La-doped CeO2. The samples were subjected to different pretreatments to collect information on the surface composition under working conditions. An absorption band at 2130–2140 cm−1, not reversible on outgassing and more resistant to oxidation than the usual carbonyl band on Au0 sites, was present due to CO adsorbed on cationic gold clusters. This highly stable species is relevant for hydrogen gas upgrade by removing CO from reformate-type gases at low temperatures. In addition, a broad absorption band in the 2000–2100 cm−1 range was observed after reduction in hydrogen, due to structural and electronic changes of gold. Interestingly, the reduced gold species in ceria can be reoxidized at mild conditions. Light-off of the CO oxidation reaction took place below room temperature on the metallic gold-containing ceria but was delayed until 310 K on the ionic gold-containing sample. TPR and XPS analysis of the fresh and used catalysts corroborated the stability of ionic gold in ceria up to 393 K in the reaction gas mixture.  相似文献   

Cabello  Ana P.  Ulla  María A.  Zamaro  Juan M. 《Topics in Catalysis》2019,62(12-16):931-940
Topics in Catalysis - The CO oxidation reaction has a strong implication in environmental catalysis; besides a promising performance of CeO2/CuOx systems in inverse configuration has been...  相似文献   

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