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沉水植物占据着水体生态系统的关键界面,是水-沉积物环境质量及其界面物质迁移转化的重要调节器,对水体生产力及生物地球化学循环具有十分重要的影响。沉水植物在生长发育、衰亡过程中,通过直接或间接作用影响沉积物磷的迁移转换。针对已有研究成果存在的问题,提出了今后的研究方向:研究方法的改进与创新,拓展研究范围,开展生物相磷的相互迁移转化研究,深化不同类型沉水植物对沉积物磷影响机制的研究等。  相似文献   

为探讨河蚬扰动对沉积物中重金属生物有效性与毒性的影响,制作重金属污染的不同质地沉积物(不同有机质含量和不同砂质含量)样品,采用室内模拟并借助间隙水平衡(Peeper)和薄膜扩散梯度(DGT)原位测定手段,试验研究了河蚬扰动作用下沉积物中重金属生物有效性以及毒性的变化特征。结果表明:河蚬扰动促进沉积物中重金属离子向上覆水释放,使上覆水中的Cd质量浓度增大了2%~12%,As增大了2%~198%;河蚬扰动使Cd、As的活性增大,在砂质沉积物中的活性大于有机质沉积物中的活性;河蚬扰动可促使沉积物中酸可挥发性硫化物的含量降低,进而改变其对沉积物中亲硫金属的结合能力,增强了沉积物中重金属的毒性。  相似文献   

渭河沉积物中重金属释放的动态实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随河流沉积物中重金属释放过程的进行,PH值所所降低,而溶出碱显著增加,碱度溶出平衡与重金属释放平衡几乎同时完成;通过验发现水流紊动强度提高,溶出碱度与重金属释放强度同步增大,反映了释放过程中重金属碳酸盐结合态的变化规律,实验结果证明,将重金属翻译放过程中泥沙运动看作为平衡沙是合理的,但试验初期,悬沙颗粒组成存在一定程度的沿程细化,悬沙颗粒的沿程细化对重金属释放动力学过程的影响不明显,对颗粒态重金属  相似文献   

太湖沉积物的分布和动力扰动下最大侵蚀深度的确定   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用 2 0 0 2年对太湖沉积物空间分布的调查数据 ,将太湖划分成 69× 69个网格 ,利用最优插值法对整个太湖的沉积物总量进行了计算 ,得出太湖沉积物的蓄积量大约在 1 8 5 7亿m3左右 ,主要分布在西部沿岸和北部的梅梁湾 ,在湖心和东太湖 ,沉积物覆盖量很小 ,有泥区面积占整个水面积的 47 45 % ,在 60 %的有泥区中 ,沉积物厚度集中在 2 5m以下 ,小于 5 0cm和大于 3 5m的有泥区面积所占比例不大。此外 ,利用Shields方法计算了太湖沉积物上层 1m内不同深度上的临界切应力 ,采用SMB浅水波动模式 ,计算了夏季受东南风和冬季受西北风影响下的波切应力值 ,确定了不同扰动所能引起的最大侵蚀深度。计算结果说明 ,无论上述何种风向情况下 ,能产生悬浮的临界风速大约在 5 0m s左右 ,当风速大于临界风速时 ,悬浮深度随着风速的增加而增大 ,当风速达到 2 0 0m s时所能引起的最大侵蚀深度均在 3 0cm左右。  相似文献   

以摇蚊幼虫为研究对象,通过对不同时段摇蚊幼虫扰动下沉积物的测定,探讨生物扰动下沉积物-水界面含水率和烧失量的变化规律以及粒径垂向分布规律。结果表明:在实验初期,摇蚊幼虫的扰动改变了沉积物的含水率,到了实验的中后期,摇蚊幼虫的活动趋于稳定,含水率变化较小;摇蚊幼虫的扰动增加了沉积物的有机质质量百分比;摇蚊组实验前后沉积物颗粒的粒径变化较大,其中黏粒分布变化最大。  相似文献   

选取北大港水库当地优势种挺水植物香蒲和广盐性沉水植物篦齿眼子菜、金鱼藻、狐尾藻为研究对象,研究香蒲与不同沉水植物的组配试验对水体净化效果的影响。结果表明:香蒲与篦齿眼子菜组配对水体NH3-N、TP的去除效果最好,去除率分别为62.1%、83.9%;香蒲与金鱼藻组配对TN、COD的去除效果最佳,去除率分别为93.3%、30.4%。利用Matlab软件平台对试验结束时的水质进行分析,发现香蒲与金鱼藻组配方式对水体的净化能力最强。  相似文献   

底泥污染物释放水动力特性实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在环境水动力学中,河口地区的河流底泥污染物释放扩散特性的研究越来越受到人们的重视.实际上,污染物在底泥和上覆水体之间的释放扩散,对上覆水体水质有很大影响.底泥污染物释放扩散受到底泥本身物理性质和上覆水体水动力特性的共同作用.本文对底泥污染物向上覆水体释放扩散规律进行了水槽实验,通过对水体中底泥释放污染物COD浓度的测量分析,初步得到了底泥污染物在动水条件下的释放机理.底泥污染物释放主要分为两种形式:一是底泥污染物泥水界面释放,二是底泥污染物起动悬浮释放.随后结合底泥污染物释放的水槽模拟实验,天然河道(苏州河)现场实测资料,对三者进行了分析比较.它们相互符合得较好,所反映的基本规律是一致的,表明了本文实验研究的合理性和可靠性.  相似文献   

水体沉积物磷释放及控制   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
分类介绍了影响水体沉积物磷释放的各种因素,其中主要分析了温度、pH值、溶解氧、沉积物磷形态、水体扰动的影响,认为影响释放的主导因素因地而异。评述了目前较多采用的控制磷释放的措施,包括自然净化、原位固定、底泥疏浚、生态修复、稀释冲刷等,着重分析了前四者的优缺点,认为目前综合利用这些控制技术会取得较好效果,提出最终要以生态学方法来控制磷释放和解决富营养化问题。  相似文献   

什刹海沉积物磷释放特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以北京城市中心区的什刹海为研究对象,通过室内模拟试验,探求了春季西海、后海沉积物中磷的释放情况,并计算出沉积物中磷的释放量,为湖泊富营养化防治提供依据.  相似文献   

Contaminant release from bottom sediments in rivers is one of the main problems to study the environmental hydrodynamics. Contaminant will release into the overlying water column under different hydrodynamic conditions through pore-water in sediment, the release mechanism can be roughly divided into convection diffusion, molecular diffusion and adsorption/desorption. In this article, phosphorus was as a typical contaminant with sorption. Through theoretical analysis of the contaminant release, according to different particle-sized and hydraulic conditions, the mathematics model of contaminant release can be established by the coupled Navier-Stokes equation, Darcy equation, solute transport equation and adsorption/desorption equation. Then that model was verified by flume experiment. Numerical studies show that, under different velocity, the instantaneous concentration of convection diffusion is about 6 times to 50 times larger than that of molecular diffusion during initial stages. The concentration of molecular diffusion is about 1 times to 4 times larger than to that of convection diffusion during late stages. Through analysis, the diffusive boundary layer near the interface can be obtained. In addition, the release will increase with particle size decreasing, and the release will be influenced much more by the size change when the particle size is relatively big under different velocity.  相似文献   

象限分析法分析沉水植物促淤效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在研究浅水湖泊中沉水植物促淤、降低水体浊度的原理等问题时,已有的泥沙求解公式不适用,难以准确预测泥沙运动趋势及状态,这就要根据影响泥沙运动的水流流态进行分析。象限分析法近年来被用于分析泥沙运动状态。详细阐述了该方法的基本原理,介绍了通过实测离散数据用以分析紊动结构的方法,分析了试验数据,并揭示了沉水植物降低水体浊度的机理,即因为沉水植物的存在,在其冠顶以下形成下扫水流,将泥沙携带向床面,同时下扫水流在近床面处与该处的喷射水流混合,从而降低了自身能量,促使泥沙沉降、淤积。  相似文献   

不同湿地植物的根系泌氧作用与重金属吸收   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为研究不同湿地植物根系泌氧能力与重金属吸收积累能力间的关系,选用6种对废水中重金属吸收能力较强的湿地植物进行盆栽实验。结果表明:不同种类湿地植物的根系向水中的泌氧能力存在明显差异,植物间水体溶解氧质量浓度的差异最大可达1.05 mg/L;不同种类湿地植物对重金属的吸收积累能力也有显著差异,而且在重金属积累量方面的差异明显高于重金属浓度方面的差异。相关分析表明:不同种类湿地植物水体溶解氧浓度与植株重金属积累量之间存在显著正相关关系,相关系数达到显著水平(P0.05)。该结果说明,湿地植物对废水及底泥中重金属的吸收积累能力在相当大的程度上取决于其根系的泌氧能力。  相似文献   

高浊度河口颗粒态重金属对泥沙运动的指示作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车越  何青  林卫青 《水利学报》2003,34(1):0057-0061
作者根据1994年6月长江口、杭州湾的水质调查资料,分析了这类高浊度河口颗粒态重金属的分布规律。研究表明,在长江口和杭州湾内,悬沙和表层沉积物中Cu、Pb、Cd分布特征相似,尤其在杭州湾中部水域,二者重金属含量呈趋同的态势。细颗粒泥沙是颗粒态重金属的主要载体。在高浊度河口,动力沉积过程为控制颗粒态重金属分布和输移的主要因子,颗粒态重金属的分布对泥沙运动具有指示作用,悬沙和表层沉积物中重金属元素的分布反映了长江口泥沙向杭州湾输移的事实。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies sediment contamination by heavy metals in four reservoirs and one lake located downstream from major urban areas in Switzerland. The waterbodies include the Wettingen Reservoir (located on the Limmat River downstream from Zürich), the Klingnau Reservoir (on the lower Aare River), the Wohlen Reservoir (downstream from Berne), the Verbois Reservoir (downstream from Geneva) and Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva, city of Lausanne). For all sediment cores and contaminants, a trend is observed from high contaminant values in the lower part of the cores, decreasing to lower concentrations in the upper part of the cores. However, for each site and each element, specific features are recognized. Applying the criteria of the Swiss ordinance on soil protection, all sediment cores must be classified as contaminated by one or more contaminants and at variable levels. From these data, it is concluded that: reservoirs and lakes located downstream from major urban centres in Switzerland have accumulated significant volumes of contaminated sediments in the past, representing the largest, but not the most intensely, contaminated sites on a national scale; the main environmental risk is remobilization of the contaminants and their return to the food chain, particularly by infiltration into the groundwater; and although the processes of remobilization are identified, the conditions of occurrence and the amplitude of the processes are still poorly known. Different options of reservoir and lake sediment management also are discussed and further research topics defined.  相似文献   

采用固化剂对含Cd、Pb、Zn、Mn重金属底泥进行固化/稳定化处理,在酸性条件下,研究了固化底泥的渗透系数变化规律和重金属渗出规律。试验结果表明:渗透初期,渗透系数及Cd、Zn的渗出量逐渐增大,Mn先小幅减小后增大,入渗15 d后均逐渐减小,Cd和Zn的渗出对Mn有抑制作用,Pb的渗出量为0。添加螯合剂EDTA后,渗透系数及Mn的渗出量逐渐降低,入渗30 d后趋于稳定,Pb、Cd、Zn的渗出量先增大,15 d后逐渐减小,重金属的渗出量均有大幅提高,但远小于国家浸出限值,固化效果显著。  相似文献   

The interfacial diffusive contaminant(phosphorus) release from permeable sediment layer into overlying water column under a unidirectional unsteady(periodic) flow condition was experimentally measured and analyzed. The experimental results indicate that the gross diffusive contaminant release rate is substantially enhanced as compared to that under a steady flow condition, and this enhancement trend is much more pronounced in an immediate release stage. The interfacial diffusive contaminant release rate tends to increase with the increasing flow velocity, decreasing period and augmenting amplitude for the case of the unsteady flow. The additional interfacial diffusive contaminant release under the unsteady flow condition may be related to the hydrodynamic response of the diffusive boundary layer to the flow unsteadiness of the overlying water, depending upon not only the periodic thickness variation of the diffusive boundary layer immediately above the sediment-water interface modulated by the temporal flow velocity of the overlying water column but also the intensified turbulent mixing between the overlying water and the pore-water within the superficial sediment layer induced by an alternate acceleration/deceleration fluctuation during each period.  相似文献   

重金属污染河道疏浚底泥稳定化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以底泥浸出毒性为指标,采用了直观分析、方差分析和单因素分析,探索了生石灰、磷酸二氢钾和天然斜发沸石协同作用对重金属稳定化效果。结果表明:生石灰、磷酸二氢钾稳定重金属效果显著,沸石效果较差;最优配比为底泥∶生石灰∶磷酸二氢钾∶天然斜发沸石为100∶6∶6∶0,底泥中Mn、Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn浸出浓度分别降低了96.6%、95.9%、98.7%、99.5%、94.7%;固化剂达到最优配比时,重金属浸出毒性满足填埋场污染物控制标准和上海市污水综合排放标准,为填埋处理和资源化提供了依据。  相似文献   

Sediment layers containing contaminants play a significant role in environmental hydrodynamics. Experiments were conducted in order to characterize the relative roles of resuspended particles and pore water under different flow and sediment conditions. A conservative tracer (NaC1) and a reactive tracer (phosphate) were used as contaminants in the bottom sediment in a laboratory flume. The mixing between the overlying water and pore water occurred over a short time while the desorption of contaminants from fine-grained resuspended particles lasted a relatively long time. The effects of resuspended particles and pore water on the variations of release flux and concentration of contaminants in water with time under different hydrodynamic conditions were quantified. The results show that pore water dominated the initial release flux, which could be several orders of magnitude greater than the flux due to molecular diffusion. Flux contribution of desorption from sediment particles in the latter release could be equal to what was seen from pore water in the initial stage.  相似文献   

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