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特种野猪和普通家猪屠宰后的pH值变化分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对杂交野猪与普通家猪宰后连续92h内,每隔4h测定其pH的变化.结果表明:杂交野猪与普通家猪宰后的pH变化有一定差异,杂交野猪的起始pH值比普通家猪高;杂交野猪在屠宰后0~8h内pH下降速率较快,而普通家猪仅在宰后0~4h内pH下降速度快;杂交野猪宰后36h进入尸僵急速期,而普通家猪比杂交野猪提前4h(32h)进入尸僵急速期;杂交野猪在达到最大尸僵期后的40~44 h的pH值变化较为缓慢,而普通家猪最大尸僵期后的36h~40h内变化较大;进入成熟期后,杂交野猪的最终pH值较高,这有利于提高肌肉的保水性、嫩度和风味,但不利于肉品保藏.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟(African Swine fever,ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African Swine fever virus,ASFV)感染家猪和各种野猪(非洲野猪、欧洲野猪等)引起一种急性、出血性、烈性传染病。世界动物卫生组织(OIE)将其列为法定报告动物疫病,该病也是我国重点防范的一类动物疫病。  相似文献   

<正>野猪肉不容易与家猪肉相区别,尤其是加工后的肉制品,因此,在市场上很有可能有用家猪肉来充当野猪肉售卖,欺骗消费者。意大利的研究者对市场上的5个品种的293头家猪肉,111头野猪肉及斯洛文尼亚和其他巴尔干地区的90头猪进行了抽样。基因分型结果表明:驯化的基因会导入到野猪种群,因此,仅通过单个基因MC1R(影响猪的毛色)来判定所得  相似文献   

猪在十二生肖中居于末位。据考证,猪是与人类最早结下友谊的动物之一。汉字中的“家”字,就是居室之下养一“豕”,豕即是猪,这足以说明人与猪的密切关系了。在漫长的人类活动史上,人们不仅把猪的实用价值开发得淋漓尽致,而且赋予其深刻的文化内涵,构成了蔚为壮观的猪文化。  相似文献   

正据海关总署官网消息,德国勃兰登堡州发生1起野猪非洲猪瘟疫情,海关总署及农业农村部表示,禁止直接或间接从德国输入猪、野猪及其产品。海关总署称,世界动物卫生组织(OIE)通报德国勃兰登堡州发生1起野猪非洲猪瘟疫情,为该国首次发生。  相似文献   

农历壬戌年已过,今年从春节起为癸亥年,在十二生肖中亥属猪,也就是猪年.猪又名豚、豕,古称豨、(犭贲)等.家猪的祖先是野猪.野猪被驯化饲养,始于人类定居生活的新石器时代,距今已有近六千年的历史.甲骨文字中的“家”,就是“宀”(家)和“豕”(猪)的结合,所以后来便有“人之家皆养猪”的说法.我国西南有些少数民族居住的竹木房子,至今还保留下面养猪上面住人的格局.猪在我国自古被列为六畜之一,是主要的肉食来源.宋代苏颂谓猪“食物至寡,故人畜养之,甚易生息.”  相似文献   

猪肉品质与遗传特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代肉类生产及肉制品加工业对原料肉的品质提出了更新、更高的要求。本文在分析肉质构成机理的基础上,结合国内外研究成果,阐述了品种、基因、性别等遗传因素对猪的肉色、嫩度、系水力和风味的影响。并提出在育种工作和商品肉猪生产中要重视对肉质性状的研究、改进以及地方良种资源的杂交利用。为搞好肉质性状的遗传改良、提高原料肉及肉制品品质提供一些有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

唐人神特种野猪的营养、食疗保健   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野猪 ,学名 :SusscrofaLinnaeus,别名 :山猪 ,又名 :野彘 (《淮南子》)。野猪与家猪相似 ,体长 1 2~ 1 5m ,体重1 1 0~ 1 5 0kg。头部比家猪细长 ,吻部突出 ,呈圆锥状 ,耳直立 ,四肢较短 ,尾小 ,背有刚硬的针毛 ,背部鬃毛明显。雄性上犬齿发达 ,形成獠牙。毛色为棕黑色 ,腹毛毛色较淡。幼猪毛色为黄褐色 ,背部有 6条淡黄色纵纹 ,6月龄后纵纹消失。多栖息于草地 ,或阔叶及混交林中。在夜间或晨、昏活动。野猪视觉差 ,听觉与嗅觉敏锐 ,一般胆小怕人 ,但防御时却异常凶猛 ,喜结群活动 ,群体大小不一 ,有几只、十几只或几十只 ,没有固定的…  相似文献   

家猪由野猪驯化而来,是饲养量最大的家畜之一,曾被毛泽东誉为“六畜之首”,我国是世界上最早养猪的国家,兴隆洼文化遗址出土文物表明,远在距今七千多年以前,我们的先民即已开始养猪,比兴隆洼稍晚的红山文化,距今也有六千年的历史。  相似文献   

野猪白肌肉综合症的调查研究李魁伟(海拉尔商检局,内蒙古海拉尔021008)一、引言白肌肉综合症(以下简称白肌肉)系指肉外观苍白、质地柔软、缺乏弹性和切面多汁。在国外称PlaeSofeExudtive,简写为PSE。家猪的PSE在我国和世界各国均有发生...  相似文献   

A duplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique for the discrimination of two subspecies of sus scrofa in meat products has been developed. Primers and probes target at a sequence in the melanocortin receptor 1 (MCR1) gene being associated in the expression of wild-type coat color. Both PCRs amplify a 56-bp product of DNA from wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) and domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica) likewise. One of the TaqMan probes specifically anneals to the wild boar sequence and the other one to the domestic pig sequence, their base sequence differing only in a single nucleotide (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP). This qualitative-method allows the detection of genomic DNA from wild boar and domestic pig as low as 25 pg in a 25-μl reaction volume. No cross reactivities were found with either genomic DNA from various other meat species, or with other ingredients of meat products (e.g. spices). The PCR efficiency is >95% for both targets. Although both PCRs are impaired by the presence of bovine and porcine DNA (wild boar detection is impaired by domestic pig DNA and vice versa), the method is applicable for the detection of low levels of wild boar and domestic pig meat simultaneously in commercial meat products. The limit of detection (LOD) in meat samples is 2% for wild boar and 5% for domestic pig.  相似文献   

孟昭德 《肉类研究》2003,17(3):34-35
简单介绍了生猪的种类,重点区分了肥猪与种猪的感观特征及处理措施.  相似文献   

Wild boar is a species that is utilised for food and sport hunting throughout the world. Recent increases in natural populations and the potential of farming wild boars have stimulated interest in this species as a meat producer. Compared to domestic pigs, wild boars present a higher degree of carcass fatness and larger loin areas, more slow-twitch oxidative (I) and fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic (IIA) and less fast-twitch glycolytic (IIB) muscle fibres, and darker, less tender and leaner meat. Differences in diets might contribute to differences in cooked meat flavour and fatty acid composition between wild boars and domestic pigs. Higher α-tocopherol concentrations in wild boar might extend its meat shelf-life. Mechanical massaging of muscles, vacuum package ageing and addition of marinates have been attempted to tenderise wild boar meat. Further research on hunting protocols for wild boar, and value-added products from its meat, are needed.  相似文献   

This work describes the differentiation of European wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) and domestic swine (Sus scrofa domestica) meats by PCR targeting sequences from two molecular markers: the mitochondrial displacement loop (D-loop) region and the nuclear melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) gene. A polymorphic D-loop fragment (~270bp) was amplified and sequenced in a number of wild and domestic Sus scrofa meat samples, to find a nucleotide region suitable for PCR-RFLP analysis. Sequence data showed the presence of only a few point mutations across Sus scrofa D-loop sequences, not allowing direct discrimination between wild boar and domestic swine meats. Later, the MC1R gene was targeted and Sus scrofa-specific primers designed to amplify a 795bp MC1R fragment. Subsequent RFLP analysis of the MC1R swine-specific amplicons allowed selection of BspHI and BstUI endonucleases to carry out intraspecific Sus scrofa differentiation. Digestion of MC1R amplicons with the chosen enzymes generated characteristic PCR-RFLP profiles that allowed discrimination among meats from wild and domestic swine specimens. The technique also enabled the detection of samples that yielded heterozygous profiles, suggesting hybrids resulting from wild boar and domestic pig breeding. The PCR-RFLP reported here, targeting the MC1R gene may be routinely applied to verify the correct labelling of game products.  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metals in big game meat may pose a risk to human health. The main objective of this paper is to carry out a risk assessment study (using a probabilistic and point-estimate approach) of lead intake by consumption of red deer and wild boar meat in Southern Spain based on Spanish data collected in the period 2003-2006. In general, the concentration levels found for wild boar meat (mean?=?1291?μg?kg(-1)) were much higher than those observed in red deer meat (mean?=?326?μg?kg(-1)). The results from a point-estimate risk assessment showed that the estimated average intake of lead among different exposure scenarios varied from 0.1 to 6.5 and from 0.3 to 38?μg?kg(-1)?week(-1) for red deer and wild boar meat, respectively; and from 0.3 to 35?μg?kg(-1)?week(-1) for individuals consuming both red deer and wild boar meat, and that the estimated intake of lead by consumption of big game meat differed significantly between hunters and non-hunters, it being higher for hunters. Besides this, results from the probabilistic risk assessment study corroborated the fact that risk is greater in hunter populations, reaching a maximum in individuals consuming only wild boar and both types of meat, with 0.4% and 0.2% of the population above the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI), respectively. Likewise, the hunter populations consuming wild boar and both types of big game meat (red deer and wild boar meat) were exposed to the maximum lead level (56?μg?kg(-1)?week(-1)), which corresponded approximately to 224% of the PTWI. Further data and studies will be needed to give a complete risk estimation in which it will be crucial to consider the contribution to the lead intake level of other foods in the diet of both population groups.  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metals in big game meat may pose a risk to human health. The main objective of this paper is to carry out a risk assessment study (using a probabilistic and point-estimate approach) of lead intake by consumption of red deer and wild boar meat in Southern Spain based on Spanish data collected in the period 2003–2006. In general, the concentration levels found for wild boar meat (mean?=?1291?µg?kg?1) were much higher than those observed in red deer meat (mean?=?326?µg?kg?1). The results from a point-estimate risk assessment showed that the estimated average intake of lead among different exposure scenarios varied from 0.1 to 6.5 and from 0.3 to 38?µg?kg?1?week?1 for red deer and wild boar meat, respectively; and from 0.3 to 35?µg?kg?1?week?1 for individuals consuming both red deer and wild boar meat, and that the estimated intake of lead by consumption of big game meat differed significantly between hunters and non-hunters, it being higher for hunters. Besides this, results from the probabilistic risk assessment study corroborated the fact that risk is greater in hunter populations, reaching a maximum in individuals consuming only wild boar and both types of meat, with 0.4% and 0.2% of the population above the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI), respectively. Likewise, the hunter populations consuming wild boar and both types of big game meat (red deer and wild boar meat) were exposed to the maximum lead level (56?µg?kg?1?week?1), which corresponded approximately to 224% of the PTWI. Further data and studies will be needed to give a complete risk estimation in which it will be crucial to consider the contribution to the lead intake level of other foods in the diet of both population groups.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to assess heavy metal cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and organochlorine pesticide concentrations in tissues of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) from nine hunting areas and to evaluate related risk factors for the host animal. Over a period of 2 years, a total of 1055 and 210 masseters, 424 and 201 livers, 642 and 152 kidneys were collected from wild boar and red deer, respectively, and concentrations of Cd, Pb and organochlorine pesticides were determined. Comparing the two species, Cd concentration in the kidney (3.72 mg/kg), liver (0.67 mg/kg) and muscle (0.02 mg/kg) of wild boar was found to be significantly higher than in the organs of red deer (1.02 mg/kg in the kidneys, 0.07 mg/kg in the liver and 0.006 mg/kg in muscle). Mean Pb concentrations were found to be similar in both animals, with 0.39, 0.52 and 2.60 mg/kg detected in the wild boar kidney, liver and muscle, respectively, and 0.24, 0.21 and 2.04 mg/kg in the respective organs of the red deer. No difference in concentrations were found based on age class, location of tissue sample or contaminant in the case of wild boar. By contrast, a significantly lower Cd concentration was found in the kidney of the young red deer. The search for organochlorine pesticides in both red deer and wild boar produced negative results with values below the limits of detection. Due to the high levels of renal Cd and muscle Pb detected in wild boar and red deer, further research needs to be carried out in an effort to identify the source of contamination and preserve the health of animals and humans.  相似文献   

Koh MC  Lim CH  Chua SB  Chew ST  Phang ST 《Meat science》1998,48(3-4):275-285
The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to generate fingerprint patterns for 10 meat species: wild boar, pig, horse, buffalo, beef, venison, dog, cat, rabbit and kangaroo. A total of 29 10-nucleotide primers, with GC contents ranging from 50–80%, were evaluated for their specificity and efficiency. The fingerprint patterns that were generated were found in some cases to be species-specific, i.e. one species could be differentiated from another. The advantages and disadvantages of using RAPD-PCR for the identification of red meat species are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cured products from different animal species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An assessment was made of the proximate composition, pH and aW of raw beef, horsemeat and the meat of wild boar, deer and goat. The same assessment, together with one of fatty acids, cholesterol and free amino acids, was made of the same meats as cured products. The raw meat of the different animal species was found to have a reduced lipid, but high protein content. The cured meat of the horse and wild boar had low saturated fatty acid levels; the wild boar, goatmeat and beef were quantitatively similar with regard to monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) while in the horsemeat the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were more raised, at an intermediate level in deer and extremely reduced in the beef final product. The cholesterol content in the cured product was markedly reduced in the horsemeat. The free amino acids content in the cured deer, wild boar and goat meat was more elevated, than in beef and horse cured meat.  相似文献   

Texture, histology and muscle fibre characteristic of selected muscles: m. quadriceps femoris (QF), m. biceps femoris (BF), and m. semimembranosus (SM) of wild boars of different carcass weight (20±2 and 60±3kgSD) were compared. Muscle texture (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, chewiness) was determined with the double penetration test performed with the Instron 1140 apparatus. Structural elements (muscle fibre cross-section area, perimysium and endomysium thickness) and percentage of myofibres of each type: I (slow oxidative), IIA (fast oxidative-glycolytic) and IIB (fast glycolytic) per muscle fibre bundle, were measured in muscle samples using a computer image analysis program. The young wild boar muscles showed significantly lower values for the textural parameters (p<0.05). The muscle fibre cross-sectional areas of the juvenile wild boar muscles were significantly lower and the perimysium and endomysium thinner (p<0.05) than those in the old wild boar meat, while the percentage of type IIB fibres was higher. Of all the wild boar muscles tested, the highest hardness and chewiness values were found in BF which, at the same time, showed the highest fibre cross-sectional area and the thickest perimysium and endomysium. The highest percentage of I and IIA fibre types was typical of BF and SM either in young or in old wild boars with the lowest percentage of type I and the highest percentage of type IIB fibres being found in the QF. The results suggest that a higher hardness of wild boar muscles can be connected with a thicker perimysium and endomysium, fibres of higher cross-sectional area and probably a higher content of red fibres (type I).  相似文献   

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