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Yi-Bing Lin  Dan Daly 《Software》1995,25(2):193-216
We identify three goals for the graphical user interface (GUI) of a network simulation environment: user friendliness, model re-usability, and application extensibility. We address the user-friendliness issue by proposing a simple yet efficient approach to setup parameters for the simulation models. We address the application extensibility issue with a two-layer GUI architecture. The two layers are loosely coupled, and the first layer can be easily replaced without affecting the other components of the simulation environment. The concept of subnetwork is used to address the model reusability issue. Unlike most existing simulation packages, where a subnetwork is simply a method to group the nodes, the subnetwork construct in our approach is a first-class citizen in the simulation environment (i.e., all operations for a basic node also apply to a subnetwork). The port concept is used to define the I/O relationship between a subnetwork and the outside world. Parameter dialog boxes are used to set up the parameters for a subnetwork conveniently. Finally, a simple stack mechanism is used to measure subnetwork-wide output statistics.  相似文献   

针对GUI开发方式存在规范化和标准化程度低,代码复用性差等问题,提出了一种轻量级嵌入式图形用户界面LIGUI (lightweight embedded GUI)系统.系统采用分层结构和模块化设计思想,通过输入输出抽象层屏蔽底层设备的不一致,采用双向链表组织窗口结构,在应用接口层提供配置选项,支持系统裁剪和扩展.实际应用表明,该系统占用资源少,适用于低端配置的应用环境、系统可移植、易裁剪和配置,可以满足嵌入式环境应用需求.  相似文献   

PTS is a graphical interface for production and transportation system modeling. It provides a means of creating an economic model of production and transportation activities in a system of plants and markets. The model created by PTS is translated into the GAMS language and is solved using that system. The results are then returned to PTS and are displayed graphically. PTS runs under Windows on IBM PCs and compatibles. PTS is used to (1) provide a graphical interface for knowledge-based model development systems, (2) provide a test-bed for studies of parallel model representations and (3) analyze methods of production and transportation model development which are simpler than the knowledge-based methods. The system is currently implemented for linear programming production and transportation problems. Also, the current implementation provides graphical and GAMS representations of the model.  相似文献   

介绍图形用户界面(GUI)自动化软件在研究QSPR/QSAR中的应用。描述使用GUI自动化软件代替研究人员自动完成分子结构优化和描述符计算的原理和方法。为研究人员更加快速准确地进行QSPR/QSAR研究提供了方法和工具。  相似文献   

Perl is a powerful language for writing portable programs on a wide range of platforms. In this article two stand‐alone Perl toolkits, Prima and IPA, are presented, which provide graphical user interface and image processing functionality with features not found in any other Perl toolkits. Prima is a platform‐independent Perl graphic toolkit with an object‐oriented interface. Its features include an extensive set of Perl‐coded interface elements, a wide range of image types and conversion routines, and a visual builder. IPA is an image processing toolkit based on Prima functionality, and it provides a set of common two‐dimensional operators. Prima and IPA are used as a base for biological research, where the effects of various peptide‐based preparations on neuron culture are studied. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The UNIX operating system has attained widespread popularity because of its power, flexibility and elegance. However, the common user interfaces (shells) have been criticized as being cryptic and difficult to use, especially for novices. In this paper, we present a user interface server that can be used to provide a graphical shell for UNIX. This shell helps to overcome a number of difficulties faced by both novices and experts. Although it is largely intended to assist novices, it is also designed not to become a hindrance for expert users and does not sacrifice the basic power and flexibility of UNIX. The server is designed to augment rather than replace text-based interfaces and can be used from a variety of different interactive programs in addition to shells.  相似文献   

界面模板是一种崭新的界面设计模式,提出了基于界面模型的界面模板概念,在支持界面自动生成的界面开发方法中实现从抽象界面到具体界面的转化。讨论了界面模板的构成与表达、界面模板的分类以及界面模板库体系结构,说明了界面模板的用法。  相似文献   

UniECAD is an integrated electronic CAD system,the user interface development system is the key of the integration of UniECAD.This paper presents the architecture of GUIDS,a graphical user interface development system in UniECAD,and then discusses a series of new techniques and methods in the design and the implementation of this system around the following aspects:the editing environment of interface elements,the implementation of dialogue control and the automatic generation of interface code.As an example,the generation of the main interfaces of UniECAD shows the procedure of the development of user interfaces with this development system.  相似文献   

A model system (called DATAPLAN) is proposed for generation, access, and control of a shared database by casual users in their own terminology. The DATAPLAN system achieves this goal by planning a dialog which hierarchically defines the possible universe of discourse where casual users can communicate with the database. The plan is executed on the domains of hierarchical semantics, and controlled by pattern matching with a goal and generative backtracking mechanism. To ensure flexible and smooth communication of casual users with the shared database, the system generates individualized user class “fuzzy” interfaces. They are composed of multiplex associations of the attributes and values of the shared database with those of casual user classes in varying degrees.  相似文献   

A model system ( called DATAPLAN) is proposed for generation, access, and control of a shared database by casual users in their own terminology. The DATAPLAN system achieves this goal by planning a dialog which hierarchically defines the possible universe of discourse where casual users can communicate with the database. The plan is executed on the domains of hierarchical semantics, and controlled by pattern matching with a goal and generative backtracking mechanism. To ensure flexible and smooth communication of casual users with the shared database, the system generates individualized user class “fuzzy” interfaces. They are composed of multiplex associations of the attributes and values of the shared database with those of casual user classes in varying degrees.  相似文献   

MIRA-3D is a three-dimensional graphical extension of Pascal based on abstract graphical types. The user may define and manipulate complex 3D objects, as well as image transformations. Viewing transformations and attributes are compatible with the ACM GSPC Core System. A large set of graphical primitives are available and the paper discusses the most important ones. Portability has also been an important criterion in implementation.  相似文献   

This paper explores some design possibilities and constraints for 3D enhancements of graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This is done with the aim of conveying more information in less screen space, while avoiding visual clutter. Design elements include the use of ‘slapped‐back’ windows obtained by projecting windows and icons into three dimensions; ‘trays’, an alternative to folders or piles; the use of transparent ‘beams’ for indicating hierarchy; and the use of ‘periphs’ for a form of fisheye projection on window borders. In addition we employ shading and shadows to enhance the interface, and automatic placement algorithms to prevent visually confusing occlusion. By considering these approaches together, rather than in isolation, the interactions between the different modifications are made explicit. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

多设备用户界面开发中不同类型的设备通常需要为同一应用定制不同的界面,或者通过WEB浏览器访问。这两种方法均导致大量额外的开发努力和代价。提出一种基于UIML的多设备用户界面生成方法,其特征是通过建模与设备无关的抽象界面,该方法按照不同的设备特征将其映射为具体的界面;该方法的实现利用了一个运行时机制在具体的设备上绘制出真实界面。实验表明,该方法可减轻多设备界面的开发难度,提高效率。  相似文献   

The goal of this project was to develop a prototype to demonstrate the use of video and graphic techniques applied to the human-machine interface for data retrieval from a typical computerized database. Data is presented to a user via video and graphic means; queries are formulated in one of several graphic formats; control operations are handled through joystick, touch panel, or single-keystroke maneuvers. To accomplish this, we made use of videodisc, interactive computer graphics, and relational database technologies. Still pictures, video segments, and pictures of text are used as visual cues to a user who indicates interest in a data item in a pointing gesture by touching the panel through which the item may be seen. The user may find the actual data item s/he desires, then pose a query for additional information in one of four graphic query formats. A specially designed database was developed to handle the video and graphic data needed for this user facility.  相似文献   

安卓解锁模式(简称AUP)是目前在手机、pad等手持设备上应用最广泛的图形密码解锁方案。但是,在实际中能够使用到的密码只是图形密码空间中的一小部分,并且由于用户的使用习惯使得密码的分布不均匀,导致AUP的实际安全性远低于其理论上的安全性,更容易被攻击者破解。提出一种多笔画图形加数字的图形密码方案MSDGP,系统会根据用户的选择推荐相应难度级别的密码。该方案类似于AUP,根据数字及其位置的不同,很大程度上增加了图形密码空间,图形密码由系统推荐生成,避免了因用户的使用习惯而造成的分布不均问题,从而有效防止了暴力破解和字典攻击,因而具有更高的安全性。  相似文献   

以数码一体机用户图形操作界面设计与实现为例,阐述了嵌入式Linux下Qt/Embedded的移植.设计、开发并移植了符合要求的GUI应用程序,介绍了在嵌入式Qt/Embedded中如何解决中文显示的问题,同时对系统的设计和实现做了详细说明.  相似文献   

Numerous engineering application systems have been developed over the past twenty years, and many of these applications will continue to be used for many years to come. Examples of such applications include CAD Systems, finite-element analysis packages and inspection systems. Because many of these applications were developed before graphical workstations became available, they often have simple command-line user interfaces. Thus, there is a need for a graphical user interface management system (UIMS) that can be used to build point-and-click style interfaces for these existing engineering applications. In this paper we describe such a UIMS, and discuss its implementation using an object-oriented database tool. This UIMS allows users to create and modify user interfaces by editing graphical representations of the interfaces, thus eliminating the need to write code to build or modify an interface. The UIMS is implemented using an object-oriented database tool to take advantage of the data manipulation and storage management capabilities it provides. This approach reduces both the quantity and complexity of the code needed to implement the UIMS. It also allowed the UIMS to be implemented in a minimal amount of time.  相似文献   

面向对象的模型库与数据库接口技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DSS中的模型可以用不同语言,按照不同的规范编写,所以模型的数据格式各不相同,如何从数据库中获取所需格式的数据是开发决策支持系统必需解决的问题.设计了面向对象模型库结构,提出了一种使用规范的数据描述文件(MDF)进行模型封装的方法,实现了规范化的面向对象的模型库与数据库接口.  相似文献   

This paper describes a visual command language for a workstation with a bit-mapped display and a mouse that can be used to create different user interfaces. Primitive interface components can be combined into more complex user interfaces. The user specifies interconnections between these components over which data and commands can be sent by pointing with a mouse. Primitive interface components are described for creating several different database user interfaces. The design and implementation of the software architecture is described, including the primitives for database interfaces and the communication protocols used by the system.  相似文献   

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