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变形温度对ULCB钢动态再结晶的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
取得800 MPa级和900 MPa级ULCB钢,在1100~850℃进行单道次变形的热模拟试验,变形量为40%,应变速率为2 s-1。将应力-应变变化特征和显微组织观察相结合,分析研究变形温度对ULCB钢奥氏体动态再结晶的影响规律。结果表明,温度低于950℃时以形变硬化和动态回复为主,奥氏体形变再结晶主要发生在1000℃以上的高温变形中;奥氏体再结晶百分数随变形温度升高而增加,在1050℃变形后奥氏体再结晶百分数约40%,在1100℃变形后则发生完全再结晶。 相似文献
合金元素铜对ULCB钢相变及组织结构的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
主要以ULCB钢的化学成分为基础,通过添加不同含量的合金元素Cu,着重分析研究了合金元素Cu对ULCB钢的相变、组织结构的影响,并对合金元素Cu的作用机理进行了探讨。研究结果表明,随着钢中w(Cu)的增加,相变点Ac1、Ac3及贝氏体转变温度均呈下降趋势,试验钢的奥氏体晶粒大小及在随后淬火冷却过程中形成的贝氏体的尺寸亦随钢中w(Cu)增加而呈下降趋势,当w(Cu)增加到1.0%以上时,这种趋势有所减缓。 相似文献
采用Nb和B合金化.在热轧状态下可得到由贝氏铁素体基体和均匀分布的M/A组元组成的粒状贝氏体组织。在这样的组织转变强化机理作用下,即使C含量圾低也可获得良好的强韧性能。研究发现γ中的固溶Nb和游离态B是粒状贝氏体形成的先决条件。而且B含量对获得完全贝氏体转变强化效果有一个临界值。B的临界值随着C含量的增加而增加。由于在γ中形成了B的C化物或固溶Nb含量减少.因而C削弱B促进贝氏体转变的效果。Mn、Mo和Ni对γ转变的影响和Nb、B的作用是类似的。说明这些合金元素对Bs温度影响的参数Mneq也由此产生了.贝氏体钢的强度和Bs温度成反比的关系得到证实。 相似文献
用工业性生产的ULCB钢进行热模拟实验,在非再结晶区变形后驰豫降温到740 ℃,再以不同的冷却速度冷却,研究了冷却速度对ULCB钢的贝氏体转变点和组织结构特征的影响.结果表明,在20 ℃/s以上的快速冷却时,贝氏体相变温度较低而温度区间较宽,发生大量贝氏体相变,得到的组织主要为板条贝氏体.随着冷却速度的降低,贝氏体相变点逐渐升高,相变温度区间变窄,得到板条贝氏体和粒状贝氏体的混合组织.冷速低于3 ℃/s时,相变点快速升高,开始点达660 ℃以上,组织中出现较多的多边形铁素体,此时的相变开始点已不是贝氏体相变点,而是铁素体相变点. 相似文献
利用Thermecmastor-Z型热模拟试验机,结合金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、维氏硬度计等,系统研究了奥氏体区变形对50CrV4钢连续冷却相变和等温相变规律的影响。建立了试验钢动态CCT曲线。研究结果表明,奥氏体变形能促进连续冷却转变过程中铁素体-珠光体、贝氏体转变,但亦可提高奥氏体的机械稳定性,进而抑制马氏体转变,Ms点由331.6℃(奥氏体未变形)降低至291℃(950℃下变形50%+890℃下变形50%,变形速率均为5s-1,变形后冷速为20℃/s)。当轧后冷速小于0.5℃/s时,试验钢中可获得铁素体+珠光体组织。此外,在研究不同变形量对试验钢等温相变规律影响时发现,650℃等温时,试验钢中发生铁素体-珠光体相变。随着变形量的增加(由30%增加至50%),其等温相变动力学加快(相变完成时间由197.6s减小至136.5s),铁素体体晶粒尺寸、珠光体片层间距减小,硬度增加。 相似文献
利用热模拟机进行单道次压缩实验,获得了梅钢B510L钢的应力-应变曲线变化规律,利用最小二乘法对数据进行回归分析,获得梅钢微合金化钢B510L钢发生再结晶的条件,建立了B510L的动态再结晶图。 相似文献
Recrystallization and formation of austenite in deformed lath martensitic structure of low carbon steels 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. Tokizane N. Matsumura K. Tsuzaki T. Maki I. Tamura 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1982,13(8):1379-1388
The effect of prior deformation on the processes of tempering and austenitizing of lath martensite was studied by using low
carbon steels. The recrystallization of as-quenched lath martensite was not observed on tempering while the deformed lath
martensite easily recrystallized. The behavior of austenite formation in deformed specimens was different from that in as-quenched
specimens because of the recrystallization of deformed lath martensite. The austenitizing behavior (and thus the austenite
grain size) in deformed specimens was controlled by the competition of austenite formation with the recrystallization of lath
martensite. In the case of as-quenched (non-deformed) lath martensite, the austenite particles were formed preferentially
at prior austenite grain boundaries and then formed within the austenite grains mainly along the packet, block, and lath boundaries.
On the other hand, in the case of lightly deformed (30 to 50 pct) lath martensite, the recrystallization of the matrix rapidly
progressed prior to the formation of austenite, and the austenite particles were formed mainly at the boundaries of fairly
fine recrystallized ferrite grains. When the lath martensite was heavily deformed (75 to 84 pct), the austenite formation
proceeded almost simultaneously with the recrystallization of lath martensite. In such a situation, very fine austenite grain
structure was obtained most effectively. 相似文献
High temperature deformation experiments were conducted to monitor the recrystallization process in the austenite phase of a vanadium and columbium-treated HSLA steel alloy. The results show that columbium is much more effective than vanadium in retarding recrystallization. As the austenitizing temperature, above 2000°F, or time is increased the austenite recrystallization in the 1500° to 1700°F hot working temperature range is correspondingly increased. If, following the austenitization, the samples are held in the hot working temperature range for up to 5 min before hot working recrystallization occurs at a much faster rate. Several mechanisms are offered to explain the experimental results. 相似文献
Rudolf Freiwillig Jirí Kudrman Pavel Chráska 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1976,7(8):1091-1097
In this work the effect of deformation of metastable austenite on its subsequent isothermal decomposition in bainite regions was investigated in three chromium steels with varying carbon contents. Four different types of treatments were used and the effect of carbon content was studied. Results of the kinetic measurements and of structural changes showed that the most important feature of these treatments was formation of narrow ferrite strips along the slip bands in austenite, which preceded formation of bainite of the usual morphology. A marked dependency of this ferrite strips formation on temperature suggests that the over-all transformation would strongly depend on deformation and recovery processes in austenite and on their mutual relation. A new qualitative model of the bainite transformation in deformed austenite is presented. 相似文献
《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1976,7(7):1091-1097
In this work the effect of deformation of metastable austenite on its subsequent isothermal decomposition in bainite regions
was investigated in three chromium steels with varying carbon contents. Four different types of treatments were used and the
effect of carbon content was studied. Results of the kinetic measurements and of structural changes showed that the most important
feature of these treatments was formation of narrow ferrite strips along the slip bands in austenite, which preceded formation
of bainite of the usual morphology. A marked dependency of this ferrite strips formation on temperature suggests that the
over-all transformation would strongly depend on deformation and recovery processes in austenite and on their mutual relation.
A new qualitative model of the bainite transformation in deformed austenite is presented. 相似文献
采用Gleeble 3500热模拟机,研究了D36船板奥氏体的再结晶温度以及奥氏体的变形温度、变形量和变形速率对热变形奥氏体再结晶的影响。结果表明:当变形速率为0.1~1 s-1、温度达到950℃时,开始发生动态再结晶;当变形速率为5 s~(-1)、温度在1 000~1 050℃时,发生动态再结晶;当变形速率为10 s~(-1)时,不发生动态再结晶。当变形温度为1 050℃、单道次变形率在10%~20%时,D36钢在10s左右的道次间隔内发生了完全的静态再结晶。当单道次变形率在20%以上,D36钢在5 s左右的道次间隔内发生了完全的静态再结晶。 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the direct transformation of austenite at high temperatures to form ferrite and alloy carbide
dispersions. The ferrite/austenite interfaces vary from high energy random boundaries to low energy planar boundaries which
grow by step propagation, while the alloy carbide morphologies include a pearlitic form, fine fibers and fine banded arrays
of particles. It is shown that these morphologies are closely related to the mode of growth of the ferritic matrix. The role
of various alloying elements on the carbide dispersion is examined, and the effects of other metallurgical variables on the
banded dispersions are discussed, including factors which influence the dispersion stability. The mechanical properties of
directly transformed alloy steels are shown to depend largely on the ferrite grain size and the state of the carbide dispersion.
Micro-alloyed steels subjected to controlled rolling provide an excellent example of the achievement of high strength and
toughness levels by control of these variables. The paper finally attempts to show how such benefits can be achieved in low
and medium alloy steels, and in particular where resistance to creep failure at elevated temperatures is an important property. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the direct transformation of austenite at high temperatures to form ferrite and alloy carbide
dispersions. The ferrite/austenite interfaces vary from high energy random boundaries to low energy planar boundaries which
grow by step propagation, while the alloy carbide morphologies include a pearlitic form, fine fibers and fine banded arrays
of particles. It is shown that these morphologies are closely related to the mode of growth of the ferritic matrix. The role
of various alloying elements on the carbide dispersion is examined, and the effects of other metallurgical variables on the
banded dispersions are discussed, including factors which influence the dispersion stability. The mechanical properties of
directly transformed alloy steels are shown to depend largely on the ferrite grain size and the state of the carbide dispersion.
Micro-alloyed steels subjected to controlled rolling provide an excellent example of the achievement of high strength and
toughness levels by control of these variables. The paper finally attempts to show how such benefits can be achieved in low
and medium alloy steels, and in particular where resistance to creep failure at elevated temperatures is an important property. 相似文献
V. N. Antsiferov L. M. Grevnov M. F. Torsunov V. A. Boyarshinov 《Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals》2014,55(2):167-171
The effect of dynamic hot compaction (DHC) and intensive plastic torsional deformation (IPTD) on the structure and properties fullerene-containing powdered compositions of Fe graphite and Fe cast iron has been investigated. It is found that sintering Fe graphite samples results in the synthesis of fullerenes in their surface layer and a fullerene-containing phase is observed in their body after DHC as well. DHC results in an increase in the wear resistance of the Fe graphite composition. It is shown that a 6.16 Å line appears on diffractograms of all examined samples (both Fe graphite and Fe cast iron) as a result of IPTD. Scanning probe microscopy found that the elasticity modulus of samples of iron graphite increases from 50–58 to 67–91 GPa and local hardness increases from 10–19 to 137–155 GPa because of IPTD. The elasticity modulus of iron-pig-iron samples also increases from 63 GPa before IPTD to 55–109 GPa afterwards. A wide scatter in values of this index testifies to the inhomogeneity of the structure formed in the course of deformation. 相似文献
Microstructural evolution during the austenite-to-ferrite transformation from deformed austenite 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
R. Bengochea B. López I. Gutierrez B. López I. Gutierrez 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1998,29(2):417-426
It is well established that the ferrite grain size of low-carbon steel can be refined by hot rolling of the austenite at temperatures
below the nonrecrystallization temperature (T
). The strain retained in the austenite increases the number of ferrite nuclei present in the initial stages of transformation.
In this work, a C-Mn-Nb steel has been heavily deformed by torsion at temperatures below the determined T
for this steel. After deformation, specimens are cooled at a constant cooling rate of 1 °C/s, and interrupted quenching at
different temperatures is used to observe different stages of transformation. The transformation kinetics and the evolution
of the ferrite grain size have been analyzed. It has been shown that the stored energy due to the accumulated deformation
is able to influence the nucleation for low undercoolings by acting on the driving force for transformation; this influence
becomes negligible as the temperature decreases. At the early stages of transformation, it has been observed that the preferential
nucleation sites of ferrite are the austenite grain boundaries. At the later stages, when impingement becomes important, ferrite
coarsening accompanies the transformation and a significant reduction in the number of the ferrite grains per unit volume
is observed. As a result, a wide range of ferrite grain sizes is present in the final microstructure, which can influence
the mechanical properties of the steel. 相似文献