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128GB 蓝光光盘协会公布了两种全新的蓝光光盘格式——BD×L和IH—BD.前者—次性刻录容量达128GB.  相似文献   

Epson Discproducer PP-50BD新品2012年4月20日,爱普生在京举行"精彩一刻智领蓝光"2012Epson Discproducer PP-50BD新品发布会,正式推出蓝光光盘印刷刻录机新产品。这款EpsonPP-50BD  相似文献   

今年年初,东芝正式宣布停止HD DVD业务,历时六年之久的蓝光光盘格式大战落下帷幕。本刊对此事高度关注,特意选编了一系列有关BD/HD DVD格式之争的文章,由此造成本期杂志推迟出版,希望广大读者谅解。由于BD已经成为全球标准的第三代蓝光光盘格式,可以预见,今年将是我国光盘行业发展机遇和挑战并存的一年。中国的高清光盘产业何去何从?是选择BD还是CH-DVD(CBHD),或者红光高清光盘格式?这将考验我国光盘行业人士和政府主管部门的智慧与创造力。本刊热忱欢迎广大读者就此话题展开讨论,踊跃投稿。希望我们共同努力,推动我国光盘行业走向自主创新发展之路。  相似文献   

一、前言随着大容量蓝色激光光盘(主要是HD DVD/ CBHD和BD)普及,今后将出现三代光盘共存的局面。在播放机方面,通过采用先进的电子和芯片技术,实现三代光盘兼容播放已经不存在问题,而且成本也得到有效控制。本文主要讨论CBHD和BD盘片生产工艺,包括母盘制作和子盘复制工艺。  相似文献   

日前,作为蓝光阵营的发起者和标准制定者之一,曾推出多款引领潮流的蓝光光盘(BD)刻录机产品的索尼公司,宣布推出其首款只读型蓝光光盘驱动器(BD-ROM)—索尼BDU-X10S。BDU-X10S是一款内置只读型蓝光光驱,可以兼容蓝光(BD)、DVD和CD格式、支持MPEG-2、H264、标准DVD—Video光盘,  相似文献   

日前,作为蓝光阵营的发起者和标准制定者之一,曾推出多款引领潮流的蓝光光盘(BD)刻录机产品的索尼公司,宣布推出其首款只读型蓝光光盘驱动器(BD-ROM)——索尼BDU-X10S。BDU-X10S是一款内置只读型蓝光光驱,可以兼容蓝光(BD)、DVD和CD格式,支持MPEG-2、H.264、  相似文献   

许多高清玩家都遇到过这样的问题:不少BD Remix电影不能在PowerDVD 8软件中正常播放(图1);而将某些BD ISO文件刻录为蓝光光盘后,放入蓝光光驱中也不能在PowerDVD 8软件中播放(图2),但如果是原版BD光盘就不会出现这种问题。  相似文献   

一、引言由于光驱光学头工作距离的需要,CD光盘信息面与入射面的间距设计为1.2mm,DVD光盘的信息面与入射面的间距设计为0.6mm,BD光盘设计更短,信息面与入射面间距仅为0.1mm,见下图。  相似文献   

一、引言DVD作为已经成熟的信息存储技术,受到全世界广泛的欢迎。由于存储容量的不同可以分为DVD5、DVD9、DVD10、BD(Blue-ray Disc)等,各个光盘的结构都是不同的,比如说DVD5是单面单层结构,DVD9是单面双层结构,而BD是单面的多层结构,并且BD的容量目前已可以做到  相似文献   

Xiris已经推出第五代条码识别验证系统——ID3500,它能用于所有光盘格式检测,包括蓝光光盘。新ID3500采用近场光学专利技术,能提供高对比度图像。该公司声称,检测结果非常可靠。Xiris提到,由于坑形结构与其他光盘格式存在显著区别,蓝光条码的识别需要特别处理。因此,传统光学技术只是适合DVD和CD格式,不足以应对BD格式。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the design of a wafer-based micro objective lens with numerical aperture (NA) 0.85 using a 405 nm blue-violet laser. The total length of the lens is 1.36 mm. The micro objective lens consists of three layers that are a hologram optical element for reducing the aberration and two grinded and polished ball for making optical power to achieve NA 0.85. The lens could be applied to an integrated optical pickup module. The approximate size of the optical pickup module is 3 mm[W] × 3 mm[D] × 3 mm[H] including the wafer-based objective lens, which is suitable for realizing a small sized optical drive based on Blu-ray Disc. The wafer-based design could offer precise alignment, easy handling and high mass productivity with micro electro mechanical system technology.  相似文献   

We designed an optical path of pickup for the small form factor optical disk drive that is compatible with Blu-ray Disc format using 405 nm wavelength laser, 0.85 NA objective lens, and the 0.1-mm thick cover layer. The optical path consists of a high NA objective lens, a micro compensatory lens that is fabricated by micro-molding process, three reflective mirrors and a partial mirror. The optical performance of the optical path is analyzed and the expected yield ratio is calculated for 22 tolerance parameters by using Monte Carlo method. Finally, the micro compensatory lens is fabricated by micro-molding process.  相似文献   

一、前言高速记录是所有的光学记录产品未来发展的一个基本趋势。记录速度不仅受到消费者的关注,而且也成为推动光驱市场发展的一个动力,为光驱生产商提供了独特的卖点。考虑到标准12cm聚碳酸酯光盘的机械性能和安全问题,光盘的最大旋转速度为1000rpm。因此,CD和DVD光盘的转速限制分别为50x和16x。对于传统模式下的蓝光光盘(BD:Blu-ray Disc),其最大转速限制为12x。  相似文献   

蓝光光盘(Blu-ray Disc)是新一代的消费类光盘格式,它的存储容量可以达到50GB,是DVD光盘的5~10倍。蓝光光盘的海量数据存储、更强的内容保护以及互动功能,成为当前高清视频的最佳发行载体。由于蓝光光盘采用了更短的蓝色激光和更小的信息记录符,它的生产公差也将变得比DVD光盘更加严格,这无疑给蓝光光盘的复制商和设备提供商提出了更大的工程技术挑战。本文介绍了蓝光光盘的格式、技术、生产过程以及市场状况,让致力于蓝光光盘产业的人士对蓝光光盘有更加充分的了解。  相似文献   

可扩展固件接口(EFI)规范为启动操作系统前的程序提供了一个标准环境。NUWA系统是一个专门针对EFI环境开发的图形用户界面。该系统采用分层设计思想,其中的图形抽象层(GAL)与输入抽象层(IAL)定义了一组不依赖于任何特殊硬件的抽象接口,而用于实现这一抽象接口的底层代码形成了NUWA系统的“图形引擎”,类似于操作系统中的驱动程序。该文介绍了GAL与IAL的设计以及在EFI环境下GAL驱动程序的实现。  相似文献   

在蓝光光盘(BD:Blu-ray Disc)读出系统中,物镜是较为核心的部件之一。蓝光物镜的研发工作,大体可以分为三个阶段。第一个阶段:双片组合物镜设计与加工以及相应的力矩器机械调整结构的研发,以索尼和飞利浦公司为代表;第二阶段:单片物镜结构设计与加工,以JVC公司为代表;第三阶段:BD与DVD兼容衍射物镜设计与加工。  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(10):1927-1937
In recent years, dynamic multi-layer networks have emerged. Unlike regular networks these multi-layer networks allow users and other networks to interface on different technology layers. While path finding on a single layer is currently well understood, path finding on multi-layer networks is far from trivial. Even the constraints (the possible incompatibilities) are not always clear.This paper proposes a model for multi-layer circuit-switched computer networks, based on ITU-T G.805 and GMPLS standards. Furthermore, it defines a simple algebra that can be used to verify the validity of network connections through such networks.The most important contribution of our model and algebra is that they are technology independent: they can describe any circuit-switched network technology without modifications or tuning to the model and algebra. The model and algebra have been implemented in a syntax and network tool, which are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Shared protection/restoration is a promising solution for reducing protection resources and is supported at each layer of the current multi-layer networks. Software-defined networking is expected to reduce equipment cost as well as operational cost by orchestrating these shared protection functionalities. However, although protection resource sharing improves link utilization, it sometimes increases the required equipment. Meanwhile, traffic re-aggregation at each layer is an important technique for low volume traffic to utilize the underlying link capacity more efficiently, but re-aggregation also makes it difficult to share protection resources with traffic at lower layers. In this paper, we present multi-layer network design strategy and method that reduce equipment cost by means of both traffic re-aggregation at each layer and protection resource sharing among multiple service traffic at different layers. The strategy first prioritizes traffic re-aggregation at each layer, and then maximally delegates shared protection to lower layers as long as it does not increase the required capacity at the lower layer. Evaluation results from the example three-layer networks confirm that the proposed method can effectively reduce equipment cost compared to the conventional design method. Cost reduction is achieved by leveraging shared protection functions at multiple layers.  相似文献   

提出了基于蓝光光盘(Blu-ray disc, BD)技术和间接竞争免疫反应原理的黄曲霉毒素B1(Aflatoxin B1,AFB1)的定量检测方法。文中采用NaOH溶液活化水解BD表面使生物分子固定在其表面,并结合二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)微流控通道制备间接竞争免疫检测结构,通过纳米金标记/银染技术增强信号,利用标准光驱结合光盘数据质量诊断软件(PlexUtilities)分析光盘上反应条带的错误数与AFB1浓度之间的关系,实现了对AFB1的定量检测。同ELISA的检测结果进行对比,二者结果基本一致。该方法检测限达到0.5 ng/mL,检测范围为0.5~200 ng/mL,满足我国国标对食品中AFB1的限定标准。  相似文献   

一、前言众所周知,光盘存储的突出优点是其只读盘片可以实现低成本的批量复制。只读盘片的读出利用了光的相位调制,坑内和相邻岸上的反射光存在一个相位差,产生相消干涉,从而造成反射光强的减弱。要使BD(Blu-ray Disc)只读盘片(ROM)获得好的信号调制度,坑的宽度应为120-150nm(大概是道间距的一半)。BD-ROM的目标坑宽和读出光斑(数值孔径NA=0.85,波长λ=405nm)的光强分布如图1所示。  相似文献   

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