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Estimation of object motion parameters from noisy images   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An approach is presented for the estimation of object motion parameters based on a sequence of noisy images. The problem considered is that of a rigid body undergoing unknown rotational and translational motion. The measurement data consists of a sequence of noisy image coordinates of two or more object correspondence points. By modeling the object dynamics as a function of time, estimates of the model parameters (including motion parameters) can be extracted from the data using recursive and/or batch techniques. This permits a desired degree of smoothing to be achieved through the use of an arbitrarily large number of images. Some assumptions regarding object structure are presently made. Results are presented for a recursive estimation procedure: the case considered here is that of a sequence of one dimensional images of a two dimensional object. Thus, the object moves in one transverse dimension, and in depth, preserving the fundamental ambiguity of the central projection image model (loss of depth information). An iterated extended Kalman filter is used for the recursive solution. Noise levels of 5-10 percent of the object image size are used. Approximate Cramer-Rao lower bounds are derived for the model parameter estimates as a function of object trajectory and noise level. This approach may be of use in situations where it is difficult to resolve large numbers of object match points, but relatively long sequences of images (10 to 20 or more) are available.  相似文献   

为了降低运动模糊图像恢复问题的复杂度,提高计算效率,将图像恢复的二维问题转化为一维问题,可以将图像的模糊方向旋转到水平方向,这就需要识别图像的运动模糊方向.计算模糊图像任意角度的方向微分,根据微分图像灰度值的绝对值的分布特征,可以看到模糊方向和微分图像的绝对灰度值存在一定的关系,由此可以鉴别出模糊方向.在鉴别过程中,给出了精度更高的三次样条插值计算微分图像的详细方法.仿真实验表明,该方法稳定性好,具有较高的精度.  相似文献   

提出一种新的散焦图像模糊度估计方法。由图像中的阶跃型边缘提取线扩展函数。根据匹配滤波可实现最优信噪比信号检测的思想,引入模板匹配的方法计算线扩展函数的标准差。由点扩展函数的圆周对称性从线扩展函数的标准差得到高斯型点扩展函数的标准差。实验结果表明,该方法能够准确地估计散焦模糊图像点扩展函数的标准差。将点扩展函数的标准差作为一种评价图像模糊度的测度。实验表明该测度符合人眼的视觉特性,可以很好地判定散焦模糊图像的模糊度。  相似文献   

模糊角度(方向)和模糊长度是对运动模糊图像进行恢复处理的两个关键参数.针对通过运动模糊图像频谱图像的中心亮条纹获得模糊角度存在角度检测精度不高、角度检测范围受限制等缺陷,在分析Radon变换的数学原理和十字亮纹形成原因及其造成干扰的基础上,根据频谱图像的特点,提出采用模糊频谱图像的暗条纹获得运动模糊角度的方法:在获得频谱图像暗条纹的二值图像后,通过骨架化变换,缩小暗条纹宽度,再经过Radon变换获得模糊角度和模糊长度.实验结果表明,所提出的方法能避开频谱图像中十字亮线的干扰,提高模糊角度检测精度和稳定度,扩大角度检测范围,模糊角度的检测误差小于0.5$^\circ$,角度检测范围达$0^\circ \sim 180^\circ$,优于传统算法的效果  相似文献   

Motion blur is one of the most common blurs that degrades images. Restoration of such images is highly dependent on estimation of motion blur parameters. Since 1976, many researchers have developed algorithms to estimate linear motion blur parameters. These algorithms are different in their performance, time complexity, precision and robustness in noisy environments. In this paper, we have presented a novel algorithm to estimate linear motion blur parameters such as direction and length. We used Radon transform to find direction and bispectrum modeling to find the length of motion. Our algorithm is based on the combination of spatial and frequency domain analysis. The great benefit of our algorithm is its robustness and precision in noisy images. We used statistical measures to prove goodness of our model. Our method was tested on 80 standard images that were degraded with different directions and motion lengths, with additive Gaussian noise. The error tolerance average of the estimated parameters was 0.9° in direction and 0.95 pixel in length and the standard deviations were 0.69 and 0.85, respectively.  相似文献   

运用方向微分鉴别运动模糊方向的基本思想是将原图像视为各向同性的一阶马尔可夫随机过程.但实际处理效果并不理想,其主要原因是很多图像并不严格满足各向同性的一阶马尔可夫随机过程.从整个图像来看,物体形状、平坦区域等因素都会弱化这一物理前提,造成微分图像计算不准确.为此提出一种优化方法,先提取多个局部方差较大的特征块,再分块进行运动模糊方向的鉴别,统计分块结果.实验结果表明,本文方法在传统的基于方向微分的加权平均法鉴别误差较大时,依然可以取得不错的鉴别精度.  相似文献   

廖宇  郭黎 《计算机工程与科学》2014,36(10):2002-2008
在摄取图像的过程中,物体间的高速运动及景物与成像设备的相对运动是引发图像退化的主要原因之一,称之为运动模糊。模糊长度和模糊方向是运动模糊中影响图像模糊程度的主要参数。提出了一种改进的误差参数分析方法,对模糊长度进行估计并比较了不同的复原方法对参数误差曲线法估计的效果,同时提出运用傅里叶分解和Hough变换从模糊图像的频谱特性上对运动模糊方向进行了估计。实验结果表明,所提出的方法对运动模糊图像的复原有良好的效果。  相似文献   

葛成伟  程浩  刘国庆 《计算机应用》2012,32(12):3381-3384
在噪声污染的情况下,匀速直线运动模糊图像频谱中的暗黑色条纹变得模糊甚至消失,根据暗黑色条纹的特征来估计运动模糊参数的方法将失效。由此,提出了一种噪声条件下的运动模糊参数同步辨识的新算法,该算法以运动模糊图像频谱作为研究对象,首先利用区域生长算法提取频谱中白色长条区域的轮廓,再计算其最小面积外接矩形,根据最小外接矩形的长度、宽度及倾斜度等参数同步估计运动模糊参数:模糊方向与模糊尺度。实验结果表明,对不同信噪比、不同模糊方向和模糊尺度的运动模糊图像,该算法可以较精确地估计出模糊参数,且具有很好的抗噪声鲁棒性。  相似文献   

The fluctuation of the human pupil is an important parameter in order to make non-invasive diagnosis of many different diseases and in several clinical applications. The relevant measurement device, the pupillometer, consists in a CCD camera, which shoots the pupil. We suppose that the measured image is blurred by a Gaussian kernel and corrupted by an additive white noise; moreover an elliptic shape for the pupil is assumed. We here present the extension of a multiscale approach for edge detection to identify some parameters of the pupil: the location of its centre, the length of the semi-axes and the orientation of the corresponding ellipse. The chosen method requires knowledge about the degradation parameters of the assumed model; so we first present a simple but efficient method to determine such quantities for the measured image. Then we apply the edge detection procedure to identify points close to the pupil edge, within a chosen probability. Finally we find the optimal ellipse fitting a suitable subset of the previously detected edge points. Results are presented, with comparisons to other approaches for edge finding.  相似文献   

Blur detection aims at segmenting the blurred areas of a given image. Recent deep learning-based methods approach this problem by learning an end-to-end mapping between the blurred input and a binary mask representing the localization of its blurred areas. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of such deep models is limited due to the scarcity of datasets annotated in terms of blur segmentation, as blur annotation is labor intensive. In this work, we bypass the need for such annotated datasets for end-to-end learning, and instead rely on object proposals and a model for blur generation in order to produce a dataset of synthetically blurred images. This allows us to perform self-supervised learning over the generated image and ground truth blur mask pairs using CNNs, defining a framework that can be employed in purely self-supervised, weakly supervised or semi-supervised configurations. Interestingly, experimental results of such setups over the largest blur segmentation datasets available show that this approach achieves state of the art results in blur segmentation, even without ever observing any real blurred image.  相似文献   

抖动模糊是摄影中常见的问题,为此提出了一个鲁棒快速的核函数估计和图像恢复方法。给定一幅因相机抖动而模糊的图像,该方法首先建立金字塔,然后自顶向下、迭代地估计运动模糊核函数,同时对图像进行恢复。使用混合高斯模型对核函数建模,使用自然图像的边缘大尾巴分布对图像进行约束。通过冲击滤波器预测图像的强边缘,对图像的边缘与核函数进行约束,从而更好地估计核函数。并通过迟滞阈值方法和核函数重新定位的方法,降低核函数的噪声,提高核函数估计的鲁棒性能。在求解核函数能量方程时,采用共轭梯度法,利用图像的一阶和二阶偏导数降低系统方程的条件数,加快收敛速度。最后,在一个国际公开的包含32组运动模糊图像的数据集上验证了该方法。实验结果表明,该方法所恢复的图像,其边缘和纹理清晰,能够很好地避免噪声和振铃走样问题。  相似文献   

利用拉氏算子鉴别运动模糊方向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提出一种新的鉴别运动模糊图像的运动模糊方向的方法,它利用拉氏算子对运动模糊图像进行无方向性的二阶微分,并求微分图像的自相关,发现自相关图像中数值较大的点(鉴别点)能够有效标示出运动模糊方向。选取适当数目的候选鉴别点,并利用聚类方法剔除其中的奇异点,得到鉴别点;过零频尖峰(自相关图像的中心点)画一条直线,计算各个鉴别点到该直线的距离,求距离和;改变直线方向,当距离和最小时,直线的方向即为运动模糊方向。数据实验表明,这一新的运动模糊方向鉴别方法,具有抗噪声能力强、适用范围广、计算量小、鉴别精度高、稳定性好的优点.  相似文献   

This paper considers the restoration of images degraded by a motion blur in the presence of noise. Based on a two-dimensional separable autoregressive image model, a one-dimensional horizontally causal vector state space model with multiple delays is derived. By the discrete sine transform, the one-dimensional vector state space model is decomposed into a set of nearly uncorrelated scalar subsystems, to which the Kalman filter is applied to obtain an approximate recursive computationally efficient restoration algorithm for motion degraded images. The same technique is also applied to a semicausal minimum variance image model in order to derive a related recursive restoration algorithm. The computational efficiency is accomplished by the discrete sine transform and the transform data compression technique. Numerical results are presented to show the applicability of the algorithms developed. Finally, the possible extension of the present method to the case of general blur is suggested.  相似文献   

一种新的运动模糊图像恢复方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈波 《计算机应用》2008,28(8):2024-2026
通过对运动模糊产生原因的分析,提出了一种去运动模糊的新方法。首先应用Hough变换和自相关函数估计出运动模糊的方向和长度,然后应用迭代步长自适应的整体变分模型进行图像恢复。实验结果表明,这样的空间域处理方法,不但可以避免传统的频率域去模糊方法产生的震铃效应,而且该方法具有良好的抗噪性和对运动模糊参数估计误差的低敏感性。  相似文献   

目的 已有的图像运动去模糊研究没有考虑模糊实际上发生在辐照度图像中的问题,也缺少自动检测成块饱和像素的方法。针对这两个问题,提出基于辐照度的运动模糊图像去模糊方法。方法 提出能量累积形成模糊的运动过程与摄像机响应函数相结合的摄像机响应函数求解方法,以及基于块的饱和像素自动检测算法并在此基础上,对辐照度图去除运动模糊和亮度还原,实现清晰原图恢复。结果 对单幅图像的定性去模糊取得了比直接去模糊等前人方法更小的振铃,较好的噪声抑制和清晰图像还原效果;采用信噪比的定量对比也取得较前人方法更高的数值。结论 基于辐照度的方法对图像运动去模糊效率有提升作用。  相似文献   

运动模糊图像的参数估计与恢复   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据匀速运动造成图像模糊的特点,详细分析了匀速直线运动模糊图像的退化模型.对匀速运动模糊二维离散点扩散函数的表迭式进行了推导,找到了匀速运动模糊图像频谱暗条纹分布的规律.针对现有模糊参数检测方法的不足,推导和论证了了模糊参数与图像高宽比之间的关系,从而获得了准确检测图像模糊参数的方法.该方法通过对退化图像的频谱进行Radon变换,提取烦谱暗条纹方向和间距,进而准确检测出退化图像的模糊参数:运动方向和运动长度.实验结果表明,该算法简单可行,参数估计准确并具有较好的抗噪声鲁棒性.  相似文献   

匀速直线运动模糊长度的精确估计   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
贺卫国  黎绍发 《计算机应用》2005,25(6):1316-1317
点扩展函数的设置是影响图像复原的关键问题。对于匀速直线运动模糊图像,模糊长度和运动方向决定了点扩展函数。分析了模糊图像的频谱图出现黑色条带的原因、条件以及它的精确位置,并设计了一种匀速直线运动模糊长度的估计算法,理论和实验证明这种算法是精确的。  相似文献   

为了估计任意大小运动模糊图像点扩散函数,提出了真实方向、测量方向和列宽行高比的角度变换公式。在此基础上利用Radon变换最大值曲线检测峰值角度作为候选方向,剔除候选方向中Radon变换未出现规律性波谷的干扰方向后为待变换方向,再进行角度变换即为识别方向。取该方向上Radon变换向量,利用相邻波谷位置差剔除奇异值求均值的方法检测暗条纹间距,通过曲线拟合鉴定模糊尺度。仿真结果表明算法实时性好、精度高、抗干扰能力强。  相似文献   

Iris segmentation plays an important role in an accurate iris recognition system. In less constrained environments where iris images are captured at-a-distance and on-the-move, iris segmentation becomes much more difficult due to the effects of significant variation of eye position and size, eyebrows, eyelashes, glasses and contact lenses, and hair, together with illumination changes and varying focus condition. This paper contributes to robust and accurate iris segmentation in very noisy images. Our main contributions are as follows: (1) we propose a limbic boundary localization algorithm that combines K-Means clustering based on the gray-level co-occurrence histogram and an improved Hough transform, and, in possible failures, a complementary method that uses skin information; the best localization between this and the former is selected. (2) An upper eyelid detection approach is presented, which combines a parabolic integro-differential operator and a RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus)-like technique that utilizes edgels detected by a one-dimensional edge detector. (3) A segmentation approach is presented that exploits various techniques and different image information, following the idea of focus of attention, which progressively detects the eye, localizes the limbic and then pupillary boundaries, locates the eyelids and removes the specular highlight.  相似文献   

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