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As nurses begin to develop the sensitivities and skills necessary to preserve the integrity of clinical care and professional life, they must recognize the legitimacy of their perspectives and the value and consequences they have for the well-being of patient and family care. Nurses have much to contribute to the development of ethical practice environments for patients, families, multidisciplinary team members, and themselves. The frenzied, and at times anesthetized, culture of clinical settings can mitigate against the kind of deliberate reflection that is necessary if nurses are to act with ethical integrity. Knowing the rules of the road for end-of-life care and being attentive to common warning signs and addressing them proactively, enables nurses to provide patients and families with the highest quality care at the end of life.  相似文献   

Professional evasion of nurses is a concern because there was an investment from State, family and from the individual himself and there is a lack of nurses at work field. We have collected, in an intentional sample, the opinion of nurses about the reasons that made them quit nursing, the nursing knowledge they use in their actual activity and their suggestions to avoid evasion. We have checked out according to the answers that nurse's evasion is based on a set of circumstances from strictly personal ones to formal education as well as others resulting from the social and political structure.  相似文献   

While access to information resources and the skills to use them do not ensure that nurses will use nursing research in their practice, they are important facilitators. Mailed questionnaires to assess existing information resources, the information management skills of nurses, and what additional resources and training are required were returned by 67 of the 71 vice-presidents or directors of nursing in hospitals in two regions of Ontario. The two regions have similar information resources, nursing staff with research expertise, and opportunities for training in research and information management but there is variation among hospitals. Most vice-presidents agreed that nurses need better information resources and skills to access and evaluate professional literature. The rapidly developing field of information technology, including the Internet, provides potential for sharing resources and expertise. Nursing administrators can minimize barriers and help staff nurses recognize that information management skills enhance professional development and improve patient care.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the findings of a quantitative study of nurses' willingness to care for patients with AIDS. It identifies several factors that enable nurses to confront the fear of AIDS nursing and to turn fear into compassion, and negative attitudes into positive ones. These factors include professional values, organizational support, group identity, patients' responses, spirituality, family and friends with AIDS, knowledge about AIDS, and the importance of personal choice. The value of these factors are further supported through personal statements made by nurses on AIDS-dedicated units as they express their feelings, thoughts, and positive experiences and expectations regarding AIDS nursing.  相似文献   

A recent focus in health care is to develop a seamless transition for patients between the variety of health care agencies with whom they interact. The continuum of care for patients with stroke is complex and many levels of care are required, from acute intervention through to rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. A group of nurses from a variety of agencies in Southwestern Ontario received funding from the Ontario province Wide Nursing Project to effect a desirable change in the way nurses care for the stroke patient. This article describes the Ontario Province Wide Nursing project and the process of and challenges in developing a nursing model for stroke. The development of a nursing model for stroke patients and their families involved conducting nursing, and patient and family focus groups to identify key issues. Thirty-eight nurses participated in the nursing focus groups, and 8 patients and 18 family members participated in the patient and family focus groups. The common themes were the need for improved communication and the need to better prepare patients and families for the many transitions they experience during their recovery from stroke. A Stroke Education Record, which identifies a comprehensive list of potential learning needs of stroke patients and their families, and a Stroke Education and Resource Guide, which provides a reference for nurses, were developed and will be implemented in September 1998. Implementation of the model included a workshop, staff inservices, a self-learning package, and unit displays. Evaluation of the model will include nursing and patient and family focus groups, a chart review, written nursing evaluations, and patient and family telephone interviews.  相似文献   

The students and faculty enrolled in the first TNP class have set a standard for future TNPs: a rigorous course of education with advanced practice and scholarship within an advanced practice collaborative model. Because of the increasingly number of trauma victims and the highly specialized care they require, nurses must come forward and provide quality care. The TNPs and their faculty must promote further recognition of the TNP role, become leaders in the field of acute care, and continue to develop and maintain collaborative relationship with physicians in support of advanced practice nursing in many areas of tertiary care. The first three graduates of the trauma/critical care practitioner class are now employed in advanced practice roles and are applying their education within trauma/critical care settings. Two of the students are trauma nurse practitioners in a community hospital, and one is a critical care nurse practitioner in a university hospital. Currently, there is an acute care nurse practitioner certification examination that is appropriate for nurses in the field of trauma/critical care. Co-sponsored by the AACN Certification Corporation and the American Nurses Credentialing Center, this examination is offered twice a year, in June and October. AACN is active in supporting and promoting the TNP role and, in conjunction with the American Nurses Association, has developed new standards of care and scope of practice to include this expanded role for the advanced practice nurse. The future for this exciting and demanding role looks bright for the advanced practice nurse interested in the care of the acutely ill patient. The time is right for this collaboration between nurses and physicians.  相似文献   

Although families can provide important support for individuals with life-threatening illnesses or injuries, the highly technological nature of critical care often limits opportunities for family involvement. While critical care nurses are seldom family specialists, they frequently provide support and assistance to patients' families. This paper describes four types of questions drawn from the family therapy literature that can be used by nurses who are not mental health specialists to support families and mobilize their problem solving skills. A case model of a head-injured child demonstrates the use of these questions with a family. These questions should be useful for the brief, problem-focused, family encounters which characterize critical care settings.  相似文献   

The Ballarat Health Education Forum has the express purpose of identifying and responding to the educational needs of registered nurses (RNs) in western Victoria. Since the senior nurse members of the forum believed that there was a strong need for management education amongst the nurses involved in middle management in the target region, the total nursing population was surveyed to determine if that perception was shared by RNs themselves. Results of the study confirm that educative programs in management are viewed as a high priority for the professional development of nurses but that family and work commitments are dominant factors which hinder participation. It is argued that education for the managerial role into which many nurses are thrust is sporadic and bereft of appropriate content. Background to the issue of management skills and training among RNs is provided and survey methodology and outcomes are described. The paper discusses the implications of survey outcomes and makes recommendations based on findings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The authors sought to identify associations between critical care nurses' self-reported participation in euthanasia, their social and professional characteristics, and their attitudes toward end-of-life care. METHODS: Data were collected through an anonymous mail survey of 1,560 US critical care nurses, of whom 1,139 (73%) responded. Nurses were asked to report whether they had received requests to engage in euthanasia and whether they had engaged in euthanasia. In addition, nurses were asked to respond to items assessing their attitudes toward end-of-life care. RESULTS: Of 852 nurses who identified themselves as practicing exclusively in adult intensive care units, 164 (19%) reported that they had engaged in euthanasia, 650 (76%) reported that they had not engaged in euthanasia, and 38 (4%) could not be classified. Only 30% of respondents believed that euthanasia is unethical. Logistic regression indicated that older nurses, more religious nurses, nurses practicing in cardiac care units, and nurses with less favorable attitudes toward euthanasia were significantly less likely to report having engaged in euthanasia, although the effects of age and religious beliefs appear to have been mediated by attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: These results help explain why some US critical care nurses engaged in euthanasia despite legal and professional prohibitions against it. Because critical care nurses may have a special understanding of the needs of critically ill patients, these results may indicate that current guidelines for end-of-life care are inadequate.  相似文献   

Forty-one patients for whose direct care at least one machine was used and 33 registered nurses from the same five non-critical care units as the patients and from one related unit, participated in a semistructured tape-recorded interview to identify the core categories of the human-machine interface in clinical nursing practice and the relationships between them. Constant comparative analysis was used to organize and process the data. Patients perceived the machines as neutral because of their view of health care and because nurses were the interface between them and the machines. Nurses perceived the machines as either positive or negative, depending on their effect on the nurses' professional competence and the extent to which they worked directly with them.  相似文献   

While there is generalised agreement in the literature on the importance of involving family members in critical care practice, there is little in regard to the roles and responsibilities of both nurses and families. There are many factors that can influence the nurse-family relationship, in both positive and negative dimension, and this relationship can impact significantly on the family member's experience of critical illness. It can also impact on his or her perception of need and need satisfaction. However, the complex nature of critical care practice may be too demanding, both physically and emotionally, for nurses to respond to many of the family's needs and concerns.  相似文献   

In addition to reviewing the literature about the extent to which basic nursing education is related to actual nursing practice, this article investigates the extent to which the relationship between nursing practice, education, and experience varies across specific health care settings. The literature presented no consistent or systematic association between type and amount of previous nursing experience and current nursing practice. However, the literature generally provided evidence of a consistent and systematic association between baccalaureate preparation and level of registered nurse (RN) practice. The review of practice and organizational differences across the hospital, nursing home, and ambulatory care sectors suggests that baccalaureate-prepared RNs in hospitals may have a more strongly differentiated role relative to those in nursing homes and ambulatory settings. If baccalaureate-prepared nurses continue to be perceived as capable of more complex and independent practice, and if employers believe that they can increase revenues by increasing the quality of nursing care or can save money by shifting to RNs some responsibilities now held by more costly personnel (such as physicians), then demand for baccalaureate-prepared nurses may increase.  相似文献   

Inpatient treatment of alcoholism is an option indicated by certain clinical criteria. The American Society of Addiction Medicine suggests four levels of care, and six assessment dimensions determine which level of care is indicated. An addiction medicine physician can consult with the primary care physician to recommend appropriate placement in difficult cases. Abstinence is a primary goal of treatment; for without abstinence, no other recovery will be possible. The remaining goals of recovery are detoxification, medical evaluation, stabilization of life-threatening emotional issues, education, identification of barriers to recovery, readjustment of behavior toward recovery, and orientation and membership in a self-help group. Successful family contributions can make the difference between success or failure of treatment goals; the role the family plays in recovery is discussed. Treatment for family members is important; the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects on family members can be just as profound on them as they are on the alcoholic. Continuing care maintains the link between the patient and the professional recovery community after discharge and is appropriate for all patients. Extended care allows for structured support of sobriety and often further progress through psychosocial issues identified during the initial treatment phase (i.e., abuse, molestation, unresolved grief). Extended care is indicated for patients requiring further structured assistance in early recovery. A large variety of treatment options are available once the decision has been made to hospitalize the patient.  相似文献   

Holistic perioperative nursing care of children and their families includes assessing their spiritual needs and identifying interventions that help them achieve spiritual comfort. This is achieved by therapeutic listening and by facilitating children's and family members' access to clergy members of their practice of religious rites and rituals. Perioperative nurses have a unique opportunity and responsibility to assess children's or family members' spiritual needs and to intervene on their behalf. This article describes the opportunities a surgical liaison nurse may have to intervene on the behalf of family members during children's perioperative experiences.  相似文献   

Part I, published in last month's issue of Home Healthcare Nurse, provided information about managed care and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). This article, Part II, presents an overview of the history of home healthcare nursing, the results of a purposeful sample, and interviews of home care nurses. Interviews were conducted to determine how nurses perceived the impact of managed care on their clients and nursing practice. Conclusions are presented in terms of emergent categories gleaned from the interviews. Recommendations for the continued growth and advancement of professional nursing in the context of managed care are given.  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from a study of teamwork in primary care in one family health services authority in England. It is based on interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire with practice nurses, district nurses, health visitors and midwives in 20 practices. Six topics emerged as important in relation to the views of nurses, midwives and health visitors and their experiences of teamwork: team identity; leadership; access to general practitioners; philosophies of care; understanding of team members' roles and responsibilities; and, disagreement regarding roles and responsibilities. Differences in the various views and experiences of teamwork were identified. Midwives and health visitors emerged as the least integrated members of the primary health care team. Recent changes to the organization of primary health care services, as well as professional changes, are seen as accounting for the different experiences of the nursing groups. The potential for teamwork in the future is discussed.  相似文献   

A sociocultural stress, appraisal, and coping model was developed to understand relatives' burden of care and negative affective attitudes toward patients with schizophrenia. Ninety-two African American and 79 White patients and a significant other (80% mothers) completed 2 10-min family problem-solving discussions. In addition, the Kreisman Rejection Scale and a global self-report rating of family burden were administered to relatives, and a self-report rating of substance use was administered to patients. Results indicated that subjective burden of care and patients' odd and unusual thinking during the family discussion each independently predicted relatives' attitudes toward patients, suggesting that negative attitudes are based in part on both patients' symptoms and perceived burden of care. African American relatives' perceived burden was also predicted by patients' substance abuse. Finally, White family members were significantly more likely than African Americans to feel burdened by and have rejecting attitudes toward their schizophrenic relative suggesting that cultural factors play an important role in determining both perceived burden and relatives' attitudes toward patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Decubitus ulcers present a real challenge to health care workers. Primary care nurses, in particular, are faced with special considerations when treating a patient in his or her home. For them, it is often necessary to adapt or design treatments to meet the particular circumstances of the patient. Within their Home Health Program, the authors have developed a self care method that is based on educating patients and the family members who will assist them. In this way the families and patients become partners in the planning and application of the proper nursing care that will allow them a greater independence and quality of life.  相似文献   

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