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通过响应面分析法确定苦荞面包研制的最佳条件,即苦荞粉添加量12.6%,和面时间33.9 min,发酵时间2.2 h,烘烤时间19.6 min。通过质构仪测定苦荞面包品质,总体来看,苦荞面包品质较好。  相似文献   

该文介绍一种蓝莓发酵果酒的制作工艺,并对产品进行理化指标及香气成分的测定。结果表明:蓝莓发酵果酒成品呈紫红色,酒体澄清透明,酒香浓郁。酒精度12.6%vol;总酸(以乙酸计)6.10 g/L:总糖(以葡萄糖计)2.5 g/L;铁<0.2 mg/L;铜<0.1 mg/L;可溶性固形物(20 ℃以折光计)7.8%;微生物指标符合标准;前花青素含量0.311 g/L。采用GC-MS分析蓝莓果酒香气成分,共提取香气成分40种,其中酯类12种,醇类8种,烃类6种,酸类3种,其他香气成分11种。蓝莓发酵果酒的主要挥发性芳香成分是:反式二甲基环丙烷,1,5-庚二烯-3-炔,1,2,3-三氯丙烷,2-(3-羟基苯基)乙醇,4-羟基丁酸乙酰酯。  相似文献   

Cooked buffalo tripe rolls (BTRs) were prepared from a combination of buffalo tripe (75%) and buffalo meat (25%) by using mincing (M-BTR) and blade tenderization (BT-BTR). They were stored at 4 ± 1 °C and studied for various physico-chemical, sensory and microbial qualities. Significantly (P < 0.01) higher pH, shear force value, diameter shrinkage and fat percentage were observed in M-BTR and BT-BTR than control product (100% minced buffalo meat). The product yield and drip loss percentage were significantly (P < 0.01) lower in BT-BTR, whereas drip loss percentage was significantly higher in M-BTR compared to controls and BT-BTR. No significant change was noticed in protein and moisture content between the different products. All physico-chemical parameters and sensory evaluation scores of M-BTR were comparable with control. Significant (P < 0.01) increases were noticed in pH, moisture content, thiobarbituric acid and tyrosine values with increasing storage period, whereas the extract release volume decreased significantly. All microbial counts and sensory evaluation scores were within the acceptable limits until 15 days of storage at 4 ± 1 °C in low-density polyethylene pouches stored aerobically.  相似文献   

发酵型茯苓葡萄酒的研制及品质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究主要分析了初始糖度、接种量、主发酵温度、偏重亚硫酸钾添加量对发酵型茯苓葡萄酒发酵效果的影响,在单因素试验的基础上,采用响应面法对主发酵工艺进行优化,确定其最佳酿造条件,并对其品质进行评价。结果显示,发酵型茯苓葡萄酒最佳主发酵条件为初始糖度225.56 g/L、酵母接种量3.4%、主发酵温度27.23 ℃、偏重亚硫酸钾添加量89.26 mg/L,此时茯苓葡萄酒酒精度为13.72%vol,其感官品质及理化、微生物指标检测数据均符合国家相关标准。  相似文献   

麦卢卡蜂蜜是新西兰特有的一种珍贵蜜种。由于其具有独特的非过氧化抗菌活性,营养保健功能强大,在我国的进口蜂蜜中所占的比重越来越大。但是,目前国内对于麦卢卡蜂蜜的研究非常少,这对于进口麦卢卡蜂蜜的监督监管将造成很大影响。由于麦卢卡蜂蜜是根据其抗菌活性高低进行质量评价和分级的。不同级别的麦卢卡蜂蜜价格差异巨大。近来,虚假标示抗菌活性等级甚至完全没有抗菌活性的麦卢卡蜂蜜掺假现象时有报道,急需国内进行相关研究并制订标准以进行监管。本文针对麦卢卡蜂蜜两个关键性质量评价指标,非过氧化抗菌活性和甲基乙二醛的相关研究,以及利用碳4植物糖检测和筛选特征标志物方法用于麦卢卡蜂蜜掺假鉴别研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

The protein quality of some improved protein quality maize varieties grown in Mexico was measured chemically (including amino acid analyses) and biologically, in N-balance experiments with growing rats. The protein content ranged from 10.61 to 12.84%. Lysine 100 g?1 protein varied between 2.63% for a normal variety to 4.18% for one of the improved varieties. The tryptophan content in the improved varieties was increased by 40-100%. There was a highly significant (P<0.001) positive correlation (r=0.98) between biological value and lysine 100 g?1 protein whereas the relationship between protein and available carbohydrate was not significant. True protein digestibility was very high and above 95% in all samples. Biological value, however, was higher by 10-15 percentage units in the improved materials compared to the normal maize.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the impact of moisture content and Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky on maize quality during hermetic and non-hermetic storage conditions. Commercial Channel 211-97 hybrid maize kernels were conditioned to 14, 16, 18, and 20% moisture content (wet basis), and then three replications of 300 g of maize grain were stored in glass jars or triple Ziploc® slider 66-μm(2.6-mil) polyethylene bags at four conditions: hermetic with weevils, hermetic no-weevils, non-hermetic with weevils, non-hermetic no-weevils. All jars and bags were stored in an environmental chamber at 27 °C and 70% relative humidity for either 30 or 60 d. At the end of each storage period, jars and bags were assessed for visual mold growth, mycotoxin levels, gas concentrations, pH level, the numbers of live and dead S. zeamais, and maize moisture content. The maize stored in non-hermetic conditions with weevils at 18 and 20% exhibited high levels of mold growth and aflatoxin contamination (>150 ppb). Conversely, very little mold growth was observed in maize stored in hermetic, and no aflatoxins were detected in any moisture level. CO2 increased and O2 gradually decreased as storage time increased for maize stored in hermetic conditions (with or without weevils) in all moisture level. No significant difference in pH was observed in any storage conditions (P < 0.05). Total mortality (100%) of S. zeamais was observed in all hermetically stored samples at the end of 60 days storage. Moisture content for hermetically stored maize was relatively constant. A positive correlation between moisture content and storage time was observed for maize stored in non-hermetic with weevils (r = 0.96, P < 0.05). The results indicate that moisture content and the number of S. zeamais weevils plays a significant role in maize storage, both under hermetic and non-hermetic conditions.  相似文献   

玉米的品质特性及综合利用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合国内外研究发展现状,归纳了玉米的各类品质特性,包括物理品质、营养品质、药用价值及加工品质,总结了玉米在变性淀粉、胚芽制油、制糖、酿酒、石油化工等方面的加工应用,以期为玉米综合开发利用提供一些参考。  相似文献   

黑玉米罐头的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了经浸泡、去皮、预煮、排气、杀菌等过程 ,制作黑玉米罐头的生产工艺  相似文献   

玉米汁饮料的研制   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
傅红  杨琳 《饮料工业》1998,1(1):31-32
以玉米粒为原料,采用焦亚太以酸钠,柠檬酸护色浸泡,α-淀粉酶酶解等工艺,加入乳化剂磷脂和增稠剂CMC-Na等,制得在玉米饮料。  相似文献   

Composite flours were prepared from blends of yellow maize (Zea mays), sesame seed (Sesamum indicum) and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) powder in the ratio of 80:20:0; 75:20:5; 70:20:10; 65:20:15 and 60:20:20, respectively to produce the cereal-based breakfast product coded as YSB, SMB, TMB, PMB and OMB with YSB as the control. The breakfast cereals were produced by hydration and toasting of yellow maize and sesame to 160°C for 25 min and blended together with oven-dried and packaged oyster mushroom. The developed products were analysed for proximate, vitamins, minerals and sensory properties. The proximate composition (%) of different blends ranged as moisture (4.07–7.08), ash (3.09–2.28), crude fat (16.04–12.83), crude fibre (4.30–8.22), protein (16.14–22.54), carbohydrate (56.34–47.04) and energy (434.34–393.83 Kcal). Vitamin A (7.99–5.98 mg/100 g), vitamin B1 (0.08–0.42 mg/100 g), vitamin B2 (0.06–0.15 mg/100 g), vitamin B3 (1.91–4.52 mg/100 g) and vitamin C (3.55–3.32 mg/100 g) were u while minerals (mg/100 g) were calcium (75.31–58.02), potassium (0.65–4.01), magnesium (12.25–12.62), iron (1.21–4.15) and zinc (0.40–1.32). Sensory scores revealed that the cereal-based breakfast product were acceptable to the panellist with oyster mushroom supplementation up to 10%.  相似文献   

At harvest time, maize (Zea mays L.) has a moisture content too high to be stored, and has to be dried. To control the drying impact on maize characteristics, it is necessary to accurately know the spatial distribution of temperature and moisture content in the kernel, and the kinetics of quality loss in relation to these two factors. To this end, a physical model of heat and mass transfer in a maize kernel was designed. The Fick and Fourier equations were solved by the finite element method (FEM). The real 3D geometry of maize was obtained by NMR imaging and then used to build the mesh needed for the FEM computations. The model correctly describes the evolutions of maize moisture and salt-soluble protein content during fluidized-bed drying with a constant drying air temperature between 50 °C and 100 °C.  相似文献   

The present experiments were conducted to develop an optimal protocol for visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopic evaluation of meat quality. It was determined that spectra were more repeatable using a 35 mm-diameter high-intensity reflectance probe rather than a 3 mm-diameter reflectance probe. Using the high-intensity reflectance probe, spectra were generally very repeatable (e.g., repeatability at 1080 nm ranged from 0.94 to 0.99) regardless of the number (50, 40, 30, 20, or 10) of spectra averaged per observation. At each wavelength (350-2500 nm), the highest repeatability was obtained when 20 spectra were averaged. It was determined that spectra were greatly different when the length of time that the muscle was exposed to air (bloomed) before spectroscopy was increased from 2 to 60 min. However, regardless of bloom time, the repeatability of reflectance values was >0.90 at each wavelength between 462 and 1371 nm. The protocol developed in this experiment should facilitate future experiments to determine if visible and near-infrared spectroscopy can be used to accurately predict meat quality.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to quantitatively measure and compare the levels and variations of total protein, individual amino acids, and computed protein efficiency ratio (C-PER) in raw and traditionally processed products of one recently released quality protein maize (QPM BH542) with four high-yield maize hybrids, namely flint BH660, semi-dent BH140, Pioneer 30H83, and Pioneer 30G97, as well as one local maize cultivar. The total protein content was variable among the cultivars ranging from 7% for BH660 to 8.6% for Pioneer 30H83, 8.9% for BH140, 9.8% for QPM BH542, 10.1% for local maize cultivar, and 11.8% for Pioneer 30G97, respectively. However, the QPM BH542 maize protein proved to be higher in nutritional quality than common maize proteins because it contained 30% to 82% more lysine, higher levels of arginine, tryptophan, histidine, threonine, cysteine, and valine. As a result, the QPM BH542 amino acid profile gives a good balance of total essential amino acids, limited only in lysine, and has a C-PER ratio of 2.2 compared to 1.14, 1.2, 1.4, 1.66, and 1.67 for Pioneer 30G97, local, BH-140, BH660, and Pioneer 30H83, respectively. The various traditional processes of maize have no significant effect on the protein nutritional quality of the new quality protein maize. Hence, the widely dissemination of it in agricultural cultivation as well as consumption by the general population is recommended.  相似文献   

非织造布在世界范围内广泛生产.全球标准是非织造布生产的一个竞争因素.目前,非织造布在市场中的优势不仅是价格便宜,而且质量优良.因此,为了保持非织造布的市场,有必要提高非织造布质量.在线检测系统可检测破洞、薄区、厚区等疵点,但影响非织造布质量的不仅仅是疵点,还取决于其光学均匀性.尤其对于面密度较小(如15 g/m2)的非织造布,明显的不规则纤维分布会影响顾客的主观评价.阐述了一种代表主观评价的客观图像分析方法.  相似文献   

目的与方法:以猪肉、松仁、玉米等为主要原料,生产松仁玉米香肠的工艺;通过预试验确定影响松仁玉米香肠质量的主要因素有松仁添加量、玉米添加量、肥肉和瘦肉的比例及淀粉添加量。采用正交试验,确定最佳配方;结果:最佳配方为松仁添加量2.5%、玉米添加量2.5%、肥瘦肉比例2:8、淀粉添加量13%。  相似文献   

本文以膨化后的玉米粉为原料,与牛奶按一定比例配比,经乳酸菌发酵,得到风味、质地、色泽、口感均极佳的产品。  相似文献   

以猪肉为主要原料,辅以玉米芯粉等制作出玉米芯粉香肠。研究采用多因素正交试验设计和产品感官质量综合鉴定的方法,优化选择了玉米芯粉香肠的最佳配方。经产品质量检验,其各项指标均符合肉与肉制品的国家标准。  相似文献   

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