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Although 3D printing (3DP) technology has become an increasingly popular educational tool in recent years, very little is known about the learning benefits of this technology. This systematic literature review synthesized empirical research on learning with 3DP in various educational settings, focusing on publication and study participants' characteristics, curriculum areas, research methodologies, instructional approaches, educational outcomes and benefits. A comprehensive survey of published and unpublished studies identified 78 empirical studies that met the inclusion criteria. In addition to positive effects on learning, 3DP facilitated innovative curriculum development and created opportunities for cross-disciplinary research. The findings revealed five major trends in 3DP learning: (1) prepare a new generation of engineers, (2) democratize additive manufacturing technology and production, (3) support learning using low-cost 3D printed learning aids, (4) produce assistive technologies, and (5) promote creativity and innovation. The review identifies critical gaps in the literature and offers suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Measuring students' self-regulation skills is essential to understand how they approach their learning tasks in order to identify areas where they might need additional support. Traditionally, self-report questionnaires and think aloud protocols have been used to measure self-regulated learning skills (SRL). However, these methods are based on students' interpretation, so they are prone to potential inaccuracy. Recently, there has been a growing interest in utilizing learning analytics (LA) to capture students' self-regulated learning (SRL) by extracting indicators from their online trace data.  相似文献   

There is an increase use of Peer Assessment (PA) approaches in On-line Learning Environments to support students and teachers on educational process. However, the community still lacks a comprehensive understanding of how Peer Assessment behaves within these educational environments, since there are no studies that make an analysis of the researches which has been conducted in this context, analysing the benefits and disadvantages of the use of Peer Assessment. Thus, the main goal of this work is to investigate and better understand how PA contributes in student learning as well as can bring benefits to the teachers involved. In order to meet our goal, we conducted a systematic literature review (SLR). In summary, the main findings are: (1) there are empirical evidences of the benefits of using PA in both industry and academy, and in several educational levels; (2) PA is most addressed to the correction of written activities on on-line courses; (3) About 60% of the articles showed PA improvement in student performance; (4) About 1/3 of the studies showed PA brings some benefits to teachers; (5) In some studies the use of the PA had difficulties, especially issues related to student motivation, which impairs the peer review process.  相似文献   

In recent years, we witnessed a speeding development of deep learning in computer vision fields like categorization, detection, and semantic segmentation. Within several years after the emergence of AlexNet, the performance of deep neural networks has already surpassed human being experts in certain areas and showed great potential in applications such as medical image analysis. The development of automated breast cancer detection systems that integrate deep learning has received wide attention from the community. Breast cancer, a major killer of females that results in millions of deaths, can be controlled even be cured given that it is detected at an early stage with sophisticated systems. In this paper, we reviewed breast cancer diagnosis, detection, and segmentation computer-aided (CAD) systems based on state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks. The available data sets also indirectly determine CAD systems' performance, so we introduced and discussed the details of public data sets. The challenges remaining in CAD systems for breast cancer are discussed at the end of this paper. The highlights of this survey mainly come from three following aspects. First, we covered a wide range of the basics of breast cancer from imaging modalities to popular databases in the community; Second, we presented the key elements in deep learning to form the compactness for methods mentioned in reviewed papers; Third and lastly, the summative details in each reviewed paper are provided so that interested readers can have a refined version of these works without referring to original papers. Therefore, this systematic survey suits readers with varied backgrounds and will be beneficial to them.  相似文献   

A recommender system is employed to accurately recommend items,which are expected to attract the user's attention.The over-emphasis on the accuracy of the recommendations can cause information over-specialization and make recommendations boring and even predictable.Novelty and diversity are two partly useful solutions to these problems.However,novel and diverse recommendations cannot merely ensure that users are attracted since such recommendations may not be relevant to the user's interests.Hence,it is necessary to consider other criteria,such as unexpectedness and relevance.Serendipity is a criterion for making appealing and useful recommendations.The usefulness of serendipitous recommendations is the main superiority of this criterion over novelty and diversity.The bulk of studies of recommender systems have focused on serendipity in recent years.Thus,a systematic literature review is conducted in this paper on previous studies of serendipity-oriented recommender systems.Accordingly,this paper focuses on the contextual convergence of serendipity definitions,datasets,serendipitous recommendation methods,and their evaluation techniques.Finally,the trends and existing potentials of the serendipity-oriented recommender systems are discussed for future studies.The results of the systematic literature review present that the quality and the quantity of articles in the serendipity-oriented recommender systems are progressing.  相似文献   

Cognitive load during AR use has been measured conventionally by performance tests and subjective rating. With the growing interest in physiological measurement using non-invasive biometric sensors, unbiased real-time detection of cognitive load in AR is expected. However, a range of sensors and parameters are used in various subject fields, and reported results are fragmented.  相似文献   


Competence-based learning is increasingly widespread in many institutions since it provides flexibility, facilitates the self-learning and brings the academic and professional worlds closer together. Thus, the competence-based recommender systems emerged taking the advantages of competences to offer suggestions (performance of a learning experience, assistance of an expert or recommendation of a learning resource) to the user (learner or instructor). The objective of this work is to conduct a new Systematic Literature Review (SLR) concerning competence-based recommender systems to analyse in relation to their nature and assessment of competences an others key factors that provide more flexible and exhaustive recommendations. To do so, a SLR research methodology was followed in which 25 competence-based recommender systems related to learning or instruction environments were classified according to multiple criteria. We evaluate the role of competences in these proposals and enumerate the emerging challenges. Also a critical analysis of current proposals is carried out to determine their strengths and weakness. Finally, future research paths to be explored are grouped around two main axes closely interlinked; first about the typical challenges related to recommender systems and second, concerning ambitious emerging challenges.  相似文献   

崔海涛  章程  丁翔  曹伶俐  杨耘 《软件学报》2021,32(5):1256-1283
目前,一种称为微服务的架构风格正受到越来越多的关注.它给软件项目带来好处的同时,也影响着使用微服务架构的开发组织.研究目的是明确微服务的使用对开发组织产生了哪些影响,这些影响对于组织来说是优势还是挑战.对此进行了 一次系统文献综述,并通过元-民族志对定性数据进行合成,最终得出了使用微服务架构对组织产生影响的7个方面,分...  相似文献   

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is presently one of the most popular techniques for analysing the dynamic states in brain images using various kinds of algorithms. From the last decade, there is an exponential rise in the use of the machine and deep learning algorithms of artificial intelligence for analysing fMRI data. However, it is a big challenge for every researcher to choose a suitable machine or deep learning algorithm for analysing fMRI data due to the availability of a large number of algorithms in the literature. It takes much time for each researcher to know about the various approaches and algorithms which are in use for fMRI data. This paper provides a review in a systematic manner for the present literature of fMRI data that makes use of the machine and deep learning algorithms. The major goals of this review paper are to (a) identify machine learning and deep learning research trends for the implementation of fMRI; (b) identify usage of Machine Learning Algorithms and deep learning in fMRI, and (c) help new researchers based on fMRI to put their new findings appropriately in existing domain of fMRI research. The results of this systematic review identified various fMRI studies and classified them based on fMRI types, mental diseases, use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms. The authors have provided the studies with the best performance of machine learning and deep learning algorithms used in fMRI. The authors believe that this systematic review will help incoming researchers on fMRI in their future works.  相似文献   

Learning analytics is a rapidly evolving research discipline that uses the insights generated from data analysis to support learners as well as optimize both the learning process and environment. This paper studied students’ engagement level of the Learning Management System (LMS) via a learning analytics tool, student’s approach in managing their studies and possible learning analytic methods to analyze student data. Moreover, extensive systematic literature review (SLR) was employed for the selection, sorting and exclusion of articles from diverse renowned sources. The findings show that most of the engagement in LMS are driven by educators. Additionally, we have discussed the factors in LMS, causes of low engagement and ways of increasing engagement factors via the Learning Analytics approach. Nevertheless, apart from recognizing the Learning Analytics approach as being a successful method and technique for analyzing the LMS data, this research further highlighted the possibility of merging the learning analytics technique with the LMS engagement in every institution as being a direction for future research.  相似文献   

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was created on the basis of expert opinion and has now become accepted as the ‘standard’ object‐oriented modelling notation. Our objectives were to determine how widely the notations of the UML, and their usefulness, have been studied empirically, and to identify which aspects of it have been studied in most detail. We undertook a mapping study of the literature to identify relevant empirical studies and to classify them in terms of the aspects of the UML that they studied. We then conducted a systematic literature review, covering empirical studies published up to the end of 2008, based on the main categories identified. We identified 49 relevant publications, and report the aggregated results for those categories for which we had enough papers— metrics, comprehension, model quality, methods and tools and adoption. Despite indications that a number of problems exist with UML models, researchers tend to use the UML as a ‘given’ and seem reluctant to ask questions that might help to make it more effective. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a growing call for inquiry-based learning in science education, and mobile technologies are perceived as increasingly valuable tools to support this approach. However, there is a lack of understanding of mobile technology-supported inquiry-based learning (mIBL) in secondary science education. More evidence-based, nuanced insights are needed into how using mobile technologies might facilitate students' engagement with various levels of inquiry and enhance their science learning. We, therefore, conducted a robust systematic literature review (SLR) of the research articles on mIBL in secondary school science education that have been published from 2000 to 2019. We reviewed and analysed 31 empirical studies (34 articles) to explore the types of mIBL, and the benefits and constraints of mIBL in secondary school science education. The findings of this SLR suggest new research areas for further exploration and provide implications for science teachers' selection, use and design of mIBL approaches in their teaching.  相似文献   

情景感知(context aware)的应用是当前的一个研究热点,但由于情景的复杂性和不确定性,如何获取这些应用的需求面临着巨大挑战,需求工程领域出现了大量的研究来解决这个挑战.使用系统文献综述(systematic literature review)的方法首先分析了不同情景维度对于需求获取与建模的支持;统计并深入分析情景感知的需求获取与建模中常用的方法;评估了不同经验方法的技术转移成熟度.最后,基于上述结论,给出了情景感知的需求获取与建模下一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

While game-based language learning (GBLL) in K-12 education has received considerable attention, little is still known about its state-of-the-art research trends over the last decade, necessitating a systematic review on its theoretical frameworks, instructional activities and research findings.  相似文献   

In recent years, financial distress prediction (FDP), also known as corporate failure prediction or bankruptcy prediction, has gained significant importance due to its impact on organizations, especially during unexpected events like pandemics and wars. Machine learning (ML) models have emerged as innovative and essential tools in predicting financial distress, leveraging the ever-increasing volume of databases and computing power. This study utilizes bibliographic techniques to contribute to the field's literature review to address the disorganized nature of the existing literature on FDP, reduce confusion, and provide clarity to domain researchers. These techniques enable identifying the progress of articles published over the years, influential authors, and highly cited articles. Additionally, the study examines crucial aspects of data preprocessing, such as missing data, imbalanced data, feature selection, and outliers, as they significantly impact the robustness and performance of ML models. Furthermore, it discusses essential models employed in FDP, focusing on recent advancements that represent promising trends. In conclusion, this study contributes to the field by uncovering novel trends and proposing possible directions for advancing FDP research. These findings will guide researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders in their quest for improved prediction and decision-making in financial distress.  相似文献   

Edge computing is a new way of computing that uses resources at the edge of a network to solve the problem of communication delays in applications that require immediate responses. This field has received a lot of attention from the research community over the past few decades, leading to a significant increase in publications. To better understand the field, a systematic mapping study (SMS) was conducted using a three-tier search method that involved defining quality criteria to extract relevant search spaces and studies. This resulted in the selection of 112 search spaces out of 805 and 1440 studies out of 8725. The SMS addressed 8 research questions to identify the main topics, architectures, techniques, and other important aspects of edge computing.  相似文献   

吴逸文  张洋  王涛  王怀民 《软件学报》2023,34(12):5527-5551
近些年,软件构造、运行和演化过程面临着诸多新需求,例如开发测试环境需要高效切换或配置、应用隔离、减少资源消耗、提高测试和部署效率等,给开发人员开发和维护软件带来了巨大的负担.容器技术有希望将开发人员从繁重的开发运维负担中解脱出来,尤其是Docker作为目前工业界的容器行业标准,近年来逐渐成为学术界一个热门的研究领域.为了帮助研究人员全面准确地理解当前Docker容器研究的现状和趋势,使用系统文献综述(systematic literature review)的方法搜集了75篇该领域最新的高水平论文,进行了详细的分析和总结.首先,使用定量研究方法调查了Docker容器研究的基本现状,包括研究数量、研究质量、研究领域和研究方式.其次,首次提出了面向Docker容器研究的分类框架,分别从核心、平台和支持3个方面对当前研究进行了系统性地归纳和梳理.最后,讨论了Docker容器技术的发展趋势并总结了7个未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore whether integrating augmented reality (AR) techniques could support a software editing course and to examine the different learning effects for students using online‐based and AR‐based blended learning strategies. The researcher adopted a comparative research approach with a total of 103 college students participating in the study. The experimental group (E.G.) learned with the AR‐based contents, while the control group (C.G.) learned with the online‐based support. The findings demonstrated the potential of AR techniques for supporting students' learning motivation and peer learning interaction, and the AR‐based contents could be used as scaffolding to better support blended learning strategies. The AR‐based learning interaction could also be a trigger arousing learners' interest in becoming active learners and the students presented great learning involvement after the AR‐based supports were removed, while the learners in the C.G. were passive once the supports had been removed. Moreover, it was found that (1) their lack of experience with AR interaction and applications, (2) the slow speed of the Internet in the school, (3) the affordances of each learner's mobile learning devices, (4) the screen size of the learning interface and (5) the overloading of the learning information from the AR contents and teacher lectures might be the reasons why the learners were still more used to the online‐based support. It was therefore concluded that when integrating AR applications into a course, technology educational researchers should take into careful consideration the target learning content design, the amount of information displayed on the mobile screen and the affordances of the learning equipment and classroom environment so as to achieve a suitable learning scenario.  相似文献   

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