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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating role of online learning motivation (OLM) in the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Bangladesh by observing and comparing direct lectures (DL), instructor–learner interaction (ILI), learner–learner interaction (LLI), and internet self-efficacy (ISE) as predictors of OLM and online learning satisfaction (OLS). Data were collected from 442 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 35 universities in Bangladesh. To test the hypotheses, the PLS-SEM approach was applied using SmartPLS 3.0. The study shows a significant mediating role of OLM between the independent variables and learning satisfaction. In addition, DL, ILI, and ISE are shown to be significant predictors of student satisfaction. The findings have a number of valuable implications for education policy makers, universities, instructors, and students. Moreover, the study suggests some new research perspectives to overcome the limitations of this research and to gain precise knowledge on students' learning motivation and satisfaction regarding other online classes for different categories of students (e.g., high school and college, professional, and PhD).  相似文献   

Online collaboration tools have been identified as potentially effective means for enhancing student learning, motivation, and engagement in science education. However, their effectiveness in improving science education outcomes among middle school students remains uncertain.  相似文献   

网络教育作为一种新型的教育模式,如要蓬勃发展,离不开素质教育的全面推进。目前网络教育虽发展迅速,但对应的素质教育严重滞后这两者之间的矛盾已日益凸显。文章立足实践,对提高网络教育学院学生的素质教育提出了四个观点,以期能对网络教育的发展起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

网络教育作为一种新型的教育模式,如要蓬勃发展,离不开素质教育的全面推进。目前网络教育虽发展迅速,但对应的素质教育严重滞后,这两者之间的矛盾已日益凸显。文章立足实践,对提高网络教育学院学生的素质教育提出了四个观点,以期能对网络教育的发展起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   



Online learning and teaching were globally popularized due to the impact of Covid-19. The pandemic has made both synchronous and asynchronous online learning inevitable in regions privileged with the technological affordance.


This study was designed to examine and compare the effectiveness of both learning modes through the Community of Inquiry framework.

Materials & Methods

Comparative analyses on a sample of N = 170 undergraduate students who took both synchronous and asynchronous online courses in Spring 2021.


The paired-sample T-tests results indicated a significant difference in social presence, cognitive presence and self-evaluated performance.

Discussion & Conclusion

Teaching presence significantly influenced social presence and cognitive presence in both learning modes. However, under synchronous learning mode, social presence significantly impacted self-evaluation, grades and school identification. While social presence only influenced school identification under asynchronous learning mode. Theoretical and practical implications were also included.  相似文献   

针对目前智能移动机器人在未知环境中学习遇到的如学习主动性、实时性差,无法在线积累学习的知识和经验等问题,受心理学中内部动机的启发,提出一种内部动机驱动的移动机器人未知环境在线自主学习方法,在一定程度上弥补目前该领域存在的一些问题。该方法通过在移动机器人Q学习的框架下,将奖励机制用基于心理学启发的内部动机取代,提高其对于未知环境的学习主动性,同时,采用增量自组织神经网络代替经典Q学习中的查找表,实现输入输出空间的映射,使得机器人能够在线增量地学习未知环境。实验结果表明,通过内部动机驱动的方法,移动机器人对于未知环境的学习主动性得到了提高,智能程度有了明显改进。  相似文献   

Quantifying student engagement with online learning resources on virtual learning environments such as BlackBoard is important in understanding how these technologies enhance the student learning. In the present study, it was examined when, and how often, first‐year students accessed lecture recordings, lecture slides, and lecture notes via BlackBoard, in an introductory natural resource course taken by both on campus students and remote students. The findings demonstrated that lecture recordings were not well utilized by students—although only 58% of on campus students attended face‐to‐face lectures, less than 15% of absent students downloaded the missed lecture. Overall, more students downloaded lecture slides (an average of 63% per week) than notes (38%) or recordings (16%). Indeed, the average student downloaded only 1.1 types of the 3 online resources (recordings, slides, and notes) that were available each week, with 5.7% of students downloading all 3 types of resources, 23% downloading 2 types of resources, 42% downloading only 1 type of resource, and 29% downloading none of the 3 types of resources. Finally, remote students were more likely to download lecture notes and recordings than were on campus students. The information presented here is important in understanding student behaviour and engagement.  相似文献   

疫情爆发以来,为响应中央"停课不停教、停课不停学"的指导意见,在线学习在大学生间真正普及。虽然现已基本的资源平台、通讯渠道、设备要求等等外部条件得到满足,但在内部真正影响大学生在线学习效果的因素仍然存在。本文将从大学生在线学习的效果、对在线学习的态度以及影响在线学习效果的各种因素进行分析,得到启示,并由此给相关方面的完善提供参考意见。  相似文献   

基于在线教育的网络自主学习平台能够满足院校学生、企业员工等多种学习者个性化和主动性学习的需要,提高不同学习者的学习积极性和主动性。基于在线教育的网络自主学习平台采用Browser/Server架构体系,以面向对象的程序设计语言设计、开发完成了网络设备配置综合实训的在线自主学习平台系统。  相似文献   



Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have touted the idea of democratizing education, but soon enough, this utopian idea collided with the reality of finding sustainable business models. In addition, the promise of harnessing interactive and social web technologies to promote meaningful learning was only partially successful. And finally, studies demonstrated that many learners exploit the anonymity and feedback to earn certificates unethically. Thus, establishing MOOC pedagogical models that balance open access, meaningful learning, and trustworthy assessment remains a challenge that is crucial for the field to achieve its goals.


This study analysed the influence of an MOOC assessment model, denoted the Competency Exam (CE), on learner engagement, the level of cheating, and certification rates. At its core, this model separates learning from for-credit assessment, and it was introduced by the MITx Biology course team in 2016.


We applied a learning analytics methodology to the clickstream data of the verified learners (N = 559) from four consecutive runs of an Introductory Biology MOOC offered through edX. The analysis used novel algorithms for measuring the level of cheating and learner engagement, which were developed in the previous studies.

Results and Conclusions

On the positive side, the CE model reduced cheating and did not reduce learner engagement with the main learning materials – videos and formative assessment items. On the negative side, it led to procrastination, and certification rates were lower.


First, the results shed light on the fundamental connection between incentive design and learner behaviour. Second, the CE provides MOOC designers with an ‘analytically verified’ model to reduce cheating without compromising on open access. Third, our methodology provides a novel means for measuring cheating and learner engagement in MOOCs.

本文主要分析了计算机网络教育中,教师和学生在网络教学中的定位,计算机网络教学的结构模式及其特点,最后提出了目前开展网络教学中存在的问题以及解决方法。  相似文献   


Librarians at Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries used the discussion board features of Blackboard courseware to create an interactive experience for graduate students at a distance who could not attend the on-campus “Literature Review Workshops.” These recently developed workshops have been extremely popular with graduate students across the disciplines and have generated a growing demand from distance education graduate students and faculty to offer similar information online. Reluctant to simply deliver content via an online tutorial, librarians sought to duplicate the workshop atmosphere by making the sessions available for a short time-period online, asking participants to respond to discussion questions at specific points in the workshop, and offering audio-mediated online demonstrations of tools and resources. Student feedback and follow-up requests for more workshops support the perception that this approach offered a rewarding learning experience that addressed their specific adult learning needs.  相似文献   

According to researches, motivation that initiates and sustains behaviour is one of the most significant components of learning in any environment. Accordingly, level of intrinsic motivation triggers and sustains the interest of the open and distance education students when it comes to learning on their own in e‐learning environments. Despite a comprehensive literature regarding the motivation of those learning in traditional learning environments, the number of studies addressing the motivation of open and distance education students in e‐learning environments is not sufficient. In this context, this study aims at determining the level of intrinsic motivation of open and distance education students. Thus, data were collected from 1,639 distance education students in 22 programmes, through Intrinsic Motivation in e‐Learning Questionnaire developed and validated to that end. Analyses carried out indicate that the level of intrinsic motivation of open and distance education students is high in e‐learning environments, but there is not a statistically significant difference by gender, programme structure (graduate/undergraduate), instruction type (distance–blended), and academic disciplines.  相似文献   

基于网络的远程教学   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文讨论了网络的远程教学的技术背景以及所需的技术资源,同时也讨论了进行网络的远程教学时在教学上应加以注意的方面。就远程教学所涉及的技术因素,人员因素及教学设计方法等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过期刊网查阅了关于学习支持服务系统的论文,发现从以学习者为中心进行探讨的论文不多。该文是从以学习者为中心的学习支持服务系统中存在的问题进行阐述,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

尔雅通识课作为一种在线学习平台,广泛应用于高校公共选修课的教学。本文以X大学学生为样本,调查大学生在尔雅平台的在线学习情况。调查围绕学习动机、学习方法、学习时间、学习环境、学习效果以及学习过程中的重要他人等维度展开。通过调查发现,X大学学生在尔雅平台的学习动机、行为表现、学习效果等方面的特点和存在的问题并提出合理的改进建议。  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of multimedia devices in elementary classrooms, there is limited research examining teacher-created video instruction, particularly regarding its effect on academic growth and engagement. This study investigated the effect of teacher-created computer-based video instruction (CBVI) using iPads on students' academic, behavioural and affective learning in elementary classrooms. The study used a repeated-measures design with counterbalancing to measure the effects of CBVI during mathematics lessons on student achievement scores, time on-task and attitudes towards learning. Three year three classes (n = 49) completed three lessons, each using a different mode of instruction: CBVI created by the class teacher, CBVI created by a stranger, and a traditional live lesson delivered by the class teacher. Results were analysed using a Linear Mixed Model. No significant growth in performance was detected during video instruction, however a significant growth result was achieved for the traditional live teaching mode (p < 0.001), possibly attributable to the longer duration of experimental session. Behavioural engagement was considerably higher during CBVI lessons than live lessons and students preferred their teacher's voice during CBVI. Three teachers were interviewed to examine how CBVI affected teaching and learning, with two main themes emerging: (1) positive impacts of CBVI upon students; and (2) positive impacts on teacher wellbeing. This research indicates benefits for students and teachers when using teacher-created CBVI. Further research is needed to better understand the factors that influence cognitive development of students using CBVI and to also further explore the effect of CBVI on teacher wellbeing.  相似文献   

随着我国近几年年网络飞速普及和信息技术发展,互联网技术不仅应用在了企业、电商中,还广泛运用到了线上学习中.学习共享平台的创新实现无疑引领了学生知识获取的新途径,所以学习共享平台的创新实现具有良好的社会价值,在学术上实现了学习和共享,用户学习过程中可以共享自己的技能,更好地把知识和分享联系在一起.  相似文献   

The second-order method using a Newton step is a suitable technique in online learning to guarantee a regret bound. The large data are a challenge in the Newton method to store second-order matrices such as the hessian. In this article, we have proposed a modified online Newton step that stores first- and second-order matrices of dimension m (classes) by d (features). We have used elementwise arithmetic operations to maintain the size of matrices. The modified second-order matrix size results in faster computations. Also, the mistake rate is on par with respect to popular methods in the literature. The experimental outcome indicates that proposed method could be helpful to handle large multiclass datasets on common desktop machines using second-order method as the Newton step.  相似文献   

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