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近年来我国风电产业进步很快,但在电价体系、测风能力、技术创新能力和绿色电力市场方面还存在很多问题.为了进一步加快我国风电产业的发展,文章提出风电项目中风电的投资回报率应高于常规能源项目,风电特许权项目应事前制定最低价格;尽快制定电网辅助服务收费标准;建立技术创新的激励机制和开展绿色电力营销,进一步完善我国风电发展的市场环境.  相似文献   

正发改委9月1日下发《关于太阳能热发电标杆上网电价政策的通知》(以下简称《通知》发改价格[2016]1881号),核定太阳能热发电标杆上网电价为每1.15元/k W·h,并明确该电价仅适用于国家能源局2016年组织实施的示范项目。根据《通知》,鼓励地方政府相关部门对太阳能热发电企业采取税费减免、财政补贴、绿色信贷、土地优惠等措  相似文献   

绿色电力在美国发展迅速,到2003年3月美国在电力市场中开展绿色价格项目的电力公司已达300家以上。随着电力零售市场的开放,美国在绿色电力推广过程中应用绿色电力价格,为用户提供了机会去支持电力公司加大可再生能源发展的基金。在绿色电力价格中通过用户参与、NGO协调及绿色电力认证等形式使得美国的绿色电力营销取得良好效果。  相似文献   

崔成  牛建国 《中国能源》2012,34(1):36-38
3.11地震后日本煤电需求有所上升,其通过权益煤的获得,积极参与煤矿、铁路、港口、船舶等相关运输系统建设,以及长期价格协议,在国际大宗商品贸易领域获得了较大的影响力和一定的控制力,并以此稳定了煤炭供应及进口煤炭价格。更为重要的是,日本通过煤、电价格联动机制,梯级电价制度及公开透明的公众监督机制,逐步降低了终端电价,其相关经验值得我研究借鉴。  相似文献   

规范电价管理 国家计委 5月发布《国家计委关于规范电价管理问题题的通知》,就发电企业的上网电价、建立合理的电网输配电价格机制作了明确规定,主要内容是:按发电项目经营期核定平均上网电价;按先进企业的社会平均成本核定上网电价;电网输配电价格应按照合理补偿成本费用  相似文献   

秸秆焚烧发电项目的技术经济分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
秸秆焚烧发电作为可再生能源利用的一种形式,近来在我国得到大力发展.以典型机组配置的秸秆焚烧发电项目为例进行技术经济分析,指出影响秸秆焚烧发电项目经济的主要因素有两方面:一是原料的收购价格和上网电价,其中上网电价因受国家政策指导,区别不很大,而燃料价格受地域、季节和其他相关因素的影响,价格波动比较明显,这一点投资者应该重点关注;二是锅炉的蒸汽参数,蒸汽参数影响热效率,从而影响发电成本.文中结合国家宏观政策,提出降低发电成本、提高经济效益的有效措施,供秸秆焚烧发电投资者参考借鉴.  相似文献   

<正>9月6日,国家能源局对外发布了《关于公布风电平价上网示范项目的通知》(国能发新能[2017]49号,以下简称《通知》),《通知》提出河北、黑龙江、甘肃、宁夏、新疆相关省(区)风电平价上网示范项目总规模70.7万kW。示范项目的上网电价按当地煤电标杆上网电价执行,所发电量不核发绿色电力证书,在本地电网范围内消纳。  相似文献   

<正>8月31日,国家能源局公布《风电平价上网示范项目的通知》(国能发新能[2017]49号),如表1所示,河北、黑龙江、甘肃、宁夏、新疆相关省(区)风电平价上网示范项目总规模70.7万k W。示范项目的上网电价按当地煤电标杆上网电价执行,所发电量不核发绿色电力证书,在本地电网范围内消纳。  相似文献   

德国绿色电力营销政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国的发电燃料结构以煤和核能为主;同时,可再生能源,主要是大型水电也占了一部分,近年来发展最快的可再生能源是风能。德国绿色电力产品分为3类,即纯大型水电、可再生能源电力与热电联产混合产品以及纯可再生能源电力。德国的第一个绿色电价项目出现于上世纪90年代中期,在德国开展了绿色电力营销和认证体系,同时,该国传统上的可再生能源政策更加注重对可再生能源发电的直接支持,而不是对市场的零售端提供激励措施。  相似文献   

与常规能源发电相比,目前光伏发电电价还不具备竞争优势,制定一个合理的上网电价是推动我国光伏产业健康发展的关键。上网电价取决于光伏电站的建设和运营成本,而影响光伏电站投资成本的因素很多,如太阳能辐射量、器件和设备价格、电站规模、项目融资方式、贷款利率、政府补贴额定等,很难制定出统一的上网电价。本文从具体实例出发,在云南某地拟建一个10MW的单晶硅并网光伏电站,将辐射量、设备价格、电站规模及财务参数等因素都具体化,从电站的建设到运行,考虑所有影响投资成本的因素来计算建设成本。然后利用财务分析中的净现值法、内涵报酬率法、项目回收期法三种方法分析计算相应的较为合理的光伏发电上网电价,比较三种方法得到的结果,讨论不同因素对电价的影响效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines renewable energy alternatives in developed countries: environmental mechanisms; future energy alternatives; green electricity marketing and its potential; pricing; and limitations on the eve of open access. It discusses objectives in electricity restructuring; the role of resources planning in forming long range energy environmental policies; feasibility of electricity trading mechanisms; green marketing in the United States and Australia; green energy offers in Canada; and the results of green pricing programs in Europe and the United States. The role of existing and planned mechanisms to achieve environmental benefits in restructured electricity markets are reviewed. Technological and institutional challenges of achieving real, long-term reductions in carbon dioxide and other emissions from the electric sector are discussed. Factors associated with infrastructure turnover together with technology development and deployment are addressed, where attention is given to policies which promote highly integrated and coordinated reductions in emissions. The paper then focuses on the green pool and trends in power marketing where status of competitive markets, green pricing programs for franchise customers, green power products for contestable customers, credibility of green power marketing, and public policy for renewable energy technologies in competitive markets are discussed. It then reviews green energy in Ontario on the eve of open access, and shows there is a market for green energy if customers have a choice  相似文献   

This paper fills a gap in the macroeconomic literature on renewable sources of energy. It offers a definition of green investment and analyzes the trends and determinants of this investment over the last decade for 35 advanced and emerging countries. We use a new multi-country historical dataset and find that green investment has become a key driver of the energy sector and that its rapid growth is now mostly driven by China. Our econometric results suggest that green investment is boosted by economic growth, a sound financial system conducive to low interest rates, and high fuel prices. We also find that some policy interventions, such as the introduction of carbon pricing schemes or “feed-in-tariffs,” which require use of “green” energy, have a positive and significant impact on green investment. Other interventions, such as biofuel support, do not appear to be associated with higher green investment.  相似文献   

In this paper, the features and the most important results of the computer model ElGreen will be presented. With the help of the computer model it is possible to simulate various promotion strategies for different technologies in all EU countries. Policies that can be selected are the most important price driven strategies (feed-in tariffs, investment subsidies, tax incentives), capacity driven instruments (tradable green certificates, national or international wide trading system) and a voluntary green pricing system.The following recommendations are derived:
(i)Regardless of which strategy is chosen credible sources must guarantee that the promotional strategy will survive a specified planning horizon;
(ii)The differences between either national trading, international trading or feed-in tariffs are very small if the design of the promotional system is optimised;
(iii)When introducing a TGC system it is of paramount importance that no mix up between existing and new capacities takes place.

Green electricity programs enable households to voluntarily contribute to the development of renewable electricity by purchasing green electricity through their local utility. Using a dataset of all utilities in the United States, this paper explores the utility, consumer, and program characteristics that influence participation levels in green electricity, as well as whether a utility chooses to offer a program. Among other results, we find that the key determinants of program participation are the education of the consumer base and the affordability of the green electricity program. Our results enhance understanding of private provision of environmental public goods and could aid in ex ante evaluations of whether a green electricity program is likely to cover its administrative costs or be a cost-effective way of improving environmental quality.  相似文献   

刘兰菊 《水电能源科学》2013,31(1):204-206,203
配电服务定价是输配分开过程中的重要问题之一,鉴于传统的配电管制正在向激励性管制转变,分析了标尺竞争机制下配电服务定价的相关问题,提出了一种基于标尺竞争机制的配电网增量成本定价模型,该模型基于配电网扩容计划估算增量成本和边际成本,并从每个配网使用者对配网负荷的使用份额来分析推导出配电服务价格。算例分析结果表明,该定价模型能有效促进配电公司之间的竞争,从而激励配电企业采取措施提高效率、降低成本。  相似文献   

Green power marketing—the act of differentially selling electricity generated wholly or in part from renewable sources—has emerged in more than a dozen countries around the world. Almost two million customers worldwide buy green power today. This paper reviews green power marketing activity in Australia, Canada, Japan, the US, and in a number of countries in Europe to gain an understanding of consumer demand for electricity generated from renewable sources. It also examines key factors that influence market penetration of green power products, such as product designs, pricing, incentives, marketing strategies, policies, and product certification.  相似文献   

  [目的]  含多种绿色能源的虚拟电厂研究正在成为智能电网研究和试点的热点,但如何优化调度,激励参与资源的积极性和可持续性,同时实现系统的补贴成本最小,是虚拟电厂定价机制的难点。  [方法]  基于用户柔性负荷,电动汽车,储能,分布式电源四类资源参与虚拟电厂调度开展参与方式和参与成本的分析,根据资源和商业模式差异单独设定成本模型;通过测算不同资源的实际参与边际成本,采用类似现货市场出清的方式,依据系统调整负荷需求,进行可调资源的排序,最终确定补贴价格的上限。  [结果]  利用该定价机制,从经济角度实现对电力经济价值较低、响应潜力大的用户优先进行调度,实现电力资源的合理分配,保证参与资源的成本得到补贴的同时系统补偿成本最小。  [结论]  基于实际算例测算,证明文章定价机制及方法准确有效,可为未来虚拟电厂的补贴政策提供支持。  相似文献   

This column discusses developments and policy regarding the supply and use of green energy. It is a co-operation between Refocus and www.greenprices.com. In each issue key information will be presented on green energy in Europe and abroad. In this issue some observations are made on green energy pricing and market developments in Europe up to the first quarter of 2001.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》1986,14(4):307-317
There is now widespread agreement on the need for correct pricing as a necessary, if not sufficient, condition for securing optimal efficiency in road transport energy use. Despite this wide measure of agreement and the fact that road transport is invariably the largest single market for liquid fuels, empirical work on transport energy pricing has so far been largely confined to the industrial countries. This paper is a contribution to filling the gap by examining within a comparative framework the structure of transport energy pricing in both developing and industrial countries. The advantage of the comparative approach is that it throws light on characteristics of energy pricing which may be obscured if the analysis is limited to the pricing regimes of a group of broadly homogeneous countries.  相似文献   

Dynamic pricing is being discussed as one method of demand side management (DSM) which could be crucial for integrating more renewable energy sources into the electricity system. At the same time, there have been very few analyses of consumer preferences in this regard: Which type of pricing program are consumers most likely to choose and why? This paper sheds some light on these issues based on two empirical studies from Germany: (1) A questionnaire study including a conjoint analysis-design and (2) A field experiment with test-residents of a smart home laboratory. The results show that consumers are open to dynamic pricing, but prefer simple programs to complex and highly dynamic ones; smart home technologies including demand automation are seen as a prerequisite for DSM. The study provides some indications that consumers might be more willing to accept more dynamic pricing programs if they have the chance to experience in practice how these can be managed in everyday life. At the same time, the individual and societal advantages of such programs are not obvious to consumers. For this reason, any market roll-out will need to be accompanied by convincing communication and information campaigns to ensure that these advantages are perceived.  相似文献   

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