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Objective: To support ongoing monitoring of child response during treatment, we sought to develop a brief, easily administered, clinically relevant, and psychometrically sound measure. Method: We first developed child and caregiver forms of a 12-item Brief Problem Checklist (BPC) interview by applying item response theory and factor analysis to Youth Self-Report (YSR; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL;Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001) data for a sample of 2,332 youths. These interviews were then administered weekly via telephone to an ethnically diverse clinical sample of 184 boys and girls 7–13 years of age and their caregivers participating in outpatient treatment, to examine psychometric properties and feasibility. Results: Internal consistency and test–retest reliability were excellent, and factor analysis yielded 1 internalizing and 1 externalizing factor. Validity tests showed large and significant correlations with corresponding scales on paper-and-pencil administrations of the CBCL and YSR as well as with diagnoses obtained from a structured diagnostic interview. Discriminant validity of the BPC interviews was supported by low correlations with divergent criteria. Longitudinal data for the initial 6 months of treatment demonstrated that the BPC significantly predicted change on related measures of child symptoms. Estimates obtained from random coefficient growth models showed generally higher slope reliabilities for the BPC given weekly relative to the CBCL and YSR given every 3 months. Conclusions: Given their combination of brevity and psychometric strength, the child and caregiver BPC interviews appear to be a promising strategy for efficient, ongoing assessment of clinical progress during the course of treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the minimum volume of blood and the absolute number of organisms required for detection of bacteremia and fungemia by an automated colorimetric blood culture system (BacT/Alert, Organon Teknika). DESIGN: Common neonatal pathogens, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus (GBS): one American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) strain and one clinical isolate), Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Candida albicans, were seeded into blood to produce bacteremia or fungemia with low colony counts (1 to 3 colony-forming units (CFU) per milliliter) and ultra-low colony counts (<1 CFU/ml). For each organism, 96 culture bottles were inoculated with either 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 4.0 ml of the two seeded blood concentrations. Blood culture bottles were incubated in the BacT/Alert device for 5 days, and time to positivity was noted when applicable. All bottles were subcultured on plated media. DATA ANALYSIS: The Poisson statistic was used to calculate the probability of finding at least one viable CFU per inoculated culture bottle. The fraction of culture bottles with positive findings per group was divided by the probability of one or more organisms present to give the positivity index. RESULTS: Plated subculture identified no growth of organisms not detected by the colorimetric detection system. The false-positive rate for the automated device was less than 1%. The positivity index for the GBS clinical isolate was 1.13, for the GBS ATCC isolate 0.96, for S. epidermidis 0.94, for C. albicans 0.97, and for E. coli 0.95. There was a statistically significant difference with time to positivity and inocula volume (p <0.01), but the difference was not clinically important. CONCLUSIONS: If one or two viable colony-forming units are in the blood inoculated into culture media, the BacT/Alert system will detect growth rapidly. Because there appears to be a sizable subset of neonates who are at risk of sepsis with a colony count less than 4 CFU/ml, then a 0.5 ml inoculum of blood into the culture media is inadequate for sensitive and timely detection of bacteremia. One to two milliliters of blood should increase microorganism recovery in the face of low-colony-count sepsis.  相似文献   

It is recognized that one infant death in a family indicates an increased risk of death of a subsequent sibling. This study examines which cause of death of a sibling is related to the mortality of the younger sibling and when. Longitudinal vital events data from the maternal and child health and family planning (MCH-FP) project and the comparison areas in Matlab, Bangladesh, were used. Primary causes of 868 neonatal deaths and 624 post-neonatal deaths resulting from 18,865 singleton live births in 1989-92 and those (967 as neonates and 708 as post-neonates) of their immediate elder siblings were categorised into infectious and non-infectious diseases. Multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate the risk of younger siblings dying in each age period from infectious and non-infectious diseases given the age and cause of deaths of older siblings and controlling for other biosocial correlates of infant mortality. A neonatal death of non-infectious causes in a family was twice as likely to be followed by another one occurring at the same age from similar causes compared with a surviving infant followed by a neonatal death from non-infectious causes. The MCH-FP project, though successful in reducing the risk of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality from infectious diseases, did not reduce the risk of dying from non-infectious diseases.  相似文献   

A new DRB3*02 allele (DRB3*0207) was detected in a female Luxembourg Caucasian blood donor by sequence-based typing. The new allele differs from DRB3*0202 by two substitutions in codon 57 resulting in an amino acid change from a charged aspartic acid to a neutral valine. This is the first example of a DRB3 allele pair differing only at codon 57.  相似文献   

Nine isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) collected in a Warsaw hospital in 1996 were typed by phenotypic (resistograms) and genotypic (PFGE and plasmid restriction analysis-REAP) methods. Twenty-four (MRSA) strains collected in this hospital during a period of the same duration in 1992 and typed earlier using resistograms and PFGE were also typed by REAP. Comparison of typing results obtained for isolates from 1992 and 1996 showed that strains characterised by PFGE patterns of two distinct types described as specific of the two clonally related groups of Polish MRSA in a multicentre study in 1992 are continuously present in the hospital. However, MRSA strains representing PFGE patterns not observed before were also found within the collection from 1996. REAP typing has proved to have a discriminatory power similar to that of PFGE analysis. Nevertheless, due to the lack of plasmids or difficulties in plasmid DNA isolation in 3 out of 33 studied strains, the typability of REAP turned out to be lower than that of PFGE.  相似文献   

In summary, careful attention to nutrient delivery in the IUGR infant is important to prevent and treat neonatal metabolic derangements and to improve postnatal growth. Carbohydrates are the essential fuel in the first days of life, to prevent hypoglycemia. Subsequent delivery of protein and fat helps rectify reduced muscle and fat stores and promotes weight gain. Calcium supplementation to prevent further bone demineralization and iron supplementation to replete iron stores may be necessary. Of special interest is that the neurologic outcome of these infants appears linked to the rate of catch-up growth. The rate of postnatal head growth depends on many perinatal and neonatal risk factors, and is a strong predictor of early developmental outcome in low-birthweight infants. Insufficient energy delivery beyond 2 weeks postnatal age in SGA premature infants results in failure to initiate subsequent catch-up head growth, with consequently smaller head circumferences at 1-year follow-up.  相似文献   

The development of pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas after bidirectional cavopulmonary operations, such as the bidirectional Glenn shunt and Kawashima's procedure, has raised concern. Development of these fistulas, which are more frequent than initially thought, can represent a limiting factor in the late outcome of these patients and may even limit the indication for these types of surgery. Whether the fistulas can be reversed by transforming the surgical procedures has yet to be established. In the hope of avoiding this kind of complication, thought to be caused by the lack of passage of a hypothetical hepatic factor through the pulmonary circulation, we have developed an inverted type of bidirectional cavopulmonary connection in which the blood coming from the liver perfuses immediately both lungs. This is made possible by shunting via an intra-atrial tunnel the blood from the superior caval vein directly to the left atrium, and the blood from the inferior caval vein to the right branch of the pulmonary trunk (keeping its bifurcation intact). We describe findings in two patients undergoing successful surgery with this technique. Serial follow-up with contrast echocardiography did not show evidence of arteriovenous pulmonary fistulas. Despite our numbers being small, and the time of follow-up being limited, we believe that it is important to document these and similar cases.  相似文献   

A 73-year-old woman underwent surgery for removal of a large left atrial myxoma diagnosed by transthoracic echocardiogram. At operation a large tumour was removed, and the left atrium and atrial septum closed. Trans-oesophageal echocardiography prior to weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass revealed that a smaller tumour, which had not been detected by visual inspection or palpation, remained within the left atrium. This was removed through the atrial septum, and the operation completed uneventfully. The patient made a full recovery.  相似文献   

Support has been found to be related to perinatal health, resulting in the development of the Postpartum Support Questionnaire based on the four categories of support (informational, material, emotional and comparison) identified by House (1981) and Cronenwett (1985). Data from four studies (N = 207) provided evidence of the psychometric properties of the instrument. Internal consistency reliability was demonstrated (alpha = .90 to .94 for total instrument). Test-retest reliability ranged from .69 to .79 for total scores and .30 to .79 for for categories of support. Measures of concurrent validity with the Personal Resource Questionnaire .85 were .42 and .48 at 6 and 8 weeks postpartum. Confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 7 supported the four categories of support, but the use of these factors separately remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

We describe a metabolic defect in bile acid synthesis involving a deficiency in 7alpha-hydroxylation due to a mutation in the gene for the microsomal oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase enzyme, active in the acidic pathway for bile acid synthesis. The defect, identified in a 10-wk-old boy presenting with severe cholestasis, cirrhosis, and liver synthetic failure, was established by fast atom bombardment ionization-mass spectrometry, which revealed elevated urinary bile acid excretion, a mass spectrum with intense ions at m/z 453 and m/z 510 corresponding to sulfate and glycosulfate conjugates of unsaturated monohydroxy-cholenoic acids, and an absence of primary bile acids. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis confirmed the major products of hepatic synthesis to be 3beta-hydroxy-5-cholenoic and 3beta-hydroxy-5-cholestenoic acids, which accounted for 96% of the total serum bile acids. Levels of 27-hydroxycholesterol were > 4,500 times normal. The biochemical findings were consistent with a deficiency in 7alpha-hydroxylation, leading to the accumulation of hepatotoxic unsaturated monohydroxy bile acids. Hepatic microsomal oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity was undetectable in the patient. Gene analysis revealed a cytosine to thymidine transition mutation in exon 5 that converts an arginine codon at position 388 to a stop codon. The truncated protein was inactive when expressed in 293 cells. These findings indicate the quantitative importance of the acidic pathway in early life in humans and define a further inborn error in bile acid synthesis as a metabolic cause of severe cholestatic liver disease.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and assessment of a qualitative interview for comprehensively assessing both the process and the outcome of interventions for persons with severe mental illness (SMI). A open-ended 16-question Narrative Evaluation of Intervention Interview (NEII) was developed. The NEII contains questions that ask the participants to evaluate and describe both process and outcome of interventions for persons with SMI. Research participants were 64 persons with SMI attending rehabilitation programs in the community. Analysis of participants' responses to the NEII, using the open step of the grounded theory approach, produced a comprehensive set of themes. Interrater reliabilities for these themes ranged from moderate to high, and these themes differentiated between the three psychosocial interventions. Ways of modifying the NEII so as to make it more sensitive to participants' expectations and experiences are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In her present stage of development, the science of obvious and common sense causes finds herself at cross roads. This paper provides a brief historical sketch of her actual development as a function of methods, professional identification and units of research employed. Prisoner's dilemma paradigm (PDP) is used as an explanatory model to highlight the implications of earlier choices made by social psychologists and social psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to compare several modalities available for detection of coronary artery disease (CAD). We compare the clinical history, rest/exercise electrocardiogram (ECG), rest/stress left ventricular (LV) function by radionuclide or echocardiographic methods, myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or positron emission tomography (PET), contrast coronary angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), spectroscopy (MRS) and angiography (MRA), and ultrafast cine computed tomography (UFCT) to assess LV function, myocardial perfusion, and coronary calcification. We compare the modalities by answering six questions: (1) Does the modality provide unique clinical information? (2) What is the observer error? (3) What are sensitivities and specificities to detect CAD? (4) What patient selection criteria should be applied for each modality? (5) What incremental benefit is obtained from one modality versus another modality? and (6) Where do the modalities fit in the overall scheme of diagnostic testing for CAD? PET MPI appears to be the best noninvasive test for CAD, followed by SPECT thallium-201 and then dobutamine echocardiography. MRA and UFCT may soon play a larger role because they visualize the arteries. Contrast coronary angiography remains the gold standard despite its limitations. Exercise ECG is the least accurate test. The choice of tests critically depends on patient selection--based on clinical history, age, gender, and risk factors to estimate the pretest, clinical probability of CAD.  相似文献   

Challenges to the next generation of family researchers are enormous as they move beyond the more global concept of family and begin to address the great diversity among families with mentally ill relatives. Since most mental illnesses are chronic conditions, families must also be understood from the long-term perspective of the family life cycle.  相似文献   

In a mind-body group designed to address issues of well-being for people with severe mental disorders, experiences with spiritual themes of optimal functioning and ultimate meaning emerged with surprising clarity.  相似文献   

The authors focused their attention on residual changes in patients with glomerulonephritis who have a zero or only "physiological" proteinuria (under 0.15 g/24 hours), normal or slightly elevated s-creatinine and who do not suffer from hypertension. In these patients microalbuminuria in urine per 24 hours was assessed. Patients with albuminuria under 20 micrograms/min were included in the group with normal albuminuria (13 patients) and patients with albuminuria of more than 20 micrograms/min in the microalbuminuric group (11 patients). The two groups did not differ significantly as to age, sex, duration of the disease, maximum levels of proteinuria and s-creatinine values at the onset of the disease. S-creatinine and blood pressure values at the time of investigation were also comparable. The groups differed, however, significantly as to the period of "absolute" remission which the authors defined as the period during which proteinuria did not exceed the "physiological" limit. This period was in the normoalbuminuric group significantly longer--on average 5.1 years--while in the microalbuminuric group it was 2.1 years (difference at the 1% level of significance).  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the association between changes in common sense models and changes in functional status over a 6-year follow-up in patients with osteoarthritis. Design: At baseline and follow-up, osteoarthritis outpatients (N = 241) recruited from a university medical center completed the Illness Perception Questionnaire—Revised (IPQ-R), the Australian/Canadian Osteoarthritis Hand Index, and the Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis Index. Also, their physician-assessed pain intensity, and biomedical, and clinical measures of medical severity of osteoarthritis were recorded. Main outcome measures: Functional disability, pain intensity. Results: Over 6 years, functional disability and pain intensity increased. The IPQ-R dimensions of timeline, personal control, and illness coherence became more negative, and emotional representations became less negative (i.e., more accepting). Patients identified as sharing a similar profile of negative changes on the IPQ-R had significantly worse functioning on 2 of 3 outcomes, independent of objectively measured osteoarthritis severity. Conclusions: Changes in illness perceptions were associated with changes in outcomes. Interventions to prevent increasingly negative patterns of illness perceptions over time, with an emphasis on strengthening control cognitions, may benefit functional status outcomes in patients with osteoarthritis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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