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刘宏志  吴中海  李超  王洋 《软件学报》2010,21(Z1):158-164
提出了一种基于三维2 步子迭代混合细化算法和启发式搜索的无标记三维人体姿势估计方法.其主要思想是首先通过一种新的2 步子迭代混合细化算法,对由Shape-from-Silhouette(SFS)算法从多幅二维图像中重建出的人体三维模型进行骨架化,然后通过一种启发式的方法进行模型匹配.实验结果表明,该方法不仅思想简单,而且具有较好的鲁棒性,能够很好的去除各种噪声的影响.  相似文献   

单目视频人体三维运动高效恢复   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为解决计算机图形学和视觉领域的人体数据运动获取问题,提出一种从无标记点的单目视频恢复三维人体运动的方法.首先对人体侧影进行分析,获取躯干和未端节点位置信息;然后进行三维姿态优化.根据人体骨架特点,提出一个有效且计算简单的目标函数以及一种迭代优化策略,极大地减少了优化过程的计算量;设计了一个新颖的姿态序列恢复流程,克服了误差累积等传统跟踪方法的缺点.实验结果表明,文中方法可以准确地对视频中的复杂人体运动进行三维恢.  相似文献   

利用深度传感器估计三维人体姿态是计算机视觉领域的一个重要问题,在人机交互、虚拟现实和动画设计等领域有重要的应用价值.针对该问题的主流方法是自底向上的方法,这类方法一般采用分类、回归或检索技术,可以直接从深度数据中估计三维肢体姿态,在人机交互中得到了很广泛的应用.但是这类方法依赖于大规模的姿态数据库,而且结果不够精确.本文提出一种结合个性化人体建模和深度数据的三维姿态估计方法,首先对运动对象建立三维虚拟人模型,然后利用该个性化的虚拟人模型与深度数据之间的点匹配关系构造姿态优化的目标函数,通过迭代优化目标函数,估计出与深度数据相吻合的三维姿态.与传统方法相比,本文方法不需要任何姿态数据库.实验表明,本文方法得到的结果更加精确.  相似文献   

针对目前三维人体姿态由于遮挡、姿态复杂等预测不准确的问题,提出了一种改进的三维人体姿态估计算法以获得准确的三维人体姿态,提高人体姿态估计性能.本文采用时空图注意力卷积网络中的图注意力块来构建整个网络,在此基础上对全局多头图注意力部分的网络结构进行改进,使节点间更好传播和融合信息,捕获图中没有显式表示的语义信息.同时引入运动学约束,在MPJPE损失的基础上,加上骨骼长度损失.通过对局部和全局的空间节点信息建模,实现对局部运动学连接、对称性和全局姿态的人体骨骼运动学约束的学习.通过实验证明,本文改进后的模型有效地提高了人体姿态估计性能,在Human3.6M数据集上相较于原始模型,实现了1.8%的平均关节位置误差(MPJPE)提升和1.3%的预测关节与真值关节刚性对齐后的平均关节位置误差(P-MPJPE)提升.  相似文献   

体育训练三维人体运动模拟与视频分析系统   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在运动训练中引入数字图形图像技术,研制面向体育训练的三维人体运动仿真与视频分析系统,为我国体育健儿备战2008年奥运会提供强大的科技保证.首先介绍了研制系统的背景与意义,然后从视频分析与三维运动模拟两个方面概述了系统所具有的关键功能,最后较为详细地阐述了为实现这些功能所需要解决的关键问题及解决方法,包括视频运动人体提取与跟踪、三维人体运动模拟与仿真等.  相似文献   

三维人体姿态估计在本质上是一个分类问题和回归问题,主要通过图像估计人体的三维姿态.基于传统方法和深度学习方法的三维人体姿态估计是当前研究的主流方法.按照传统方法到深度学习方法的顺序对近年来三维人体姿态估计方法进行系统介绍,从而了解传统方法通过生成和判别等方法得到人体姿态的众多要素完成三维人体姿态的估计.基于深度学习的三...  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model to identify 3D human poses in pictures, given a single input image. The proposed approach is based on a well known model found in the literature, including improvements in terms of biomechanical restrictions aiming to reduce the number of 3D possible postures that correctly represent the pose in the 2D image. Since the generated set of poses can have more than one possible posture, we propose a ranking system in order to suggest the best generated postures according to a “comfort” criterion and shading characteristics in the image as well. The comfort criterion adopts assumptions in terms of pose equilibrium, while the shading criterion eliminates the ambiguities of postures taken into account the image illumination. We must emphasize that the removal of ambiguous 3D poses related to a single image is the main focus of this work. The achieved results were analyzed w.r.t. visual inspection of users as well as a state of the art technique and indicate that our model contributed in some way to the solution of that challenge problem.  相似文献   

针对智能交互系统的需求,设计一种基于3DMax、MS3D和Java的Web智能虚拟人系统.虚拟人能够根据用户的要求,智能化地做出各种反应,按照一定的策略提供信息给用户.并辅以形象的动作。该系统运算量小适用网络环境,并具有良好的交互性。  相似文献   

Observability of 3D Motion   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper examines the inherent difficulties in observing 3D rigid motion from image sequences. It does so without considering a particular estimator. Instead, it presents a statistical analysis of all the possible computational models which can be used for estimating 3D motion from an image sequence. These computational models are classified according to the mathematical constraints that they employ and the characteristics of the imaging sensor (restricted field of view and full field of view). Regarding the mathematical constraints, there exist two principles relating a sequence of images taken by a moving camera. One is the epipolar constraint, applied to motion fields, and the other the positive depth constraint, applied to normal flow fields. 3D motion estimation amounts to optimizing these constraints over the image. A statistical modeling of these constraints leads to functions which are studied with regard to their topographic structure, specifically as regards the errors in the 3D motion parameters at the places representing the minima of the functions. For conventional video cameras possessing a restricted field of view, the analysis shows that for algorithms in both classes which estimate all motion parameters simultaneously, the obtained solution has an error such that the projections of the translational and rotational errors on the image plane are perpendicular to each other. Furthermore, the estimated projection of the translation on the image lies on a line through the origin and the projection of the real translation. The situation is different for a camera with a full (360 degree) field of view (achieved by a panoramic sensor or by a system of conventional cameras). In this case, at the locations of the minima of the above two functions, either the translational or the rotational error becomes zero, while in the case of a restricted field of view both errors are non-zero. Although some ambiguities still remain in the full field of view case, the implication is that visual navigation tasks, such as visual servoing, involving 3D motion estimation are easier to solve by employing panoramic vision. Also, the analysis makes it possible to compare properties of algorithms that first estimate the translation and on the basis of the translational result estimate the rotation, algorithms that do the opposite, and algorithms that estimate all motion parameters simultaneously, thus providing a sound framework for the observability of 3D motion. Finally, the introduced framework points to new avenues for studying the stability of image-based servoing schemes.  相似文献   

3D human pose estimation in motion is a hot research direction in the field of computer vision. However, the performance of the algorithm is affected by the complexity of 3D spatial information, self-occlusion of human body, mapping uncertainty and other problems. In this paper, we propose a 3D human joint localization method based on multi-stage regression depth network and 2D to 3D point mapping algorithm. First of all, we use a single RGB image as the input, through the introduction of heatmap and multi-stage regression to constantly optimize the coordinates of human joint points. Then we input the 2D joint points into the mapping network for calculation, and get the coordinates of 3D human body joint points, and then to complete the 3D human body pose estimation task. The MPJPE of the algorithm in Human3.6 M dataset is 40.7. The evaluation of dataset shows that our method has obvious advantages.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to perform real-time face pose estimation for ± 90° yaw rotations and under low light conditions. The algorithm works on the basis of a completely automatic and run-time incremental 3D face modelling. The model is initially made up upon a set of 3D points derived from stereo grey-scale images. As new areas of the subject face appear to the cameras, new 3D points are automatically added to complete the model. In this way, we can estimate the pose for a wide range of rotation angles, where typically 3D frontal points are occluded.  相似文献   

描述了一个能够快速精确地对三维人脸姿态进行自动估计的系统,提出了利用人脸的反射对称特性自动估计三维人脸姿态的方法,通过扩展高斯图像及最小包围球来得到三维人脸对称平面,利用搜索得到的鼻尖顶点对人脸进行估计,然后对估计在规定范围内进行修正,最终得到精确的估计结果。以三维扫描仪扫描的真实人脸数据作为输入对系统进行了验证,实验表明该方法不但具有很好的精确性和鲁棒性,而且能够很好地应用到实际应用中。  相似文献   

在三维人体姿态估计任务当中, 人体关节之间的连接关系形成了一种复杂的拓扑结构, 利用图卷积网络对该结构进行建模, 可以有效捕捉局部关节间的联系; 尽管不相邻关节之间没有直接的物理连接, 但由于人体的运动和姿态受到生物力学约束以及人体关节之间的协同作用, 利用Transformer编码器建立关节之间的上下文关系, 可以更好地推断出人体姿态; 在大模型的背景下, 如何在保证模型性能的同时, 降低参数量, 也显得尤为重要. 针对上述问题, 设计了一个基于图卷积和Transformer的多层空间特征融合网络模型(MLSFFN), 在使用相对少量的参数基础上, 有效地融合了局部和全局空间特征. 实验结果表明, 本文提出的方法在仅需2.1M参数量的情况下, 在Human3.6M数据集上达到了49.9 mm的平均每关节误差(MPJPE). 此外, 模型在MPI-INF-3DHP数据集上也展示出了较强的泛化能力.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于三维模型的人脸姿态估计方法。首先根据人脸特征点重建出稀疏的三维人脸模型,然后基于三维模型采用线性回归的方法对人脸姿态进行初步估计,确定姿态范围,再对估计结果进行修正,从而对人脸姿态进行精确估计。实验表明,该方法具有较好的估计效果,提高了姿态估计精度。  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition》2014,47(2):525-534
In this study, we develop a central profile-based 3D face pose estimation algorithm. The central profile is a unique curve on a 3D face surface that starts from forehead center, goes down through nose ridge, nose tip, mouth center, and ends at a chin tip. The points on the central profile are co-planar and belong to a symmetry plane that separates human face into two identical parts. The central profile is protrusive and has a certain length. Most importantly, the normal vectors of the central profile points are parallel to the symmetry plane. Based on the properties of the central profile, Hough transform is employed to determine the symmetry plane by invoking a voting procedure. An objective function is introduced in the parameter space to quantify the vote importance for face profile points and map the central profile to an accumulator cell with the maximal value. Subsequently, a nose model matching algorithm is used to detect nose tip on the central profile. A pitch angle estimation algorithm is also proposed. The pose estimation experiments completed for a synthetic 3D face model and the FRGC v2.0 3D database demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed pose estimation algorithm. The obtained central profile detection rate is 99.9%, and the nose tip detection rate has reached 98.16% with error not larger than 10 mm.  相似文献   

为了解决类别级三维可形变目标姿态估计问题,基于目标的关键点,提出了一种面向类别的三维可形变目标姿态估计方法。该方法设计了一种基于关键点的端到端深度学习框架,框架以PointNet++为后端网络,通过特征提取、部位分割、关键点提取和基于关键点的姿态估计部分实现可形变目标的姿态估计,具有计算精度高、鲁棒性强等优势。同时,基于ANCSH方法设计了适用于K-AOPE网络的关键点标准化分层表示方法,该方法仅需提取目标少量的关键点即可表示类别物体。为了验证方法的有效性,在公共数据集shape2motion上进行测试。实验结果显示,提出的姿态估计方法(以眼镜类别为例)在旋转角上的误差分别为2.3°、3.1°、3.7°,平移误差分别为0.034、0.030、0.046,连接状态误差为2.4°、2.5°,连接参数误差为1.2°、0.9°,0.008、0.010。与ANCSH方法相比,所提方法具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

人体上肢姿态的估计及多解分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任海兵  徐光祐 《软件学报》2002,13(11):2127-2133
人体是复杂的变形物体(deformable objects),结构自由度多.仅仅从2D表观特征出发,很难分析和识别精细的动作,更谈不上理解用户的意图.因为手势是交流的主要方式,所以,以3D模型为基础,对人体上肢建模,重构人体上肢的3D姿态.从实用化和尽可能少引入误差出发,分析了重构人体上肢姿态所必须的最少条件.在此条件下,提出了端点固定的关节模型(end-determined articulate model)及其对应的方程组,以估计各个关节点的3D坐标.然后,分析方程组解的最大可能数目,并给出相应的求解方法.最后,利用结果误差和位姿来检验解的合理性.  相似文献   

为了解决基于多目视频轮廓信息的3D人体外形和运动跟踪问题,提出一种联合线性混合蒙皮和Snake变形模型的算法框架.首先建立人物对象的蒙皮模型,以每一帧多目同步视频的轮廓作为输入,采用一种基于剪影轮廓的可视外壳重建算法,使得作为3D特征的可视外壳保持了局部细节且更加光滑;并使用关节型迭代最近点算法进行匹配以捕获出每一帧骨架子空间下的人物3D外形及运动;再一次使用当前帧的多目轮廓信息,让Snake内外力共同作用于人物网格模型上的顶点,使之自由地趋近于目标对象.使用带ground-truth的合成数据进行对比实验的结果表明,该方法因同时使用3D误差约束和2D误差约束,提高了跟踪精度.  相似文献   

基于三维模型和仿射对应原理的人脸姿态估计方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
该文提出了一种基于人脸三维模型和仿射对应原理从单目视频图像序列中估计人脸空间姿态的方法.其主要思想是利用人脸的三维模型生成特征点正面平行投影,并估算输入帧和该正面平行投影之间的仿射变换参数,然后根据圆一椭圆之间的仿射对应关系得到描述人脸空间姿态的6个参数(3个旋转分量,3个平移分量)的粗略估计值,最后通过基于ICP(Iterative Closest Points:反复最近点)算法的优化迭代过程得到精确值.对石膏像和真实人脸进行的实验结果表明该算法能在较大的姿态变化范围内实现精确的人脸姿态估计.  相似文献   

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