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Building simulation is most useful and most difficult in early design stages. Most useful since the optimisation potential is large and most difficult because input data are often not available at the level of resolution required for simulation software. The aim of this paper is to addresses this difficulty, by analysing the predominantly qualitative information in early stages of an architectural design process in search for indicators towards quantitative simulation input. The discussion in this paper is focused on cellular offices. Parameters related to occupancy, the use of office equipment, night ventilation, the use of lights and blinds are reviewed based on simulation input requirements, architectural considerations in early design stages and occupant behaviour considerations in operational stages. A worst and ideal case scenario is suggested as a generic approach to model occupant behaviour in early design stages when more detailed information is not available. Without actually predicting specific occupant behaviour, this approach highlights the magnitude of impact that occupants can have on comfort and building energy performance and it matches the level of resolution of available architectural information in early design stages. This can be sufficient for building designers to compare the magnitude of impact of occupants with other parameters in order to inform design decisions. Potential indicators in early design stages towards the ideal or worst case scenario are discussed.  相似文献   

Zhang  Jingyu  Liu  Nianxiong  Wang  Shanshan 《Building Simulation》2020,13(2):223-235

During the early design stage of green residential buildings, there are tremendous potential of using parametric optimization to achieve preferable green performance, such as building energy consumption efficiency, daylighting, ventilation and thermal comfort. Taking residential design features into consideration, this paper presents an optimization workflow and effects based on a case study of a residential building project in Beijing. Firstly, 27 design parameters related to residential spatial form and building envelope were selected for the optimization. The simulation results of the cooling and heating load were taken as the optimization objects. Secondly, optimized schemes were obtained from 6246 simulation results, with 1925 verified simulation results proving that the optimized result is reliable. Finally, analysis was performed to establish the correlations between design parameters and performance in order to create the easy access for architects to determine design parameters depending on the performance sensitivity of each parameter. Analysis results showed that parametric optimization of spatial form and building envelope at the design stage is a feasible approach to reducing energy consumption in residential building design.


介于当下建筑师在绿色建筑设计过 程中的长期角色缺失以及设计后期为了能耗 达标而过分依赖节能设备等现象,由建筑师 主导的、以能耗模拟为途径的节能设计研究 更加刻不容缓。在详细分析由建筑师主导的 节能设计所展现的优势并对能耗模拟工具 进行选择后,提出了建筑师主导下基于能耗 模拟的建筑形体与空间组织节能设计流程。 接下来以北京市门头沟区体育文化中心为例,展示了在方案设计阶段建筑形体与空间组织关系的节能设计思路与过程,详细剖析了建筑师对 整体概念、功能布局和能耗负荷等问题的把控与决策。最后总结了建筑本体设计与节能设计这 两者的协同关系,阐明了建筑师在其中发挥主导角色的重要意义。  相似文献   

Experimental investigation of heat transfer during night-time ventilation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Night-time ventilation is seen as a promising approach for energy efficient cooling of buildings. However, uncertainties in the prediction of thermal comfort restrain architects and engineers from applying this technique. One parameter essentially affecting the performance of night-time ventilation is the heat transfer at the internal room surfaces. Increased convection is expected due to high air flow rates and the possibility of a cold air jet flowing along the ceiling, but the magnitude of these effects is hard to predict. In order to improve the predictability, heat transfer during night-time ventilation in case of mixing and displacement ventilation has been investigated in a full scale test room. The results show that for low air flow rates displacement ventilation is more efficient than mixing ventilation. For higher air flow rates the air jet flowing along the ceiling has a significant effect, and mixing ventilation becomes more efficient. A design chart to estimate the performance of night-time cooling during an early stage of building design is proposed.  相似文献   

Building fire safety is driven by regulations and technical building codes, at least as a minimum requirement. As fire protection engineers (FPEs) design fire safety measures based on requirements in the regulations, they are often viewed as the primary agents in ensuring the fire safety of buildings. However, their mission often starts with given building design features, such as interior spatial layout, exterior shape, site plan, and so forth, which are mostly determined by architects. The only exception is where the FPE is invited to assist in the project planning, feasibility and early concept design stages of a project. Regardless, architects also can influence building fire safety performance, whether or not they explicitly acknowledge or understand this. Although architects design buildings within the boundaries of the regulatory requirements, the architect’s focus is often related to the visual and spatial aesthetics of buildings linked to building form and functionality, which are not subject to the regulations. These aesthetics can sometimes compete with fire safety objectives. As such, buildings can be unsafe in certain situations due to unintended effects of building design features on actual fire safety performance. This research describes the relationship between architecturally conceived building design features, design expectations for fire safety systems, and the actual or conceivable fire safety performance of the building. Steps are proposed that FPEs can take to identify and address potentially competing objectives and deliver increased fire safety performance.  相似文献   

响应环境的性能化建筑正构建起可持续的建筑未来。城市空间密度的激增带来了愈发严重的室外风热环境的不断恶化,应对这些问题需要建筑师从根本上去认识风这一复杂而又不可见的自然现象。文章介绍了基于定制化物理风洞的建筑生形研究方面的最新成果——在已搭建的适用于设计初期方案优化的小型物理风洞和实验室级大风洞基础上,进行了风环境可视化的定性和定量实验,以此作为建筑形体环境性能评价的依据;同时引入可动模型装置,利用Arduino平台和程序语言进行信号传输控制,选取“扭曲”的建筑形式进行风环境性能找形实验,得出一套系统化的、适用于建筑设计初期、以风环境性能为导向的建筑生形方法。  相似文献   

谢晓欢  贾倍思 《建筑师》2018,(1):124-130
建筑性能模拟软件在绿色建筑设计中承担了重要的作用,在本研究中主要探讨模拟软件使用的不同时期如何影响建筑性能表现和设计策略的选择。基于不同工作方式(不同阶段引入模拟软件)的两个真实设计案例,通过采访建筑师和调研设计过程的文本和资料,分析了两种不同工作方式的设计效果差异。模拟软件在早期介入的方案可以考虑更多与当地气候相适应的被动式的设计策略,而模拟软件在晚期介入的方案更多地考虑用主动技术的方式来实现建筑性能的指标。本研究建议将被动式设计策略引入到绿色建筑评估体系中,以鼓励设计团队在早期设计阶段就采用模拟软件指导设计的工作方式。  相似文献   

:随着绿色建筑设计理念深入人心,办 公建筑的中庭空间因其特有空间特质受到越来 越多的关注。通常办公中庭空间中的节能性与热 舒适性是一对矛盾体,而自然通风作为被动节能 技术之一,不仅能够促进中庭空间的内外空气 循环,改善室内空气质量,而且降低能耗和提升 热舒适性,较好地解决这一矛盾。以江雅园办公 楼中庭空间为案例进行研究,从中庭屋顶形态、 中庭高度及进风口开启方式三个变量因素出发, 引用模糊评估方法寻找出中庭空间自然通风热 舒适性最佳方案,结论显示在多个组合方案中 斜屋顶形态+进风口全部开启的方案热舒适性最 佳,同时也证明屋顶形态与通风方式的变化对自 然通风舒适性的影响较大,而中庭空间高度的变化对自然通风舒适性影响较小。本研究希望建立一套以风速和温度为评价指标的模糊体系,为自 然通风的热舒适性的评价提供一种客观的评估手段,从而为方案阶段的中庭空间设计提供一种 有效的优化方法。  相似文献   

依托机器学习和参数化技术建立了面向建筑方案设计阶段能耗主导的建筑性能快速优化方法,从而实现方案设计阶段以能耗为代表的建筑性能的直观呈现.本文通过实际案例证实了将建筑能耗快速计算技术与交互式性能优化框架相结合,可以让建筑师在进行方案推进与决策过程中直观而快速地获取以建筑能耗为代表的各项性能指标的反馈,从中选择最佳的设计方案,提升建筑师进行性能优化设计的能力.  相似文献   

The study on the thermal performance of the air-conditioned buildings of the new research centre of the Brazilian Petroleum Company, in the tropical climate of Rio de Janeiro, was part of a bigger research and consultancy project involving environmental issues. The architectural design was the subject of a national competition in 2004, encompassing over 100,000 m2. According to the design brief, out of the 10 buildings of the new research centre, 7 have to be either completely or partially air-conditioned, due to specific occupation requirements. The challenge for better thermal performance was related to systems’ energy efficiency, to the introduction of natural ventilation and to the notion of adaptive comfort, which were verified with the support of thermal dynamic simulations. At the early stages of the assessments, the potential for natural ventilation in the working spaces considering the mixed-mode strategy achieved 30% of occupation hours. However, the development of the design project led to fully air-conditioned working spaces, due to users’ references regarding the conventional culture of the office environment. Nevertheless, the overall architectural approach in accordance to the climatic conditions still showed a contribution to the buildings’ energy efficiency.  相似文献   

传统建筑学专业以设计为主导的教学模式,往往重艺术、轻技术,重形态分析、轻客观量化,这与当今社会倡导建筑节能和可持续发展背道而驰。笔者尝试挑战传统的建筑教学模式,从技术理论教学中引入绿色建筑设计,并在绿色设计中强调计算机能耗模拟技术等一系列量化分析手段。然而,笔者发现以建筑技术理论为主导的绿色建筑设计,学生往往重技术而轻艺术,特别是过分注重计算机能耗模拟分析,反而忽略建筑设计这一根本。论文分析造成这种问题的主观和客观原因,以期实现技术与艺术更好地结合。  相似文献   

The paper brings about a two-opening naturally ventilated building potential model considering solution multiplicity, window opening percentage, air velocity and humidity in China. Based on previous research by Yang et al. and Luo et al., this paper developed a revised model to estimate the natural ventilation potential. There are four main improvements: Firstly, counteract of wind and thermal pressure was included and method for multiple solutions was introduced accordingly. Secondly, the model considered the natural ventilation hours for windows opening percentage. Thirdly, wind velocity and humidity were considered lastly. Fourthly, cooling and heating hours were also estimated.In case study, the paper analyzes natural ventilation potential in cities in four typical climate regions in China. Results show that there are more natural ventilation hours than previous models estimated, especially in cold climate regions.Any parameter in this model can be changed according to practical situation, such as climate data, building orientation, window size, opening position, etc. All estimated information can provide reference for architects in early stages of building design. Meanwhile, this model can be used for energy efficiency estimation and indoor environment research.  相似文献   

林芳慧 《时代建筑》2008,(5):104-109
台湾交通大学光复校区的机车棚一案中,潘冀建筑师除了将解决实际停车问题视为设计目标,更将基地条件的限制、营造经费的不足、分期建造的需求与传统不被赋予空间品质的停车场建筑类型等条件,转化为设计的潜力,化劣势为机会,创造出融合基地、结构创新、造型清楚、建筑语汇简洁,穿透性、空间感兼具,又有充足自然通风与采光的建筑物。本案说明了设计案没有分规模大或小、建筑类型不应分重要或不重要。差异其实只在于建筑师的专业度与敬业态度。  相似文献   

陈兆霞 《安徽建筑》2009,16(6):36-37
文章阐述了我国建筑节能的重要性,提出了实现建筑节能的几种途径,指出建筑节能是当代建筑师的重要任务。  相似文献   

空间序列提供了一种建筑空间的组合方式,使建筑成为一门具有时间感的空间艺术。本文以华侨大学原建筑院馆为实例,展示该楼从一座简易的石构小楼开始,先后经过两位不同建筑师的两次扩建,最终建成一座空间序列完整的办公教学综合楼。空间序列的四个阶段在该楼的室内室外,以不同的组合方式逐一展开。  相似文献   

This article investigates one of the earliest attempts to systematically construct a building tradition and incorporate it into modern Chinese architectural design. These efforts were put forth by Liang Sicheng (1901–1972), one of the most distinguished Chinese architects and architectural historians, in the 1920s and 1930s in China, informed by the strong collective intention to honour the Chinese past. This article provides a historical and critical reflection on this collective intention that is still shared nowadays by architects and architectural theorists. This article examines in depth the evolution of the different ways Liang used the building past and constructed the Chinese architectural traditions in different crucial stages of his architectural career in the 1920s and 1930s. It uses architectural drawing as both the research subject and the research method. Three of Liang’s representative drawings from these crucial professional stages are juxtaposed and investigated to reveal this evolution using the iconography and iconology method.  相似文献   

三亚“美丽之冠”的设计中采用高强薄膜织物为屋面材料的膜结构体系。该体系除注重结构形态的优化外,更是与建筑本体节能方面息息相关——以人为切入点、通过非能源或低能耗介入的方式,对人体热舒适因素进行控制、调整和完善。注重绿色建筑理念,在节能、环保方面作了些有益的尝试。设计中采用大量的被动式节能的措施,如通过自然通风、遮阳设施、洒水降温等来防止夏季过热,最终提高室内环境的舒适性,对建筑热环境的改善。研究的目的在于通过建筑措施和手段可以降低能耗,建议建筑师应充分采用建筑手段创造艮好的建筑室内环境,节约能源。  相似文献   

The envelope shape, the most salient design characteristic in a building, has significant influence on its energy performance. However, in the early design stages, when the envelope shape is defined, energy performance information is normally nonexistent, due to modeling for energy simulation being a time-consuming task, frequently overlooked at this phase. This paper presents a methodology to assist design decisions regarding the building envelope shape considering its implications on energy performance. Basically, this methodology involves a flexible design system, to generate alternative envelope shape designs, with integrated energy simulation, to calculate the energy demand of each design. Shape grammars are particularly suitable to encode architectural design systems, given their ability to encode compositional design principles. Their downside is the complexity in developing computer implementations. This methodology converts a grammar into a parametric design system and is illustrated with an application to the grammar for Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses.  相似文献   

周天蕾 《山西建筑》2007,33(30):47-49
通过对中世纪欧洲的市井建筑单体做简要的分析,说明当时的单体市井建筑概况、起因、结构和材料特点、造型特色等,力图从中提供一些值得当代建筑师借鉴之处,从而提高建筑师的设计水平。  相似文献   

夏冰  陈易 《住宅科技》2014,(9):41-45
运用类型学理论,从建筑形态操作的角度出发研究低碳建筑设计方法。依据类型学"元设计"理论和建筑性能模拟,通过在形态特征与能耗、形态与被动式设计、形态与主动式设计三方面的研究,挖掘建筑形态操作与低碳节能的关联性。论文提出了这一研究的框架和初步结论。这一方法符合建筑师的思维习惯,具有针对性强、重点突出、科学性强、易于操作等特点,可以在方案设计阶段为建筑师提供科学的、便于使用的低碳建筑设计指导。  相似文献   

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