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The design studio environment has remained the same throughout the past century. As the Studio Culture Task Force of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) (Koch et al., 2006) noted, the ongoing changes in architecture education are not aligned with today's fastchanging world, especially in the context of architectural practice. The AIAS analyzed the design studio problem and expressed doubts on the effectiveness of current studio practices in providing adequate design-thinking education. The report indicates that studio culture values project appearance instead of the actual design process. In recent years, similar problems have been the topic of debates in Khartoum. Criticisms are mostly centered on the observation that students show no interest in the design process and tend to focus on form making. As a result, efforts to teach design methods and to restore the balance between creativity and rationality in the design process have failed. The reason is related to the difficulties associated with the implicit nature of conventional design methods. These difficulties, which are common in architecture schools, include the lack of a clearly defined design methodology and the misunderstood role of the systematic approach to design in the studio. Nevertheless, signs of change are gradually emerging, as demonstrated by the global call for change in the studio environment. This call for change indicates a general agreement on the need for the reorientation of architectural design education toward an engaging policy that considers the social responsibility of architects. This study proposes that the route for change is through the return of rationalism in the studio. Since the 1960 s, many writers have recognized the importance of balancing rationality and creativity, which are mutually interdependent, in the design process. From this perspective, the research question is drawn: how can we bridge the gap between the rational and the creative design activities in the design process? A theory that conceptualizes the idea of knowledge interdependence does not exist. The available design theories, such as rational problem solving and reflective-in-action theory, deal with different aspects of design activity. Both theories fail to describe the integration of the rational and the creative aspects of the design process. Therefore, we propose the integration of the two theories into a new theory called the integrated design paradigm. The proposed theory serves as a theoretical base upon which the interdependence of the rational and the creative phases of the design process can be conceptualized. We aim to bridge the gap between the two design phases by considering research knowledge interdependency as a unifying activity. The first phase is a systematic method involving research, the use of positive theory, and the production of basic principles. The creative practice phase also involves research and focuses on understanding the rational knowledge developed in the systematic phase, including the basic principles and design strategy, as well as on the application of these concepts to the design problem. The Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Ethiopian Institute of Technology EiT of Mekelle University (MU) is currently developing a research program in which the development of and reflection on design methods is a key research area. Within this framework, the present study is intends to be an introductory effort to guide future empirical research. The present study aims to describe the design process of architects, and introduces theoretical and technical frameworks. The integrated design paradigm as a system of inquiry within the spatial relationship strategy is framed.  相似文献   

空间、建构和设计--建构作为一种设计的工作方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
顾大庆 《建筑师》2006,(1):13-21
本文是关于香港中文大学建筑学系的建构工作室在过去的几年就建构这个课题所作的一个设计教学研究。其基本理念在于把建构问题归结为一种设计的态度和方法,并且相信这种设计的态度和方法是可以通过一系列结构有序的和严谨的练习来传授的。文章从四个方面来阐述,首先是对建构这个教学命题的一些理论思考,其次是教案设计的基本思路,再次是设计练习的简要介绍, 最后是有关这个教学研究对当今建筑教育的意义的几点讨论。  相似文献   

Workshop是一种偏重于短期强化的新型教学模式,其实质是运用群体压力和有效的指导来完成一些复杂而具有挑战性的工作。文章以东南大学土木工程学院与丹麦皇家艺术学院进行的"基于折纸艺术的屋盖设计"workshop为案例,详细阐述了本次workshop的成果及特色。此次活动通过来自不同国家学生的交叉分组,中外双方教师的专业指导以及最终的的作品展示和交流等方式,探讨了折纸这一可展结构形式在建筑艺术方面的运用及其能够实现的多样的光影效果,此外从结构的角度对这些融入折纸元素的建筑形式的实现进行了相关探讨。学生通过此次活动学会在差异中寻求创新。此次workshop对探索如何有效培养学生在创新、设计、合作,以及跨文化交流等多方面的能力有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

面对新工科建设中加强国际化人才培养的需要,针对建筑类专业研究型人才培养中存在的国际交流的深度、跨界交融的能力、学术视野的拓宽、科研与实践的结合等问题,提出"开放融合·创研共促"的教学理念,从教学体系、教学内容、教学方法三个方面探讨了新工科背景下国际设计工作坊的改革思路与方法,包括"3平台+1模式+1机制"的结构开放和多方协作的教学体系,"联合设计+课题研究+城市考察"的模块化作坊训练内容,"研究指导设计+设计比较研究"的研究型实践教学方法。在此基础上,以大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院中日国际设计工作坊教学为例进行实证研究,从课程建设情况、教学效果反馈、教学与科研成果转化、成果推广价值对教学改革进行检验,以期为推动新工科建设和高等教育国际化教学提供有效途径。  相似文献   

肖丽娜  李子萍  贾如 《华中建筑》2011,29(6):185-188
文章以建筑学专业设计课程的教育为背景,以住宅设计课程为例,通过将西安交通大学和新南成尔士大学两校的住宅设计课程设置及两个作业进行多层次的深入比较研究,试图找出专业设计课程中的差异与共通点,为我校的建筑学发展提出操作性强的借鉴性建议,从而促进我校建筑学的发展.  相似文献   

There is a tradition of maps as inserts in magazines to assemble particular points of interest that are relevant and useful to the moment. AD was, and is, no exception to this, and as a student research assistant in the Research Centre for Experimental Practice (EXP) at the University of Westminster, Nick Lister has generated a group of maps for the current phase of David Greene and EXP's research project LAWUN – the Invisible University. The original project imagined a serviced landscape, and was presented in the pages of AD between 1968 and 1970. Today, the research speculates on the relationship between mobile and wire-free technology and the architecture school in determining the future education of an architect. These maps present three types of serviced landscapes present in the UK in 2004: regional parkland ecologies, locations and access between places of higher education, and the national mobile communications network. These typologies relate the first stage of a comparative study that will be used to develop the brief of the Invisible University. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

约翰·霍普金斯大学是美国第一所研究型大学,该校土木工程专业本科教育主要采用精英教育模式。文章介绍了约翰·霍普金斯大学土木工程专业的培养方案和培养目标,对其专业课程设置进行了分析,阐述了工程结构发展演变和结构设计两门专业必修理论课程的教学内容和方法。同时与武汉大学土木工程专业培养方案和课程设置进行比较,从精英教育培养模式、研究性学习模式和实践锻炼三个方面对提高专业人才培养质量进行了探讨,对提升中国工程教育的国际影响力和国际认可度提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Abstract:   In recent years, mixed or/and augmented reality, which aims to integrate virtual space with real space, has received a significant amount of attention in research and development. In particular, the concept of a tangible interface is an interesting research area in this growing field of study. This article develops and evaluates a tangible terrain representation system (TTRS), a tangible interface that recognizes the terrain in three dimensions and provides a more efficient approach to highway route planning and design. The developed system represents a terrain surface by controlling the shape of a stretchable screen using 64 actuators (8 × 8) and by projecting an aerial photograph on a screen. In applying TTRS to highway route planning, the user establishes control points using a magnetic positioning device and projects the image of a highway alignment on the TTRS. The developed system was evaluated by comparing its usability to an alternative system (virtual reality-based visual three-dimensional representation) using a group of evaluators at Miyagi University, Japan. The article concludes that TTRS is an effective tool for terrain representation and highway route planning and design .  相似文献   

随着全球化发展加速,各高校间国际交流与教学合作日益频繁。在以建筑学科为背景的院校之间,以城市设计作为多元和开放课题开展联合设计教学已十分普遍,成为探索城市设计专业人才培养的一种重要途径。东工大国际联合城市设计工作坊历史悠久,其中以东京工业大学、同济大学、东南大学和华南理工大学四所高校为核心成员,每年再另外邀请一所高校(一般是设计基地所在城市的高校)参与,基于真实城市场域问题,从城市设计和建筑更新视角切入,开展三个阶段、为期三周的团队协作式城市设计训练,强调不同观念的碰撞和博弈、设计思维的拓展和创新,以及设计表达能力的提升。基于亲身经历和成果梳理,探求东京工业大学和华南理工大学的学术交流渊源和发展路径,总结和比较各高校城市设计教学培养目标、方式、特色,提出教学改革和创新构想,为城市设计教育发展提供多样化视角。  相似文献   

The urban design practices of Europe's major dictatorships, from the end of the First World War to the end of the Second World War, are not only interesting from a historical perspective. They continue to have long-term effects and to be the subject of a disputed culture of reception. My hypothesis is that we must broaden our research concept in order to develop a satisfactory approach to the field of ‘dictatorships and urban design’. We must overcome the singular national perspective: urban design has always emerged within the context of an international exchange of concepts and ideas, even in times of dictatorship. We must clear our perception of urban design: it is more than just form. The ‘dictatorial’ in urban design demonstrates itself less through products and more through production conditions and processes, such as the establishment of special agencies, provision and supply of special financial means, manner of project implementation and the use of forced labour. For this reason, I propose a distinction between the products and production conditions of urban design under European dictatorships.  相似文献   

二维裂隙岩体渗流传热的离散裂隙网络模型数值计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 针对裂隙岩体渗流传热问题,用解析方法,比较2种不同岩石基质与裂隙水界面热交换假设下的计算结果,对一般裂隙岩体,2种假设下的计算结果相同。基于离散裂隙网络模型的思想,在商业有限元软件COMSOL中实现一种计算已知裂隙网络的裂隙岩体渗流和传热过程的数值方法,该方法可以同时计算岩石基质与裂隙中的渗流和传热过程及二者间的交换,并与解析解比较进行验证。用该方法对一随机生成的二维裂隙岩体进行计算,得到的出口温度曲线,可以反映裂隙岩体渗流传热的早期热突破和长尾效应等特点,并分析岩石基质渗透率、热传导系数的不同取值对裂隙岩体渗流和传热过程的影响。  相似文献   

彭冀 《华中建筑》2007,25(12):167-168,172
虽然数字技术首先出现在网络设计、电影特技、电脑游戏以及动画领域,但目前数字化设计已经深入到建筑设计、工业设计以及艺术领域.纵观历史,在建筑设计领域,新技术总是伴随着新的设计方法、审美情趣以及设计理论产生.高校建筑设计教学也总是敏锐地调整其教学策略,紧跟发展趋势.该文主要介绍目前针对建筑设计的数字化发展趋势,东南大学建筑学院CAAD实验室在已有的教学体系上将数字技术逐步引入本科教学以及在此上所展开的教学科研工作.  相似文献   

This study assesses the participation and interaction of various participants in the design jury process, that is, male and female jurors, male and female students, and racial minority students. Several consistently biased practices and procedures in design juries are identified and statistically examined. The findings presented here have been distilled from one portion of an ongoing comprehensive investigation of the inner workings and educational efficacy of design juries in architectural education. Initial portions of the overall research program were conducted by Mark Frederickson and Marvin Adelson at the University of California, Los Angeles. Investigation of studio education and review processes continues under Frederickson's guidance at the University of Arizona.  相似文献   

This paper aims at positioning organizational design as an important phenomenon in the field of project management with a high potential of contributing to organizational theory. While organizational design has been neglected by scholars of management and organizational theory, it has been of great interest to those from the project management field. This incongruence—comprising the focus of this study—calls for new insights on theorization in context. The paper provides a preliminary theoretical framework combining contingency theory, the historical approach and social theory to understand organizational design, both as a thing and as a process. It provides empirical evidence from three case studies in healthcare. Findings confirm the specificity of each design while at the same time adopting a similar temporal pattern. We take this opportunity to highlight the seminal work of Rodney Turner on project-based organization and design.

Executive summary

In this day and age, it is commonplace to assert that organizations are complex and that they change continuously over time. The complexity is said to exist, for example, in large organizations dealing with multiple competing projects while at the same time performing their regular operations. The concept of organizational design refers to both the resulting organization (the thing) and the process of performing the design. The field of project management has made many theoretical contributions to organizational design; yet it has also created confusion by introducing a plurality of terms for describing and understanding such organizations.Organizational design is increasingly a topic in the literature from management and organizational theory and, especially, from project management. A review of the literature from both fields demonstrates that contingency theory is still considered as a major theoretical foundation for situating the organization within its context. The review also points to an increasing interest in social perspectives taking into account politics, organizational dynamics, paradoxes and pluralism. In addition, it shows an opportunity for scholars in project management to contribute to management and organizational theory.This research proposes a pluralist theoretical framework for tackling contingency theory with the historical approach and social theory.The empirical setting is comprised of complex large organizations—in this case, three university hospitals engaged in major organizational transformations—that are challenged to pursue their regular operations while undertaking multiple completing projects. Interestingly, the three hospitals are from the same geographical region. The organizational design was thus a crucial question and, in light of the complexity, no one-size-fits-all type of solution was strived for.Results confirmed the prevalence of individual organizational design rather than mimetism, or homogenization, between the three hospitals. Being in the same region, the heads of the respective project management offices met on a number of occasions to exchange about their challenges and solutions. Nevertheless, in the end each hospital made an individual decision regarding its organizational design.The study also identified organizational design as an ongoing process, introducing the concept of trajectory to illustrate how projects and organizational design change over time. In doing so, we observed a pattern where reflection and sense-making took place before engaging in any specific decision regarding the organizational design.The theoretical contribution of this research is to demonstrate the potential of pluralist theoretical frameworks for understanding complex phenomena such as organizational design in the context of managing multiple projects. More specifically, the process view of organizational design was found to reveal new insights that would have remained hidden otherwise.From a practical view, our research challenges certain utopian assumptions regarding the stability and replicability of a one-size-fits-all model in organizational design. Instead, we recommend developing an in-depth understanding of an organization's specific context by means of sense-making activities. The latter should be performed in an ongoing approach to ensure that the organizational design evolves in keeping with its environment.  相似文献   

The research project illustrates how performance-driven design tools can be conducted as an architectural design methodology that suggests an innovative approach to design a habitation shell in extreme environmental conditions without human assistance. This research study attempts to use environmental data revealed by NASA and its habitat design requirements to develop a conceptual design for an innovative habitation form and then simulate it with Mars conditions to analyze the habitation shell's structural behavior according to finite element analysis. In this regard, research phases, including layout configuration, form-finding, and structural analysis, have been conducted to explore a habitation concept implemented with generative design tools as a decision-maker in extreme conditions. In conclusion, two generated typologies of proposed habitation forms will be compared in terms of their structural performance under extreme loads of the martian environment. Within this research project, due to the numerous extreme challenges of design and construction of habitation in extreme conditions using conventional approaches, a performance-driven design methodology will provide a rational and sustainable design methodology to tackle extreme barriers to Mars's environment.  相似文献   

沈源  常清华 《城市建筑》2013,(19):41-45
本文从几何学的角度.对阿基米德螺旋线、对数螺旋线和大自然中的“生长序“进行分析和研究.对它们在建筑设计中的运用进行深入的探讨和解读.同时结合清华大学非线性建筑设计教学实践.对运用参数化技术来完成以螺旋线为”空间原型”的建筑设计,进行方法的总结与技术的探索。  相似文献   

从北航新主楼的设计理念出发,重点介绍了大楼的总体布局、使用功能、智能控制、环保节能等,并从发展教育、促进科研、文化交流等方面分析该建筑的建设理念。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化趋势下同济大学土木工程学科国际化对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着全球一体化的发展,高等教育国际化是各国高校发展的必然趋势。同济大学土木工程学科作为优势学科,更需努力发展成为具有国际影响的高水平专业,其国际化已经成为其教育改革和发展中的一项紧迫任务。文章根据同济大学土木工程学科特点,提出了包括树立国际化的教育理念与意识、确定国际化的培养目标、推进师资队伍国际化、实现研究领域国际化、构建国际化的课程体系、强化国际化交流与合作等多项推进国际化的对策。通过近几年的不断努力,同济大学土木学院的国际化教育已初见成效。  相似文献   

在建筑及环境专业本科教育中,通过设立通识教育课程,培养学生的全球视野及综合素质非常必要且极具挑战.文章结合香港理工大学和同济大学的“建设更美好居住环境”暑期联合课程实践,重点对该类通识教育课程的设计和实施进行了研究.回顾了案例课程背景、培养目标及学生分组情况,剖析了课程教学和考核模块的设计和实施,并分析了学生反馈意见,总结了5点实施经验.  相似文献   

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