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皮革铬鞣效率的提高及铬鞣废液的处理回用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对提高鞣制效率的铬鞣及配套技术,如高吸收铬鞣、不浸酸铬鞣法以及少铬和无铬鞣法等进行了介绍.阐述了铬鞣废液各种处理后再利用的方法及其应用,最后对提高铬鞣效率的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

厌氧消化机理及在废水处理中的应用与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对厌氧消化机理的发展及厌氧消化处理有机废水工艺的发展做了介绍.其中着重对升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)反应器处理废水的原理和工艺过程做了阐述.  相似文献   

简要介绍磷矿浮选废水(尾矿水)进行电化学处理的研究和处理后循环使用的浮选工艺试验及含固废水电化学处理的理论基础、基本模型。结果表明:经电化学处理后的废水达到用水指标;循环使用取得满意效果;电化学处理方法理论基础可靠,是实现工业废水循环利用的有效手段。  相似文献   

对反渗透膜法处理工业废水工艺中CaSO4的结垢趋势、不同清洗剂对结垢的溶解性以及国内外几种阻垢剂对CaSO4的阻垢效果进行了研究.结果表明,2%EDTA 2Na与0.1%AF200UL混合液对CaSO4溶解效果最佳,而ACUMER1035阻垢剂阻垢效果最好,浓度为10mg/L阻垢剂可使CaSO4浓度积达到2.1×10-3mol/L而不沉淀,即CaSO4浓度可超过溶度积80倍而不结垢.  相似文献   

说明了亲水住宅越来越受人们欢迎的原因,介绍了亲水住宅的分类及设计原则,并针对景观水体的水质问题,提出应采用物理增氧、综合治理、修复水边和水中生态等改进景观水体水质的几种方法,供大家共同探讨、参考。  相似文献   

水资源紧缺是世界、中国乃至各地区所面临的问题。解决水资源短缺问题的首要任务是节约用水、保护水资源。利用各种节水措施以及污水资源化是解决水危机的根本途径。  相似文献   

针对我国铝工业生产废水的排放现状,结合中国长城铝业公司氧化铝生产用水量大及排放废水量大、污染重的实际情况,综合分析了多年来铝工业废水污染情况及其对生产造成的影响,并对铝工业急待解决的水资源问题进行研究,逐一提出闭路循环治理的具体措施,以减小废水外排量,减少污染,节约一次用水,从而实现铝工业环境、经济、社会效益的统一.  相似文献   

渝西地区城镇中水回用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中水回用既可减少废污水排放量,又能缓解水资源短缺的矛盾.渝西地区是一个严重缺水的地区,又是连接川渝两地区的经济走廊,因此在渝西地区实现污水资源化,发展污水再生回用,不仅十分必要,也是现实可行的.分析了璧山县开展城镇中水回用的可行性和必要性,并提出了开展中水回用的措施.  相似文献   

The understanding of hydrological cycle is the core of hydrology and the scientific base of water resources management. Meanwhile, simulation of hydrological cycle has long been regarded as an important tool for the assessment, utilization and protection of water resources. In this paper, a new tool named Hydro-Informatic Modelling System (HIMS) has been developed and introduced with case studies in the Yellow River Basin in China and 331 catchments in Australia. The case studies showed that HIMS can be employed as an integrated platform for hydrological simulation in different regions. HIMS is a modular based framework of hydrological model designed for different utilization such as flood forecasting, water resources planning and evaluating hydrological impacts of climate change and human activities. The unique of HIMS is its flexibility in providing alternative modules in the simulation of hydrological cycle, which successfully overcome the difficulties in the availability of input data, the uncertainty of parameters, and the difference of rainfall-runoff processes. The modular based structure of HIMS makes it possible for developing new hydrological models by the users. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40671031), National Key Basic Research Development Program of China (Grant Nos. G1999043601 and 2006CB403407) and National Key Technology R&D Program (Grant No. 2006BAB06N07)  相似文献   

臭氧在水处理工程中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了臭氧在饮用水及工业废水处理中的作用,在当今人们日益注重身体健康及其环境保护的形势下,研究臭氧的作用并推广应用具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

山东省是一个水资源极为匮乏的省份,为了保证山东省国民经济的可持续发展,实现由经济大省向经济强省的转变,深入开展城市节约用水。提高水的有效供给和使用效率,是一项重要的战略措施。  相似文献   

The appropriate content and distribution of sinter moisture play an important role in the granulation of iron ores. In this study, the effects of porosity, size distribution, and particle shape on the water absorption rate (WAR) of four types of iron ores were analyzed by using the immersion method and capillary water absorption method. In addition, the mechanism underlying the water absorption process in iron ores was unraveled. It is found that the WARs of iron ores decrease quickly with the increase in water absorption time at the initial stages of water absorption. With further increase in absorption time, the WARs decrease gradually, until near 0. Iron ores with higher porosity, smaller particle size, and plate-like structure have the higher WARs. Compared with pores in the single-particle iron ore, voids among particles in the multi-particle iron oxide play an important role at the initial stages of water absorption. The water absorption mechanism of all single-particle and multi-particle iron ores analyzed in this study includes four steps, wherein the first three steps play a significant role in the sintering pro-cess.  相似文献   

Through adding different additional water use,the compressive strength,splitting tensile strength and fluidity of recycled concrete of three aggregate combination forms were studied by experiment respectively.The experimental results show that with the increase of adding additional water use,the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of recycled coarse aggregate concrete decrease,but that of recycled fine aggregate concrete and recycled all aggregate concrete increase firstly then decrease.When additional water use is added more 15% or 20% than that of basic ordinary concrete,the recycled coarse aggregate concrete and fine one can get pretty good fluidity.When it is added more 30%,the recycled all aggregate concrete has fluidity that is just satisfied.  相似文献   

城市给水管网水质研究与进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从管网水的水质稳定性、有关消毒剂和消毒副产物的研究、给水管网材质对管网水质的影响、建立管网水质监控数学模型及仿真系统的研究等四个方面系统的介绍了目前给水管网水质研究的国内外现状,提出了今后城市给水管网水质研究的重点和发展趋势.  相似文献   

人类活动对水资源的集约高效利用使流域内水文循环产生了二元分化,天然、人工水循环的此消彼长,改变了水资源在人工绿洲、天然绿洲及过渡带之间的时空分布和转化条件.以玛纳斯河流域为例,通过考虑水的天然循环与人工水循环(二元水循环),后者包括水资源开发利用率、耗水率、污水排放浓度影响,探讨了二元水循环下河流生态需水"质"与"量"的综合评价,以区别以往仅从天然水循环(一元)出发评价河流生态需水的缺陷.建立了二元水循环下的河流生态需水的水量与水质计算方法,实现了对玛纳斯河流域河流生态需水水量与水质的综合评价.  相似文献   

在生活垃圾分类背景下上海市可回收物回收体系逐步完善,生活源废塑料回收再利用量获得极大提升。通过现场调研与统计资料分析,对当前上海市生活垃圾废塑料分类回收现状、再利用技术进行分析梳理,结果显示当前生活垃圾废塑料回收类别以PET、PP为主,分别占总回收量的45.3%和30.7%;另有近30%具有回收价值的废塑料未被回收,主要以PP和PET为主。在此基础上,提出需进一步完善分类回收标准与补贴政策、推动PET同级利用等回收技术创新、强化宣传教育与主体监管等优化策略,以期促进废塑料回收与再利用行业进一步发展。  相似文献   

同藻类氧化塘相比,采用固定化藻细胞技术处理石化达标外排废水具有很好的效果,这不仅有效地解决了氧化塘存在的缺点,而且也大大提高了系统的处理效率与出水水质。系统在装填度为55%、光照强度为2500~35001ux,水力停留时间为4h等最佳控制条件下,对COD、氨氮等都有90%的去除效果;经过深度处理后的水基本上可以满足公司回用水水质的要求。  相似文献   

阐述了污水资源化的必要性,介绍了膜技术原理、分类及特点,重点介绍了膜技术在污水处理和资源化方面的优势及应用现状,并展望了膜技术在污水资源化方面的发展前景.  相似文献   

在阐述目前城市污水厂尾水再生利用现状的基础上,以杭州市七格污水处理厂为例,分析了城市污水处理厂尾水水质情况和尾水作为再生水利用的可能性。同时,结合杭州市经济技术开发区用水情况,以及开发区愿意使用再生水企业的调查情况,对尾水再生利用的必要性、利用应用对象、需水量预测、处理工艺选取、管网配套工程措施和再生水效益等关键问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

研究探讨了从硫精矿中综合回收金银铜的途径.确定了最易实现工业化的浮选流程。在原硫精矿害Cu、Au、Ag、S分别为0.67%、5.01g/t、17.23g/t、35.17%的情况下,经氧化浮选后,可获得铜金精矿;βCu=15.59%.βAu=112g/t.βAg=210g/t,εCu=77.74%,εAu=40.72%,浮选尾矿中βs=35.42%,εs=97.31%,可作为硫精矿出售。  相似文献   

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