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In recent years, web services have been largely accessed by the customer, and it increases the network traffic on the internet. To provide the services for the large number of customer, dynamic clustering concept has been implemented that provides the ability to add or remove the servers on demand. But managing and processing the large set of traffic are very complicated. Load balancing technic helps to resolve the problems of network traffic and give efficient network management. In this paper, we proposed a dynamic server load balancing algorithm (DServ‐LB) using OpenFlow switches in software‐defined networking. The OpenFlow switches support the dynamic programmability. Also, we used the sFlow protocol, which is used to monitor the servers resource information periodically and the controller. Based on the server resource availability, the controller installs forwarding rules in the OpenFlow switches. For implementation, we used Mininet for network emulation, POX controller, and Docker container as Mininet hosts. The result shows that the proposed DServ‐LB improves the overall network performance and efficiently utilizes the server resources if compared with existing load balancing algorithms. 相似文献
Software‐defined networking (SDN) is a modern approach for current computer and data networks. The increase in the number of business websites has resulted in an exponential growth in web traffic. To cope with the increased demands, multiple web servers with a front‐end load balancer are widely used by organizations and businesses as a viable solution to improve the performance. In this paper, we propose a load‐balancing mechanism for SDN. Our approach allocates web requests to each server according to its response time and the traffic volume of the corresponding switch port. The centralized SDN controller periodically collects this information to maintain an up‐to‐date view of the load distribution among the servers, and incoming user requests are redirected to the most appropriate server. The simulation results confirm the superiority of our approach compared to several other techniques. Compared to LBBSRT, round robin, and random selection methods, our mechanism improves the average response time by 19.58%, 33.94%, and 57.41%, respectively. Furthermore, the average improvement of throughput in comparison with these algorithms is 16.52%, 29.72%, and 58.27%, respectively. 相似文献
针对高连通度数据中心网络存在吞吐量低、网络负载均衡差等流量工程问题,该文提出一种基于OpenFlow的多路径传输(OpenFlow based Multipath Transmission, OFMT)机制。借助OpenFlow集中控制的优势,OFMT为每条流精确计算传输路径,将网络中的流量优化分配到端到端的多条路径上,并通过周期性轮询和动态调度实现良好的负载均衡,进而提高数据中心网络吞吐量。实验结果表明,在相同的网络流量负载下,OFMT与较典型数据中心传输协议相比,有效提高了网络的吞吐量,并降低了流完成时间。 相似文献
本文主要内容是基于Mininet分别搭配POX和Floodlight的Linux实验测试平台,采用Python编程控制网络结构与控制器,并模拟多数据中心网络进行实验,通过Python编写网络拓扑结构,测试主机终端的带宽性能,最终使用Python脚本实现自动化测试节点、链路以及带宽等参数;使用FloodLight控制器对主机间的流表进行分析,深入理解OpenFlow协议。优化扩展了传统胖树结构的数据中心,测试数据结果相比传统结构测试更好;抓包分析建立OpenFlow流表的过程来更好的理解控制转发分离的思想。 相似文献
在当前的网络体系结构下,采用硬件系统实现服务器集群负载均衡存在着获取负载节点状态困难、流量导向方式复杂等制约因素,不利于提升服务器集群的伸缩性和服务性能。针对此问题,该文提出一种基于软件定义网络(SDN)的负载均衡机制(SDNLB)。该机制借助SDN具有的集中式控制和流量灵活调度优势,利用SNMP协议和OpenFlow协议对服务器的运行状态和全局网络负载信息进行实时监测,并通过权值计算的方式选择出权重最高的服务器作为流处理的目标服务器,在此基础上,采用最优转发路径算法进行流量调度,从而达到提高服务器集群的利用率与处理性能的目的。搭建了实验平台对SDNLB的性能进行仿真测试,实验结果表明:在相同的网络负载条件下,SDNLB与其他负载均衡算法相比,能够有效地降低服务器集群的负载,并能够显著提高网络吞吐量和带宽利用率,缩短流的完成时间和平均时延。 相似文献
Minh‐Tuan Thai Ying‐Dar Lin Yuan‐Cheng Lai 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2018,31(10)
Prior service chaining systems address server and network load balancing issues individually, which may not ensure efficient system performance. To this end, in this paper, we study the design, implementation, complexity analysis, and evaluation of Nearest First and Local‐Global Transformation algorithm, which jointly supports server and network load balancing for chaining virtualized network functions (VNFs) in data center environment. The algorithm firstly constructs service chains by a greedy strategy, which both considers server and network latency. Then a searching technique, which replaces a selected VNF with another candidate and swaps the order of VNFs in service chains, is applied to improve the solutions. We have implemented the algorithm using Software‐defined networking and OpenFlow concepts. The numerical results indicate that, compared with a sequential approach, Nearest First and Local‐Global Transformation increases the system bandwidth utilization up to 45%. The results also show that it is worth applying the second phase of our algorithm since it considerably enhances the system performance by 20%. 相似文献
对移动核心网的发展现状进行了分析,提出了一种基于SDN技术,可融合多种接入制式(2G、3G、LTE、WLAN等)的移动核心网网络架构,分析了新型移动核心网各个层面的功能。基于SDN技术的移动核心网在业务的灵活提供和快速部署、设备的建设和运维成本的降低方面具有很大的优势。 相似文献
文中主要探索了基于OpenFlow的软件定义网络(SDN)路由技术,旨在优化和提高网络管理效率。通过深入解读SDN的核心构架、OpenFlow协议的关键组成,并将其与传统路由进行对比,发现SDN提供了一个更加灵活和集中的网络管理机制。在路由决策、性能优化和故障恢复上,基于OpenFlow的SDN明显优于传统方法。由此可见,基于OpenFlow的软件定义网络路由技术不仅可以大大提高网络的运行效率,还能简化网络管理流程,为未来的网络技术发展指明方向。 相似文献
WANG Peng LAN Julong CHEN Shuqiao 《中国通信》2014,(12):72-82
Today's data center networks are designed using densely interconnected hosts in the data center.There are multiple paths between source host and destination server.Therefore,how to balance traffic is key issue with the fast growth of network applications.Although lots of load balancing methods have been proposed,the traditional approaches cannot fully satisfy the requirement of load balancing in data center networks.The main reason is the lack of efficient ways to obtain network traffic statistics from each network device.As a solution,the OpenFlow protocol enables monitoring traffic statistics by a centralized controller.However,existing solutions based on OpenFlow present a difficult dilemma between load balancing and packet reordering.To achieve a balance between load balancing and packet reordering,we propose an OpenFlow based flow slice load balancing algorithm.Through introducing the idea of differentiated service,the scheme classifies Internet flows into two categories:the aggressive and the normal,and applies different splitting granularities to the two classes of flows.This scheme improves the performance of load balancing and also reduces the number of reordering packets.Using the trace-driven simulations,we show that the proposed scheme gains over 50%improvement over previous schemes under the path delay estimation errors,and is a practical and efficient algorithm. 相似文献
SDN网络与传统IP网络的互联机制是当前学术界的研究热点,但现有解决方案并不能适用于所有应用场景。为此提出了一个基于OSPF协议的IMISA架构,在一个包含 SDN 子网(基于OpenFlow)和IP子网的自治系统范围内,通过给SDN控制器添加一个OSPF路由模块,利用OSPF协议交换各自的网络信息,最终实现了2种网络的互联。 相似文献
SDN试验床网络虚拟化切片机制综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
未来网络体系架构和关键技术的研究需要灵活开放的测试验证环境,基于传统分布式的网络架构难以达到动态虚拟化、有效管控和新协议灵活部署的需求。随着软件定义网络(SDN)技术的出现和发展,上述问题找到了有效的解决途径,因此,基于SDN构建网络试验床成为了近年来该领域的主流研究方向之一。其中,基于SDN的网络虚拟化切片技术更是试验床中的核心支撑技术,可以根据不同试验的需求切分物理网络资源,从而提供并行、独立的网络环境。将重点研究基于SDN的试验床中使用的网络虚拟化切片机制,从“流量识别和切片网络标识”、“虚拟节点抽象”和“虚拟链路抽象”这3个关键技术出发,对当前基于SDN试验床中的典型网络虚拟化切片机制进行介绍与分析,并总结了该领域未来可行的研究方向。 相似文献
Ultra-dense small cell networks (UD-SCNs) have been identified as a promising scheme for next-generation wireless networks capable of meeting the ever-increasing demand for higher transmission rates and better quality of service. However, UD-SCNs will inevitably suffer from severe interference among the small cell base stations, which will lower their spectral efficiency. In this paper, we propose a software-defined networking (SDN)-based hierarchical agglomerative clustering (SDN-HAC) framework, which leverages SDN to centrally control all sub-channels in the network, and decides on cluster merging using a similarity criterion based on a suitability function. We evaluate the proposed algorithm through simulation. The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm performs well and improves system payoff by 18.19% and 436.34% when compared with the traditional network architecture algorithms and non-cooperative scenarios, respectively. 相似文献
软件定义网络(SDN)架构给网络带来了卓越的灵活性和可管理性。为了给新型SDN技术与应用提供大规模可行性验证试验床与试点部署平台,提出了依托于CERNET的层次化跨区域SDN 异地验证示范网络试验系统的总体架构,建设了9个城市、13个节点的SDN验证示范核心网与包含3个数据中心的接入网,并对基于SDN的vCPE智能专线业务、IPv4/IPv6过渡技术、流量监控调度应用和数据中心应用进行验证与示范。 相似文献
Wenjuan Li Yu Wang Zhiping Jin Keping Yu Jin Li Yang Xiang 《Digital Communications & Networks》2021,7(2):257-263
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture that enables a computer network to be intelligently and centrally controlled via software applications. It can help manage the whole network environment in a consistent and holistic way, without the need of understanding the underlying network structure. At present, SDN may face many challenges like insider attacks, i.e., the centralized control plane would be attacked by malicious underlying devices and switches. To protect the security of SDN, effective detection approaches are indispensable. In the literature, challenge-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection Networks (CIDNs) are an effective detection framework in identifying malicious nodes. It calculates the nodes’ reputation and detects a malicious node by sending out a special message called a challenge. In this work, we devise a challenge-based CIDN in SDN and measure its performance against malicious internal nodes. Our results demonstrate that such a mechanism can be effective in SDN environments. 相似文献