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随着数据存储量的增长以及数据开放力度的加大,大数据正在影响着各个领域,并改变着各个领域。本文分析了大数据的概念和医疗大数据的特点,阐述了面向医疗大数据的云计算技术的基本框架与可行性。  相似文献   

大数据时代,信息化建设是我国整体建设发展的重要趋势.本文介绍了医疗健康大数据的定义,来源和特征,通过分析我国目前医疗卫生供给体系的现状和大数据时代医疗卫生信息化发展情况,详细探究大数据时代医疗信息化的发展趋势,并探讨了医疗健康大数据对医疗信息化发展的作用和影响.  相似文献   

在中国新医改的大背景下,通过信息化手段全面建设并应用数字卫生系统,推动医疗卫生体制改革,解决医疗卫生服务需求与供给关系的平衡成为新的期望。智慧医疗健康大数据平台基于J2EE多层分布式开放基础而开发,遵循SOA面向服务的体系架构,以大型关系型数据库及分布式文件系统为基础,运用大数据与云计算技术,借助信息化手段加快推进省级智慧医疗健康大数据体系建设,实现各级各类医疗卫生数据、综合管理数据、计生数据的交换共享与信息整合。  相似文献   

对医疗大数据背景下医疗数据开放共享过程中出现的隐私问题进行深度剖析,明晰目前隐私保护面临的威胁,探讨面向数据全生命周期的隐私保护框架与对策。通过国内外文献调查法,同时采用归纳、比较、综合等分析方法,基于系统工程理论,以数据全生命周期为主线,建立数据开放隐私保护框架,并分析医疗数据开放各个阶段的隐私保护方法。分析发现,隐私泄露风险存在于数据全生命周期的各个阶段,隐私保护面临极大挑战,需要从法律、技术和管理相结合的方法将隐私保护的设计理念贯穿数据全生命周期,包括制定科学的数据公开规范、完善隐私保护法律法规、加强行业自律、提升隐私保护技术措施、开展隐私风险影响评估、提高社会数据安全素养等内容,从数据安全治理的视角解决医疗数据隐私保护问题,推动我国医疗数据开放共享进程。  相似文献   

医疗物联网及移动医疗应用中多种传感器采集的生命体征数据,以及各类健康医疗数据彼此之间存在语义异构性,导致智能医疗物联设备数据融合困难。针对这一问题,研究了基于开放关联数据的语义消歧方法。首先对设备数据进行本体建模,形成局部本体;然后利用图匹配算法将局部本体与开放医疗关联数据进行概念对齐,间接消除异源数据间的语义异构性;最后,在运动手环与体重计数据融合实验中,通过与开放关联数据源的关联匹配判定血压和体重等异构概念属于语义相关概念。实验结果表明,通过与开放关联数据源关联,可以实现局部本体语义扩展,进一步实现异源医联网设备数据融合。  相似文献   

在医疗大数据背景下,随着移动通信技术和云计算的发展,人们生活水平不断提高,对医疗健康的需求也越来越高,这些变化使得医院信息系统外联增加,数据要求平台化、标准化,同时对数据利用和数据共享提出了许多要求,使得承载这些业务的信息系统必须具有高安全性、高可靠性。基于此,笔者分析了医疗大数据的特点及医疗大数据对医院信息系统带来的影响,同时针对性的提出了一些医疗大数据背景下医院信息系统建设要点。  相似文献   

移动医疗、家庭远程监护等患者健康管理模式的兴起,产生了海量的医疗监护数据,在对患者的海量健康数据处理时存在性能瓶颈问题。文章首先介绍了医疗实时监护大数据的特征和应用模型,分析了当前关系数据库存储海量医疗监护数据存在的问题,比较了多种NoSQL数据库的特性,提出了使用HBase分布式非关系数据库进行医疗监护大数据存储的方案,并给出了主要表结构设计,最后对HBase数据库的部署、表数据访问进行说明。  相似文献   

随着"互联网+"的迅速发展,医疗大数据不仅数据类型繁多、关系复杂,且呈爆炸式增长,一般的数据可视化方法难以对其进行有效的展示,医疗大数据可视化技术面临巨大挑战。概述了医疗大数据的起源、特点及其研究进展,介绍了医疗大数据可视化的相关概念及其研究现状,将现有医疗大数据可视化方法划分为两大类,分类阐述了常见的医疗大数据可视化方法,给出了包括分类、图例、特性的可视化方法比较一览表。最后分析了医疗大数据可视化中存在的问题,指出其未来研究重点,对医疗大数据可视化方法研究与普及应用具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

大数据中的医疗大数据与人类的健康生活息息相关,随着大数据的发展、信息化的加快,医疗卫生信息平台、数字化的医疗设备与仪器迅速普及,导致医疗领域内的数据呈爆炸式增长,且类型繁多、关系复杂。敏感的医疗数据安全问题同样备受关注。医疗数据在为人类的健康提供帮助的同时,保护相关联的敏感数据越来越成为学者、从业者和普通大众所关注的热点。本文从大数据的基本概念入手,通过对现阶段隐私泄露及医疗大数据的相关研究进行分析,结合大数据领域的相关研究对当前隐私泄露行为、保护技术等问题进行分类阐述,希望能为本领域学者的进一步研究有所启示和帮助。  相似文献   

随着大数据技术和"互联网+医疗健康"应用的蓬勃发展,个人医疗数据信息在全生命周期各阶段均面临着越来越多的隐私泄漏挑战,安全问题频发。在对北京市部分医院和患者进行个人医疗数据信息隐私保护问题调研分析基础上,面向医疗大数据环境分析了个人医疗数据全面生命周期存在的隐私信息泄漏风险模式,进而从法规规范层面、技术措施层面和应用实施层面提出了一个个人医疗数据隐私保护框架,并分别从隐私保护意识提升和安全技术措施层面提出个人医疗数据隐私保护对策与建议。  相似文献   

有线电视用户行为分析实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以有线电视网用户行为数据(东方有线2013年第一季度)为基础,实现了用户行为分析的典型应用——个性化节目推荐。实践过程中应用互联网数据处理的大数据技术,包括构建了大数据平台,实现生产大数据的流程,采用SlopeOne和item-to-item算法实现了用户行为分析的典型应用——个性化节目推荐。  相似文献   

Home Care (HC) assistance is emerging as an effective and efficient alternative to institutionalized care, especially for the case of senior patients that present multiple co-morbidities and require life long treatments under continuous supervision. The care of such patients requires the definition of specially tailored treatments and their delivery involves the coordination of a team of professionals from different institutions, requiring the management of many kinds of knowledge (medical, organizational, social and procedural). The K4Care project aims to assist the HC of elderly patients by proposing a standard HC model and implementing it in a knowledge-driven e-health platform aimed to support the provision of HC services. This paper focuses on two knowledge-based personalization aspects incorporated in the platform that aim to overcome the difficulties of HC delivery. The first one is the assistance to medical practitioners in the process of defining a customized treatment adjusted to the medical and social conditions of a particular patient in order to consider multiple co-morbidities. The second one is the possibility of tailoring the profiles of the care professionals according to the medical and organizational daily requirements in order to allow a flexible care delivery. Those two aspects, guided by the knowledge explicitly represented in the platform, play a crucial role in the medical and social acceptance of this kind of e-health systems. The paper also includes a real case study designed and tested by healthcare professionals and includes encouraging results from the test of the platform in a real health care environment in the city of Pollenza (Italy).  相似文献   

Driven by communication privacy management (CPM) theory and regulatory focus theory (RFT), this study examined important antecedents of information withholding and truthful disclosure in the novel context of e-health communication. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses revealed that health consumers’ behavioral activation system (BAS) and favorable evaluation of an e-health website are positive predictors of truthful disclosure and that health consumers’ prevention regulatory focus and self-concealment tendency are positive predictors of information sensitivity. Theoretical contributions regarding the relevance of CPM and RFT to computer-mediated communication (CMC) and practical implications for the design of persuasive e-health websites are discussed.  相似文献   

传统的协同过滤推荐技术在大数据环境下存在一定的不足。针对该问题,提出了一种基于云计算技术的个性化推荐方法:将大数据集和推荐计算分解到多台计算机上并行处理。在对经典ItemCF算法MapReduce化后,建立了一个基于Hadoop开源框架的并行推荐引擎,并通过在已商用的英语训练平台上进行学习推荐工作验证了该系统的有效性。实验结果表明,在集群中使用云计算技术处理海量数据,可以大大提高推荐系统的可扩展性。  相似文献   

The expansive connectivity of emerging information systems has set the stage for pervasive access to healthcare services via e-health systems for selecting the best possible healthcare services. Emerging systems are expected to be highly dynamic open environments connecting diverse number of healthcare services and autonomous entities that are autonomous agents or software applications representing patients. Entities in such dynamic environments may have different security needs from e-health systems raising the challenge of trust computations regarding security. In this research, we proposed a trust assessment model of an e-health service from the viewpoint of an entity. The model contains a comprehensive architecture applicable to different types of entities, and a novel set of trust assessment metrics may be used to assess a specific property of a security system (i.e. partial metrics) or all properties (i.e. total metrics). The simulation based evaluation of proposed model in the context of a Hospital Online Appointment Service has shown that the proposed model provides better trust computation results than existing trust models for e-health systems. Furthermore, the entities are also able to assess the trust even with incomplete security information.  相似文献   

A first-rate e-Health system saves lives, provides better patient care, allows complex but useful epidemiologic analysis and saves money. However, there may also be concerns about the costs and complexities associated with e-health implementation, and the need to solve issues about the energy footprint of the high-demanding computing facilities. This paper proposes a novel and evolved computing paradigm that: (i) provides the required computing and sensing resources; (ii) allows the population-wide diffusion; (iii) exploits the storage, communication and computing services provided by the Cloud; (iv) tackles the energy-optimization issue as a first-class requirement, taking it into account during the whole development cycle. The novel computing concept and the multi-layer top-down energy-optimization methodology obtain promising results in a realistic scenario for cardiovascular tracking and analysis, making the Home Assisted Living a reality.  相似文献   

The emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced smart objects as the fundamental building blocks for developing a smart cyber-physical universal environment. The IoTs have innumerable daily life applications. The healthcare industry particularly has been benefited due to the provision of ubiquitous health monitoring, emergency response services, electronic medical billing, etc. Since IoT devices possess limited storage and processing power, therefore these intelligent objects are unable to efficiently provide the e-health facilities, or process and store enormous amount of collected data. IoTs are merged with Cloud Computing technology in Multi-Cloud form that basically helps cover the limitations of IoTs by offering a secure and on-demand shared pool of resources i.e., networks, servers, storage, applications, etc., to deliver effective and well-organized e-health amenities. Although the framework based on the integration of IoT and Multi-Cloud is contributing towards better patient care, yet on the contrary, it is challenging the privacy and reliability of the patients’ information. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to identify the top security threat and to evaluate the existing security techniques used to combat this attack and their applicability in IoT and Multi-Cloud based e-Healthcare environment.  相似文献   

Recently, multimedia cloud is being considered as a new effective serving mode in e-Health area that meets the requirement of scalable and economic multimedia service for e-health. It can provide a flexible stack of powerful Virtual Machine (VM) resources of cloud like CPU, memory, storage, network bandwidth etc. on demand to manage e-health media services and applications (e.g. medical image/video retrieval, health video transcoding, streaming, video rendering, sharing and delivery) at lower cost. However, one major issue here is how to efficiently allocate VM resources dynamically based on e-health applications’ QoS demands and support energy and cost savings by optimizing the number of servers in use. In order to solve this problem, we propose a cost effective and dynamic VM allocation model based on Nash bargaining solution. With extensive simulations it is shown that the proposed mechanism can reduce the overall cost of running servers while at the same time guarantee QoS demand and maximize resource utilization in various dimensions of server resources.  相似文献   

In this paper we aim to implement a highly distributed information infrastructure—MADIP by using Intelligent Agent paradigm, which is able to notify the responsible care-provider of abnormality automatically, offer distance medical advice, and perform continuous health monitoring for those who need it. To confront the issues of interoperability, scalability, and openness in heterogeneous e-health environments, a FIPA2000 standard compliant agent development platform—JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) was adopted for the design and implementation of the proposed intelligent multi-agent based MADIP system.  相似文献   

妇幼保健信息管理内容繁杂、管理周期长、覆盖人群广、涉及其它医疗保健机构和相关部门多。为满足各级妇幼保健机构借助信息管理系统开展工作,提出采用开放、标准和灵活可扩展的软件架构设计区域妇幼保健信息系统,以满足区域妇幼保健业务管理的复杂性。本文描述了区域妇幼保健信息系统设计的主要框架和内容,并对对试点地区的应用效果进行提炼和总结。  相似文献   

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