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李平  高云  李阳 《物联网技术》2022,(11):141-142,146
针对物联网电工电子技术课程中数字电路技术模块知识点多、内容抽象、理论逻辑性强且授课过程中理实教学脱节等问题,以全加器电路的设计和分析为例,引入 Multisim 14.0 仿真软件进行实时学习,将知识原理情景化、可视化,既能加强学生的课堂体验,又构建了课程理论和课程实验之间的桥梁,调动了学生的学习积极性,让学生能够实现...  相似文献   

小班型教学是指班级规模较小的教学方式,提倡以人为本、交际互动、自主发展。研究性教学以来自实践的问题为基础,让学生通过发现问题、研究问题和解决问题的学习方法,培养学生的研究意识、研究能力和创新能力。将案例教学法、基于问题解决的学习、基于问题的学习等几种典型的小班型研究性教学方法应用于数字逻辑课程的教学与实验环节中,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的研究和创新能力。  相似文献   

饶彬 《网友世界》2014,(16):185-185
在当前高等院校的数字电路课程设计中,PLD器件和EDA技术的广泛应用成了一个趋势,这也促进了数字电路课程的改革。而当前的教学方式是EDA作为一种对数字电路课程的教学补充,而并不是在实际教学中探讨EDA技术。基于此,文章分析了EDA技术的原理和高校数字电路课程设计存在的主要问题,探讨融入EDA技术的数字电路课程改革,旨在改进当前数字电路课程的设计。  相似文献   

针对目前数字电路课程教学中存在的问题,结合翻转课堂教学模式的特点,分析数字电路教学方式的设计和改革,提出新的数字电路教学模式和考核评价体系,为基于翻转课堂的教学改革提供了新的尝试。  相似文献   

中职《计算机应用基础》课程教学中,教师需要基于创新教育视角,调整传统的教学模式,优化新型的课程教学方式,注重激发与培养学生计算机学习兴趣,发展学生计算机应用能力,培养学生信息素养与学科核心素养。新时期的教学中,教师需要优选教学方法以此提升学生学习兴趣,利用信息资源强化课堂教学质量,进行实践创新丰富课堂教学内容,应用混合教学科学完善教学评价。落实以上探究与实践的策略,可以更好优化中职计算机课程,达成课程教学目标。  相似文献   

项目式教学法是将具体的教学内容和教学要求融入真实的生产生活环境中去,让学生在解决实际问题的过程中,逐渐掌握教学内容逐步完成教学目标的创新教学方式.该文主要阐述了笔者在《高中信息技术基础》课程中通过搭建网络教学平台,实施项目式教学时遇到的问题、解决问题的方案及收获的成效.  相似文献   

为了适应时代的进步,培养更全面的人才,大力开展交互式的教学方式是非常重要的,传统的教学方式是老师在讲台上讲,学生坐在下面听,教学效果不甚理想。而交互教学实质上就是让学生主动参与的教学方式。在这种教学方式中,教师要充分地调动起学生的学习积极性,使学生自主地对问题进行研究、解决。教师仅仅起到一个指引的作用。当学生对某一个问题产生兴趣并努力去解决它的时候,他对该问题的理解也是最深刻的。因此,采用交互式的教学所获得的教学效果应该是很好的。  相似文献   

操作系统是一门综合性课程,内容庞杂涉及面广,使得该课程的教学过程相比其他专业课更加复杂。本文针对操作系统课程内容抽象、讲解内容有限等特殊问题,分析了传统操作系统课程教学中的不足,提出了运用图形化教学方式辅助课程讲解的思想,介绍了基于Solaris操作系统中DTrace的图形化教学方式的实践。结果表明,图形化教学方式可以将课程中的抽象概念具体化,有助于教师的讲解与学生的理解实践。  相似文献   

微课程革新了教学方式,提升专业领域的空间发展,为学生提供自主学习的环境,引导学生养成正确的学习方 式,促使教学信息化发展,更新了教育资源结构。为解决当前学生计算机学习困难和教师知识储备量不足的问题,我们在计算 机教学中应用微课程模式,教师在整体的教学设计中将教学任务分解,制定教学模块,重新构建教学结构,确定微课程的教学 内容和目标。  相似文献   

计算机基础课程是高等学校公共基础必修课,教师一直在探索该课程的教学模式以解决该课程教学过程中存在的问题,如教学内容陈旧、学生水平差异大、教学手段单调和考核方式不合理等。任务驱动法能让学生在解决实际问题中学习新知识,促使学生参与到学习中,改变学生被动学习的状态,较好地解决该课程教学过程中出现的问题。  相似文献   

针对人工智能类课程博弈算法理论性太强、算法较复杂和抽象等问题,设计并实现功能较为完整、用户界面友好的棋类博弈教学辅助平台,平台允许用户上传编写好的博弈程序,实现博弈程序间对弈、人与博弈程序对弈以及人人对弈。本文阐述了棋类博弈教学辅助平台的总体设计、主要功能模块以及搭建平台采用的核心技术。棋类博弈教学平台的设计有益于培养学生依据所学理论知识来解决实际问题的能力,促进学生对计算机博弈程序和人工智能方法的不断探索改进,以达到更好的教学效果。本文进一步评估了棋类博弈平台在人工智能课程的实际使用情况与实践效果。  相似文献   

数字逻辑电路与语言相结合的教学方法探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了改进数字逻辑电路教学方法以适应电子技术迅猛发展的需要,探索了新的数字逻辑电路教学方法,这就是数字电路与语言相结合.比较电路原理图输入方法和Verilog语言输入方法在逻辑电路设计中的使用.  相似文献   

周晓聪  赵清  谢扬  周宇  乔海燕 《软件工程》2022,(3):48-52,43
离散数学是计算机专业的核心基础课程,通常包括逻辑、证明、集合、关系、函数、组合计数、图论和代数等多个模块.一个能求解离散数学问题的计算机软件对离散数学课程的教学和学习都有很好的辅助作用.本文使用面向对象方法设计和开发了一个包含能求解逻辑、集合、组合计数、图论与代数等离散数学课程模块中问题的教学辅助软件.该软件不仅能展示...  相似文献   

This paper describes design techniques for generative computer-assisted instruction (CAI) systems. These are systems which are capable of generating problems for students and deriving and monitoring the solutions to these problems. The difficulty of the problem, the pace of instruction, and the depth of monitoring are all tailored to the individual student. Parts of the solution algorithms can also be used to analyze an incorrect student response and determine the exact nature of the student's error in order to supply him with meaningful remedial comments.A generative CAI system which teaches logic design and machine-language programming will be discussed. This CAI system covers the material in an introductory course in digital systems aimed at electrical engineering juniors. It does not replace classroom lectures or the textbook, but instead serves to provide practice and instruction in applying this material to solve problems.In addition, a companion system to teach laboratory principles has been designed. This system teaches a student how to construct a combinational or sequential logic circuit using standard integrated circuits. The student's logic circuit is automatically interfaced to the computer and tested; the computer then aids the student in debugging his circuit. In addition to teaching the student how to use integrated circuits to realize a paper design, the system also teaches the student good debugging techniques.  相似文献   

针对数模混合电路仿真精度与性能之间的矛盾问题和仿真工业级复杂数模混合电路时仿真工具存在主流芯片和电路模块不足问题,提出了一种粘合模式的数模混合仿真平台模型架构,基于该架构设计并实现了一种基于Simulink软件,通过嵌入数字电路和模拟电路主流仿真引擎获得充足主流芯片和电路模块支持的数模混合电路仿真平台,设计了一种结合了拓扑排序算法的仿真控制方式,实现了对工业级复杂电路进行流程化、模块化的数模混合仿真;最后通过一个能够时序上可以逻辑拆分的典型数模混合电路仿真验证了仿真平台的有效性。  相似文献   

“数字逻辑电路”教学改革与实验平台建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先分析传统"数字逻辑电路"教学存在的问题,然后从理论教学及实验教学两方面内容来探讨教学改革方法。在理论教学部分,提出对传统理论教材大胆改革并适当取舍,研究本课程与工程实践的切入点,大量引入工程实例和新的教学内容;在实验手段上,提出摒弃传统的以验证实验为目的的数字逻辑电路实验设备,设计以综合性实验为目的的基于FPGA的数字逻辑电路实验教学平台。  相似文献   

It is widely agreed that the traditional process of schooling can benefit from the usage of computers as supportive tools. Of various approaches using computers in education over the last decade, e-learning and edutainment have become the most prominent. Recently, a number of authors have criticised these approaches arguing that they conserve traditional ‘drill and practice’ behaviouristic methods of teaching instead of enhancing and augmenting them. It has been proposed that a ‘paradigm shift’ is needed and that this shift may come through utilizing all the advantages of full-fledged video games, so-called digital game-based learning (DGBL). However, several case studies reported serious problems with the DGBL. Among the most notable issues are the lack of acceptance of games as an educational tool, problems with integration of games into formal schooling environments, and the so-called transfer problem, which is the problem of the inherent tension between game play and learning objectives, the tension that mitigates the ability of students to transfer knowledge gained in the video game to the real-world context. Here, we present a framework for an augmented learning environment (ALE), which verbalises one way of how these problems can be challenged. The ALE framework has been constructed based on our experience with the educational game, Europe 2045, which we developed and which has been implemented in a number of secondary schools in the Czech Republic during 2008. The key feature of this game is that it combines principles of on-line multi-player computer games with social, role-playing games. The evaluation which we present in this paper indicates the successful integration of the game and its acceptance by teachers and students. The ALE framework isolates key principles of the game contributing to this success, abstracts them into theoretical entities we call action-based spaces and causal and grounding links, and condenses them in a coherent methodological structure, which paves the way for further exploitation of the DGBL by educational game researchers and designers.  相似文献   

管晓虎  李雪莲  时谦  周伟 《测控技术》2013,32(12):147-150
针对高校微机继电保护课程,提出了一种基于TMS320F28335+EPM570F256C4+PC机的微机继电保护教学实验平台,以充分发挥DSP在数字信号处理及控制方面的优势,CPLD组合逻辑、译码及I/O扩展功能。详细介绍了平台的组成和保护装置接口电路的设计,其中包括DSP与CPLD接口电路、模拟量输入转换电路、开关量输入输出电路、测频电路以及人机接口电路。该平台配置相应模块化保护软件即可满足微机继电保护教学中,学生对装置硬件构成、数字算法、继电保护原理的感性理解和认识。  相似文献   

可编程逻辑器件的出现,使得传统的数字系统设计方法发生了根本的改变,所以数字电路课程的教学也需要进行改革。本文通过实例介绍了可编程的思想在数字电路理论教学、实验教学以及课程设计中的具体应用,并具体分析了将可编程思想引入数字电路课程教学中的优点。  相似文献   

The growing adoption of educational simulation games in construction pedagogy has significantly impacted student learning. One game, the Virtual Construction Simulator 4 (VCS4), has been found to support student learning of how to solve complex construction problems. However, further research is warranted to evaluate the thinking processes that students engage while playing the game. This study examines those thinking processes by analyzing verbal protocols collected as students thought aloud while playing VCS4 game modules and resulting verbal protocols were coded to capture both cognitive and metacognitive operations. Patterns of thought revealed by this coding were then compared to the patterns expected based on the intentions of game design. The results show that students do generally exhibit the expected patterns. These findings support the claim that students engaged in complex higher-order thinking processes and skills, which evolved based on the types of construction projects.  相似文献   

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