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飞秒激光三维微细加工技术具有真三维的制作能力和亚微米的加工分辨率等特点,因此获得越来越多的关注,但其串行工艺加工效率低是其技术难点.为了提高加工效率,搭建了一套飞秒激光并行加工平台,利用微透镜阵列实现飞秒激光分束聚焦,初步实现了双光子微细并行加工,在光敏树脂和玻璃上分别并行加工出多个二维结构,加工单点分辨率达到1.25μm.针对实验结果,对实验的加工一致性和分辨率进行分析,提出了进一步提高加工效率和加工一致性的方法. 相似文献
飞秒激光可以与包括玻璃、陶瓷、半导体、金属、塑料、树脂等各类物质产生相互作用,其相互作用原理不同,加工方法也不同。利用非线性光学效应——双光子吸收的飞秒微纳加工技术是最独特也是最具有应用前景的微纳加工技术。利用显微物镜将飞秒激光聚焦到加工介质时激光光强在焦点处呈三维空间分布,双光子吸收过程仅产生在具有足够激光强度的微小区域,通过控制激光光强可以调节双光子吸收的产生范围,在适当的激光强度时,可以突破光学衍射极限的限制,将双光子吸收过程控制到远小于激光波长甚至纳米尺度范围,从而达到进行纳米加工的目的。飞秒激光双光子微纳加工技术具有真三维、一次成型及高加工分辨率的特点,是三维微纳结构制备的理想工具之一。通过“理论计算-计算机辅助图形设计-微纳激光制造“这样一个简单的流程可以实现制备可设计的复杂三维微细结构,因此在光子学微器件、微机电系统等领域具有巨大的应用前景。最近几年双光子微细加工技术也已成功地应用到功能性光子学器件中。在制备基于光子晶体带隙原理的三维光子元器件及其立体集成方面,飞秒激光双光子方法具有无可比拟的优势。我们研究小组利用碳硅烷树状大分子修饰的激光染料与光聚合制备的光固化树脂,采用双光子聚合微加工技术制... 相似文献
飞秒激光双光子聚合微纳加工技术作为重要的三维微纳结构制备手段,已成为国际前沿研究热点。该技术利用激光与物质相互作用的双光子非线性吸收效应和阈值效应,可以突破经典光学理论衍射极限,实现纳米尺度的激光加工分辨力,在三维功能性微纳器件制备领域正在发挥着十分重要的作用。本文在介绍飞秒激光双光子聚合三维微纳加工技术的光物理和光化学过程基本原理的基础上,重点回顾人们在改善加工线宽及分辨力、提高加工效率等方面的研究进展与发展概况。该技术所制备的各种微光学器件、集成光学器件、微机电系统以及生物医学器件,不仅充分展示了飞秒激光双光子聚合三维微纳加工技术的高空间分辨力和真三维加工特点,也为其在相关前沿领域的应用提供具有启发性的思路。最后,对该技术实现高精度、高效率、低成本、大面积、多功能的三维微纳结构加工所存在的挑战和未来发展方向,进行了讨论和展望。 相似文献
为了研究飞秒激光作用下光学玻璃内部发生的改性过程,利用重复频率为1kHz、中心波长为775am、脉宽为130fs的飞秒激光对光学玻璃进行微加工.结果表明,激光辐照区发生永久性折射率改变,并且玻璃的改性线宽随着激光功率的增加而增加,随激光扫描速度的降低而增加.根据飞秒激光致使光学玻璃发生改性的特点,利用飞秒激光在光学玻璃内部直接刻写了相位光栅和二维图案,研究了相位光栅的衍射特性. 相似文献
超短激光脉冲可直接诱导透明材料的多光子吸收上转换荧光过程,它在红外探测、新型激光器、海底光学通信、高密度存储以及三维立体显示等前沿的国防和工业科技领域有着广泛的应用。上转换过程的研究目前主要集中在稀土离子和过渡金属离子能级跃迁的机制上,随着机制材料以及受激离子的不同,光子跃迁的机制也不完全相同,因此上转换机制始终伴随着新材料的出现而发展。介绍了上转换过程的种类,将多光子吸收上转换过程用依次吸收与同时吸收进行分类,给出了在实验研究中分辨上转换过程的方法,并讨论了多光子同时吸收的双光子与三光子过程的研究进展和应用,为今后研究不同光功能材料的多光子吸收过程和应用提供了理论依据。 相似文献
通过分析X-cor夹层结构中Z-pin端部的细观结构,提出Z-pin端部树脂区椭圆形态的基本假设并建立X-cor夹层结构拉伸模量的有限元模型,利用大型有限元软件ANSYS对其拉伸模量进行了数值计算.研究了Z pin植入角度、直径和密度的改变对X cor夹层结构拉伸模量的影响.结果表明:X-cor夹层结构的拉伸模量随Z-pin植入角度增加而减小,随Z-pin直径和密度增加而增加.通过有限元模型的计算,得到了X-cor夹层结构参数对其拉伸模量的影响规律,数值计算结果误差范围是±10%,验证了所提的有限元模型的合理性,说明该模型可用于预测其拉伸模量. 相似文献
本文基于Ciarlet-Lods-Miara定义的柔性壳模型提出一种Galerkin非协调有限元离散格式.首先,对积分区域进行Delaunay三角剖分,并在三角网格上对位移前两个分量用一次Lagrange多项式逼近,对第三个分量(即法向位移)用非协调Morley元逼近.其次,讨论了构造的Galerkin非协调有限元离散格式解的存在性、唯一性和先验误差估计.最后对特殊边界条件下的锥壳采用该方法进行数值实验,计算出不同网格下锥壳的位移,并通过分析数值实验结果证明有限元离散格式的收敛性和有效性. 相似文献
Abstract: Laminated beams fabricated from strips with intermediate adhesive bonding layers are frequently used. The evaluation of the shear and normal stresses in the adhesive layer along the length of the beam is important and both analytical as well as experimental investigations for these stresses have been previously documented. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to compare the analytical shear stress values in the adhesive layer obtained in previous analytical work with those obtained by modelling the laminated beam using finite elements. It is also shown that the analytical approach may be extended to the approximate analysis of coupled twin shear walls. 相似文献
本文应用商用有限元软件ABAQUS对单个丸粒撞击金属靶材进行了三维有限元分析,建立模拟弹丸撞击靶材的有限元模型。首先将单个丸粒撞击靶材产生残余应力的模拟结果与Meguid等人用ANSYS软件所模拟的结果进行对比,从而来验证本文模拟结果的可靠性。然后本文系统地研究了不同弹丸参数对于残余应力场分布规律的影响。模拟结果表明,弹丸参数对于喷丸残余应力场分布规律的影响各不相同。但是,无论这些参数如何变化,靶材次表层的最大残余压应力值所处的位置基本保持不变,始终位于靶材表面以下25%dshot处。根据有限元模拟的结果,可对喷丸强化工艺参数进行优化控制,提高喷丸强化的加工工艺水平,以实现更好的喷丸效果。 相似文献
Finite Element Simulation on the Spin-forming of the 3D Non-axisymmetric Thin-Walled Tubes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Qinxiang XIA Baixiang LIANG Saijun ZHANG Xiuquan CHENG Feng RUAN College of Mechanical Engineering South China University of Technology Guangzhou China Guangzhou Civil Aviation College Guangzhou China 《材料科学技术学报》2006,22(2):261-268
The roller movement trace for the 3D non-axisymmetric thin-walled tubes is a complex space curve. Besides the roller rotation caused by contact with the blank, the roller rotates around the workpiece together with the main spindle, and also moves simultaneously along the direction of the revolution radius. The method to correctly establish the finite element (FE) models of the metal spinning is based on the MSC. MARC software was introduced. The calculation formulas considering both the revolution and rotation of the roller were obtained by the mathematical deduction. The saving calculation points m should be a multiple of 4 for one revolution of the roller around the workpiece to obtain the maximum forming force for the spinning of the 3D non-axisymmetric thin-walled tubes. The simulation results conform well to the experimental ones for several spinning methods; the maximum error is less than ±15%. 相似文献
Finite element analysis of crack mouth opening displacement compliance in crack length evaluation for clamped single edge tension specimens 下载免费PDF全文
In the unloading compliance method developed for clamped single edge tension (SE(T)) specimens, six crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD)‐based compliance equations (i.e. a/W = f(BCE′)) were proposed for the crack length evaluation without clearly clarifying the corresponding predictive accuracies. In addition, the effective elastic modulus (Ee) that reflects the actual state of stress should also be introduced in the crack length evaluation for SE(T) specimens, because the actual state of stress in the remaining ligament of the test specimen is neither plane stress (E) nor plane strain (E′). In this study, two‐dimensional (2D) plane strain and three‐dimensional (3D) finite element analyses (FEAs) are carried out to investigate predictive accuracies of the six compliance equations. In both 2D and 3D FEA, specimens with a wide range of crack lengths and geometric configurations are included. For a given specimen, the value of Ee that presents the equivalent stress state in the remaining ligament is calculated on the basis of 3D FEA data. A set of formulae for the clamped SE(T) specimen is proposed that allows to evaluate Ee from the corresponding CMOD compliance. This approach is verified using numerical data. The observations of the numerical verification suggest that the use of Ee instead of E or E′ in CMOD‐based compliance equations markedly improves the accuracy of the predicted crack length for clamped SE(T) specimens. 相似文献