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介绍了基于递归规则的网络声明式语言Netlog的语法和分布式不动点语义,定义了强良好的程序,并证明了强良好的程序的计算结果对有限的消息丢失不敏感. 相似文献
网络的举证分析、错误诊断在网络管理和安全方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用。这就要求网络管理系统具有网络溯源的功能。网络溯源可以用于跟踪信息在网络上流传的轨迹,确定信息数据来源。提出了一个网络溯源系统(NPS)框架的设计与实现,该框架可以支持在大规模的分布式环境中获得网络溯源,采用了新近提出的宣告式网络技术来有效地维护和查询分布式网络溯源。该框架采用基于引用的方式来传递溯源信息,采用有向无环图来表示溯源信息,在分布式网络中实现了高效的网络溯源。在ns-3构建的模拟网络中进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明该网络溯源系统框架可以有效地支持一个大规模分布式网络的溯源计算,与传统方法相比显著地减少了带宽的开销。 相似文献
对于泛型程序设计来说,类型的参数化多态是其理论框架,参数化多态引入了类型变量,使得类型参数化,支持类型上的抽象,从而可以大大提高软件的复用程度。泛型编程思想已经在多种语言中得到运用,并已取得了不小的成果。在函数式语言上进行泛型的研究与应用,Haskell语言是函数式语言中较为经典的一种语言,它的计算模型简单,语法清晰,易于编写,易于维护,拥有很大的发展空间。利用一些规则对Haskell语言的语法进行相关扩展,同时引入泛型的思想,研究与运用定义泛型函数的方法,在Haskell语言上实现了泛型功能。 相似文献
CONPL(Conceptual Programming Language)是一个基于Horn子句的概念式程序设计语言,它允许用户使用自己的概念构造程序,因而所写的程序更接近对问题的描述,程序设计过程亦更为自然。本文介绍了CONPL主要设计思想,给出了其语法和语义的形式描述,并讨论了其实现方法。文中还对CONPL的应用前景作了探讨。 相似文献
本文给出高阶函数式语言Prolog语言的一种转换技术,其中主要用到抽象闭包分析,Lambda提升,顺序化以及Prolog中的Call技术,本文的研究征顺于高阶性的处理上。 相似文献
本文主要研究以OCaml为核心语言的函数式程序设计语言的课程教学设计,填补国内计算机专业在程序设计语言课程设置上的空白,以培养程序设计人员的程序设计全面素质和能力。 相似文献
泛型即通过参数化类型来实现在同一份代码上操作多种数据类型.泛型编程是一种编程范式,它利用“参数化类型”将类型抽象化,实现灵活的软件复用.泛型编程思想已经在多种语言中得到运用,并已取得了不小的成果.文中旨在Haskell语言上进行泛型的研究与应用,Haskell语言是一门广为流行的函数式语言,它的计算模型简单,程序语法清晰,易于编写,易于维护.文中利用一些规则对Haskell语言的语法进行扩展,同时引入泛型编程的思想来研究新的函数定义方法,最后在Haskell语言上实现泛型功能. 相似文献
D. Ballis M. Falaschi C. Ferri J. Hernndez-Orallo M.J. Ramírez-Quintana 《Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science》2003,86(3):85-104
Diagnosis methods in debugging aim at detecting bugs of a program, either by comparing it with a correct specification or by the help of an oracle (typically, the user herself). Debugging techniques for declarative programs usually exploit the semantical properties of programs (and specifications) and generally try to detect one or more “buggy” rules. In this way, rules are split apart in an absolute way: either they are correct or not. However, in many situations, not every error has the same consequences, an issue that is ignored by classical debugging frameworks. In this paper, we generalise debugging by considering a cost function, i.e. a function that assigns different cost values to each kind of error and different benefit values to each kind of correct response. The problem is now redefined as assigning a real-valued probability and cost to each rule, by considering each rule more or less “guilty” of the overall error and cost of the program. This makes possible to rank rules rather than only separate them between right and wrong. Our debugging method is also different from classical approaches in that it is probabilistic, i.e. we use a set of ground examples to approximate these rankings. 相似文献
Ian Foster 《Software》1989,19(4):351-370
A declarative programming style is claimed to have significant advantages from a software engineering point of view. However, these benefits cannot generally be realized when writing programs that are concerned with changing state, such as environments and programming tools. Declarative state-transition (DST) systems have been proposed as a solution to this problem. In DST systems, computation and update are separated. Programs are interpreted as defining functions or relations over states, and update follows successful computation of new states. Support for persistent state and atomic, serializable transactions facilitates the implementation of programming environments and tools. This paper describes an implementation scheme for DST systems. The scheme is illustrated by a presentation of the implementation of PPS, a DST system for parallel logic programming. 相似文献
Luigi Liquori Furio Honsell Rekha Redamalla 《Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science》2006,157(2):67
In this paper we develop the language theory underpinning the logical framework PLF. This language features lambda abstraction with patterns and application via pattern-matching. Reductions are allowed in patterns. The framework is particularly suited as a metalanguage for encoding rewriting logics and logical systems where proof terms have a special syntactic constraints, as in term rewriting systems, and rule-based languages. PLF is a conservative extension of the well-known Edinburgh Logical Framework LF. Because of sophisticated pattern matching facilities PLF is suitable for verification and manipulation of HXML documents. 相似文献
分布式入侵检测模型研究 总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38
提出了分布级别的概念对分布式入侵检测系统进行分类,并引入信息抽象级别对入侵检测中审计数据所经历的逻辑抽象层次进行表述.在对现有的层次检测模型和协作检测模型的优点和缺陷进行详细分析之后,提出了一种用于分布式入侵检测系统的层次化协作模型(HCM),并完成了相应的原型系统.该模型可以有效地综合两种现有模型的优点,在保证结点可控性和检测效率的同时提高系统的容错性和协作能力. 相似文献