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An abstract requirements specification states system requirements precisely without describing a real or a paradigm implementation. Although such specifications have important advantages, they are difficult to produce for complex systems and hence are seldom seen in the "real" programming world. This paper introduces an approach to producing abstract requirements specifications that applies to a significant class of real-world systems, including any system that must reconstruct data that have undergone a sequence of transformations. tions. It also describes how the approach was used to produce a requirements document for SCP, a small, but nontrivial Navy communications system. The specification techniques used in the SCP requirements document are introduced and illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

The development of user interfaces for safety critical systems is driven by requirements specifications. Because user interface specifications are typically embedded within complex systems requirements specifications, they can be intractable to manage. Proprietary requirements specification tools do not support the user interface designer in modelling and specifying the user interface. In this paper, a new way of working with embedded user interface specifications is proposed, exploiting sequence diagrams with a hypertext structure for representing and retrieving use cases. This new tool concept is assessed through an application to the requirements specification for the Airbus A380 air traffic control Datalink system; engineers involved in the development of the Airbus cockpit used a prototype of the tool concept to resolve a set of user interface design anomalies in the requirements specification. The results of the study are positive and indicate the user interface to requirements specification tools which user interface designers themselves need.  相似文献   

Temporal synchronization models for multimedia data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Multimedia information systems are considerably more complex than traditional ones in that they deal with very heterogeneous data such as text, video, and audio-characterized by different characteristics and requirements. One of the central characteristics of multimedia data is that of being heavily time-dependent, in that they are usually related by temporal relationships that must be maintained during playout. We discuss problems related to modeling temporal synchronization specifications for multimedia data. We investigate the characteristics that a model must possess to properly express the timing relationships among multimedia data, and we provide a classification for the various models proposed in the literature. For each devised category, several examples are presented, whereas the most representative models of each category are illustrated in detail. Then, the presented models are compared with respect to the devised requirements, and future research issues are discussed  相似文献   

ASTRAL is a formal specification language for real-time systems. It is intended to support formal software development, and therefore has been formally defined. This paper focuses on how to formally prove the mathematical correctness of ASTRAL specifications. ASTRAL is provided with structuring mechanisms that allow one to build modularized specifications of complex systems with layering. In this paper, further details of the ASTRAL environment components and the critical requirements components, which were not fully developed in previous papers, are presented. Formal proofs in ASTRAL can be divided into two categories: interlevel proofs and intralevel proofs. The former deal with proving that the specification of level i+1 is consistent with the specification of level i, and the latter deal with proving that the specification of level i is consistent and satisfies the stated critical requirements. This paper concentrates on intralevel proofs  相似文献   

Pervasive systems are large-scale systems consisting of many sensors capturing numerous types of information. As this data is highly voluminous and dimensional, data analysis tasks can be extremely cumbersome and time-consuming. Enabling computers to recognise real-world situations is an even more difficult problem, involving not only data analysis, but also consistency checking. Here we present Situvis, an interactive visualisation tool for representing sensor data and creating higher-level abstractions from the data. This paper builds on previous work, Clear et al. (2009) [8] through evolved tool functionality and an evaluation of Situvis. A user-trial consisting of 10 participants shows that Situvis can be used to complete the key tasks in the development process of situation specifications in over 50% less time than an improvised alternative toolset.  相似文献   

Composite systems are generally comprised of heterogeneous components whose specifications are developed by many development participants. The requirements of such systems are invariably elicited from multiple perspectives that overlap, complement, and contradict each other. Furthermore, these requirements are generally developed and specified using multiple methods and notations, respectively. It is therefore necessary to express and check the relationships between the resultant specification fragments. We deploy multiple ViewPoints that hold partial requirements specifications, described and developed using different representation schemes and development strategies. We discuss the notion of inter-ViewPoint communication in the context of this ViewPoints framework, and propose a general model for ViewPoint interaction and integration. We elaborate on some of the requirements for expressing and enacting inter-ViewPoint relationships-the vehicles for consistency checking and inconsistency management. Finally, though we use simple fragments of the requirements specification method CORE to illustrate various components of our work, we also outline a number of larger case studies that we have used to validate our framework. Our computer-based ViewPoints support environment, The Viewer, is also briefly described  相似文献   

A survey on content-based retrieval for multimedia databases   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Conventional database systems are designed for managing textual and numerical data, and retrieving such data is often based on simple comparisons of text/numerical values. However, this simple method of retrieval is no longer adequate for multimedia data, since the digitized representation of images, video, or data itself does not convey the reality of these media items. In addition, composite data consisting of heterogeneous types of data also associates with the semantic content acquired by a user's recognition. Therefore, content-based retrieval for multimedia data is realized taking such intrinsic features of multimedia data into account. Implementation of the content-based retrieval facility is not based on a single fundamental, but is closely related to an underlying data model, a priori knowledge of the area of interest, and the scheme for representing queries. This paper surveys recent studies on content-based retrieval for multimedia databases from the point of view of three fundamental issues. Throughout the discussion, we assume databases that manage only nontextual/numerical data, such as image or video, are also in the category of multimedia databases  相似文献   

The development of high-quality real-time systems depends on their correct requirements specification, which includes the analysis and specification of timing issues. This paper focuses on requirements specification of real-time systems, presenting a set of temporal parameters and timing-constraints related to the execution of systems processes. Timing-constraints are expressed by formulas, being useful for defining, representing, and validating the system temporal behavior, particularly in hard real-time systems specifications. The primary contribution over previous studies is the proposal of a more generic and complete set of timing-constraints, applied to the area of requirements engineering for real-time systems, which has not been sufficiently explored.  相似文献   

Modern information systems are increasingly large and consist of an interplay of technical components and social actors (humans and organizations). Such interplay threatens the security of the overall system and calls for verification techniques that enable determining compliance with security policies. Existing verification frameworks either have a limited expressiveness that inhibits the specification of real-world requirements or rely on formal languages that are difficult to use for most analysts. In this paper, we overcome the limitations of existing approaches by presenting the SecBPMN framework. Our proposal includes: (1) the SecBPMN-ml modeling language, a security-oriented extension of BPMN for specifying composite information systems; (2) the SecBPMN-Q query language for representing security policies; and (3) a query engine that enables checking SecBPMN-Q policies against SecBPMN-ml specifications. We evaluate our approach by studying its understandability and perceived complexity with experts, running scalability analysis of the query engine, and through an application to a large case study concerning air traffic management.  相似文献   

UML offers different diagram types to model behavior and dynamics of software systems. In some domains like embedded real-time systems or multimedia systems, it is necessary to include specifications of time since the correctness of these applications depends on the fulfillment of temporal requirements in addition to functional requirements. UML thus already incorporates language features to model time and temporal constraints. Such model elements must have an equivalent in the semantic domain. We have proposed Dynamic Meta Modeling (DMM) as a means for the specification of the formal operational semantics of UML models by applying graph transformation to the meta modeling of dynamic behavior. Within this paper, we extend this approach to also account for time by building on timed graph transformations. We apply these concepts to the domain of multimedia application modeling in which we adopt UML sequence diagrams. The DMM rules with time then specify an interpreter that can be used to analyze or test a model of multimedia sequence diagrams.  相似文献   

Garg  P.K. Scacchi  W. 《Software, IEEE》1990,7(3):90-98
The Documents Integration Facility, an environment based on objects and relationships between objects that was constructed for the development, use, and maintenance of large-scale systems and their life-cycle documents, is presented. DIF helps integrate and manage the documents produced and used throughout the life cycle: requirements specifications, functional specifications, architectural designs (structural specifications), detailed designs, source code, testing information, and user and maintenance manuals. DIF supports information management in large systems where there is much natural-language text. The documentation method used by DIF and DIF's structure are described. How DIF is used is discussed, and the DIF environment is examined. Issues that were encountered in the design of DIF are considered  相似文献   

This paper presents two modeling approaches that can be used as a formal basis for designing distributed multimedia and hypermedia systems. Using these approaches, users and designers are able to express formally their multimedia and hypermedia synchronization and time requirements. The two different models considered are Hierarchical Time Stream Petri Nets and RT-LOTOS. It will be shown that both models, starting from a different formal basis, are of interest as they possess complementary advantages and can then be used at different stages of the system life cycle. For instance, HTSPN provides an user-friendly graphical specification framework, whereas RT-LOTOS offers an extensive simulation and validation framework applicable to specifications derived from HTSPN.  相似文献   

Requirements changes can occur both during and after a phase of development for a variety of reasons, including error correction and feature changes. It is difficult and intensive work to integrate requirements changes made after specification is completed. Sequence-based specification was developed to convert ordinary functional software requirements into complete, consistent, and traceably correct specifications through a constructive process. Algorithms for managing requirements changes meet a very great need in field application of the sequence-based specification method. In this paper we propose to capture requirements changes as a series of atomic changes in specifications, and present polynomial-time algorithms for managing these changes. The algorithms are built into the tool support with which users are able to push requirements changes through to changes in specifications, maintain old specifications over time and evolve them into new specifications with the least amount of human interaction and rework. All our change algorithms are supported by rigorous mathematical formulation and proof of correctness. The application example is a safe controller. Software Quality Research Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, http://www.cs.utk.edu/sqrl/  相似文献   

An increasing number of monitoring systems have been developed in smart cities to ensure that a city’s real-time operations satisfy safety and performance requirements. However, many existing city requirements are written in English with missing, inaccurate, or ambiguous information. There is a high demand for assisting city policymakers in converting human-specified requirements to machine-understandable formal specifications for monitoring systems. To tackle this limitation, we build CitySpec (Chen et al., 2022), the first intelligent assistant system for requirement specification in smart cities. To create CitySpec, we first collect over 1,500 real-world city requirements across different domains (e.g., transportation and energy) from over 100 cities and extract city-specific knowledge to generate a dataset of city vocabulary with 3,061 words. We also build a translation model and enhance it through requirement synthesis and develop a novel online learning framework with shielded validation. The evaluation results on real-world city requirements show that CitySpec increases the sentence-level accuracy of requirement specification from 59.02% to 86.64%, and has strong adaptability to a new city and a new domain (e.g., the F1 score for requirements in Seattle increases from 77.6% to 93.75% with online learning). After the enhancement from the shield function, CitySpec is now immune to most known textual adversarial inputs (e.g., the attack success rate of DeepWordBug (Gao et al., 2018) after the shield function is reduced to 0% from 82.73%). We test the CitySpec with 18 participants from different domains. CitySpec shows its strong usability and adaptability to different domains, and also its robustness to malicious inputs.  相似文献   

The front end of the software life cycle is an important phase in the development of quality software systems. Due to the interactive nature of the requirements specification phase, automated tools assist in capturing user concepts and conveying these concepts to the developers. This paper presents a syntax-directed editor developed for the Descartes software specification language. The editor helps in constructing the specifications by detecting and preventing syntactic and static semantic errors. The editor uses the visual notation of Nassi–Shneiderman charts for the external representation of Descartes specifications. The specifications are edited in their visual form directly within the editor. Use of a syntax-directed editor for the construction of Descartes specifications is expected to reduce specification errors, enhance constructibility, and in turn increase productivity. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Requirements change both during and after a phase of development for a variety of reasons, including error correction and feature changes. Requirements change management is one of the most complex and difficult problems to deal with in requirements elicitation and tracking. It is generally not understood how a specific change propagates through the specification and into the code. In this paper we capture requirements changes as series of atomic changes in specifications. Using a rigorous specification method called sequence‐based specification, we propose a set of algorithms for managing all possible atomic requirements changes. The algorithms have been formulated within an axiom system for sequence‐based specification and proven for correctness. They have also been implemented in a prototype tool with which users are able to push requirements changes through to changes in specifications, maintain old specifications over time and evolve them into new specifications with the least amount of human interaction and rework. The approach of utilizing state machines to model and manage requirements changes guarantees strong evidence about the correctness and completeness of the proposed theory that will lead to more reliable software in the presence of change, especially with embedded systems and safety‐critical systems. The solution described is general enough for adoption by software and system developers, and well suited for incremental development. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SLAN-4 (``Software Language-4') was developed to meet the need for a formal tool for specifying and designing large software systems. It provides language constructs for algebraic and axiomatic specifications and also pseudocode constructs for the design step. A major design goal was to ease subsequent refinements of a (given) specification. The design can start with a very informal specification, which can be implemented later using lower level concepts. This paper gives an overview of the SLAN-4 syntax and semantics. It concentrates on the most important aspects of: ? abstract data types, ? algebraic specification of abstract data types, and ? axiomatic specification of modules. Because the pseudocode part of SLAN-4 consists mainly of control structures similar to those in modern high-level programming languages, this element of the language is not separately described. The paper includes an example of how to use SLAN-4, and also the experiences gained in using the language to formally specify a real-world software product of about 18 000 lines of code written in an IBM internal high-level language.  相似文献   

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