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传统的并行编译技术能够在编译期间进行相关性分析,有效地并行化循环程序,但是对于程序运行时潜在的并行性却无能为力.因此,并行编译技术必须使用实时依赖分析技术,尽可能挖掘循环级并行性.本文提出仿射依赖关系,消除了循环迭代依赖;基于投机并行思想,提出了SPAD方法.实例分析表明,SPAD是有效的.与LRPD和SPNT方法相比较,SPAD做了重要的改进,因此是更通用的投机并行化方案.  相似文献   

As moderate-scale multiprocessors become widely used, we foresee an increased demand for effective compiler parallelization and efficient management of parallelism. While parallelizing compilers are achieving success at identifying parallelism, they are less adept at predetermining the degree of parallelism in different program phases. Thus, a compiler-parallelized application may execute on more processors than it can effectively use – a waste of computational resources that becomes more acute as the number of processors increases, particularly for systems used as multiprogrammed compute servers. This paper examines the dynamic parallelism behavior of multiprogrammed workloads using programs from the Specfp95 and Nas benchmark suites, automatically parallelized by the Stanford SUIF compiler. Our results demonstrate that even the programs with good overall speedups display wide variability in the number of processors each phase (or loop) can exploit. We propose and evaluate a run-time system mechanism that dynamically adjusts the number of processors used by a compiler-parallelized application, responding to observed performance during the program's execution. Programs can thus adapt processor usage as they run, responding both to poor parallelism within certain parts of their code, and also to heavy multiprogramming loads during the execution. This mechanism improves workload performance up to 33% over one-at-a-time runs of the workload programs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Current parallelizing compilers cannot identify a significant fraction of parallelizable loops because they have complex or statically insufficiently defined access patterns. As parallelizable loops arise frequently in practice, we advocate a novel framework for their identification: speculatively execute the loop as a doall and apply a fully parallel data dependence test to determine if it had any cross-iteration dependences; if the test fails, then the loop is reexecuted serially. Since, from our experience, a significant amount of the available parallelism in Fortran programs can be exploited by loops transformed through privatization and reduction parallelization, our methods can speculatively apply these transformations and then check their validity at run-time. Another important contribution of this paper is a novel method for reduction recognition which goes beyond syntactic pattern matching: it detects at run-time if the values stored in an array participate in a reduction operation, even if they are transferred through private variables and/or are affected by statically unpredictable control flow. We present experimental results on loops from the PERFECT Benchmarks, which substantiate our claim that these techniques can yield significant speedups which are often superior to those obtainable by inspector/executor methods  相似文献   

循环是程序中蕴含并行性最为丰富的一种结构,因此成为并行化编译最主要的对象.但循环内的过程调用严重妨碍了循环的数据相关性分析,使得循环语句潜在的大量并行性得不到开发.本文提出的循环嵌入方法使部分含过程调用循环语句的并行化成为可能,对部分用其它过程间分析技术也能开发其并行性的这一类循环语句采用循环嵌入方法,并行化开销低,并且分析更精确.采用循环嵌入方法还可降低程序由于多次过程调用带来的调度开销.这一方法在作者开发的自动并行化编译系统AFT(automaticPortrantransformer)中得到了实现,对Spec92测试程序包的试验结果表明了本文提出的方法是行之有效的.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generic method of automatic parallelization for sparse matrix computation. This method is based on both a refinement of the data-dependence test proposed by Bernstein and an inspector–executor scheme which is specialized to each input program of the compiler. This analysis mixes compilation process and run-time process.The sparsity of underlying data-structure determines a specific parallelism which increases the degree of parallelism of an algorithm. Such a source of parallelism had already been applied to many numerical algorithms such as the usual Cholesky factorization or LU-decomposition algorithms considered as the gold standards of parallelization based on sparsity. The standard automatic parallelization method cannot tackle such source of parallelism because it is based on the value of cells arrays and not merely on the memory addressing function.Addressing the automatization of this parallelism requires to develop a mixed compile-time and runtime approach integrated in a inspector–executor process. The compilation step provides a dedicated inspector devoted to the analyzed program. The inspector computes the dependence graph at runtime which allows a dynamic parallelization of the execution.As expressed just before, the generic scheme developed in this paper follows the design principles which have been applied, but at each time in an ad hoc way, to many sparse parallelization of numerical algorithms such as Cholesky algorithm. As far as we know, no general formal framework has been proposed to automate such a method of sparse parallelization. In this paper, we propose a generic framework of sparse parallelization (i.e. numerical program independent) which can be applied to any numerical programs satisfying the usual syntactic constraints of parallelization.  相似文献   

并行化编译器通过发掘串行程序中的并行性来提高程序的运行性能。但当可并行的工作量与并行的线程数目之比较小时,有可能采用并行执行反而会降低程序的整体性能。本文工作基于SUIF结构.研究精确的工作量计算方法,并实现了基于工作量的条件并行化技术.有效地提高了并行程序的执行性能。  相似文献   

This paper presents a time stamp algorithm for runtime parallelization of general DOACROSS loops that have indirect access patterns. The algorithm follows the INSPECTOR/EXECUTOR scheme and exploits parallelism at a fine-grained memory reference level. It features a parallel inspector and improves upon previous algorithms of the same generality by exploiting parallelism among consecutive reads of the same memory element. Two variants of the algorithm are considered: One allows partially concurrent reads (PCR) and the other allows fully concurrent reads (FCR). Analyses of their time complexities derive a necessary condition with respect to the iteration workload for runtime parallelization. Experimental results for a Gaussian elimination loop, as well as an extensive set of synthetic loops on a 12-way SMP server, show that the time stamp algorithms outperform iteration-level parallelization techniques in most test cases and gain speedups over sequential execution for loops that have heavy iteration workloads. The PCR algorithm performs best because it makes a better trade-off between maximizing the parallelism and minimizing the analysis overhead. For loops with light or unknown iteration loads, an alternative speculative runtime parallelization technique is preferred  相似文献   

The parallelism of loop nests with non-uniform dependences is difficult to extract and ineffectively explored by the existing parallelization schemes. In this paper, we propose new efficient techniques in extracting parallelism of loop nests with non-uniform dependences using their irregularity. By this way, current highly parallel multiprocessor systems such as multithreaded and clustering multiprocessor systems can be fully utilized. These four mechanisms are (a) parallelization part splitting, (b) partial parallelization decomposition, (c) irregular loop interchange and (d) growing pattern detection. They explore parallelisms of special parallel patterns for nested loops with non-uniform dependences. The loop transformations used in uniform loops are also applied in non-uniform dependence loops after legality tests. We apply the results of classical convex theory and detect special parallel patterns of dependence vectors. We also proposed an algorithm that combines above mechanisms to enhance parallelism. We demonstrate that our technique gives much better speedup and extracts more parallelism than the existing techniques. Thus, we are encouraged by these apparent enhancements to pursue further development.  相似文献   

吴蓉  李剑慧  朱传琪 《计算机工程》2001,27(7):103-104,150
介绍了动态数据流分析的基本方法,分析了它在复杂控制流条件下的不足,提出了一种能够使用后向信息来进行动态数据流分析的BPD测试方法,该方法能够消除动态死码的副作用,从一个循环中提取相当部分的并行性。给出了在SPEC95基准程序包中的fpppp.f的实验结果,验证了BPD测试可以获得其他现有方法不能取得的显著的加速比。  相似文献   

Parallel loops account for the greatest amount of parallelism in numerical programs.Executing nested loops in parallel wit low run-time overhead is thus very important for achieving high performance in paralleo processing systems.However,in parallel processing systems with caches of local memories in memory hierarchies,“thrashing problemmay” may arise when data move back and forth frequently between the caches or local memories in different processors.The techniques associated with parallel compiler to solve the problem are not completely developed.In this paper,we present two restructuring techniques called loopg staggering,loop staggering and compacting,with which we can not only eliminate the cache or local memory thrashing phemomena significantly,but also exploit the potential parallelism existing in outer serial loop.Loop staggering benefits the dynamic loop scheduling strategies,whereas loop staggering and compacting is good for static loop scheduling strategies,Our method especially benefits parallel programs,in which a parallel loop is enclosed by a serial loop and array elements are repeatedly used in the different iterations of the parallel loop.  相似文献   

Current parallelizing compilers do a reasonable job of extracting parallelism from programs with regular, well behaved, statically analyzable access patterns. However, they cannot extract a significant fraction of the avaialable, parallelism if the program has a complex and/or statically insufficiently defined access pattern, e.g., simulation programs with irregular domains and/or dynamically changing interactions. Since such programs represent a large fraction of all applications, techniques are needed for extracting their inherent parallelism at run-time. In this paper we give a new run-time technique for finding an optimal parallel execution schedule for a partially parallel loop, i.e., a loop whose parallelization requires synchronization to ensure that the iterations are executed in the correct order. Given the original loop, the compiler generatesinspector code that performas run-time preprocessing of the loop's access pattern, andscheduler code that schedules (and executes) the loop interations. The inspector is fully parallel, uses no sychronization, and can be applied to any loop (from which an inspector can be extracted). In addition, it can implement at run-time the two most effective transformations for increasing the amount of parallelism in a loop:array privatization andreduction parallelization (elementwise). The ability to identify privatizable and reduction variables is very powerful since it eliminates the data dependences involving these variables and An abstract of this paper has been publsihed in Ref. 1. Research supported in part by Army contract #DABT63-92-C-0033. This work is not necessarily representative of the positions or policies of the Army of the Government. Research supported in part by Intel and NASA Graduate Fellowships. Research supported in part by an AT&T Bell Laboratoroies Graduate Fellowship and by the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California.  相似文献   

Parallelizing compilers have traditionally focussed mainly on parallelizing loops. This paper presents a new framework for automatically parallelizing recursive procedures that typically appear in divide-and-conquer algorithms. We present compile-time analysis, using powerful, symbolic array section analysis, to detect the independence of multiple recursive calls in a procedure. This allows exploitation of a scalable form of nested parallelism, where each parallel task can further spawn off parallel work in subsequent recursive calls. We describe a runtime system which efficiently supports this kind of nested parallelism without unnecessarily blocking tasks. We have implemented this framework in a parallelizing compiler, which is able to automatically parallelize programs like quicksort and mergesort, written in C. For cases where even the advanced compile-time analysis we describe is not able to prove the independence of procedure calls, we propose novel techniques for speculative runtime parallelization, which are more efficient and powerful in this context than analogous techniques proposed previously for speculatively parallelizing loops. Our experimental results on an IBM G30 SMP machine show good speedups obtained by following our approach.  相似文献   

The paper presents approaches to the validation of optimizing compilers. The emphasis is on aggressive and architecture-targeted optimizations which try to obtain the highest performance from modern architectures, in particular EPIC-like micro-processors. Rather than verify the compiler, the approach of translation validation performs a validation check after every run of the compiler, producing a formal proof that the produced target code is a correct implementation of the source code.First we survey the standard approach to validation of optimizations which preserve the loop structure of the code (though they may move code in and out of loops and radically modify individual statements), present a simulation-based general technique for validating such optimizations, and describe a tool, VOC-64, which implements these technique. For more aggressive optimizations which, typically, alter the loop structure of the code, such as loop distribution and fusion, loop tiling, and loop interchanges, we present a set of permutation rules which establish that the transformed code satisfies all the implied data dependencies necessary for the validity of the considered transformation. We describe the necessary extensions to the VOC-64 in order to validate these structure-modifying optimizations.Finally, the paper discusses preliminary work on run-time validation of speculative loop optimizations, that involves using run-time tests to ensure the correctness of loop optimizations which neither the compiler nor compiler-validation techniques can guarantee the correctness of. Unlike compiler validation, run-time validation has not only the task of determining when an optimization has generated incorrect code, but also has the task of recovering from the optimization without aborting the program or producing an incorrect result. This technique has been applied to several loop optimizations, including loop interchange, loop tiling, and software pipelining and appears to be quite promising.  相似文献   

We present a novel Hybrid Analysis technology which can efficiently and seamlessly integrate all static and run-time analysis of memory references into a single framework that is capable of performing all data dependence analysis and can generate necessary information for most associated memory related optimizations. We use HA to perform automatic parallelization by extracting run-time assertions from any loop and generating appropriate run-time tests that range from a low cost scalar comparison to a full, reference by reference run-time analysis. Moreover we can order the run-time tests in increasing order of complexity (overhead) and thus risk the minimum necessary overhead. We accomplish this by both extending compile time IP analysis techniques and by incorporating speculative run-time techniques when necessary. Our solution is to bridge free compile time techniques with exhaustive run-time techniques through a continuum of simple to complex solutions. We have implemented our framework in the Polaris compiler by introducing an innovative intermediate representation called RT_LMAD and a run-time library that can operate on it. Based on the experimental results obtained to date we hope to automatically parallelize most and possibly all PERFECT codes, a significant accomplishment.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》1997,23(3):291-309
In this paper we propose a knowledge-based approach for solving data dependence testing and loop scheduling problems. A rule-based system, called the K-Test, is developed by repertory grid and attribute ording table to construct the knowledge base. The K-Test chooses an appropriate testing algorithm according to some features of the input program by using knowledge-based techniques, and then applies the resulting test to detect data dependences for loop parallelization. Another rule-based system, called the KPLS, is also proposed to be able to choose an appropriate scheduling by inferring some features of loops and assign parallel loops on multiprocessors for achieving high speedup. The experimental results show that the graceful speedup obtained by our compiler is obvious.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种将调用局部化技术应用于并行环境下面向对象语言的方法,文中详细讨论了该技术的适用条件以及如何通过该方法减少循环中的远程过程调用开销,该优化技术产首先将循环分离成多个包含有远程调用的循环,再将分离后的循环分离给循环中对象所在的处理器,最后,化简迭代空间,并且用消息传递来传输数据,这种优化对象分布和循环并行化之后进行,将函数调用局部化于处理器,通过这种优化,可以进一步挖掘循环中的任务并行性,降低计算复杂度,减少函数调用开销,尤其适合面向对象语言中对循环里小函数的优化,该技术已经在作者设计的Java自动并行化编译器JAPS-Ⅱ中实现,在实验中,利用这种优化技术得到了超线性性加速比。  相似文献   

马春燕  吕炳旭  叶许姣  张雨 《软件学报》2023,34(7):3022-3042
随着多核处理器的普及应用,针对嵌入式遗留系统中串行代码的自动并行化方法是研究热点.其中,针对具有非完美嵌套结构、非仿射依赖关系特征的复杂嵌套循环的自动并行化方法存在技术挑战.提出了一种基于LLVMPass的复杂嵌套循环的自动并行化框架(CNLPF).首先,提出了一种复杂嵌套循环的表示模型,即循环结构树,并将嵌套循环的正则区域自动转换为循环结构树表示;然后,对循环结构树进行数据依赖分析,构建循环内和循环间的依赖关系;最后,基于OpenMP共享内存的编程模型生成并行的循环程序.针对SPEC2006数据集中包含近500个复杂嵌套循环的6个程序案例,分别对其进行复杂嵌套循环占比统计和并行性能加速测试.结果表明,提出的自动并行化框架可以处理LLVMPolly无法优化的复杂嵌套循环,增强了LLVM的并行编译优化能力,且该方法结合Polly的组合优化,比单独采用Polly优化的加速效果提升了9%-43%.  相似文献   

We propose a framework based on an original generation and use of algorithmic skeletons, and dedicated to speculative parallelization of scientific nested loop kernels, able to apply at run-time polyhedral transformations to the target code in order to exhibit parallelism and data locality. Parallel code generation is achieved almost at no cost by using binary algorithmic skeletons that are generated at compile-time, and that embed the original code and operations devoted to instantiate a polyhedral parallelizing transformation and to verify the speculations on dependences. The skeletons are patched at run-time to generate the executable code. The run-time process includes a transformation selection guided by online profiling phases on short samples, using an instrumented version of the code. During this phase, the accessed memory addresses are used to compute on-the-fly dependence distance vectors, and are also interpolated to build a predictor of the forthcoming accesses. Interpolating functions and distance vectors are then employed for dependence analysis to select a parallelizing transformation that, if the prediction is correct, does not induce any rollback during execution. In order to ensure that the rollback time overhead stays low, the code is executed in successive slices of the outermost original loop of the nest. Each slice can be either a parallel version which instantiates a skeleton, a sequential original version, or an instrumented version. Moreover, such slicing of the execution provides the opportunity of transforming differently the code to adapt to the observed execution phases, by patching differently one of the pre-built skeletons. The framework has been implemented with extensions of the LLVM compiler and an x86-64 runtime system. Significant speed-ups are shown on a set of benchmarks that could not have been handled efficiently by a compiler.  相似文献   

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