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An effective and simple way to develop equations from impact strain signals was proposed.Little research has been performed in this area,but this equation is very important for evaluating input signals in finite element analysis impact tests and for obtaining additional information on material deformation and fracture processes under impact loading.For this purpose,dynamic impact responses were examined through signals obtained from a strain gauge installed on an impact striker connected to a data acquisition system.Aluminium 6061-T6 was used to extract strain responses on the striker during Charpy impact testing.Statistical analysis was performed using the I-kaz method,and curve fitting equations based on the equation for vibration response under a non-periodic force were used to evaluate the Charpy impact signals.The I-kaz coefficients and curve fitting equations were then compared and discussed with related parameters,such as velocities and thicknesses.Velocity and thickness were found to be related to the strain signal patterns,curve fitting equations and I-kaz coefficients.The equations developed using this method had R2 values greater than 97.7%.Finally,the constructed equations were determined to be suitable for evaluating Charpy impact strain signal patterns and obtaining additional information on fracture processes under impact loading.  相似文献   

Path planning and formation structure forming are two of the most important problems for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to collaborate with each other. In this work, a dynamic formation model was proposed, in which several algorithms were developed for the complex underwater environment. Dimension changeable particle swarm algorithm was used to find an optimized path by dynamically adjusting the number and the distribution of the path nodes. Position relationship based obstacle avoidance algorithm was designed to detour along the edges of obstacles. Virtual potential point based formation-keeping algorithm was employed by incorporating dynamic strategies which were decided by the current states of the formation. The virtual potential point was used to keep the formation structure when the AUV or the formation was deviated. Simulation results show that an optimal path can be dynamically planned with fewer path nodes and smaller fitness, even with a concave obstacle. It has been also proven that different formation-keeping strategies can be adaptively selected and the formation can change its structure in a narrow area and restore back after passing the obstacle.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of different geometrical parameters and pretightening loads on failure mode and bearing strength,a large number of single-bolted T300/QY8911 composite laminates were tested under static tension load.Box-plot was used to extract the singular testing values of bearing strength and effective statistical values were obtained.T-test method of independent samples was used to study how much pretightening loads influence bearing strength.The results show that the geometrical parameters,such as ratios of width to hole diameter(w/d) and edge distance to hole diameter(e/d),remarkably influence failure mode and bearing strength.Net-section failure will occur when w/d is smaller than 4,and shear-out failure will occur when e/d is smaller than 2.Bearing failure or bearing and shear-out combined failure will occur when w/d is greater than 4 and e/d is greater than 2.There is an optimal combination of geometrical parameters to achieve the highest bearing strength.For most of specimens,pretightening loads do not explicitly influence bearing strength.  相似文献   

Operation safety and stability of the train mainly depend on the interaction between the wheel and rail. Knowledge of wheel/rail contact force is important for vehicle control systems that aim to enhance vehicle stability and passenger safety. Since wheel/rail contact forces of high-speed train are very difficult to measure directly, a new estimation process for wheel/rail contact forces was introduced in this work. Based on the state space equation, dynamic programming methods and the Bellman principle of optimality, the main theoretical derivation of the inversion mathematical model was given. The new method overcomes the weakness of large fluctuations which exist in current inverse techniques. High-speed vehicle was chosen as the research object, accelerations of axle box as input conditions, 10 degrees of freedom vertical vibration model and 17 degrees of freedom lateral vibration model were established, respectively. Under 250 km/h, the vertical and lateral wheel/rail forces were identified. From the time domain and frequency domain, the comparison of the results between inverse and SIMPACK models were given. The results show that the inverse mathematical model has high precision for inversing the wheel/rail contact forces of an operation high-speed vehicle.  相似文献   

A test rig for constant velocity water entry experiments was developed that drives a flatted-bottom section attached on six degree of freedom(6-DOF) platform to enter the water vertically at near constant velocity.The experiment system,which consists of drive and actuation system,water pool,model test sections,load cell,and control system,was presented.Water entry forces of different velocities were measured during impact process,and for each test case,three runs were performed with the same motion program to check the repeatability of the force readings.The experiment results are compared with two-dimensional(2D) CFD simulation methods for flatted-bottom rigid bodies with constant entry velocity.Experimental results indicate that the impact forces mainly depend on water entry velocities.It is concluded that the feasibility and accuracy of simulation methods has been validated.  相似文献   

A systematic method was proposed to estimate the occurrence probability of defective piles (OPDP) from a site according to quality assurance inspection. The OPDP was firstly suggested as the criterion to weight the performance of a pile foundation. Its prior distribution and updating distribution were deduced to follow Beta distributions. To calibrate the OPDP, a dynamic estimation model was established according to the relationships between prior mean and variance and updating mean and variance. Finally, a reliability-control method dealing with uncertainties arising from quality assurance inspection was formalized to judge whether all the bored piles from a site can be accepted. It is exemplified that the OPDP can be substantially improved when more definite prior information and sampling formation become available. For the example studied herein, the Bayesian estimator of updating variance for OPDP is reduced from 0.0037 to 0.0014 for the first inspection, from 0.0014 to 0.0009 for the second inspection, and with less uncertainty by incorporating experience information.  相似文献   

Based on some assumptions, the dynamic analysis model of anchorage system is established. The dynamic governing equation is expressed as finite difference format and programmed by using MATLAB language. Compared with theoretical method, the finite difference method has been verified to be feasible by a case study. It is found that under seismic loading, the dynamic response of anchorage system is synchronously fluctuated with the seismic vibration. The change of displacement amplitude of material points is slight, and comparatively speaking, the displacement amplitude of the outside point is a little larger than that of the inside point, which shows amplification effect of surface. While the axial force amplitude transforms considerably from the inside to the outside. It increases first and reaches the peak value in the intersection between the anchoring section and free section, then decreases slowly in the free section. When considering damping effect of anchorage system, the finite difference method can reflect the time attenuation characteristic better, and the calculating result would be safer and more reasonable than the dynamic steady-state theoretical method. What is more, the finite difference method can be applied to the dynamic response analysis of harmonic and seismic random vibration for all kinds of anchor, and hence has a broad application prospect.  相似文献   

The application of ultrasound techniques to monitor the condition of structures is becoming more prominent because these techniques can detect the early symptoms of defects such as cracks and other defects. The early detection of defects is of vital importance to avoid major failures with catastrophic consequences. An assessment of an ultrasound technique was used to investigate fatigue damage behaviour. Fatigue tests were performed according to the ASTM E466-96 standard with the attachment of an ultrasound sensor to the test specimen. AISI 1045 carbon steel was used due to its wide application in the automotive industry. A fatigue test was performed under constant loading stress at a sampling frequency of 8 Hz. Two sets of data acquisition systems were used to collect the fatigue strain signals and ultrasound signals. All of the signals were edited and analysed using a signal processing approach. Two methods were used to evaluate the signals, the integrated Kurtosis-based algorithm for z-filter technique (I-kaz) and the short-time Fourier transform (STFT). The fatigue damage behaviour was observed from the initial stage until the last stage of the fatigue test. The results of the I-kaz coefficient and the STFT spectrum were used to explain and describe the behaviour of the fatigue damage. I-kaz coefficients were ranged from 60 to 61 for strain signals and ranged from 5 to 76 for ultrasound signals. I-kaz values tend to be high at failure point due to high amplitude of respective signals. STFT spectrogram displays the colour intensity which represents the damage severity of the strain signals. I-kaz technique is found very useful and capable in assessing both stationary and non-stationary signals while STFT technique is suitable only for non-stationary signals by displaying its spectrogram.  相似文献   

长期以来,言语攻击作为一种交际方式是普遍存在的,但是在不同的时代文化影响下,言语攻击会呈现出鲜明的时代特性和个人色彩。本文从言语的角度对当今社会交际过程中表现出的言语攻击的内容和特点进行了分析,并揭示了当下言语攻击形成的社会原因,为净化和构建良好的言语环境提供依据。  相似文献   

Energy method for the vibration of two types of cylindrical shells,namely thin-walled homogeneous isotropic and manifold layered isotropic cylindrical shells under uniform external lateral pressure is presented.The study is carried out based on strain-displacement relationship from Love's shell theory with beam functions as axial modal function.A manifold layered cylindrical shell configuration is formed by three layers of isotropic material where the inner and outer layers are stainless steel and the middle layer is aluminum.The homogeneous cylindrical shell is made-up of isotropic one layer with stainless steel.The governing equations with uniform external lateral pressure for homogeneous isotropic and manifold layered isotropic cylindrical shells are obtained using energy functional by the Lagrangian function with Rayleigh-Ritz method.The boundary conditions that are presented at the end conditions of the cylindrical shell are simply supported-simply supported,clamped-clamped and free-free.The influences of uniform external lateral pressure and symmetrical boundary conditions on the natural frequency characteristics for both homogeneous and manifold layered isotropic cylindrical shells are examined.For all boundary conditions considered,the natural frequency of both cylindrical shells with symmetric uniform lateral pressure increases as h/R ratio increases and those considering natural frequency of the both cylindrical shells with symmetric uniform lateral pressure decrease as L/R ratio increases.  相似文献   

为了研究直角域附近缺陷对压电材料的动力学行为的影响,利用复变函数法及镜像法研究含界面附近圆孔的直角域压电介质的动应力集中问题,得到了直角域压电介质中圆形孔洞对时间谐和的反平面剪切波散射引起的动应力集中系数和电场强度集中系数的解析表达式,并给出了它们随入射波频率、材料的物理常数和结构几何参数变化的计算结果图.结果表明,在某些参数组合情况下,压电直角域界面附近圆孔边界动应力集中系数的最大值为半无限压电域界面附近圆孔的2~3倍,且电场强度集中系数在低频情况下非常大.对含缺陷直角域压电介质进行动力学分析非常必要.  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCTIONCompositecylindricalshellsareconsideredcrashworthybecausetheyarecapableofabsorbingalargemountofenergyunderaxial...  相似文献   

含刚性圆柱夹杂压电介质的动力反平面特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用复变函数和波函数展开法对稳态SH波在含刚性可移动圆柱夹杂的无限线弹性压电介质中的散射与动应力集中问题进行研究.获得压电介质中刚性圆柱夹杂周边动应力的表达式,并对具有不同压电特征参数和不同波数情况下的夹杂边界动应力集中系数进行了数值计算.计算结果表明,边界动应力集中对外加电场压电参数具有线性依赖关系,对含刚性可移动圆柱夹杂的压电介质进行低频和大压电特征参数情况下的动力分析是非常重要的。  相似文献   

We studied the dynamic fracture mechanical behavior of rock under different impact rates. The fracture experiment was a three-point bending beam subjected to different impact loads monitored using the reflected caustics method. The mechanical parameters for fracture of the three-point bending beam specimen under impact load are analyzed. The mechanism of crack propagation is discussed. Experimental results show that the dynamic stress intensity factor increases before crack initiation. When the dynamic stress intensity factor reaches its maximum value the crack starts to develop. After crack initiation the dynamic stress intensity factor decreases rapidly and oscillates. As the impact rate increases the cracks initiate earlier, the maximum value of crack growth velocity becomes smaller and the values of dynamic stress intensity factor also vary less during crack propagation. The results provide a theoretical basis for the study of rock dynamic fracture.  相似文献   

运动荷载作用下弹性地基无限长板动力响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析道路结构在交通荷载作用下的变形和应力,提出了运动荷载作用下弹性地基板动力响应的解析方法.该方法基于Winkler地基上无限长的Kirchhoff薄板理论,运用积分变换和三角函数级数展开法求解,分别得到了结构在运动荷载作用下的变形和应力的解析解.通过数值方法分析了板的变形和应力的空间变化规律,并讨论了荷载运动速度、板和地基的物理特性参数对板的变形和应力的影响.研究结果表明,板的变形受荷载运动速度、地基模量和板的厚度影响显著.在荷载速度较大时,板的变形将出现明显波动现象,板的变形随地基模量增大而明显减少.  相似文献   

利用Laplace变换 ,采用与静弹性相比拟的方法 ,导出了频域中有限元法公式 .并利用一组满足频域中弹性运动方程的通解作为单元的位移函数 ,获得了频域中矩形单元的刚度矩阵 .作为实例对梁的动响应进行了计算  相似文献   

变速荷载作用下加筋低路堤动力响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究变速荷载作用下加筋低路堤的动力响应,将荷载假设成变速均布线荷载,并考虑由于荷载变速产生的水平向应力,将加筋低路堤视为层状各向同性弹性层,采用Goodman模型表示层间接触条件。利用Garlerkin法推导出Fourier变换域内加筋低路堤动力响应的控制方程,提出一种模态叠加法,Duhamel积分和Fourier逆变换相结合的方法推导出任意时刻动力响应的数值解。采用两个算例验证方法的正确性,分析层间接触条件、荷载加速度、路堤高度和筋材刚度对加筋低路堤动力响应的影响。结果表明:层间接触状态对路面结构层底部的位移影响显著,尤其对纵向位移影响很大,且变速状态下这种影响更加明显,工程中应尽量使加筋土上下表面处于完全连续状态;随着初速度和加速度的增加,路面结构层动挠度显著增加,地基土表面动应力峰值明显增加,动应力路径显著增大且沿顺时针偏转;加速度对于正应力和剪应力在加筋低路堤中的衰减有一定的影响;增加加筋材料刚度会导致应力在加筋低路堤中的衰减,剪应力比最大可减小47.9%,正应力比最大可减小29%。  相似文献   

为了验证混凝土试件的侧限效应和钢纤维的增强和增韧效应,该文采用实验得出的应力应变曲线,通过ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件对SHPB混凝土冲击压缩实验的数值模拟,定性地再现了实验过程.  相似文献   

为研究非饱和土中常吸力条件下圆孔扩张的应力-应变特性及饱和度响应,基于非饱和土临界状态模型(UCSM)和考虑水力滞回的土水特征曲线(SWCC),引入常吸力下饱和度随孔隙比非线性变化模型,推导非饱和土中柱孔扩张问题的排水半解析解。根据柱孔周围土单元平衡微分方程,考虑边界条件,引入辅助坐标将问题转化为以3个主应力分量、孔隙比和饱和度为基本未知量的一阶微分方程组进行求解。本解答充分考虑基质吸力和超固结比对柱孔扩张响应的影响,探究扩张过程中柱孔周围土体的应力分布和体积变化,以及扩张过程中饱和度的演化规律。结果表明:非饱和土常吸力柱孔扩张过程中,呈现吸力硬化特性,且吸力硬化特性随着吸力增大而趋于稳定;孔壁及周围土体饱和度在扩张过程中变化显著,且受吸力大小的影响较大;当吸力较低时,饱和度主要受含水量变化的影响;当吸力较高时,饱和度主要受孔隙比变化的影响。本文的解答可以很好地捕捉非饱和土体不同应力历史和水力状态下的饱和度响应,可为非饱和土中静力触探试验等原位试验的解释提供指导。  相似文献   

本文针对弹性圆柱壳在轴向脉冲载荷冲击下动态局部屈曲问题,提出一种新的方法,即哈密顿体系方法.通过构造哈密顿体系,在辛空间中将临界载荷和动态屈曲模态归结为辛本征值和本征解问题.发现圆柱壳屈曲的临界载荷被分为两类,其分别对应圆柱壳压缩屈曲和弯曲屈曲.辛本征解反映了局部的压缩屈曲模态和横向的弯曲屈曲模态.在物理上表现出壳体的压缩型竹节屈曲现象和弯曲型竹节屈曲现象.同时数值结果揭示了临界载荷和屈曲模态的规律及影响因素.  相似文献   

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