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Although neither articulated a clear, coherent neighborhood policy, presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan both came into office advocating neighborhood revitalization and increased neighborhood self-sufficiency as key elements of their urban policies. These common policy goals and shared vocabulary prompt two basic questions: How do the Carter and Reagan administration's policies toward neighborhoods differ? And are the differences important? This article uses three criteria to describe the Reagan administration's neighborhood policy and compare it to that of the Carter administration—the level of public spending on neighborhood-level activities, the process used to allocate assistance, and the mechanisms used to implement policy goals. Comparing budgetary appropriations shows that the Reagan administration's cuts in spending on spatially targeted programs and withdrawal of direct funding of neighborhood groups are major changes from Carter policies. The increasing use of tax expenditures and the reliance on market forces to achieve neighborhood policy goals, however, appear to have more significant political consequences for neighborhood groups.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Urban regime analysis emphasizes the role of coalition building in creating a capacity to govern in cities. Through a case study of urban renewal policy in postwar Chicago, this article considers the role played by political institutions. Conceptualizing this historical period as one of regime building, I show how existing political institutions were out of sync with the city's new governing agenda of urban renewal and redevelopment following World War II. Creating a capacity to govern in urban renewal policy required both coalition building and a fundamental reworking of formal governing institutions.  相似文献   

The Federal Government's urban and regional initiatives have attracted considerable attention. Authors from diverse perspectives have commented on the increased prominence of urban issues within the Federal sphere (Bunker and Minnery 1993), the number and size of these programs (Orchard 1993), the ability of these initiatives to achieve their goals (Paris 1992; Badcock 1993a) and the plethora of reports on urban and related issues (Alexander 1994). Much of this research implicitly compares the policy initiatives of the 1990s with those of the Department of Urban and Regional Development (DURD) and all of it judges the Federal Government's initiatives against the author's perception of an appropriate outcome or outcomes. This paper argues that the objective or ‘rationalist’ approach to the Federal Government's activities in this policy milieu is in some respects mis-placed. While we must consider the consequences, it is folly to concentrate solely on outcomes and ignore the processes of policy formation and program development.  相似文献   

Urban regeneration in Britain has often been described as being ‘market-led’. However, such a characterisation does justice neither to the complexity of urban policy over the past 25 years, nor to the changes that have taken place in the same period. Nevertheless, since the beginning of the 1980s partnership with the private sector – however the concept has been understood – has been a vital ingredient of the regeneration process. What is striking is the way that the will to involve the private sector has had a profound impact on local governance. This paper outlines the evolution of urban regeneration in the context of evolving urban policy since 1979. It traces the approach adopted by the Conservative government in the 1980s, specifically through the use of Urban Development Corporations; it examines the change of heart in the early 1990s that preceded the coming into power of a Labour administration; and it looks at the experience of urban regeneration under the leadership of Tony Blair. It explores the changing role of key actors within the process, and the way in which urban local government has responded to the evolution of national policy. The case of Sheffield is used to illustrate the general theme of changing national policy.  相似文献   

张哲  任璐 《建筑与文化》2012,(2):100-101
随着城市化进程的加快,城市边界扩张的问题引起了社会的广泛关注,如何在众多的城市限制政策中寻求适合我国国情的城市发展之路,逐渐成为一个焦点性问题。本文从城市边界的扩张现状出发,结合国外一些城市限制政策的模式,以土地的价值为根本,使土地价值回归到原初的价值取向,探索一条解决城市边界无限扩张的规划道路。  相似文献   

由于学科背景的差异,国内学者对于城市战略规划的认识存在诸多分歧。城市战略规划是"地方的事",要准确理解城市战略规划的起源、作用及其核心理论和方法论必须从地方政府行为特征入手。改革开放以后,随着国内外社会经济形势的变迁,我国地方政府已经经历了"企业经营型政府"和"城市经营型政府"两个阶段。与之相适应,我国城市战略规划也经历了产业主导和空间主导两个阶段。在当前经济社会面临重大转型和城市政府正在朝着"治理型政府"演进的时代背景下,我国的城市战略规划要以治理理论作为核心理论,积极推进城市战略规划从"政府主导"向"多元协调"转型、从"重结果"向"重过程"转型、从"宏伟叙事"向"嘘寒问暖"转型,使战略规划不仅真正成为凝聚社会各界的共同愿景,更要成为政府实现"善治"的政策平台和重要工具。  相似文献   

台北城市更新是一项由政府制定容积率(FAR)奖励办法,吸引民间开发商投入资本,整合私人地主意愿进行权利均衡分配的营建工程.面对大规模有待更新的老旧城区,这是一个节省政府财政资源的权宜做法,然而在此背景下,城市的更新逐渐演变成由开发商所主导的房地产事业.更新基地上为数众多的地主与开发商在利益的谈判上,彼此间逐渐失去信任,政府对于亟待更新的地区也缺乏有效的介入.以台北市基隆河妈祖水岸街区更新为例,阐述台北城市更新面临的典型难题,通过各方权利关系人参与式的设计过程,厘清各权利关系人的要求,最终结合城市设计手段,提出了多方共赢的方案.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Urban time policies are public policies that intervene in the time schedules and time organization that regulate human relationships at the urban level. Urban time policies were launched in Italy at the end of the 1980s. Within a span of 10 to 15 years, 170 municipalities have been involved in time-oriented projects or timetable plans, or in studies of urban social time. There has also been a diffusion into several countries of the European Union, especially in Germany and France. Now the diffusion is starting in Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium. In this article, the development of urban time policies in Italy is reviewed up to the new national law of 2000. The article examines how urban and social time emerged as a new theme of public policy, and the way it has been translated into public actions. In Italy, 15 years of experience and a new national law brought urban planners, sociologists and policy makers to think over the role of these city actions and over the nature of innovation in these policies. In conclusion, the article underlines the innovative aspects of Italian urban time policies (urban and social time became a new way to examine urban transformations and a new stake for urban policies; it offered an integrated approach to planning management; experimentation has been the driver of innovation) and how urban time policies can be considered an enrichment of traditional town planning (they offered a wider problem solving articulation acting also on timetables; they provided a new concept, chronotopes, to study and design urban transformation and, finally, they encouraged social, political and institutional capacity-building in urban action and planning).  相似文献   

Swedish urban planning and housing policies have been seen as exemplars by many Australian policy makers. The mixture of state activism, strong local government, broad concepts of welfare policy and social housing, coupled with wide community acceptance of these ideals, has enabled major innovations in housing policy. This article describes the historical background and recent changes to these policies within Sweden's changing political framework. It also shows that global fiscal changes, coupled with Sweden's entry into the ‘federalising’ European Union, have changed the context of these policies. Swedish housing and urban policy is changing; Swedish local government has a strong role in the development and implementation of these changing policies. There are many interesting lessons for Australian urban policy in these changes.  相似文献   

基于政策性思维的城市设计实效检讨——以厦门为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯雷 《规划师》2010,26(2):11-15,21
作为政府对城市空间环境治理的一种活动,城市设计从来不是一个单纯的技术过程,而是一个政治过程,政策性是城市设计的本质属性。基于政策性思维的城市设计检讨不再侧重于单一的"结果评判",而拓展到对实践主体、对象系统、实践过程和制度环境的检讨。在政策性思维指导下,从城市设计的覆盖度、开发建设模式及城市设计的过程控制三个层面检讨厦门城市设计实践过程。  相似文献   

The Reagan urban policy is premised on a definition of efficient national economic growth which mandates public sector minimization. Such a policy is hostile to local economic revitalizalion and to attaching “social strings” to ensure that program benefits reach disadvantaged residents. Hence, such local economic development programs as EDA and UDA G have been attacked by the Reagan Administration. The CDBG program has been revised to allow states and localities further discretion to divert program funds from community development to economic development activities. Even the administration's enterprise zone plan does not attempt to contradict market forces in determining investment decisions. Rather, relief is given to business on business' terms with little assurance that the benefits of development will go to zone residents; and, eligibility is so broad as to allow zone designation in pockets of distress in otherwise economically healthy jurisdictions of the nation.  相似文献   

The article proposes a method for teaching advanced urban design to working professionals in Singapore. The article aims to expand the discourse on parametric urban design education by introducing ‘Urban Elements’ as conceptual urban design instruments with an inherent rule-based logic, which can help to bridge gaps in teaching parametric urban design thinking. As case study we present a course developed for and delivered to the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) in Singapore in 2017 by the Future Cities Laboratory at the Singapore-ETH Centre. The article reports on the pedagogical method, course results and course feedback. The main difficulties of teaching professionals in parametric urban design are described and possible reasons and improvements are discussed. The results show that participants using the ‘Urban Elements’ method successfully linked theoretical input to urban design problems, applied evidence-based urban design strategies to these problems, and developed parametric definitions to explore the solution spaces of these urban design challenges. The teaching methodology presented opens up a new research field for urban design pedagogy at the intersection of explicating urban design intent, integrating multidisciplinary knowledge and exploring new software driven tools.  相似文献   

敬东 《规划师》1999,15(3):18-22,37
作者从目前我国城市规划行政决策的现状问题入手,分析了在城市规划行政决策过程中的难点和热点,从法治化整体的角度提出了相应的对策,并针对深圳市规划国土局行政决策的情况进行了剖析,以期对我国的城市规划行政决策的法治化建设有所促进。  相似文献   

单皓 《城市规划》2013,(1):79-84
为回应土地紧缺及粗放开发带来的环境问题,深圳市政府于2009年10月发布了《深圳市城市更新办法》,对不同类型、不同程度的更新改造活动做出规范。本文对《更新办法》的内容和三年来的实践进行分析,认为在其针对的主要问题当中,建成环境的衰败并不处在关键地位,更重要的是建设土地的循环使用。《更新办法》的颁布,一定程度上缘于现有土地使用政策及规划机制未能给城市再开发提供有效管理。《更新办法》尝试围绕开发权的界定和开发权的控制,从规划角度对土地开发秩序和开发收益进行管治,具有制度意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the new directions that have emerged in New Zealand's urban planning and policy since 1999. In particular it looks at some consequences of the move from sustainable management to sustainable development for urban areas. It also identifies and explores constraints that may limit the production of sound research on which to base those new urban planning and policy directions.  相似文献   

王凯  张菁  徐泽  徐颖 《城市规划》2012,(4):42-48,92
1990年颁布施行的《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准(GBJ137-90)》是我国城乡规划领域的重要技术规范,是城市规划编制与管理不可或缺的重要技术支撑。为适应我国城乡发展宏观背景的变化,落实《城乡规划法》和国家节约集约用地的要求,住房和城乡建设部于2008年4月正式启动了对这一标准的修订,新标准2010年12月获得批准,自2012年1月1日起正式实施。基于对原标准的客观评价,本文细述新标准修订的由来、指导思想和工作过程,进而对标准中的用地分类和规划建设用地标准的主要创新做了具体介绍,并对标准修订和实施中的若干问题做了后续思考。  相似文献   


The social issue of housing has been a focal point in the criticism of Brazilian modernity, and it still plays a central role in the balance of Brazilian democracy. This paper discusses the investments in modern housing made by the welfare system in Brazil and which are related to the country's transition toward an urban society in the late 1930s. The analysis concludes in the 1960s, when these investments ended. The relationship between housing and the industrial economy characterized urban development in Brazil in this period. The latter saw direct state intervention in overseeing the building of houses for urban workers. This process started during Brazil's authoritarian regime [1937–1945], just as the cycle of Brazilian industrial democracy began in the mid-forties. The state housing policy worsened the urban crisis while also increasing the real estate market. It triggered several major controversies including an imbalance in urban classes associated with exclusively rich and poor neighbourhoods. The extension of the housing policy and social benefits to all citizens triggered tensions. These findings explain the challenges of political process, the changes in the housing policy and the swelling of Brazilian urban society.  相似文献   

基于美国权威学术刊物的资料,介绍了过去50年影响美国城市发展的10大因素,它们是:①1956年全美高速公路法案和机动车迅速增长;②联邦政府住房管理按揭投资计划;③中心城市的工业疏散;④市中心再开发和公共住房项目;⑤可大规模生产的郊区装配式住宅;⑥城市和郊区的种族隔离和工作歧视;⑦封闭式大型购物中心;⑧"阳光带"模式的蔓延;⑨空调;⑩1960年代的城市暴乱.美国在过去50年城镇化发展的历史经验和教训,虽然因其所处时代和国情与我国有诸多不同,但是其中也有一些对正处于城镇化进程关键阶段的我国城市规划和建设,具有一定的借鉴价值.  相似文献   

Since the mid 1970s, discourses on housing problems and problem tenants in Sweden have changed significantly. This article, which is based on official reports and an urban case study, accounts for this transformation at the national, the urban, as well as the work‐practice level of discourse from a constructivist perspective.

The government's understanding of high vacancy rates were, in the 1970s, associated with deficient planning and building. However, in the 1980s, focus was diverted to a crisis in the public housing sector, which in turn highlighted the “noisy neighbour” as the source of their negative image. At the urban level the shifting discourse is signified by the municipal housing companies’ more selective policy in the 1980s, and the local social authorities’ growing role in housing for homeless clients. Contradictory demands from the role as landlords and as social workers, at the level of work‐practice, resulted in a redefinition and revaluation of homeless clients. In the beginning of the 1990s, these new practices at urban and street‐levels were sanctioned at the national level, thereby completing the shift from structural to individual accounts for housing problems.  相似文献   

It is a little over 30 years since Jim Callaghan's Labour Government passed the 1978 Inner Urban Areas Act. The following year marked a shift in power to Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Government and a very different approach to urban regeneration. These developments established and shaped the approach to urban regeneration in England for a generation. The economic context and the urban changes of the 1970s and 1980s and the nature of these responses put England at the forefront of the evolution of this type of urban policy in Europe. It is therefore timely to reflect on 30 years of urban regeneration and to do so from a comparative perspective, setting the English experience alongside that of Germany and France. In this paper the authors compare the experiences of these three countries. The great benefit of international comparison is that it allows the observer to step outside their own institutions and context, to compare with other countries and to look back at their own country from a new, foreign, perspective. The emphasis of this paper is on the contingent and contextualised nature of actions designed to foster urban regeneration. This reinforces the rationale for studying the evolution of this policy field in different nation-state settings.  相似文献   

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