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Many poor suburbs in Australia with higher than average numbers of public housing tenants do not simply suffer material disadvantage but also suffer from poor reputations that are reinforced though stigmatising assumptions that portray their residents negatively. Preliminary findings from qualitative research undertaken in Adelaide, South Australia paint a somewhat different picture of some residents in public housing which counters such stereotypes and assumptions and suggests that the picture is not as bleak as the stigmatised accounts suggest. This article examines the ways in which residents in stigmatised suburbs and housing actively resist and challenge the negative image ascribed to them and concludes by considering the public policy implications that come from the research.  相似文献   

This paper presents key findings from a recently completed five year evaluation study of the impact on low income families of a Victorian State Housing Authority home loan scheme. The research was funded by the Department of Planning and Housing, Victoria, and carried out by the Australian Institute of Family Studies. The study was designed to test the feasibility of providing families who were either in public housing or on the waiting list with low start, inflation-adjusted, home loans. This paper examines three outcomes: changes in employment patterns, home repairs and improvements, and estimated capital gain. The findings contribute to larger debates within sociology over the meaning and impact of home ownership and the privatisation of housing.  相似文献   

研究以广州市的10个典型保障性社区为研究对象,开展针对老人的评价问卷调查(N=632)和现场质性观察.调查数据基于列联表分析、聚类分析,从老年居住人群认知评价的角度,揭示广州保障性社区养老服务与设施配套的差异特征、类型及其影响因素.研究发现,样本社区的总体满意度偏低,且不同社区和养老配套的评价差异明显,中低收入老人的年...  相似文献   

The recent growth and gentrification of many cities has shifted the electoral and financial power, leaving low-income households with few options through which to claim rights to the city and remain in their communities. This type of community empowerment has been theorized as a dialectical relationship between the institutionalization and the assertion of discursive rights. However, this relationship requires the interactions of diverse actors and structures of governance to change the opportunities for marginalized groups to resist and build substantive rights. Using the case of housing and community development in Washington, DC, this paper explores the interplay between multiple sites of planning that have interacted over the past 40 years. These sites – government, advocacy and grassroots – have institutionalized discursive rights and created the conditions in which these rights can be effectively exercised to create opportunities for resistance against displacement. These relationships have created a new kind of governance based on housing policy and community empowerment in Washington, DC.  相似文献   

Housing density and the relative length of roads or frontage are different urban variables which are proportional only in the case of homogeneous developments based on single-family dwellings. However, when the impact of an urban pattern on the operating cost of public services is analyzed regardless of the settlement morphology, both variables are often considered as equivalent, overlooking the role of the relative length of roads, which might be important due to the linear component of the cost of many of them. This study highlights the differences between the economic role of the two variables, showing that housing density explains better the operating cost per unit area of services such as roads and parks maintenance, while the relative length of roads does so in water cycle, waste collection, disposal, and treatment as well as street cleaning.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: There are more than 400 U.S. metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) overseeing multiple transportation projects totaling billions of dollars, yet these crucial organizations and their history and current role are generally unknown or confusing to many planning practitioners and scholars. MPOs face major challenges in developing meaningful long-range regional transportation plans, challenges rooted in their history that planners should understand as they grapple with metropolitan planning efforts. MPOs may approve projects and their funding, but disparate agencies and often competitive local governments control budgets and actually build projects. MPOs, moreover, do not fully represent all regional interests and have no control over the local land use decisions that would support less autocentric communities and human-powered modes. I provide a metareview of the history of regional transportation planning and the MPOs responsible for it, describing U.S. metropolitan transportation planning from the early 20th century. Federal legislation in the 1960s first suggested a regional forum for conversations about metropolitan transportation. Federal legislation in subsequent decades made incremental if incomplete progress toward creating a meaningful regional forum, adapting institutions and practices to increase stakeholder involvement as well as the scope of transport planning, yet MPOs have multiple limitations that planners can address.

Takeaway for practice: History suggests that MPOs can be a force for regional change. Planners and policymakers could anchor future reforms to MPOs’ existing legal and administrative frameworks. Planners should revisit the membership and voting structures of MPO boards to ensure better stakeholder representation and permit some MPOs to generate and direct transportation funds at the local level.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the potential of consumer flexibility from a portfolio of heat loads, solar panels and batteries in Social Housing to provide ancillary services. We propose two new ancillary service products: Turn-Up-Demand (TUD) and Turn-Down-Demand (TDD). We ran simulations for a complete year. The buffer-tank scenario provided earnings of £146/year for an average consumer. Finally, we propose a new policy called the Vulnerable Consumer Priority in Administering System Services (VCPASS) and the use of Heat-as-a-Service (HaaS) to fund the replacement of oil-boilers with heat pumps in fuel poor homes with a rate of 9.99p/kWh of heat for a payback period of 15 years.  相似文献   

临港新城,是上海城市发展建设史上规模最大的新兴产业新城,将在一片滩涂和农田上承担起上海建设国际航运中心、发展现代服务业和先进制造业的历史重任。随着新城规划建设的不断推进,在城市规划的各个层面都开始呈现出了领先一步的探索性和更深一步的思考性。临港新城,已经逐步成为上海探索城市规划学科发展和管理提升的最佳实践区和示范区。  相似文献   

Recent findings indicate that changing social constructions of age are mirrored in a growing desire for autonomous living in later life. This individualised concept is referred to as ‘ageing in place’. This paper discusses the challenges for the housing industry and examines to what extent maintenance and development strategies of Swiss real estate investors are meeting the changing demands of older people. Drawing on a number of case studies in Switzerland the paper concludes that investors' concepts of older people and their needs are not merely out of step with the reality of older people's lives and choices but obstruct the desire to age in place. Furthermore, an analysis of the market potential of older people's wish to stay in their present home demonstrates that some investors may be failing to exploit serious business opportunities that could arise from providing services to older people.  相似文献   

空间结构的选择及功能区划的划定是实现经济社会发展及生态环境保护目标的关键.战略规划在长期城乡规划的实践中,逐步建立起来的以空间布局为特征的思想方法和技术路线同样可以运用在区域空间尺度.<北部湾发展规划>研究就是一次战略规划思想和技术在区域层面上的应用.结合<北部湾发展规划>研究实践,探讨了规划研究的基本思路、技术路线以及其中的几个主要问题,提出寻求区域社会经济发展的"原动力"以及开发与保护的平衡是规划的根本任务所在.同时认为:区域规划是战略规划未来发展的一种新途径.  相似文献   

Economic theory about supply and demand suggests that if consumer demand for a product increases then producers respond by increasing supply. In the UK housing market there is emerging evidence of consumer demand for low energy housing, yet little has been built to date by private sector housebuilders: existing low energy housing is largely within the social housing and self-build sectors. Ideas from science and technology studies (STS) are introduced to help further understanding of why the housing market might be slow to respond to changing consumer preferences. Although standard economic concepts concerning costs and price are able in part to explain the situation, greater attention to socio-technical issues highlights some of the reasons why innovation and change are difficult to effect. The housing market is best viewed as a socio-technical system, whereby the social and the technical are interlinked.  相似文献   

Rural areas are the locus of many pressing planning issues, pointing to the need for and possibility of a substantive theory of rural planning. In this article we develop a framework for such a theory. We begin by outlining the emergence of planning and the marginalization of ‘the rural,’ by investigating aspects of existing planning theory. Then we explain the framework and apply it to a small set of critical cases in deep rural areas of the U.S. To conclude, we summarize our findings and propose future directions for theory in rural planning.  相似文献   

本文以重庆市北部新区九曲河湿地公园规划设计为例,介绍了湿地公园建设对城市的重要性以及山地城市湿地公园的特点和规划途径,以期为山地城市的生态保护和湿地公园规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

There is a dearth of thermal comfort studies in India. It is aimed to investigate into the aspects of thermal comfort in Hyderabad and to identify the neutral temperature in residential environments. This was achieved through a thermal comfort field study in naturally ventilated apartment buildings conducted during summer and monsoon involving over 100 subjects. A total of 3962 datasets were collected covering their thermal responses and the measurement of the thermal environment. The comfort band (voting within –1 and +1), based on the field study, was found to be 26–32.45°C, with the neutral temperature at 29.23°C. This is way above the indoor temperature standards specified in Indian Codes. It was found that the regression neutral temperature and the globe temperature recorded when voting neutral converged when mean thermal sensation of the subjects was close to 0. This happened during the period of moderate temperature when the adaptive measures were adequate. The indoor temperatures recorded in roof-exposed (top floor) flats were higher than the lower floors. The thermal sensation and preference votes of subjects living in top floors were always higher. Consequently, their acceptance vote was also lower. It was found that the subjects living in top floor flats had a higher neutral temperature when the available adaptive opportunities were sufficient. This was due to their continuous exposure to a higher thermal regime due to much higher solar exposure. This study calls for special adaptive measures for roof-exposed flats to achieve neutrality at higher temperature.  相似文献   

The present paper seeks to examine the effects of electricity generation efficiency on the index of human capital in India over 1980–2021 through the novel multi threshold non-linear autoregressive distributed lag model. We find strong evidence that the effects of efficiency in the generation of electricity on human development have varied across thresholds/quantiles. We suggest that, for improving human development in India by suitable energy policies, both policy makers and the public sector managers will need to make directed efforts to use most robust and energy saving technologies in the electricity generation process.  相似文献   

以已有色彩研究方法为基础,探寻可以综合城市中影响色彩的因素;从空间视角出发,把握整体、连续、调和、分级的城市空间色彩规划方法,以人的视知觉为依据,使城市色彩规划与研究更加合理、易于实施。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(COVID-19) 的爆发严重影响了人们的生命健康和日常生 活,城市中的人口与生产生活资源等相对集 中,突发公共卫生事件发生时往往损失更 严重。韧性城市能够有效应对突发性灾害风 险,通过一系列干预措施帮助城市从崩溃状 态过渡到自组织循环稳态,并逐渐恢复。在 此背景之下,本文首先梳理了韧性城市的概 念与特征,通过分析韧性城市特征与突发公 共卫生事件应对措施之间的响应关系,探讨 了韧性城市规划应对突发公共卫生事件的适 用性。然后,基于韧性城市规划框架中的脆 弱性分析、城市管治、预防和不确定性导向规划四个方面,结合突发公共卫生事件发展周期,构建了预警、响应和恢复框架。最后,基于框 架提出了应对策略:预警层面,对潜在风险进行评估并构建早期预警系统,做好防灾准备;响应 层面,提出城市应急资源的冗余配置、城市基础设施的多元建设、城市生态环境的多层协作和社 区层级的自组织响应四大规划策略;恢复层面,注重韧性城市规划的重建与修复,强调灾后评 估与反馈,同时提升公众防灾意识。  相似文献   

传统乡村规划偏重实体物质空间改 善与要素组织,依赖实体集聚,因而空间可 达性较低的边远乡村始终面临着发展困境。 移动互联网改变了空间可达性的界定,流乡 村开始涌现,为边远乡村的发展提供了新的 机遇。基于此,本文确立虚实互促的流乡村 发展理念,构建实体、虚拟双维度的潜力识 别体系和线上、线下相协同的规划方法,并 以贵州省石阡县楼上村为例进行实践检验。 提出嫁接移动互联网后的产业转型、营销提 质、空间虚实互动以及治理多元化等策略,为 边远乡村创新发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

梁凡  陆明  王一晴  吴远翔 《中国园林》2024,40(4):96-102
伴随着城市化发展而出现的一系列城市生态问题和生态扰动,其根源在于生态系统服务与人类需求间的不平衡。老工业区由于绿地的建设条件、数量规模及空间布局等限制条件,均无法适应当代城市发展。退休职工的聚居也使居民对休闲游憩的需求急剧增加,导致游憩服务供需矛盾进一步凸显。因此,以哈尔滨香坊老工业区为例,构建适配于老工业区绿地游憩服务供需量化及二者匹配分析的方法体系,为生态系统服务供需分析和老工业区绿地评估提供新的思路。首先,对供需分异极端化地块进行分类解析,明确了绿地优化的重点对象,即Ⅴ类和Ⅰ类供需分异区,为老工业区的绿地建设提供时序依据。其次,基于匹配结果,提出针对性优化策略,强调提升边缘闲置空间的供给能力和内部附属绿地的多功能性,以此满足老工业区集中性和日常性的高游憩活动需求,最终实现城市整体的可持续协调发展和老工业区人居环境质量的提升。  相似文献   

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