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城市规划中的公众参与——以武汉市公众参与实践为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图以武汉市公众参与的几个规划项目为线索,分析公众参与规划的发展状况,探讨我国公众参与的具体实施方式。文章首先讨论公众参与在专业设计领域出现的历史;然后,概括出本文的研究方法以及研究结果;第三,讨论上述结果在实际中产生的影响,为今后城市设计项目的公众参与决策提供可能的建议。  相似文献   

肖佳琦 《建筑与文化》2021,(10):107-109
山西应县木塔的修复工作自正式立项至今已有近30年,可修复方案却迟迟没有确定.文章通过对古建筑保护的原真性和修复实践性的矛盾进行分析,探讨修复方案难以落地背后的原因.原真性并非等于刻板的维持原状,而建筑的修复是建筑生命历程中的一部分而非终点,因此在建筑的修复过程中需要对价值做出判断和一定的取舍,从理论层面打破大众对于应县木塔的心理桎梏.  相似文献   

大众传媒、出版业对于社会舆论导向形成,积累社会文化成果具有重要作用。积极搭建平台,吸引受众参与,对于巩固传媒市场、创建传媒、出版品牌,提高自身竞争力,并充分发挥社会效益,具有积极意义。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的快速发展,城市地下空间开发的步伐显著加快,因地下管网破损、地下工程施工等原因引发的城市道路塌陷事故频发,如何科学安排城市道路安全检测工作,提前探测道路塌陷隐患,是当前市政道路管理的首要工作。笔者结合相关应用案例,总结了地下空洞的成因,为科学进行城市道路塌陷隐患检测和确保道路安全运行提供了建议。  相似文献   

信息化浪潮的侵袭以及文化战略的实施使南京市面临新的发展方向.文章从新信息技术应用对象、使用主体、产业发展三个方面说明南京市新信息技术应用现状,从城市文化传播、新信息技术产业与城市文化产业的融合、新信息技术对文化空间的重构三个层次来分析新信息技术对南京城市文化空间的影响,从而使南京城市特色文化得到推广,文化产业衍生出新的产业,文化设施产生扩散,文化产业形成集聚.最后给出了南京市文化空间的发展建议与思考.  相似文献   

邹丽东 《规划师》2000,16(5):70-72
社会主义市场经济条件下,城市规划的运作环境、方式等都发生了深刻的变化,社会主义法制的完善,市民民主意识的加强,要求城市规划活动不断加强与实践的整合。“公众参与”作为一种方式,应当成为城市规划活动的重要一环,值得大力倡导。  相似文献   

轨道交通将高密度职住空间串联,主要是从客流生成的角度促进人们更多地使用轨道交通和减少小汽车的使用,还需要从客流流动的角度考虑职住空间匹配的需求以及其与轨道交通的协调关系.以深圳市作为研究案例,采用建筑普查数据、社保信息数据、居住人口数据和轨道交通刷卡数据等多源信息数据,通过分析深圳市的职住空间分布特征及其与轨道交通的关系,探讨职住空间匹配问题及其与城市轨道交通的互动协调.研究提出:发展轨道型职住匹配,关注低生活成本居住空间的供给,但不能以轨道型职住匹配替代近域型职住匹配;弱化轨道交通的长距离通勤功能,基于就业中心的集聚构建生活通勤圈,形成客流流动的多中心城市格局.  相似文献   

张磊  王心邑  王紫辰 《规划师》2013,29(4):70-75
随着《中华人民共和国行政许可法》和《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》的颁布,公众参与已成为我国开发控制过程中的法定程序之一。然而,目前国内城市规划领域对于公众参与引入开发控制程序等问题的研究仍有待加强,已有的研究方法仍以定性分析为主,缺乏系统定量的分析。基于此,研究以北京市中心城区控规调整为例,对控规调整过程中公众参与的规模和意见进行定量分析,系统评估公众参与在控规调整中的实施情况。研究结果表明,控规中的公众参与方式是规划管理部门在权衡项目类型、行政成本与效率之后的主动选择结果,而公众意见内容与项目类型、调整内容具有明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

新规划范式中的公众参与:以博茨瓦纳为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在非洲一些发展中国家,从1980年代末期到1990年代中期兴起的经济自由化和政治民主化促进了城市规划和管理方法的转变,在城市规划制定和实施中引入了公众参与和协商过程。本文介绍了博茨瓦纳在新规划范式中开展公众参与的经验。  相似文献   

戴代新  刘颂  张桐恺 《风景园林》2019,26(8):95-100
为了建立上海近代公园文化服务指标体系 , 探究上海近代公园文化服务价值与空间分布规律,根据“千年生态系统评估报告”(MA),采用 SPICED 指标框架建立针对上海近代公园的文化服务评估指标体系;通过自主开发的公众参与地理信息系统(PPGIS) APP 收集、分析公众对文化服务的评估意见,对复兴公园不同文化服务类型、文化服务和使用者、文化服务和公园景点空间分别进行相关性分析。研究发现,复兴公园作为近代公园,其文化服务主要体现为休闲游憩,历史遗产价值公众认知度不高;文化服务的空间分布具有差异性,公园景点空间类型与文化服务存在相关性;某些文化服务之间存在正、负两面的相关性;最后提出对近代公园更新发展策略的思考。研究基于 PPGIS 技术提高了上海近代公园保护工作的公众参与度,将文化服务评估应用于空间规划具有新意。  相似文献   

在非洲一些发展中国家,从1980年代末期到1990年代中期兴起的经济自由化和政治民主化促进了城市规划和管理方法的转变,在城市规划制定和实施中引入了公众参与和协商过程。本文介绍了博茨瓦纳在新规划范式中开展公众参与的经验。  相似文献   

通过日本关东、关西地区市民参与城市建设的实例,对高速经济增长期前后市民参与城市管理、景观营造、规划制定、环境保护的类型、特点和机制,做了初步考察研究,以此作为帮助我国推进市民参与的他山之石。  相似文献   

During the last decade, academic interest in residents' participation in maintaining the quality of life in distressed urban areas has risen. Many articles seeking to explain why people participate relate the social networks dimension of social capital to participation. However, according to Putnam's definition of social capital, not only social networks, but also norms and trust give people the tools they need for participation. Other authors concentrate on the relationship between neighbourhood attachment and participation. However, an empirical analysis in which both factors are combined is lacking. This paper describes the combined effect of social capital together with neighbourhood attachment in explaining participation. The findings show that participation is greater for residents with social networks in the neighbourhood, who reject deviant behaviour, and have a stronger neighbourhood attachment. Trust in authorities was not found to have any statistically significant impact on participation. The conclusions underline the theoretical assumption that social capital and neighbourhood attachment form a useful pair of concepts in explaining participation, because they focus not only on what people have, but also on their mindsets.  相似文献   

传统建筑装饰是中国传统建筑艺术的重要组成部分,其文化价值很大程度上依附于传统建筑这一载体.为解决传统建筑装饰工艺的保护缺乏整体性、传统建筑装饰文化传播度低两个问题,文章基于网络参与门槛低、传播效率高的特点,提出"云参与"保护和传播的思路,引导公众通过网络参与促进传统建筑装饰工艺的整体化保护和传统建筑装饰文化的传播.  相似文献   

基于互联网的规划信息交流平台和公众参与平台建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周恺  闫岩  宋斌 《国际城市规划》2012,(2):103-107,119
本文探讨了在“信息化”、“网络社会”和“后现代合作式规划”背景下基于互联网的规划支持系统发展方向,研究了利用新的网络通信技术提高城市规划工作中信息交流能力和公众参与水平的技术问题.本研究给出了一个合作式的规划技术支持框架,利用多样的信息处理技术融汇城市规划中需要的各种知识类型,通过网络媒体沟通规划中的多元个体或机构.并通过对一个示例系统的介绍,讨论了基于网络技术建设信息交流平台和公众参与平台的技术实现路线,及其在当前规划实践中的应用价值.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article explores the effects of citizen participation in policy through a case study of the implementation of a community crime-prevention program in Chicago. Although the program was successful in soliciting and maintaining citizen involvement, it produced little in the way of hoped-for crime-prevention outcomes. However, in at least one case, residents became more involved in the political life of their neighborhood, while their community organization mobilized participants to seek responses for neighborhood problems from local political institutions. This article will examine some of the conditions under which the political benefits of program participation are likely to be enhanced. This study suggests that researchers measuring the effects of citizen participation need to define outcomes broadly, by distinguishing between programmatic and political consequences, and need to use qualitative as well as quantitative measures to detect unanticipated effects.  相似文献   

China is in a process of rapid urbanization. Meanwhile, building development in rural areas is also accelerating. The paper intends to illustrate an original study focusing on villagers’ role in participation in village plan implementation in rural areas of China. Case studies, comparative studies, interviews, and questionnaires have been applied to reveal the mechanism of villager participation in village plan imple-mentation. Two case villages, which are pioneer units in the transition in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, have been selected. The study outcome shows that the villager participation plays an extremely important role in implementing the official village plan. The ideal development regulation mode in village planning in rural China should be a local government-villager cooperating system formed by three pillars: financial and technical supports from local governments; the participation of rural autonomous organizations, non-governmental organizations, and "able persons" in formulation, implementation, and monitoring of official village plans; village construction teams like developers.  相似文献   

This paper looks at what is pursued and achieved by formalised tenant participation in the Netherlands, and at the main factors influencing the participation process and outcome. An evaluative examination of a participation agreement, drawn up by a Rotterdam housing association and its tenants, and the implementation of this agreement illustrates the field of friction between what is written and what is done. The paper argues that the notion of power as embedded in structuration theory is important to the understanding of the process and outcome of tenant participation. The case study shows that it is difficult to fulfil the high ambition of co-operating in equality when positions are structurally different, even when the actors have formally agreed to do so. In crucial issues, the actors' own motives prevail and the distribution of power is decisive. In the studied case, tenants' successes were achieved only on less controversial issues. Nevertheless, formalised participation provides an added value to the outcome for all actors, including the weaker ones. Having to talk to each other about policy and carrying out the procedures in itself offer an important learning process valuable to both. Furthermore, the cyclic nature of formalised tenant participation offers recursive opportunities to influence the decision-making culture, which can gradually lead to rewarding improvements in both the process and the outcome.  相似文献   

姜宏  邵龙 《中国园林》2021,37(12):64
场所依恋理论作为当代人-地情感联结研究的核心, 是增强人与场所情感联系、提升居民归属感和身份认同感的重 要切入点。然而场所依恋传统测量方法因情感数据与空间数据 的脱节,较难探讨场所依恋强度的空间分异特点,其测量结果 也难以直接指导实际的规划与管理。为此,在总结形成基于 PPGIS的场所依恋综合测量方法框架的基础上,以长春水文 化生态园为例开展场所依恋的多维度综合测量和可视化制图, 并基于语义分析解析同类型空间场所依恋强度差异的原因。以 期从情感数据、场所意义和空间数据相结合的角度为场所依恋 理论在风景园林领域的应用提供方法支撑。  相似文献   

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