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Lance Freeman 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2013,79(1):69-77
The notion that sprawl, in the form of low-density, auto-dependent neighborhoods, is inimical to neighborhood social bonds is a recurrent theme in the planning literature. Although this seems like common sense, relatively little empirical evidence exists to support this notion. This article tests this thesis using data from a cross-sectional survey of adults in Atlanta, Boston, and Los Angeles and from the 1990 decennial census. Although residential density was found to be unrelated to the formation of neighborhood social ties, it was significantly and substantially related to the degree to which residents of a neighborhood relied on their automobiles. 相似文献
从探索上海城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划相互衔接的实践出发,从理论综合和实践分析的角度,总结城市总体规划和土地利用总体规划的目标、特征和实施途径、工作效果,.对探索当前资源约束条件下特大城市"两规合一"的工作方法作了研究. 相似文献
Lara K. Mottee Jos Arts Frank Vanclay Richard Howitt Fiona Miller 《Planning Theory & Practice》2020,21(1):39-57
ABSTRACTTechnical transport models are commonly relied upon in planning practice for the development of urban rail infrastructure projects. By considering the assessment and management of social impacts in the planning and decision-making of two rail megaprojects (the North-South Metro line in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and the Parramatta Rail Link in Sydney, Australia), we found that technical approaches continued to overlook social impacts, and had an overemphasis on economic and engineering considerations. We conclude that good practice Social Impact Assessment (SIA) offers opportunities to better consider social issues as a critical component of transport projects. 相似文献
综合型院校的城市规划专业教育多以地学为背景,教学体系与人才培养特色明显。近年来,为满足社会实践需要,适应专业教育评估要求,综合型院校积极进行了城市规划专业课程教学体系的调整与改革。通过对设计类课程教学的考察,发现目前多数综合型院校的总体状况仍不理想,与工科院校相比仍存在较大差距。在深入分析造成以上状况原因的基础上,提出了综合型院校设计类课程教学改革的有效思路,以期改进教学效果,提升学生设计实践能力。 相似文献
城市设计与策划的结合,是其具有指导性和实施性的理论基础。本文通过对实际案列的解析,着重探讨了策划在城市设计中的运用。 相似文献
Mahbubur Meenar 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2017,83(4):389-403
Problem, research strategy, and findings: Municipalities across the United States are gradually recognizing urban agriculture as an integral part of planning, land use, and zoning ordinances. We review the literature on the regulation of urban agriculture at a moment when policy and regulatory vacuums exist and the acceptance and integration of urban agriculture is uneven. We review the current regulatory practices of 40 metropolitan and 40 micropolitan municipalities in the 4 U.S. Census regions. We find that municipalities are filling policy vacuums by adopting enabling ordinances (zoning ordinances, land use designations, resolutions), regulations on urban agriculture production (backyard animals, built structures, practitioner responsibility), and fiscal policy instruments (restrictions on sales of agricultural products, tax abatement, urban agriculture fees). Our findings support local planning practitioners in filling regulatory gaps, practitioners of urban agriculture in seeking how it’s done elsewhere, and researchers in discerning new applied and basic research projects. We identify 3 principal knowledge gaps: Planners need a complete typology of regulatory possibilities; a better understanding of how local, state, and federal legislations constrain or enable urban agriculture; and empirical evidence of the economic, social, and environmental impacts of urban agriculture.
Takeaway for practice: Planners should assess existing urban agricultural practices and consider which regulatory frameworks best support multiple local goals, incorporating a concern with urban agriculture into ongoing activities, deploying existing or innovative land use tools, facilitating institutional cooperation, and promoting inclusive decision making and community engagement. 相似文献
经过多次城市规划与设计的工作坊,现在我们有必要来总结下这些经验。工作坊已经深得同学们的喜爱,并因为其有利于激发学生的思维亮点,学校也乐于相对正式化地开展。当然,这里面也包括了利弊两方面,特别是中国快速发展背景下基于国际工作坊的风暴式新理念与相对稳定的专业培养需求在教育价值方面的权衡。本文综述了华南理工大学建筑学院和费拉拉大学合作的一些重要经验。首先是选择具有挑战性的城市个案,然后使用多语言共享关于问题的争议性辩论,最终培训出具有责任感的规划师。 相似文献
城市的发展对于一个地区来说是各个项目综合实力的表现,城市要想做出有特色的规划,就应该与当地的实际紧密的结合起来,这样才能建设出具有鲜明特点的魅力城市。 相似文献
Network City: Retrofitting the Perth Metropolitan Region to Facilitate Sustainable Travel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Carey Curtis 《Urban Policy and Research》2006,24(2):159-180
'Network City', the latest 25-year planning strategy for metropolitan Perth, Western Australia, is designed to realise the integration of land use and transport networks within established and new areas. This article examines the influence of urban form on travel patterns and the case for sustainable travel outcomes in order to set in context the 'Network City' concept. The concept is described, and then the article focuses on the operational detail needed to progress towards fuller integration between the transport network and the city it serves. This includes analysis of urban structure in the context of the factors that influence efficient use of public transport: including residential density, intensity of activity and the hierarchy of activity centres. The implications for road planning are discussed where land use-transport integration is the core objective rather than simply traffic efficiency. If sustainable travel is to be facilitated there is a need to change both the operation of public transport and the urban structure and these changes are mutually supportive. 相似文献
本文以江苏省常州火车站地区为例,着重分析全球经济一体化进程中,特大城市如何通过借鉴“航空港”、“航运港”的城市管理、交通组织、产业发展等措施,建设高效持续的现代城市的陆路交通枢纽,并通过对该地区的改造与更新,重塑城市形象,促进城市经济的健康持续发展。 相似文献
上海市居住区公共服务设施设置规划--以上海新江湾城规划管理为例 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
城市居住区公共服务设施的设置规划是城市建设规划中非常重要的组成部分,在详细分析了上海市城市居住区公共服务设施设置最新标准及上海杨浦区新江湾城总体规划后,通过对新江湾城新建居住区公共服务配套设施规划管理的分析,对上海居住区级公共服务设施的规划管理进行了探讨并提出建议. 相似文献
在突如其来的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,以下简称"新冠肺炎")疫情公共安全事件中,社区作为城乡基层生活单元显现出公共服务与治理能力方面的诸多不足。通过研究快速城市化发展进程中社区特征的演变及近期国内从住区向社区生活圈转变的规划实践趋势,归纳系统性、便捷性、包容性、成长性与参与性等社区生活圈规划的新特征。结合正在编制的《社区生活圈规划技术指南》,从韧性提升角度探讨生活圈规划的应对策略,提出推进公共资源下沉、落实差异管控思路、提升应对风险能力、加强社区治理效能等主要观点。 相似文献
介绍了总体城市设计概念和理论提出的背景,结合唐山市总体城市设计实践案例,对总体城市设计实践进行了总结和回顾。 相似文献
社区参与式规划的实现途径初探--以北京“新清河实验”为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在城市规划和社会治理重心向社区下移的新阶段,公众参与具有前所未有的重要意义。如何在社区规划基础上探索覆盖面更广和更具有推广性的参与式规划途径,是当前规划理论和实践迫切需要解决的问题。将我国参与式规划归纳为组织化、个体.化和自组织三种类型,构建“参与动机-参与过程-参与结果”框架进行评估,进而结合北京“新清河实验”公共空间治理实践,利用在线地图互动平台探索了将组织化、个体化和自组织相结合的参与式规划模式,最后从规划程序、参与平台和实施单元等方面对实施路径进行总结。 相似文献
从单核到组团式结构:带形城市的交通模式演化与选择——以镇江市为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从单核到组团结构是城市空间结构优化的典型特征.带状组团城市作为集城市形态和功能结构于一体的城市空间形态.其交通模式也具有特定的特征。论文以镇江市为例,着重分析了其城市空间与交通系统演变的互动发展过程和空间形态与交通模式的演化机理研究了交通模式选择与城市形态和用地特征的关系,综合典型交通模式特征,对不同交通模式进行适应性测试与评价,提出了支撑镇江市“一体两翼”城市结构的交通模式:以轨道为骨干,常规公交为主体,慢行,小汽车交通和谐发展的多元化、多层次,高效率的引导性交通模式体系。 相似文献
随着城镇建设不断地深入推进,在城镇建设过程中对土地的利用越来越多。尤其是在新农村建设过程中,要对土地资源进行充分的利用。为了不断提高土地的利用效率、实现节约土地的目的,就需要加强对土地利用的优化研究。 相似文献
随着城镇建设不断地深入推进,在城镇建设过程中对土地的利用越来越多。尤其是在新农村建设过程中,要对土地资源进行充分的利用。为了不断提高土地的利用效率、实现节约土地的目的,就需要加强对土地利用的优化研究。 相似文献