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Problem, research strategy, and findings: Advocates of form-based codes contend that these zoning regulations go beyond conventional zoning regulations in promoting sustainable development. We examine the extent to which form-based codes adopted by California cities differ from conventional zoning regulations in integrating 41 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development sustainability criteria (measured by the total number of criteria and the strength of each criterion included in regulations) using a multiple-case study of 26 cities in Southern California. We examine whether and how form-based codes adopted for specific development areas differ from the conventional zoning regulations they replaced and from the current conventional zoning regulations of matched cities. We find considerable variation among cities: Not all form-based codes in our study include more sustainability criteria to a stronger degree than conventional zoning regulations, but a) most form-based codes include more sustainability criteria than the conventional zoning regulations they replaced and those of matched cities, and b) the strongest form-based codes include more sustainability criteria to a stronger degree than the conventional zoning regulations they replaced and those of matched cities. We lack sufficient information to generalize; California, moreover, has many state laws requiring sustainable development. Our findings provide valuable insight for cities considering zoning reform to increase the sustainability of development.

Takeaway for practice: Our findings suggest that form-based and conventional zoning regulations can each help cities integrate sustainability criteria into their development regulations. Our research offers positive examples of best practice in zoning reform and highlights missed opportunities for creating more sustainable communities. Cities considering zoning reform can consider these opportunities when reforming their codes to be more supportive of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Municipal brown field redevelopment efforts have tended to assume that the sites involved were economically non-competitive. They have thus focused on public acquisition of contaminated property and direct incentives to specific on-site activities. The emergence of a growing number of entrepreneurial firms that redevelop brownfields-often with minimal public involvement-suggests limits to the efficacy of this approach for large and very “dirty” sites that continue to stand abandoned to the frustration of local planners and economic developers. New approaches to public support for such regeneration may be suggested by closer examination of the private brownfield entrepreneurs. This article reports the results of a survey of these developers, suggesting that planners can contribute to more efficient use of public economic development resources by recognizing when public intervention really contributes to, and when it may inadvertently detract from, the attractiveness of sites a community wants to see regenerated.  相似文献   

戚冬瑾  周剑云  赵睿 《城市规划》2019,43(10):67-68
分析传统规划方法在城市更新中所面临的困境。应用横断面规划的方法分析广州新中轴南段城市更新地区的形态特征,拟定各分区的发展愿景和规划策略。城市设计方案通过控制性规划定义为7种形态区划类型,编制形态条例作为城市更新的指引。强调横断面规划以形态分区为基础,提供了从现状形态分析到规划愿景设计再到形态条例的连贯性工作方法,把城市(社区)发展愿景转译为强制性的形态条例关键是要形成社会共识,该方法可适用于城市更新或"微改造"。  相似文献   

反思控制性详细规划编制在城市更新地段面临的挑战,提出传统控制性详细规划教学的困惑。探索控制性详细规划编制教学的改革方向,在借鉴美国、日本、新加坡的经验基础上,指导学生编制《广州人民南城市更新片区形态条例》,其特点包括:采用面向开发者使用的文本形式;强调面向实施的土地开发指引;采取形态分区主导的形态条例,以取代传统基于功能分区和指标管控为手段的控规编制方法。形态条例是适应城市更新地区规划编制的积极探索,未来落实还需要结合规划制度的进一步改革完善。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末,传统以土地用途为核心的区划因无法预测城市空间形态而遭到批判,同时新城市主义、可持续发展及精明增长等新理念逐步兴起,提倡重塑步行空间和新邻里规划的回归。在此背景下,美国空间形态管制应运而生并逐步发展完善。本文阐述美国空间形态管制的背景缘起,梳理其内涵体系及演变脉络,并探索美国空间形态管制实施的地方化模式。之后,归纳评析其先进经验,为增强我国城市特色和空间形态提供思路。  相似文献   

Minimum parking requirements, which mandate off-street parking and have been a staple of American zoning codes for more than 80 years, are slowly falling out of favor due to incompatibility with sustainable urbanism, equity, and social responsibility. A new zoning ordinance in Buffalo, New York completely removes minimum parking requirements citywide, relieving developers and property owners from the mandate to provide off-street parking. This article performs a comparative analysis of guidelines in the zoning code before and after reform and examines the public engagement process that produced the change in parking control. Strong support for and little opposition to this zoning change suggest less resistance than anticipated to policies that formalize a reduction in off-street parking facilities. Findings suggest that removing minimum parking requirements is easiest where off-street parking requirements are least needed, and that the planning team in Buffalo proposed a bold idea after it detected, from special interest groups and the public, initial support for removing parking requirements. The article provides direction for future research to evaluate the repeal of minimum parking requirement and its effects on transport, the environment, and the economy.  相似文献   

This article describes best practices from contemporary scientific protocols that can be used to perform pre-construction validation of urban design guidelines. Because of the prominence of skylines in the urban landscape, their regulation represents a prime candidate for applying design guidelines. We tested guidelines for three prospective skyline factors: overall skyline shape (convex, concave, or flat), number of turns in the roofline of individual buildings (4, 8, or 12), and level of variance in four attributes of individual buildings: height, width, depth, and setback (low, medium, or high). Level of variance in building attributes had the strongest effect on judged pleasantness. The respondents preferred rugged skylines over simple ones, whatever their overall shape. These findings suggest that regulations for skyline appearance should focus on variances in the four building attributes.  相似文献   

胡英娜  王鹏 《山西建筑》2011,37(19):11-12
对创意产业、城市空间及建筑形式等作了简要论述,并着重介绍了巴塞罗那波里诺旧工业区转变为22@创意街区的发展路径及其成就,列举了几个代表性建筑加以说明,以求获得相应的启示。  相似文献   

NBBJ吸收了来自海上航行的灵感,设计出如同是大自然所塑造的新加坡滨海湾的大帆。在矗立经水冲蚀形成的两个高达245米的高塔被雕琢的岸上,一座被称为“工作生活娱乐”一体化的综合性大楼,包含1111间公寓、餐馆、康体俱乐部、游泳池和网球场的娱乐平台以及停车场所。这个位居世界第10位的扩建,不仅显示新加坡的富庶与丰富多彩,而且将成为未来滨海湾建筑的航标。  相似文献   

历史街区保护与更新方法   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
针对目前中国在历史街区保护理念、方法及实施方式中存在的问题和认识上的误区,基于可持续发展思想,运用有机更新的原则和方法,在深入分析中国历史街区保护现状的基础上,结合西安大皮院历史街区保护与更新规划设计,从保护与延续传统城市空间格局与形态、保护与传承人文社会网络等方面,对历史街区的保护与更新方法进行了探讨,提出了因地制宜分类分区的保护方法,以期达到对历史街区进行整体保护与更新,维系发展人文活力和机能的目的。  相似文献   

古宇杰  梁乃兴  郭毅 《山西建筑》2009,35(22):274-275
根据云南省气候资料,应用ARCGIS软件对各气候要素进行了插值分析,介绍了云南省公路气候区划的方法,通过确定各级气候区划的指标,得出相应的气候分区,从而为云南省以后公路设计与施工奠定基础。  相似文献   

我国2000年抗震设计模式规范展望   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
对现行(建筑抗震设计规范)(GBJ11—89)的主要特点和存在问题作了评论,提出了编制我国2000年抗震设计模式规范的初步设想和若干重要研究课题:对地震危险方面的研究,实现由烈度向地震动参数区划的过渡,按重现期或超越概率重新定义地震危险水平;提出以结构性能为基础的抗震设防标准,定义不同结构的性能目标;对现行抗震设计反应谱的缺点加以改进,考虑长周期谱成分和近场强震效应,采用能量谱和位移谱、损伤谱等;将能量方法实用化,引进地震动持时等;对结构抗震计算方法加以改进;以结构位移或构件及节点的应变为主要参数,建立结构损坏和倒塌的标准等等。  相似文献   

作为东南沿海的重要城市,厦门具有鲜明的生态环境特征。本文在对厦门的经济、社会和生态特征充分研究的基础上,对厦门所属地域和海域进行了生态功能区划。本区划划分了5个一级功能区,每个功能区进一步划分为二级功能单元,对各二级功能单元区情进行了研究分析,并提出了相应的功能调控导则。  相似文献   

土地的开发利用应遵循既定的分区规划,若刻板执行分区规划给财产所有人造成实际的困难或不必要的困难时,财产所有人可以申请分区变更。但由财产所有人自己制造的困难、不具有特殊性的困难、财产所有人自身的困难、未实现最大经济效率的困难以及非因适用分区规划产生的困难,均不能构成认定困难规则中的"困难"。美国法上困难规则的司法认定标准,对于完善中国城市规划分区变更认定标准具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Climate change and sustainability expert Mark Watts imagines what it might be like to look back from the year 2050. What might the view be from his position as Executive Director of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group? What crucial political moves and actions might be required from global megacities if they are to address climate change and make the ultimate shift to a low-carbon world?  相似文献   

迄今为止,在中国的城镇化进程中,乡土景观资源的保护与利用仍然是个未受到足够重视的薄弱环节。在社会格局剧变和文化高度融合的大背景下,隔离区域生态与文化特征的规划管理模式已无法适应人民对生活质量及其可持续性的更高追求。实现生态与文化视角的融合既是社会实践的要求也是学科发展的趋势。以福建北部地区为研究对象,在实施研究区生态与文化区划的基础上,以空间统计与地理信息技术为手段,验证了研究区生态与文化类型区的空间关联性,并据此构建了乡土景观分类及区划方法体系。对乡土景观区划成果在区域风景道规划及旅游资源空间管制等领域的应用途径做了初步探讨。本研究可视为是区域可持续发展战略中的有关乡土景观资源整合保护的一次有价值的实践探索。  相似文献   

R&Sie(n)'s installation I'm Lost in Paris (2008), a disturbing take on the ecological house, epitomises the preoccupation of the French architect François Roche with the contradictions of modern nature. Javier Arbona tracks how Roche's notion of nature as ‘a partly human artifice’ which is both alien and personalised play out in his various projects, capitulating between attempts at overcoming alienation and heightening it. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

瑶沟金矿床地球化学特征研究表明,主成矿因子为中偏高温元素组合(Au、Ag、Cu),成矿与岩浆热动力活动有关。矿床元素垂直分带显示深部可能有盲矿体存在,水平分带表明成矿元素在热液中的运移方向为由西向东。矿体剥蚀程度为中-下部,其地球化学原生晕剥蚀程度为中-上部。据上述特征建立了矿床地球化学预测模型。  相似文献   

杨雍  黄韬  刘忠法 《山西建筑》2009,35(15):87-89
分析了潘家冲铅锌矿区地质特征及控矿因素,指出今后找矿方向的注意力主要应放在南北向构造与北北东向构造的复合部位,矿种上以铅、锌、钨、钼、铜为主,银、金等贵重金属亦应充分注意。  相似文献   

本文以后生成因观点,阐明了砂岩铜矿金属矿物分带及其特征,以及它与地下水面、下伏煤系地层、上覆泥岩盖层的剥蚀保留程度三者的有机成因联系,从而将砂岩铜矿的金属矿物分带划分为两个基本类型,即开放型和封闭型,并论述了两种分带类型在找矿勘探中的具体应用。  相似文献   

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