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Problem: Over the past 100 years, city planners have used neighborhood planning to address a variety of vexing social problems such as community disintegration, economic marginalization, and environmental degradation. To date, there has been no comprehensive review and critique of these planning initiatives and how they have influenced the profession.

Purpose: This article traces the history of neighborhood planning in the United States to learn from past experience and to identify its contributions to the planning profession.

Methods: I review the literature on the various forms of neighborhood planning, which I define as planning initiatives that focus on altering the physical environment of one or more neighborhoods in pursuit of larger social objectives.

Results and conclusions: Each of the six forms of neighborhood planning discussed in this article has made important contributions to the planning profession. Perry's neighborhood unit formula provided planners with a template for good neighborhood design and introduced the idea that neighborhood design could affect the sense of community. Urban renewal taught the profession about the limits of physical solutions to social problems, the precious nature of neighborhood social networks and the importance of involving citizens. The community action programs created a new norm for citizen participation and showed its limits, as well as introducing truly comprehensive redevelopment planning. Community economic development showed that some planning and implementation activities can be successfully delegated to community-based organizations. Municipal neighborhood planning provided a mechanism for ongoing citizen involvement. The most recent forms of neighborhood planning create neighborhoods that encourage walking, use of mass transit, social interaction, and a sense of community.

Takeaway for practice: Neighborhood planning programs have made a number of important contributions to the planning profession, including focusing attention on how neighborhood design influences urban livability and social behaviors, institutionalizing citizen participation in plan making, and going beyond physical development to address social, economic, political, and environmental issues. Neighborhood planning is currently more important than ever, as it now addresses global issues such as energy conservation and greenhouse gas emissions in addition to its historic focus on social equity issues such as poverty and social alienation.

Research support: None.  相似文献   

The provision for “widespread citizen participation” in the basic Model Cities legislation has been implemented in the context of a growing social movement by residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods for a greater role in neighborhood and citywide decision-making. The struggle between neighborhood groups and city hall for control over the Model Cities program has characterized the “planning stage” in many cities. Community decision organizations, such as urban renewal agencies, boards of education, health and welfare councils, and anti-poverty agencies, active in the initial stages of planning in many cities, have been eclipsed by the neighborhood-city hall struggle, but they may participate more actively later in specification and implementation of plans. Meantime, the complex sociopolitical contest of Model Cities planning offers a challenge to the present generation of planners and important implications for the education of the next generation.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This article presents a computational model for the optimum design of an urban inter-modal public transit network. A software tool based on this model was developed to provide useful reference for transport planners in carrying out service planning, routing, and scheduling for an inter-modal transit network. The development of this model is briefly described here. A numerical example is used to illustrate its implementation. Results of sensitivity analyses demonstrate that it is capable of providing reasonable solutions and is responsive to changes in the planning environment.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago Philadelphia was a city in trouble-still corrupt, but no longer as contented as Lincoln Steffens had found it. The story of this last twenty years, from the earliest stirrings of reform to the renaissance of today, is a lesson to all cities. Those who have developed its planning process have thereby also contributed significantly to planning theory and practice. Philadelphia's development is a story of people and of two political leaders. Without these leaders, it might not have taken place, and it may decline when they move on, as one of them already has. The movement has its chance for survival and continuity in the rise of the new “professional citizen,” a “fourth power” outside the governmental structure, not unique to Philadelphia but particularly flourishing there.  相似文献   

上海市城市轨道交通发展规划及站点综合开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张雁 《时代建筑》2009,(5):30-36
文章介绍了上海市轨道交通规划和发展变化概况,同时通过理论研究和案例分析,对轨道交通站点周边的综合开发进行分析,对站点周边综合开发的方式、布局原则进行探讨,并结合上海市轨道交通站点现状,提出规划建议。  相似文献   

建设轨道交通系统是缓解城市交通压力的有效途径之一,我国正处在快速轨道交通建设时期,很多城市迎来了首条轨道交通线路。为了给初始建设轨道线路的城市规划和管理者提供参考,本文研究了国内几个城市初始轨道线路开通后的客流特征,发现它们在开通初期客流增长迅速,在相交线路开通后,客流增长明显;轨道交通乘客的出行目的以通勤为主,步行和公交是与轨道换乘的主要交通方式;运行良好的轨道交通能提高公共交通系统的吸引力。相关结论可作为轨道线路规划、管理的参考依据。  相似文献   

通过介绍1994年发起的洛杉矶“巴士乘客联盟”的交通公平运动,分析了美国社区规划的典型特征,并以上海社区规划为代表,对比了中美社区规划在社区性质、规划内容、公众参与和社区规划师等方面的显著差异,最终提出了相应的中国社区规划建议。  相似文献   

基于计算机和互联网技术的市民参与新形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葛坚  外尾一则 《城市规划》2005,29(7):66-70,78
首先分析了当今中国城市规划领域中市民参与的现状及存在的主要问题;然后探讨了计算机互联网技术的功能特点及其给市民参与的深入发展所带来的契机;同时研究了其在(1)情报信息提供(2)意向意见收集(3)双向交流(4)多方参与研讨会(5)规划方案模拟等方面的强大优势和具体支持手法;随后以日本佐贺市居住区居住环境规划的市民参与支持系统的开发和应用为例进行了实例研究;最后从物、人和情报三个方面探讨了今后基于计算机和互联网技术支持的市民参与的发展空间和课题。  相似文献   

Little is known about planners' substantive values, but personal values do impinge on professional work. This article, a companion to two articles previously published in the Journal, examines attitudes of a sample of AEP members toward the environment, mass transit, development, low income and minority groups, and citizen participation. It finds that they are most committed to the first two, are mildly negative about development, and are ambivalent about minority issues and citizen participation. It also examines possible determinants of these values, and how values may affect action, asking whether planners can, in fact, be value neutral. Finally, implications and possible trends are discussed.  相似文献   

轨道交通需要面对如何进行城市多个系统综合协调等复杂环境与问题,如何处理好复杂多变的前期工作,成为城轨交通健康发展的重要环节.针对轨道交通规划存在的问题,厦门借鉴深圳、武汉城市在轨道交通规划编制体系方面的经验,以轨道交通规划为抓手,制定面向土地使用的规划编制体系,加强工程设计与城市规划在各个层面的衔接,并以厦门1号线为例介绍在中观层面引入线路综合开发规划的主要内容与规划特色.最后结合目前轨道规划编制的效果与问题提出下阶段优化的方向与建议.  相似文献   

受公共参与理论大环境的影响,学术界已将触角伸入到城市规划中的市民参与之中;政府在一定程度上也开始倡导公众参与并付诸实施。但由于存在着信息不对称、对市民利益的忽视、自治组织的缺失等诸多影响市民参与的因素.我国城市规划中的市民参与虽有量的变迁.却缺少质的变化。要使城市规划中市民实际参与率提高并向更深层次发展,需着力培养充分知情的市民、注意市民利益的关联度和发展市民的自治组织。  相似文献   

针对目前市民对在建项目规划数据需求,为了便于公众更好地查询长春在建项目规划的相关信息,向公众展示长春城市建设的动态信息。利用SuperMap IS.NET作为开发工具,建立了长春市规划信息查询系统,实现了规划信息的快速检索、查询,有利于规划信息的发布,为公众提供一个了解规划信息的平台,在实际工作中取得了良好的成效。  相似文献   

The citizen participation movement of the 1960's, as embodied in the anti-poverty program, opened new opportunities for the development of working relationships between professional planners and low-income neighborhood residents. A Pittsburgh study on resident assessments of conditions in anti-poverty program neighborhoods suggests that these relationships can offer false assurances of democracy to planners who prefer to operate with popular sanction. On the basis of much supportive evidence, planners and citizen participants in Pittsburgh's anti-poverty program were highly critical of existing neighborhood conditions. However, the results of a survey of over 6,000 residents indicate that these views were not shared by the vast majority of the people living in the neighborhoods. This discrepancy between the high level of dissatisfaction expressed by a relatively small number of citizen participants and the apparent contentment of their neighbors highlights the role of activist minorities in the citizen participation movement—a phenomenon that deserves careful evaluation by planners seeking to legitimate their low-income neighborhood activities through resident involvement.  相似文献   

The presence of civic and regional survey as a locus of discussion in early British planning texts is closely associated with the involvement of the Scottish biologist planner Patrick Geddes in the early planning movement. This paper reads the Geddesian survey idea and its assimilation into planning discourse as the expression of a modern apology of planning. Geddes's understanding of survey places science and society in a relationship in which society is not merely determined by the progressive development of scientific insights. Instead, survey is understood as a process in which a growing awareness of the urban environment encourages an informed and self-conscious citizenry to take charge of its own future. In the Geddesian survey-project the citizen appears as the modern subject, caught in an ambiguous relationship to the environment. He or she seems to be fully determined by the environment, while at the same time able to shape that environment freely and independently. The effort to ground planning in scientific survey inserts the planning process within a logic of environmental determinism, while attempting to safeguard a place for planning as an emancipated act of self-determination. Planning appears both as a process determined by 'nature' as well as the quintessential expression of the human con trol over 'nature'. Survey, presented as preliminary to planning, is understood as a thought vehicle which opens up a space for the development of the modern plan in its full reformist breath of both physical reform and social reconstruction.  相似文献   

A major strength of planning in Philadelphia has been the strong support of citizen leadership. Businessmen, neighborhood leaders, professional persons-all levels of citizen leadership are interested and to some degree participate in the planning process. All major planning proposals, including the new Comprehensive Plan, the zoning ordinance, and even the six-year Capital Program now receive an intensive citizen review that few cities provide.  相似文献   

在分析概括城市轨道交通网络规划内涵和特征的基础上,针对现有评价指标体系的不足,设计了城市轨道交通网络规划评价指标体系。根据可拓学中物元模型与关联函数理论,引入信息论中的熵值理论计算权重,从而建立了城市轨道交通网络规划综合评价的物元熵权模型,并将模型应用于城市轨道交通网络规划方案优选。实例验证该模型科学、有效,对指导城市轨道交通网络规划具有广泛的现实意义。  相似文献   

The presence of civic and regional survey as a locus of discussion in early British planning texts is closely associated with the involvement of the Scottish biologist planner Patrick Geddes in the early planning movement. This paper reads the Geddesian survey idea and its assimilation into planning discourse as the expression of a modern apology of planning. Geddes's understanding of survey places science and society in a relationship in which society is not merely determined by the progressive development of scientific insights. Instead, survey is understood as a process in which a growing awareness of the urban environment encourages an informed and self-conscious citizenry to take charge of its own future. In the Geddesian survey-project the citizen appears as the modern subject, caught in an ambiguous relationship to the environment. He or she seems to be fully determined by the environment, while at the same time able to shape that environment freely and independently. The effort to ground planning in scientific survey inserts the planning process within a logic of environmental determinism, while attempting to safeguard a place for planning as an emancipated act of self-determination. Planning appears both as a process determined by 'nature' as well as the quintessential expression of the human con trol over 'nature'. Survey, presented as preliminary to planning, is understood as a thought vehicle which opens up a space for the development of the modern plan in its full reformist breath of both physical reform and social reconstruction.  相似文献   

结合当前国内城市轨道交通规划发展趋势,对城市轨道交通网络规划的超前性进行了分析,指出轨道交通网络规划的超前性包括两方面:即对规划引导的超前性与自身结构、规模的超前性,阐述了轨道交通网络规划适当超前的重要意义,并以武汉的城市轨道交通网络规划为例进行说明。  相似文献   

日本近些年在道路规划的早期阶段导入了公众参与机制。本文介绍了日本参与型道路规划的制度化过程和规划体系;以横滨环状高速西北线为例详细阐述了道路规划构想阶段的公众参与程序和参与方式,并分析其制度和程序上的先进特点;最后提出对我国的启示。日本在参与型规划的制度化过程、道路规划阶段的详细划分、第三者机构的设置、信息的充分公开、公众意见的采纳,以及多种参与方式的组合实施等方面的经验对于我国都具有重要借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Economists have opined that decentralization of governance promotes growth and development. The governance and development discourse continues to embrace citizen participation as a fundamental mechanism for building local capacity towards poverty reduction and socio-economic interface. The decentralization process – as well as the process of planning, in particular – has brought about dramatic changes in the context of central and local-level relationships, which in turn have generated a tremendous impact on local-level planning and development. The planning process has been continuously changing over different period of time since the independence of India. This paper attempts to analyse the planning decentralization and change in planning processes. The decentralization of planning results in the grass-root-level development with active as well as democratic participation of people in the planning process of local governments. The paper provides a generalized model for achieving development from grass-root level through an integrated plan which in combination will result in development at bigger spatial unit, popularly known as bottom-up planning.  相似文献   

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