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马航  Uwe Altrock 《规划师》2012,28(3):96-101
进入后福特主义时代,西方城市功能正逐渐由工业生产型向信息服务型转变。作为以制造业为经济支柱产业的工业大国,德国一直将进行可持续的城市发展与城市更新作为重点解决的问题,并积累了相当丰富的经验。德国受历史背景和现状发展特点的影响,城市更新、可持续发展在政策层面上,制定国家标准、地方开发策略、邻里相关政策以保障实施;在更新范围上,分为城市内更新和城区、周边地区更新,对闲置用地进行再开发,选择适合类型,因地制宜地进行合理改造;在实施管理上,设置三级相关文物保护组织机构。此外,德国还通过多样基金支持城市可持续发展和更新改造,其经验可为我国城市更新改造和可持续性发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Due to the high density and variety of organizational policy networks involved, urban renewal requires a complex decision-making process. The complexity of the process resides in its inherent uncertainty and dynamics and therefore its unpredictability, and in the interrelatedness of the interventions. In this context, a shift in responsibility has taken place in the Netherlands as a result of which urban renewal is no longer determined by national government but by local planning authorities in conjunction with public and private players. This corresponds to a situation in which the role of the public sector is becoming increasingly characterized by the notion of governance. On the basis of a confrontation of theoretical insights and empirical data, this text analyses the roles and (steering) ambitions of different actors in this new situation. Two case studies of urban renewal processes in Amsterdam and Rotterdam are used to illustrate the complexity of urban renewal processes and the way in which this can be addressed through the formulation of a common problem definition.  相似文献   

In Dutch urban renewal, we observe an implementation gap between dreaming and doing. Dutch national government recently proposed to focus urban renewal on more than 50 priority areas in the cities and to reduce urban renewal subsidies. It is not very likely that this policy will accelerate urban renewal. This contribution suggests a different approach: the formulation of an urban district vision shared by the sustainable stakeholders in those districts. If they can come to an agreement, they deserve housing association finance and public urban renewal support. By targeting the plans primarily on the social climbers in the urban districts involved, the city can keep their buying power within the city. Combining physical, social, economic and safety agendas and adopting a multi-functional orientation would seem to be a successful strategy.  相似文献   

吴涛  梅洪元 《华中建筑》2008,26(8):137-140
该文主题是对新农村背景下的农村改造模式进行探讨,以国家新农村建设政策为理论导向,以农家游为研究内容,以温州市文成县岭后乡下庄村为具体案例而展开的一项探索性研究。重点通过对下庄村的资源进行SWOT分析,试图得到一种古村落保护性的改造策略。  相似文献   


Modern waterway networks are ageing and need to be renewed, yet the institutional context in the waterway sector is averse to change because of path dependencies. Waterway renewal requires actors to navigate between institutional reproduction and change. Applying an innovative framework for analysing institutions in a case study of the Dutch national waterways, we mainly find instances of institutional reproduction, which turns waterway renewal into a technical and financial exercise. However, institutional change becomes increasingly evident through a new functional-relational path, suggesting that planning for waterway renewal also entails reconsidering novel waterway configurations and incorporating neighbouring spatial developments.  相似文献   

林坚  叶子君 《城市规划》2019,43(11):9-12
城市更新是一个永恒的议题,并在国家发展阶段有其特定的历史任务。在新时代生态文明建设的背景下,绿色城市更新必将成为城市发展的重要方向。本文通过发现绿色城市更新的时代价值,分析我国绿色城市更新在"点"、"线"、"面"上的既往探索及现实挑战,结合绿色城市更新的国际动向,提出"十四五"时期有关绿色城市更新的若干建议。包括:(1)绿色城市更新规划先行;(2)建设绿色基础设施网络;(3)探索绿色零碳社区更新;(4)创新绿色城市更新机制,探索增存挂钩"绿色折抵"、绿色全生命周期管理等新路径。  相似文献   

剖析“城中村”中的出租经济现象,结合现阶段我国“城中村”改造和公共租赁住房建设中的现实困境,提出以公共租赁住房为导向的“城中村”改造模式;并在此基础上,进一步阐述了这种改造模式的动力机制和社会支持情况,提出要以“准入”“合作”以及“分权”作为这种思路落实的要点。  相似文献   

当代城市化进程使城市存量更新问题日渐凸显,传统的社区更新模式难以协调人与空间、弱势阶层与强势阶层之间的矛盾,社会公平难以实现。以近年来在西方国家兴起的战术都市主义为研究对象,从空间格局、参与主体、时效持续性3方面探讨了战术都市主义在社区公共空间更新进程中对景观公平的推动作用。进一步通过识别更新对象空间、完善更新主体构成、试验更新方法与实施路径、更新绩效评估与反馈,总结出战术都市主义促进景观公平的社区公共空间实践路径,并提出了基于中国具体国情的应用展望。  相似文献   

张建华  林秉圭 《城市规划》2000,24(11):30-34
结合汉城的城市历史沿革 ,分析了其 1 990年代以后城市发展过程中的民族文化特色的引导与塑造问题 ;并且总结出韩国汉城城市传统文化环境保护研究与实践之中 ,关于自然生态环境和历史文化遗迹的复合性保护与恢复、民族文化活动的保护与研究和城市历史文化环境的再生、城市标志性景观和天际线的控制与保护三方面的特点。  相似文献   

城市八景在幅员辽阔的国土空间中有大量的物质与 非物质文化遗存,然而其保护与更新在理论上鲜有论及,实践 上则五花八门。基于此,立足“守正创新”视野,以时间为线 索、以江汉平原为例,围绕历史上城市八景的保护与更新、 当代遗产体系中城市八景的保护、当代非遗产类城市八景的保 护与更新3个方面的实践经验进行考察,提出:1)顺变型是中 国历史上城市八景“守正创新”的主流;2)我国自然与文化 遗产保护体系是城市八景“守正”传承的重要基石;3)保护 性更新、新八景评选中的新旧并存、发掘八景中的非遗内涵是 “守正创新”正道等的经验总结。以此拓展对八景保护与更新 的认识,并丰富我国风景园林遗产学科的内涵。  相似文献   

The emergence of public housing estate renewal programs in Australia in the last decade has been one of the most prominent developments in social housing policy. These programs have undertaken a broad mix of renewal activity, ranging from outright physical redevelopment and stock replacement for sale, to community development type initiatives to improve social and employment outcomes for residents. However, while a number of evaluations of these programs have been undertaken, the development of evaluation methodology has lagged behind that of other countries. This in part is due to the lack of federal government interest or involvement in these programs which are essentially state specific. The article reviews the evaluations that have been undertaken in the last 10 years in Australia and assesses the relative importance of qualitative methodologies in these evaluations. Despite a strong focus among policy makers on value-for-money aspects of renewal, the authors show that qualitative methods have been commonplace, if limited in range, and argue this is a result of both the difficulty of obtaining comparative quantitative information especially when comparing dissimilar programs between states. In this context, qualitative methods are more easily managed by researchers and offer more insightful assessments than quantitatively based approaches. The article concludes by arguing for a national evaluation methodology to assist in more rigorous evaluations and the extension of qualitative evaluation methods.  相似文献   

快速城市化是我国目前城市发展的基本特征,本次研究正是以城市化过程中的旧城更新为基本点,以空间活力为出发点,立足城市的地域文化特征,研究现代城市旧城更新过程中空间活力场的塑造,探究空间活力场形成的要素和深层原因,并探索适合我国国情的城市旧城更新与城市空间设计的理论与方法。  相似文献   

作为中国经济特区率先发展起来的深圳已经逐渐进入城市建设用地供应零增长的时代。中心区(例如大剧院—蔡屋围片区)作为一种特殊的空间,既有逐步衰退的颓势,也面临转型期的新机遇并有责任承担创新性城市职能。本文试图通过案例探讨城市更新的多元价值、中心地区更新在地区发展中的职能、城市空间功能的流动与再组织、创新产业及创新空间的促进和形成等,为中心区更新引导城市复兴和转型提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands the regeneration of post-war urban districts is closely intertwined with the role of housing associations. This is hardly surprising, given that the housing associations have such a large share of the market (usually over 50%; sometimes nearly 100%) in many early post-war urban districts. This has caused a growing concentration of low-income households in those urban areas and a selective migration by middle- and high-income households from the city to the suburb. Official government policy on housing and urban renewal is directed at a redifferentiation of the urban housing stock. Specifically, the policy promotes more owner-occupation, larger and higher-quality homes, and a greater percentage of homes with a garden. This implies the demolition of social housing estates and selling social housing. The position of housing associations in the regeneration of Dutch post-war urban districts is somewhat enigmatic. On the one hand, national government is expecting them to take initiative and invest in urban renewal; on the other, government is urging them to cut down their market share. How are housing associations coping with this paradoxical challenge? And what are the current national policies about the position of housing associations? Aedes (the umbrella organisation of Dutch housing associations) and the Dutch Ministry of Housing have agreed upon the so-called great transition of housing associations. Here we explain and critique this great transition, which will hamper the current regeneration of Dutch urban districts. As an alternative we present the new transition.  相似文献   

针对四川汶川大地震对羌族聚居区造成的严重破坏,结合羌族独特的自然地理环境和浓厚的民族文化特色以及对现代生活方式的适应性需求,探讨了灾区重建中羌族文化建筑表达的基本模式,重点从选址和重建建筑语汇更新两方面作了探讨,并提出了重建中所面临的一些思考.  相似文献   

Urban renewal in Japan has mainly consisted of redevelopment by private capital redevelopment of commercial areas and, in some case, by the public sector. Redevelopment of residential districts has lagged behind due to the predominance of private ownership and complicated development rights relationships. In the midst of this, the redevelopment of low-standard housing environments in the Buraku districts, where the formerly discriminated-against minority, the Burakumin, live is an extremely rare example of housing renewal. The Buraku liberation movement was able to exercise great political power, and large amounts of national funds were invested over a 27-year period in the Buraku as Dowa assimilation projects. Their living environments were remarkably improved, but unfortunately at present apartment building slums, carrying social overtones of ghetto, are reappearing and these are becoming areas where a new class of the poor are gathering to live. Because of splits within the Buraku liberation movement and political opposition, assessment of the value of Dowa assimilation projects is divided, and society tends to evade the issue. Against that background, in recent years creative and self-reliant means of community development that do not depend on national government funds have emerged from within the Dowa districts. In this article we draw attention to these undertakings as indispensable for the evolution of a high-level advanced capitalistic society into a sustainable society, and introduce them as progressive examples of Japanese Machizukuri (urban rejuvenation).  相似文献   

创新城市管线信息系统动态管理的新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市地下管线信息系统能否保持旺盛的生命力,关键在于能否建立全新的动态管理机制。焦作市地下管线动态管理信息系统在全国率先建立了由政府主导、公司运作、部门应用(建设、更新、维护、管理)的全新模式,在地下管线普查及信息系统建立后,使地下管线的数据报送、更新、共享实现了良性循环,提高了数据的现势性。全天候保证跟踪新增管线的竣工测量,修测补测数字地形图及相关信息,始终保证管线更新数据的实时入库,始终保证整个系统长期、有效、动态建设和应用的可持续发展的新机制、新模式。  相似文献   

甘青民族地区乡土民居更新与整合设计策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
甘青地区民族多元、文化多样,乡 土民居极具高原特色。文章基于当地乡土民 居建设现状,分析乡土风貌保护困境,指出 本土适宜技术的缺位、居民主体地位的丧 失以及民族文化自觉意识淡化是造成困境 的主要原因。研究认为,乡土民居传统文化 应与现代绿色节能技术相融合,以便满足当 前民居生产、生活、生态的多重需要,文章 从空间、技术、文化3个方面提出乡土民居 风貌保护与传承的整合设计策略,并结合 设计实践,探讨单一设计要素的新旧衔接以 及各要素协同整合的可能性。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):281-301
Contrary to common understanding, the US government's policy of “urban renewal” was conceived as an alternative policy to slum clearance. Bitterly opposed to public housing, conservative housing‐industry trade associations sought a way to reform the urban redevelopment formula of clearance and public housing established in the Housing Act of 1949. In the early 1950s, the industry groups seized on citizens' neighborhood fix‐up efforts, particularly the Baltimore Plan, to conduct a national campaign to popularize code enforcement, rehabilitation, and private low‐cost housing development as methods to restore and stabilize city neighborhoods. At conferences organized by House and Home magazine and in the President's Advisory Committee on Government Housing Policies and Programs, the housing industry associations fashioned policies, now named “urban renewal,” which were codified in the Housing Act of 1954. But private industry's venture in urban policymaking failed in implementation. Home builders proved reluctant to participate in the new programs, public housing hung on, and hundreds of thousands of homes fell to the wrecking ball. As urban renewal became synonymous with slum clearance, neighborhoods continued to decline. In the end, ironically, housing rehabilitation reemerged as a populist tool for reviving the inner city.  相似文献   

历史街区保护与更新方法   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
针对目前中国在历史街区保护理念、方法及实施方式中存在的问题和认识上的误区,基于可持续发展思想,运用有机更新的原则和方法,在深入分析中国历史街区保护现状的基础上,结合西安大皮院历史街区保护与更新规划设计,从保护与延续传统城市空间格局与形态、保护与传承人文社会网络等方面,对历史街区的保护与更新方法进行了探讨,提出了因地制宜分类分区的保护方法,以期达到对历史街区进行整体保护与更新,维系发展人文活力和机能的目的。  相似文献   

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